The Date (Part 5)

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This is part of the undercover saga, so make sure you've read the previous parts, starting with The Profile.


"Mason, stop checking out my wife."

"If by checking out, you mean checking out that she looks fit for a date, then no, I won't. That is part of my job. If you mean checking out as in finding her." Mason shuddered. "Attractive? I'd rather pour bleach into my eyes. Thank you."

Though Donovan stared at Mason in a manner that translated into: I could break your neck with my pinky, Mason still returned his focus to Owens.

In his defense, how could he not? Owens was in a SUNDRESS! She'd even managed to make her hair do something other than just be there as a thing on her head. She wore shoes that didn't look capable of withstanding a kick to someone's face. She looked... Mason didn't know if he dare say it aloud in his mind but... human.

Owens looked human. Even... girlish.

This was disturbing on so many levels. What kind of world did they live in where someone like Owens could convincingly conceal her threatening nature? And was it even a safe world to live in anymore? After all, it was like she was a dinosaur walking around a dog park and no one saw the danger of it.

"Does my appearance fit the qualifications for a first date?" Carter asked, holding out her arms.

"To a disturbing level," Mason answered. "You look like you've never held anything more deadly than a butter knife, let alone handled a gun."

"So it works, good. I'm going," Carter said.

Donovan reached for her as if to kiss her, which Mason thought extremely rude, he was present. It was unnecessary for him to be tortured in such a way.

But Owens held up her hand, stalling him. "Lip gloss."

Mason shuddered. "Who are you?"

Carter met Mason's gaze and grinned. It was a grin that made the entire harmless vibe of her outfit completely disappear, instead, it was Owens in a dress loose enough to give her range to do damage. Mason breathed out.

"Oh, there you are. Never mind, I thought I was losing my mind for a second."

"Dramatic. Don't kill each other," Carter said.

With that parting reminder that Donovan could kill Mason if the desire came on him, Owens left the van. To avoid causing thoughts of murder in Donovan, Mason spun his chair around to face the bank of computer screens and the displays from all the security cameras. Also the footage from Owens' glasses camera. Donovan took the seat next to Mason, leaned back, and propped his chin on his fist.

"Owens, can you hear me?" Mason said through the mic.

"Yes, but if you talk to me while I do this I will show you how a dress can't stop me from being lethal."

"Understood," Mason said.

He switched off the mic and placed his hands behind his head. On the screen, Carter walked down the block, gaining a few glances as she went. It seems the innocent girl persona was a draw. Mason nearly snorted, these men would never know she was obnoxious as well as dangerous.

Carter turned into the French bistro and Mason looked to Donovan.

"Are you ready for this?" he asked. "I can't have you going on a jealous rampage and ruining Owens' cover."

Donovan looked over at Mason, stared for a solid minute, then focused back on the screens. Mason would never admit it out loud but Donovan's ability to communicate so much without saying anything was impressive. The look he'd just received said everything: Mason, you're stupid if you think I'd ruin an operation because of my emotions. Do you take me for an incompetent idiot? I know what this job entails, don't ask ridiculous questions again.

Since there was no arguing with his points, Mason returned to the monitors.

When Carter entered the bistro, Jackson rose from where he sat at a table near the windows. Even from the camera, Mason could see that Jackson was seconds away from running away. Maybe he did have a sense of self-preservation. Like a sixth sense that he wasn't even aware of, telling him that the sweet-looking girl wasn't actually sweet but sour.

But it seemed the sixth sense wasn't very strong because Jackson remained where he stood as Carter approached. Mason couldn't completely fault Jackson, after all, Owens smiled at him, and wearing glasses she gave off an 'I would never harm a fly' vibe, it was a disarming combo. Poor Jackson had never stood a chance.

"It's still weird that your wife manages to be so... UnCarter-like."

The corner of Donovan's mouth twitched at the description and Mason almost rolled his eyes. There was no need for Donovan to be so smug about his wife's ability. He needed to tone it down. Yes, Owens was acting like a normal girl, but there were more impressive things in life. Mason couldn't pinpoint exactly what they were at the moment, but it would come to him.

