Rear Window (Part 1)

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You won't get the joke of the title because it's a throwback to something really old so just trust me when I say I'm hilarious and super witty for using it! Now let's move on.


Carter didn't notice the passing scenery as she sat in the back of the Uber, even as she was acutely aware of the destination.

Even as the plan was set in motion, she wondered if she should have never spoken up in the conference room, never pointed out that she knew the woman that had been caught in a surveillance photo. But she had said she knew her, had admitted that it was her mother. And when questioned further had confirmed that the house across from their target was her mother's.

Carter hadn't been a part of or even heard the conversation Agent Ronalds had with her mother. She couldn't even imagine what her mother's reaction had been to hearing that, not only did her daughter work at the FBI, but because of an operation Carter was being sent down to stay at her mother's house to do surveillance under the guise of a daughter visiting her mother.

What had her mother said? How had she reacted to hearing that Carter was an FBI agent? Had she fought against letting Carter come into her house? Some part of her didn't think she did. But still, with each minute Carter drew closer to her mother, she  had no clue what to expect at her arrival.

"You're silence is starting to unsettle me, Owens."

Though Carter had requested Donovan to accompany her, it was denied, after all, he wasn't a tech man. Mason was. Unfortunately.

"What do you want me to say?" Carter asked him without taking her eyes off the window.

"I don't know, but this trip feels eerily familiar to the one we took three years ago before your wedding. Last time you were in the same state then. You being all vulnerable makes me uncomfortable."


"So are you going to stop being all sorrowful and ponderous as you stare out the window?"

"The alternative is looking at you and so yes, I'm going to continue staring out the window. Just know now I will be planning ways to kill you."

"Oh good, that feels better."

Despite the tendrils of dread curling around her, Carter smiled a little. Something about Mason always managed to annoy her and that was a consistency that she appreciated. She might be going into an unknown and awkward situation but at least Mason would always be Mason.

When the Uber pulled up to the curb outside of her mother's house, Carter hesitated. But across from her, Mason pushed open his door and climbed out.

"Get out, loser," he said. "I'm not carrying these bags by myself."

"Are you even able to carry one?" Carter retorted. "I think you've been getting weak sitting behind computers all day."

"Ha. Not falling for that, you're carrying your own bags."

Breathing a little easier, Carter stepped out of the car and walked to the trunk. Mason grabbed his bags and left Carter's. She collected them, thanked the driver, and headed up the stairs. Before she even set down her bag to ring the doorbell, it opened revealing her mother.

"Hi," her mother said, smiling softly. "Come in."

Carter lead the way into the foyer but stopped there. Facing her mother, she felt caught in different times, part of her still that fourteen-year-old that her mother had left. The angry eighteen-year-old who told her mother to never come back. The shocked twenty-one-year-old who'd seen her mother with her new family.  The twenty-two-year-old who confronted her mother before her wedding and forgave her.

Not in that mix did she feel like the aspiring twenty-five-year-old FBI agent here to do a job.

"Show us to the room facing the street," Mason said.

His tone snapped Carter out of her tangled thoughts. The tone was blunt and completely unexpected. Carter knew Mason and had seen him interact with people he didn't know, always he was the epitome of charisma, winning them over in a matter of minutes.

But he didn't wear a charming smile, in fact he looked like Carter imagined she looked the majority of the time, unamused.

"Of course," Erica said. "It's this way."

Mason bumped Carter's shoulder as he passed but it wasn't hard, but enough to knock her into movement. Trailing behind Mason and her mother, she ascended the stairs and walked into a room that clearly belonged to a girl with its soft pastel hues and cheery framed slogans. A second after this thought, Carter realized that they were commandeering Bridgette's bedroom.

"What have you told Bridgette?" Carter asked.

What she didn't add to the end of the sentence, was whether her mother had admitted to her step-daughter that her real daughter was the one coming to the house.

"What Agent Ronalds told me to, that an operation would be taking place at our house and that for the duration she would remain home for her security reasons. She'll be home in a few hours."

Carter nodded but still wanted to know the answer to her real question but found she didn't know how to say it.

"I..." Erica hesitated. "I didn't know if you wanted her to know who you are. I wanted to tell her but I realized that that's your decision."

Relief filled Carter. "Don't tell her  who I am. After this operation, I don't imagine our paths will cross again."

"Of course." Erica gestured to the room. "This is her room but she understands that you will be using it. I'm sorry, there is only one bed."

