Being Followed (Part 6)

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OOOOHHHH would you look at that! Another part to this epic undercover saga!


Before Mason or Donovan said anything, Carter felt something was off. It was in the way people looked at her as she walked down the street. It was in the way eyes caught onto her and lingered for a second before moving on. Every glance set her on edge and she felt herself gearing up for an attack, wondering if some ambush was in plan.

Despite the adrenaline starting to flow into her veins, Carter kept her pace natural and her expression calm. She didn't want to tip off whoever was behind this to know she'd spotted the obvious signs of an attack.

"Somethings wrong," Carter said quietly, but enough she knew Mason and Donovan would hear.

"We know," Donovan said. "You're being tailed."

"It's more than that," Carter said. "I think it's more than that. People keep looking at me. This might be an ambush."

Annoyance instantly flared in Carter as Mason burst out laughing. Once it died down, she detected a soft chuckle from Donovan as well, making her want to smack both of them. She knew what she saw, she was not being paranoid.

"Owens," Mason said, still half laughing. "It's cause you're in a sundress and your violent personality has been masked."

"Mason, don't be ridiculous."

Donovan spoke and Carter felt her face burn at his words. "Umm... he's right, Carter. You look..." He cleared his throat. "Hot."

"And nondeadly, that's the important part. You don't look like you'd kill someone just for giggles."

Carter decided to ignore Mason's nonsense. With the glances explained, it meant they could be dismissed. But that left what they'd told her. She was being tailed. A plan of action had to be decided on and put through.

"I'm going to face the person tailing me," Carter announced to them.

"What!" Mason yelled in her ear. "You can't kill someone in the middle of the street."

Carter had to stop herself from rolling her eyes but it took extreme effort. Mason constantly attacking her personality and the delusion she was likely to murder anyone at the drop of a hat was getting annoying.

"Mason, I'm not that violent, I'm not going to kill them. But I will kill you if you keep talking."

"And you say you're not a violent person. I think-"

Mason cut off out of nowhere and Carter almost faltered in her footsteps at the suddenness of it, imagining the van being attacked. But then Donovan spoke and Carter realized he'd been the reason Mason shut up.

"Find out what you can," Donovan said. "The man tailing you is white, early twenties, height 5'10", thick black hair, medium build. He's about three yards behind you."

"Thanks. Is he left or right-handed?"

A seconds pause. "Right-handed."

Carter had everything she needed.

Stopping abruptly, she spun around and quickened her steps as if she'd forgotten something. Everyone around her acted normally, going about their lives except for one person. He faltered for a half second but continued forward. Carter caught the slip but focused her attention ahead of her as if she didn't even see him.

When she got closer to him, she hurried her steps and angled herself into his path. They bumped into each other and Carter stumbled. As she tripped forward, she pressed one hand into the man's chest, focusing his attention there as she slipped the man's wallet from his right back pocket. Still feigning clumsiness, she staggered a few steps as if trying to catch herself. As she did, she tucked the waller into her purse.

A pair of hands caught her waist and she lifted her head to find the man tailing her, holding onto her. Everything in her told her to twist out of the man's hold, grab his dominant wrist, and kick him in the head, knocking him unconscious. She had to hold herself back from her instinct as well as rolling her eyes. Mason made a point but she marked it up to training rather than a violent nature. Still, she'd never share her instant reaction thoughts with him. She'd never hear the end of it.

"Are you okay?" the guy asked.

Carter let out a breathy laugh and straightened, sweeping her hair out of her face.

"I am. I'm so sorry about that," she said, pitching her voice higher for a more feminine and, as Mason would define it, nonthreatening tone.

"It was no one's fault," the guy said. "I'm just glad you're okay."

"Thanks to you. I might have fallen."

Mason snorted in Carter's ear. Carter kept her expression the same, even as she heard a grunt of pain and knew Donovan had kicked Mason to shut him up. Carter would say that Mason had to work on being a tech guy, except she knew he understood how to silence a mic and only kept his on to annoy her.

"Good thing I'm fast on my feet," the guy said.

"Good thing," Carter said. "Thanks again for catching me."

As Carter took a step back, ready to leave and find out exactly who this guy was, a voice stopped her.