"You look great," Jackson said.

Carter ducked her head and smiled. The way she acted Mason could only describe as bashful. Bashful. How in the world did she manage that? Did she even know the word bashful? Mason would have assumed Owens would think bashful would mean fully bashing something. Mason wasn't sure he could stomach the next hour or so of this. It was like he was in the twilight zone.

"Is this even real?" Mason asked.

"Yeah, it's strange," Donovan said.

Mason snapped his head towards Donovan, to find Donovan actually showing emotion. Mild disbelief was what Mason could make of the expression. It was nice to know he wasn't alone in this twilight zone. And that his companion wasn't a statue. Though he held himself back from going too far, it would be weird to bond with Boy Scout.

The couple on screen took their seats and Mason leaned over, grabbing a container from beneath the table. Popping open the lid, he took out a handful of popcorn. He felt Donovan cast him a glance and without looking over, Mason tilted the container towards Donovan. When Donovan didn't accept this offer, Mason retracted it.

"Last time at the party I didn't have any," Mason said. "I'm not one to make the same mistake twice."

Donovan made a noise and Mason decided to translate this one as approval for making changes to improve life while surveilling. And Mason felt it did because he no longer saw Owens but Kat, the bashful girl. It rattled Mason's mind to know he was looking at Owens whom he'd known for ages but felt as if he didn't know this girl at all.

Beside him, Donovan didn't seem at all rattled like Mason. But as Mason looked at Donovan, he realized something, Donovan wasn't simply still, he was tense. Though his posture appeared at ease, the way he seemed made of stone said otherwise. Mason observed Owens and tossed another hand full of popcorn into his mouth to cover his smile.

"So you coached Owens on how to handle this date?" Mason said.

Donovan did his magic act of communicating with his eyes and nothing else.

Mason laughed. "Oh, I bet that went real well."

Donovan shifted and Mason grinned, tilting the container towards Donovan again. This time, Donovan did take a handful of popcorn.

"Let me guess, she got pissed in seconds when she couldn't do what you were telling her to do?"

In answer, Donovan eased back in his chair, slowly eating his popcorn.

"Yeah, that's Owens. I've never met someone more impatient when she isn't instantly good at something or understands a concept. Some things never change from high school."

Donovan angled his chair towards Mason a fraction while still keeping the screens in the majority of his view. Mason twisted more towards Donovan as well, raising his eyebrows.

"You do know we went to high school together for years, right? Or has Owens kept that a dark secret?"

The way Donovan twitched his lips, Mason got the feeling she'd shared too much. And by too much, Mason had no doubt it was a slanderous story titled The Evils of Mason Douglas in High School.

"She's told me enough," Donovan said.

Mason debated whether telling Donovan 'enough' to have him questioning the woman he married. But since they still had an assignment together, he figured it would be in poor form.

"I'm sure she has," Mason said, swiveling back towards the monitors.

Again he was given a full view of a person he didn't know. Never once would he have assumed a timid, smiley girl lived somewhere in the depths of Owens' subconscious. Though maybe early on in life Owens had kidnapped, gagged, and imprisoned this version of herself. That sounded like her.

"What was Carter to you in high school?" Donovan asked.

Mason didn't even bother looking away from the screens to answer. "My arch nemesis."

"It's either arch enemy or nemesis, it's not both."

Mason snorted. Showed how much Donovan actually knew of their high school years together. If he did, he would understand.

"For Owens it was," Mason said.

"How so?"

It felt odd for Donovan to be speaking so much. Mason wondered if he was malfunctioning or something. Maybe he was due for an upgrade of some kind. After all, everyone knew Donovan Keller was a genetically modified human being created in a lab by female scientists determined to create the perfect man.

The joke was on them, Mason was only years away from being born.

But since he couldn't ask why Donovan was speaking, Mason decided to let it go and accept it.

"Owens was my arch nemesis because," he said. "She annoyed me to no end. She'd go out of her way to argue with me. There was never an encounter we had where one of us didn't walk away with verbal bruises. She was the only person in my life who I fought with on a weekly basis."

"I see."