Both Carter and Mason looked at the double bed then at each other.

"I'll sleep on the floor."

"Don't worry, we'll have to take turns because of surveillance," Carter said.

Erica nodded once then looked at Mason before focusing on Carter.

"I have to admit, I didn't expect to see the First Son on my doorstep," she said.

"Former First Son," Mason said, putting his back to her.

"He's my tech guy," Carter said.

"I'm a tech guy, not hers."

"We met once," Erica said. "I think you were thirteen at the time. I visited Steve-"

"Sorry, don't remember," Mason said, looking at her without any expression.

"Oh, of course." Erica fidgeted. "Let me know if you need anything. I'll be working downstairs in my office."

"Okay," Carter said.

After a brief uncertain pause, her mother left the room, closing the door behind her. Carter stared at the spot where her mother had been for a long moment.

"Stop being lazy and help me," Mason said.

Carter broke from her motionless state and joined Mason by his bags.

"I have to say," Carter said, removing the parts of the telescope. "It's not like you to not instantly charm my mother."

Mason kept working as he spoke, not looking at Carter. "You forget who picked you up in the middle of the night to drive down here. Also, I went to school with you, I figured out enough to know you hadn't always been a violent rebel. There had to be a reason." He glanced at the door. "I know about having a crappy parent. I didn't have to work hard to find the source."

"So you're being mean for my sake."

Mason sat back on his heels. "No. I don't like you enough to care about your relationship with your mother, I'm simply being professional. Can't have the woman we are staying with falling in love with me because of my charms."

"Of course. That would be awkward."


Carter held his gaze for a second longer then went back to work. Quickly, they transformed the room into a surveillance base with computers set up and a camera feed absorbing information.

"I'm going to take a run and get a sense of the layout," Carter said.

Mason leaned back in the pink swivel chair. "You can just say you're going to call your husband, you don't have to make an excuse."

"I'm going for a run," Carter said. "Are you going to let Yvette know there's only one bed?"

"Of course not," Mason said. "If you end up dead, I'd be the first suspect. I have a strong sense of survival, who knows what I would do to you in the dead of night if I thought you were coming for me."

"I thought you were sleeping on the floor."

"We're taking shifts in the bed, remember."

They stared at each other then Carter turned away from him, opening her suitcase, and digging through for her workout clothes. When Carter returned from the bathroom changed, Mason sat with his hands behind his head.

"Don't tell Boy Scout about the one bed," Mason said. "We're on an operation. Can't have him getting irrationally jealous and coming down here."

"Yes, because if my husband feels threatened by anyone, it's you."

"I have mentioned my charms make women fall in love with me quickly, haven't I?"



"I've known you for eleven years now. Your charms don't work."

Snatching up her phone, Carter left the room, leaving Mason looking a little perturbed. Smiling a little, she jogged down the stairs. As she reached the front door, her mother poked her head out of her office.

"Are you leaving?" she asked.

The smile vanished from Carter's face. "I'm going for a run. We will be coming and going from time to time, don't feel the need to hover. We'll let you know if there's anything we need from you."

"Oh, okay. Um... have a good run."

Carter managed a nod and slipped out of the front door. On the steps, she put in her headphones and made a show of stretching even as she assessed the house across the way.

In it lay their target, Thomas Franklin, a cunning crime boss. From the outside he presented a respectful appearance, even starting charities and portraying himself as a philanthropist. But the agency knew differently. Those charities were fronts for money laundering and worse. The operation they were on was the start of a long case. They not only wanted to take down the boss but all his associates.

Finished with stretching, Carter took off down the sidewalk. As she ran, she scoped out the houses, taking note of any people who left or entered. Though she already knew this from her mother's appearance, seeing the neighbors reaffirmed that this was a wealthy neighborhood. Carter got a second confirmation as she took in the stores that circled it, high-end boutiques, luxury brand stores, and cafes with coffees priced way too high.

When Carter felt she had a solid layout of the neighborhood, she cut across the road to a shaded park. In a secluded spot, she sank to the grass and put through the call. It rang once before Donovan answered.

"Hey," he said.

Carter didn't reply, absorbing the warmth, concern, and support conveyed in a single word. She felt her eyes sting and she blinked hard.

"This feels strangely familiar," Donovan said. "I distinctively remember a time when you called me when your mom came back and you didn't say anything right away."