Carter looked past her tail to Jackson hurry down the street towards her. As he approached her, he smiled wide but it dimmed when he noticed the guy standing close to Carter. Instinct told Carter to retreat quickly, not wanting to give Jackson reasons to believe there was more going on than what was actually the truth. But Carter kept her ground, knowing a quick retreat would be more damning than remaining where she was. But before she could offer Jackson the truth of the situation, or part of it, Jackson focused on the guy.

"Vic," he said. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Though training dictated Carter shouldn't react, Carter knew Kat would.

"Wait?" she said, with a touch of shock and amusement in her voice. "Do you two know each other?"

Jackson smiled easily which said everything, not only did they know each other, but Vic was someone very close to Jackson. This meant two things, Vic was following Carter as a best friend trying to protect his best friend, or for someone darker reason.

"Yeah," Jackson said, clapping a hand on Vic's shoulder. "This is Vic Devin."

In her ear, Carter heard the frantic clicking of keys and knew the wallet was useless to have. It wouldn't tell her anything that Mason wouldn't already know once she got to the van.

"Vic is the type of best friend," Jackson said, "that makes me wonder what I did to have him."

Again Jackson grinned at his friend and Vic gave a half-affectionate, half-amused smile back. Right then Carter decided if Vic wasn't who Jackson knew him to be, she'd break this guy's arm. Again she knew she'd never let her thoughts be known to Mason.

"Dude," Vic said. "You're way too gushy."

Jackson shrugged but removed his arm from around Vic. When his gaze flickered between Vic and Carter, he sobered a little.

"Wait, do you two know each other?" Jackson asked.

"Only in the sense that I ran into him and he caught me before I fell," Carter said. "Kinda embarrassing."

"Oh," Jackson said, relaxing. "What were you doing around here anyways, Vic?"

Vic made a slightly abashed face and Carter felt impressed with his acting since she believed it.

"Is it weird if I say I wanted to see this girl you were talking about so much?" Vic asked, looking apologetically at both of them.

"So you followed me?" Jackson asked.

"I like to think about it as being my best friend's defender in case something went wrong and he needed backup."

Jackson laughed. "Dude! That's weird but I appreciate it." He looked at Carter and the only way Carter could describe his expression as putty, like he was completely moldable. "I don't think you have to worry about me. Or her."

Carter bit her lip bashfully and ducked her head, while her mind progressed Vic's words. True, he could have been an over-eager guy wanting to see the girl his best friend was dating, but Carter didn't fully believe it.

"I would hope you wouldn't have to," Carter said, shyly. "Oh... Jackson, wasn't your car in the other direction. You weren't... I mean you weren't coming to find me... were you?"

The soft tone Carter used had Jackson flustered.

Vic looked over at his friend and smiled broadly which made Jackson nudge him.

"Shut up," he said. "Yeah, I was cause... I was wondering... the thing is seeing you with The First Son and hearing that you've gone to these before I was thinking that maybe you wouldn't mind going to one with me and all that."

Carter let out a soft, lilting laugh, one that still didn't feel natural to her. "I think you have to be a little bit more clear about where I'm going with you but the answer is already yes."

"Seriously, dude," Vic said, laughing.

Jackson glared at Vic but focused on Carter. "Would you be up for going to one of my dad's boring state dinners with me? With you, it would be a lot less boring. It's next weekend."

Carter smiled while taking a step back. "I already gave my answer."

"So I'll see you there," Jackson said.

"I hope it's sooner." Jackson beamed. "It was nice meeting you, Vic." She took one more step back. "Bye, Jackson."

"I'll call you, Kat."

Carter pressed her lips together as if holding in a wide smile and spun away, knowing both guys were watching her walk off. When out of earshot, she spoke, still in a low tone.

"Donovan, you need to give Vic his wallet back," Carter said.

As she turned the corner, she spotted Donovan already walking towards her. She held out the wallet and he took it.

"Have a game plan?" she asked.

"I will."

With that, Donovan passed her and headed towards the corner Carter had just rounded. Knowing Donovan would catch up to where Jackson and Vic were, most likely still, standing, Carter hurried her steps not wanting to miss it.

Just as she climbed into the van, she heard Donovan's voice in her ear. Mason didn't even glance back as Carter quickly shut the door and claimed a seat. On the screen, the image coming from a surveillance camera stood Donovan with Jackson and Vic. Jackson looked pleasantly surprised while Vic looked uncertain.

"What are you doing here?" Jackson asked.

Donovan casually jabbed his thumb behind him. "My apartment is a block away. What are you doing here?"

Donovan threw a look at Vic in question but focused on Jackson when he perked up.

"Just had my date with Kat," Jackson said proudly.

With an approving smile, Donovan slapped Jackson's arm in congratulations. "Nice. How'd it go?"

As Jackson went into the full breakdown of the date, Carter spun her chair towards Mason. She didn't need to relive the date she'd just sat through.

"What did you find out about Vic?" Carter asked. "Or are you still working on getting all his information?"

Mason sent Carter a look of pure disgust as if he couldn't believe she'd insulted him in such a way. She grinned and held out her hand. Without a word, Mason passed her a tablet and sat back in her chair.

The profile with the basics of Vic's life filled five pages and Carter read it slowly, looking for signs of something more. From what she read he appeared to be who he said he was. No record. No signs of concern. An average college student.

"Do you believe it?" Carter asked, wiggling the tablet in her hand.


"Why not?"

"Because no college student doesn't have some dirt on them. This guy is as bland as white bread."

"Some people are that bland."

"Not online they aren't. There's always something. A comment they shouldn't have made. A photo that shouldn't have been posted."

Carter shrugged and sank into her chair, giving off a casual air.

"It's that true then maybe you're just not that good at your job."

Mason froze, staring at the screen and Carter smiled to herself. Nothing set Mason off quite like questioning his ability to do his job. She fully knew this came from people always expecting him to be a politician and having no brains beyond that. Studying computer science had been the most rebellious act he could have taken. And to question it, hit that nerve. So Carter hit it whenever she could.

"You doubt my ability?" Mason asked.

"No, why would I ever question it," Carter said, tauntingly. "If this is all you can get on Vic then that must mean that's all there is to get."

Mason spun to face Carter and she raised her eyebrows tauntingly.

"Owens, are you aware that I got all that information in the span of seven minutes?"

"Ah, so you're saying you were slow today."

Mason stared at Carter and she stared back with as much smugness as she could without smiling.

"I'm going to take the high road and not respond to that since I know you are feeling weak because you have to wear a dress today and are taking out your anger on me. Go ahead and feel strong again for putting me down, Owens."

"Are you saying a woman can't feel strong in a dress?" Carter asked.

"No. Just you don't."

They looked at each other and Carter realized she sometimes forgot that as long as she'd known him, he'd known her. It was unfortunate for her that he had eyes and a working brain.

"I apologize for insulting you and your capabilities," she said.

"I accept your apology."


"And nothing. You insulted me first, everything I said after was only in retaliation. If you hadn't insulted me this wouldn't have happened."

"Vic!" Jackson's voice cut through Carter's ear. She winced but focused on the screen. "Vic this is the guy I was telling you about, Dorian. Dorian, this is Vic. Sorry, I should have said this first."

Donovan held out his hand to Vic and they shook, though Vic didn't look as friendly as he had while talking to Carter.

"Do you think every guy looks at your husband and feels threatened?" Mason asked.

"You tell me," Carter said.

Mason laughed. "Funny. I never feel threatened by anyone."

"Except for Darrell. He's a faster hacker than you." Mason narrowed his eyes, but Carter pointed at him. "That's a fact, not an insult."

Seeming unable to voice a counterargument, Mason turned his attention back to the screens.

"How do you know Jackson?" Vic asked Donovan.

Carter understood where the skepticism came from, standing next to each other Jackson didn't look like someone a person who looked and dressed like Donovan would hang out. It felt like she was back in high school questioning Donovan's friendship with Link. Either Vic was protective of his friend or there was something about him they were missing.

"Does he seem too skeptical to you?" Mason asked, leaning back and resting his chin on his fist.

"Would you be skeptical about someone like Donovan being friends with Donovan?" Carter asked, wanting a man's view of it.