"Feels adequate," Carter said. "I feel a little lost in that time as well as the other times I saw her." She forcibly wiped her cheeks. "I feel stupid for feeling like this."

"It's okay not to know how to feel," Donovan said. "It's a strange situation to be put in. I'm sorry I'm not there."

"It's fine, Ronalds was right, it would be too suspicions if three people showed up instead of a daughter and a plus one."

"Speaking of the plus one, don't kill him. It would destroy Link."

Carter smiled. "I'll keep that in mind." She tugged at the grass. "No, he strangely understands the situation. Doesn't mean he knows how to be supportive but at least he isn't being more of a pain than usual."

"That is kind of reassuring. Have you seen Bridgette yet?"

"No. She's at school."

"How do you feel about that."

Carter raised her head, gazing out at the small park but her mind took her back to a restaurant years ago when she'd seen her step-sister years ago. She's been thirteen, now she would seventeen. Seeing her mother being affectionate with a girl who looked the exact opposite of Carter when her mother had left felt... Like she'd been replaced with the daughter her mother had wanted all the time.

But when Carter had faced her mother before her wedding, Carter had asked her to be a good mother to a girl she'd never met. Now she'd eventually meet that girl.

"I don't know," Carter said.

"Has your mother told her who you are?" Donovan asked.

"No. I told her not to. I don't know how long this op will last but at the end of it I will leave and not likely to see them again."

"You don't want her to get attached.


"That's understandable. It's hard not to get attached to you, you're a pretty amazing person."

Carter laughed but wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand.

"Are you sure about that? I'm an FBI agent who is crying in a park."

"You're a human put in a difficult situation. I would be worried if you didn't feel anything."

"Still, I can't stay here. I need to get back."

"Okay. I love you."

Carter smiled and let the words be her strength for the moment. "I love you too."

Hanging up, Carter tucked away her phone and jogged back to the house. By the time she'd reached the stairs, the evidence of her tears were gone. Before she could step up, the front door opened and Carter froze.

Thomas Franklin walked out. Seeing Carter, he offered her a warm, inviting smile and Carter understood how he managed to fool the world. Nothing in his smile felt slimy or calculated. It was open and genuine. But Carter knew better.

"Hello there," he said, coming down the steps. "I was inviting Erica and the family to my little soirée tonight. I saw that she had guests and I hoped for the chance to invite you personally as well." He held out his hand. "I'm Thomas Franklin."

Carter smiled kindly and took his hand, making her grip steady but delicate. "It's a pleasure. I'm Carter. It's kind of you to invite us. I'm sure my husband will be pleased to come tonight."

"Wonderful, I'll see you any time after seven. It's a gathering for everyone in the neighborhood."

"I look forward to it," Carter said, still wearing a comfortable smile.

As Thomas crossed the street to his house, Carter entered the house. Her mother waited in the doorway to her office. When Carter walked in, she hurried over looking uncertain.

"I'm so sorry," she said. "It was unexpected. I didn't want to refuse in case it looked weird."

"Don't worry," Carter said, reassuring her. "It will be a good reason to observe the people there."

Erica nodded, relaxing. "Okay. I did tell him that you were my daughter and you were here with your husband like we set up."

"Then you did your job. You did well."

Carter smiled at her and put a hand on her arm, squeezing it in support. When her mother let out a relieved breath, Carter felt the strangeness of the exchange. A daughter boosting up her mother. But at that moment, Carter also felt like an agent reassuring an asset. And right then she felt reminded of who she was, the years of training she had, and the role she was there to play.

"I'm going to check in with Mason," Carter said. "Will you be fine?"

"Yes. Thank you."

Carter left her, holding onto the feeling she discovered. When she stepped into Bridgette's room, Mason spun around in his chair, clasped hands on the back of his head, his gaze assessing.

"You good?" he asked.

"Thomas stopped by. He already noticed us, which is fast," Carter said, bypassing the question, knowing her focus would tell him the answer. "They must have cameras on the outside of the house but they are well done. I didn't even spot them."

"Lucky for you, I did," Mason said, turning his chair back around to his three computers. Carter crossed over and leaned over. "See that corner?"

Mason zoomed in one of the cameras and Carter saw the glass lens. "It's well done."

"It is."

Carter straightened and crossed her arms. "Are you ready for tonight?"

"Of course. I'm prepared for anything."


Mason winced at the cute nickname. "Your husband, what a terrifying notion."

"Do we need to go over anything for our cover?"