"Yes. But I'm not sure I'd come out and question it. I'd secretly doubt and slowly build up a case against him as to why he's not really Jackson's friend. Then one day when Jackson questions the friendship, I'm ready to lay out evidence why it's not real."

Carter remained silent for so long that Mason glanced back at her.

"What?" he asked.

"You are a sad sad man."

Mason snorted. "Sure like you wouldn't do the exact same thing."

"I wouldn't. I come out and question it right away."

Mason nodded in acceptance of this.

They both watched as Donovan didn't act defensive to Vic's question but easily explained how he'd met Jackson. Everything about his tone and manner said that he liked Jackson as a person but take or leave the friendship if he felt like it. Carter watched as Donovan portrayed it perfectly that Vic slowly lost his skepticism.

By the time Donovan stopped talking, Vic looked like he wanted to be Donovan's friend but wouldn't admit it. It was understandable, Donovan gave off confidence, but approachable with wit and intelligence well.

"Do you think Donovan could convince anyone to jump off a bridge if he talked to them long enough?"

"No, since he'd never want that but I'd jump off a bridge if I had to talk to you for too long."

"So what you're saying is we should have long conversations?"

Carter had to fight her smile. "Definitely. Cause I think it goes both ways."

Mason shrugged and they focused on the screens the group prepared to part ways.

"He hasn't returned-"

"Patience," Carter cut Mason off.

"Good luck," Donovan said to Jackson. "With Kat and the dinner."

Jackson hesitated but talked, the words coming out in a rush. "Do you want to come to the dinner too? It would mean that I can have backup if it's so boring or if my dad makes me talk to some people." He motioned to Vic. "Could both of you come?"

Seeing Jackson's quiet desperation reminded Carter of high school Link, the way he felt nervous to step out on his own. It made her stomach knot, thinking about how they were hurting this boy. His father wasn't his fault. He didn't deserve to be wrapped up in this situation. For his sake, she hoped they closed this case as fast as they could.

"Of course," Vic said, then looked to Donovan as if silently asking him if he was Jackson's friend or not.

"I'll see what I can do," Donovan said. "Send me the details."

Jackson beamed. "Thanks. I will."

Donovan nodded, clasped Jackson's hand, and gave him a half bro-hug. He turned to Vic and did the same thing, acting like it was the most natural goodbye in the world. As he executed the half hug, he slipped Vic's wallet back into his pocket.

"I hate to say this out loud because complimenting people gives me heartburn," Mason said. "But that was smooth. Have either of you ever thought about being criminals? I feel like we'd make a good crime gang."

Carter didn't even look at Mason. "No, we wouldn't. My morals are the only thing keeping me from killing you at times. If we were in a gang I'd kill you for your portion of the wealth."

"No on crime. Got it."

Neither of them spoke until Donovan had taken a long route to check he wasn't being followed and climbed into the van.

"We met Vic," Donovan said, sitting down. "This got interesting."

"I'll say," Mason said with a grin. "Owens as a double date with her husband."


Where you at!

(You don't have to answer that in terms of location, that should stay private. But in terms of general feelings, I'll take it)

Seriously, where's your head, heart, and feet at with this chapter? 💭💬🗯

Where am I at? Oh, I'm so glad none of you asked but I'll pretend that you did, that's so kind of you!

I'm in the van with Mason and Carter eating popcorn wondering how two people can be so antagonist and best friends at the same time. I mean seriously, we all know they are besties but jeez the level of insults is deceptive. Anyone would think they hated each other.

But it is one of those Enemies to Hidden Best Friends type tropes...

I don't think that a thing, it might solely be a Carter and Mason thing. Which if it is, then it's a first and honestly that's fitting for them. They do like to strike out on their own paths and yell at each other that their going the wrong way and that their own way is the better way to go while not realizing that they are literally walking parallel to each so therefore they are going the exact same way.

Yup, that sums them up.

Vote, comment, follow and I might actually write the next part faster than a couple of months like I did for this one. Whose knows! Only you have the power to make this happen!

Shout out comments from: Thanksgiving At The Douglas'

'My home' 🥰🙈💜

This just makes me feel fuzzy and happy inside 💜

I know it might take me a long time but I get there

Always love an all caps comment 😄

Something cute to make you not be mad at me for getting to the comments.

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