Mason snorted. "You mean the cover we've been building since freshman year of high school. I could be strapped to a chair and still, I would pass any test about you with flying colors."

Despite herself, Carter smiled a little. Their history did make a cover of husband and wife extremely easy. There wasn't a lot Carter didn't know about Mason and he didn't know about her either.

"There's only one problem left," Carter said. "I don't have anything to wear to this thing."

"I think I can help."

Carter turned around at the sound of the soft voice. Bridgette stood in the doorway. At seventeen she was no longer the young thirteen girl who was just starting to become a young woman. She was beautiful with long blonde hair falling over her shoulders, her delicate features slightly highlighted with makeup and her blue eyes needing no enhancement. She smiled sweetly at Carter.

"My mom said you were the agents staying with us," she said.

My mom. Carter felt the words prick her heart but she kept it from showing.

"We are," Carter said. "I'm Agent Keller and this is Agent Douglas." Though Carter went by her maiden name of Owens at the agency to keep things from being confusing with too many Agent Kellers, she thought it best to use it now. She didn't know if Bridgette would know Erica's married last name of Owens but didn't want to risk it.

"When my mom mentioned agents would be staying with us I thought... I thought you would be older." She laughed softly. "But you look young enough you could be my older sister."

"You said something about being able to offer help with an outfit?" Carter asked, wanting to move the conversation away from dangerous ground.

"Well, you actually look about my size. You could borrow one of my dresses if you wanted."

Though this felt too much like sisters sharing clothes, Carter didn't plan to spend a small fortune at one of the boutiques.

"Let's see," she said.

Bridgette led Carter to her walk-in closet and to the back where a row of dresses hung. Carter tried not to think about her cramped closet she'd had growing up. The one that she could touch both sides of if she just stretched out her arms.

"These are the nicer ones," Bridgette said.

She motioned to the section that held black cocktail dresses. Carter inspected them, feeling Bridgette's gaze on her as she did.

"Are you two married?"

"Yes," Carter said, knowing it would be easier for Bridgette than thinking about it being a cover.

"He's very handsome," she said.

Though Carter had never seen Mason in that light, his annoying personality killing any sense of attractiveness for her, she thought about him objectively. With his classic features, blue-gray eyes, dirty blonde hair, and fit physique, sure she could see that he held all the factors that made a person attractive. But there was only one man who'd ever hold her attention.

"He is," Carter said, taking one dress and eying it.

"It must be nice being able to work with your husband," Bridgette said.

"I'm not sure about that. A lot of times I feel like strangling him with a computer cord."

Bridgette laughed, a bright joyful laugh and Carter found herself smiling before she realized it. To cover it, she turned away to hang up the dress, schooling her face.

"Do you like being an FBI agent?" Bridgette asked, sitting on the floor and hugging her legs.

The posture and low inquisitive tone made Carter want to build a wall. She wasn't this girl's sister. She couldn't be. But being cold felt too mean for such a simple question.

"Yes, I do. It fits who I am," Carter said.

"I still have no idea what I want to do," Bridgette said. "And I'm graduating in nine months."

At the vulnerable tone with a touch of fear, Carter knew she couldn't do this.

"Don't worry, you have time," Carter said, aware that her voice sounded removed. "I should see if this dress works."

At the subtle dismissal, Bridgette pushed herself to her feet. "Of course. Let us see how it looks."

She closed the closet door behind her as she left and Carter took in a breath. It would have been better if Bridgette were anything than what she was, a sweet innocent girl. A part of Carter wanted to befriend her and protect her.

But at the end of the day, she knew where that road would lead. Carter would leave and Bridgette would be left with an empty feeling. It was better not to form a connection.

Changing into the black dress, Carter scrutinized her reflection. Bridgette was right, they were the exact same size. Though most of the dresses were sleeveless, Carter had chosen one with lace sleeves, after all, she didn't want Thomas curious about the guest with a scar from a gunshot wound.

When Carter exited the closet, she held out her hands for inspection. Bridgette clapped and Mason grunted once.

"You look decent."

Bridgette turned on him, hands on hips. "That is your wife. Be more supportive."

Mason raised his eyebrows at Carter and she shrugged.

"You look beautiful, darling," Mason said.

Before Carter mimed throwing up, she walked back into the closet to change. It was going to be an interesting night.


A few hours later, after transforming Bridgette's room into their base, Carter was back in the black dress and in a borrowed pair of heels. Though she hadn't wanted to, she submitted to getting her makeup done by Bridgette. Despite having the skills to do it herself, Carter had found it hard to say no to the earnestly eager girl. After debating whether to arm herself, Carter put her gun away, knowing if it was discovered for any reason, it could be dangerous for everyone.

When she descended the stairs, she saw her mother standing in the foyer along with her husband, Darrell. Erica looked up at the sound of Carter and Carter saw her eyes freeze on her. Though Carter knew why, since her appearance was one her mother had never seen before, it touched at the scar made when she was fourteen. The way Carter looked was something she'd had to learn on her own or with Maggie's help. Her real mother had never taught.

Carter stopped at the base of the stairs, strangely feeling like a daughter showing her mother her prom dress and wishing to get her approval. But she didn't want to feel that way, she wasn't a young girl seeking her mother's attention or approval, she was an agent on a case.

"Took you long enough," Mason said, coming to her side. "Let's get going."

His comment and presence broke Carter from her internal struggle.

"You just happened to pack slacks and a dress shirt?" Carter asked.

Mason tugged at his cuffs. "I prepare for everything." He looked at Erica and Darrell. "My name is?"

"Theo," they both answered.

"Excellent. Avoid using it as much as you can. It will make everything easier for you. Also, talk mostly of Carter, I'm the son-in-law that you barely know, leave it at that."

The pair nodded. Erica clasped her hands tightly together and Darrell put a comforting arm around her shoulders. Carter stared at the loving gesture, hating how her heart hurt.

"Have fun!" Bridgette said, leaning over the railing of the staircase.

Even if Bridgette hadn't opted to skip the party for the reason of boredom, Carter would have requested it. It was safer for Bridgette if she wasn't put in a place where she had to lie.

The group left the house, and Carter noticed Mason activate his security system. They crossed the road and entered the house across the street. Already the rooms were filled with men and women all wearing expensive outfits as if they were casual daywear.

In an instant, Carter knew this type of gathering was one she'd only attended once for New Year on Mason's request but never again. Luckily for her, her partner had grown up in parties like this.

Thomas appeared from the crowd with a beautiful woman on his arm.

"I am so pleased you could all make it," he said, connecting with each member. "I'm guessing Bridgette decided to stay home?"

"She did," Erica said. "These things aren't very fun for a young girl."

Thomas laughed. "I understand. My son has barricaded himself in his room to avoid it." He motioned to the woman next to him. "Darrell and Erica, you know my wife. Victoria I'd like you to meet Erica's daughter Carter and her husband..."

"Theo Jefferson," Mason said, holding out his hand with a smile Carter knew could win anyone over.

Thomas shook it but his smile had frozen on his face. "You know, he said, you look familiar."

Mason laughed good-naturedly. "I get that a lot. I look like my distant cousin, Mason Douglas."

"That's it," Thomas said.

With glasses, colored contacts, and hair styled differently as well as a few years of maturity, Mason resembled his younger self but there were enough differences that the lie was easily believable. And with a life made in data by Mason, Theo Jefferson was a legit person with a job and family history.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Victoria said. "Darrell, Erica why don't we get a drink."

Flawlessly, Victoria managed to leave Carter and Mason with Thomas. Whether this was already planned or natural, Carter couldn't quite decide. But she knew the absence of others meant the interrogation was about to start.

"You know, when I first meet Erica, I didn't know she had a daughter," Thomas said.

"That's understandable," Carter said easily, knowing Thomas meant to throw her off. "I lived with my father since I was fourteen. My mother and I have had times of meeting but this is the first time I've stayed with her in New York."

"I see. How long have you two been married?" Thomas asked.

Carter and Mason looked at each other. "Long enough that I imagine killing him sometimes," Carter said.

"So about a week?" Mason joked.

Despite herself, Carter smiled a little.

"I don't mean to be nosy," Thomas said. "But I am always interested in how couples come together."

Carter had to hand it to this man, he came off as genuine as he dug for holes. But this was one story that he wouldn't find any.

"In high school," Carter said. "He was the annoying boy I had to sit next to and work with."

"Please, you are failing to admit that you were thrilled to sit next to me and were smitten within a week."

"You have a bad memory, I believe it took years before we could talk without insulting each other."

"What are you talking about, you insulted me earlier today."

"In high school, I had the intention of hurting you. Now I do it purely for my own amusement."

"Even though it's hurtful to your beloved husband."

"I remember clearly asking you how I looked and you, what was it? Grunted in response."

"I followed that up by saying you looked beautiful."

"Only after Bridgette got mad at you," Carter said.

Mason tilted his head, giving her a mockingly adoring smile. "But it does not change the fact that it is the truth, my love."

Carter rolled her eyes and then focused on Thomas, who was observing them with a tiny smile. At least their long history of bugging each other meant their role as a couple was believable.

"I'm sorry, what were you asking about?" she said.

"How you got together, but it's obvious to see that it was inevitable."

Carter looked at Mason, someone who'd seen her at her worst times when her mother first left, who'd bared through endless arguments, and still when she needed him would be there.

In a weird way, Thomas was right, it was inevitable that they were together, friends without realizing it for a long time that that's what they were.

"It seems so," Mason answered softly, telling Carter his thoughts aligned with her.

The door to the house opened.

"If you'll excuse me," Thomas said. "It is a pleasure to have you here. I hope to talk to you more."

As he left, Mason motioned with his head to a doorway and Carter followed him through it. There they found a packed living room and Mason tucked themselves away in one of the back corners.

"Do you want a drink?" Mason asked.

"Yes, but I'll get it. I want to look around. This house is beautiful."

Mason understood her meaning and nodded. As Carter made her way through the downstairs, she got the layout while pretending to be admiring the artwork, the crown moldings, and the architecture. Satisfied with her inspection, Carter returned to Mason with two drinks and found he had company.

"Honey, there you are," Mason said, putting one arm around Carter's waist. "This is Monique. Monique I'd love for you to meet my wife, Carter."

"It's a pleasure," Carter said, smiling warmly.

At the arm around her waist and the smile, Monique quickly made an excuse and left.

Carter handed Mason his drink. "You and Donovan. I really can't leave either of you alone."

"I remained loyal to you," Mason said.

"I have no doubt." Carter brought her drink up to her lips. "If you don't remove your hand right now, I will break it later."

"Your love for me is always touching," Mason said, though he did as ordered. "How'd you like the house? I can't imagine what the price of a single one of these paintings costs."

Carter caught onto what Mason was saying. These pieces of artwork were another form of money laundering for Thomas.

"The architecture is just as stunning," Carter said, knowing Mason worried about the same thing, hidden mics recording conversations. "It's some of the most detailed work I've ever seen."

Mason met her gaze, understanding what she was saying, cameras were hidden throughout the house.

"Do you think Victoria would give us a tour?" Mason asked. "My mother has an interest in this type of thing."

"We can always ask."

Together they were able to locate Victoria and snag a tour that also included comments on the guests. Carter had to give Mason credit, he knew how to navigate a conversation so it seamlessly got Victoria deluging information about the people there. Though Victoria didn't share in-depth knowledge, Carter felt there were a few neighbors who were involved in Thomas's line of work.

When it was time to leave, Carter had enough information to make a detailed report to send back to headquarters and Mason had managed to win over Victoria as well as many other guests they were introduced to.

Back in the foyer of her mother's house, the group faced each other. Though it had only been a few hours, Carter saw that her mother looked relieved to be home.

"How did you do?" Carter asked.

Erica nodded. "Good. We've been to many of these things and I know everyone there. When it came to any mention of either of you talking was made easier because you are my daughter."

"Good," Carter said.


Carter felt her heart sink in her chest at the soft, confused voice floating down. She raised her head and met Bridgette's gaze.

"You're... you're my step-sister?"



Hold up! Before you get mad at me for leaving you on a cliff edge I have one thing to say...

Ha! Sucks to be you. 🤣😅

Sorry, sorry, sorry! Don't hurt me! I'm joking. In all honesty I didn't mean for this to be a two parter, it just turned out much longer than I expected.

Go ahead and tell me your thoughts, I know you have them! It's Carter and Mason after all! 🗯💭💬🫶

Something I love about Carter and Mason, like there already aren't a million things, is that they do have this understanding that makes them strangely great team.

But I guess that's what comes of knowing someone for so long, you understand something about that person without having to be told.

Do you have someone like that?

I have my family and specifically my sisters. One of them could be mean out of the blue but I'd know it's because she has been around people for too long and needs to be alone. It means that we don't fight, there's a lot of understanding between us.

Though it took us a while to get there, it was not there when we were younger. But now we're the best of friends.

Anywho I will write a part 2! Don't worry! 💜

Okay vote comment follow!

Awww look it's Bridgette!

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