Mason nodded and focused on the screens. It felt good to know Donovan comprehended the absolute pain his wife had been. "I'm glad you do. Your wife and I were-"

"Each other's only friend," Donovan said.

Mason whipped his chair to face Donovan. He would not stand for this kind of disgusting accusation to be thrown at him.

"No," Mason said forcefully. "Each other's enemy."

"Of course." Donovan smiled easily. "Enemy." He twisted back towards the screens. "It's a good thing you aren't enemies anymore."

Though Mason could admit that enemy might not be the descriptor for Owens anymore, he didn't want to go looking for another word. All the others didn't seem to fit. Maybe work colleagues was the best one to stick to. It meant they could still strongly dislike each other, and openly annoy the other, but understand the need for civilities at times. Mason decided that was what they were, work colleagues.

Satisfied with the defining of his relationship with Owens, Mason returned all his attention to the bizarre scene on screen.

As the date progressed and Owens hadn't threatened anyone with a butter knife, Mason didn't speak. Donovan had reverted to his normal silent setting and Mason didn't feel the need to make comments. It wasn't that he feared more questions from the malfunctioning Donovan, questions that would make him have to do more redefining of life, he simply liked not talking.

An hour into the date, Mason wanted to fall asleep since the dialogue taking place was boring. But Mason could see how it wouldn't be anything else, this wasn't sharp, witty Owens but shy, timid Kat talking. Someways that made it all the more painful to listen to.

"Do you see that?" Donovan asked.

Mason blinked, realizing he might have started to doze off. Leaning forward, he inspected all camera angles, needing to find what Donovan was mentioning without having to ask for it. Right as Donovan raised his finger to point, Mason spotted it. A man in his early twenties staring unabashedly at Carter, brow wrinkled in concentration. As the man's face brightened with a little recognition, Mason swore.

Jerking up, the container of popcorn on his lap he'd forgotten about, crashed to the floor, spilling everywhere.

"That's Devon Gray. He went to high school with us. Stay here. I will handle this."

Mason tore off his headphones and dropped them on the desk. Jumping out of the van, he ran towards the bistro. As he went, he combed his fingers through his hair making sure it still had life to it. He adjusted his rolled sleeves and tucked in the edges of his shirt.

When he arrived at the bistro, he ignored the hostess, crossed directly to Jackson and Carter's table, making it right as Devon approached.

"Devon," Mason said, calling attention away from Owens.

Devon lifted his head, surprised. "Mason?"

Mason smiled and stretched out his hand, his heart beating erratically in his chest, though he knew he portrayed a calm exterior. He always did. His upbringing made sure of that.

"It's been a long time," Mason said.

"It has. I was just-"

Devon looked back to Carter, a tiny wrinkle returning to his forehead. Mason turned his attention to the table, Jackson looked stunned to see Mason Douglas, former First Son, standing next to his table. Owens stared wide-eyed too but he knew her shock came from his sudden appearance. Mason looked at Carter and cocked his head, smiling a little.

"Kat, right?" he said, hesitant.

Jackson's eyes got wider. "You know each other."

Mason clapped a hand on Devon's shoulder as he motioned to Carter. "We've all had the displeasure of being at a few senators' dinners together, isn't that it."

Mason watched as Devon took in the explanation of why this girl looked familiar but couldn't place her. Mason honestly felt surprised Devon recognized Carter at all, the whole Kat persona made it difficult to connect Kat and Carter as the same person.

"Yeah..." Devon said, slowly. "That's what it must be. I knew I recognized you from somewhere."

"It's nice to see you again," Kat said politely but shyly.


"Seems you're on a date," Mason said. "We'll leave you to it. Nice seeing you again, Kat."

Kat nodded and turned back to Jackson, who was looking at her with a new look in his eyes. Mason let out a quiet breath of relief as he steered Devon out of the bistro. Avoided disaster and possibly helped sell Kat to Jackson even more. His father was someone in politics, it would be to Jackson's benefit to be dating someone with political ties.

"Mason, where have you been?" Devon asked as they hit the sidewalk. "I haven't seen you since Lucas's rager years ago. You dropped off the planet."

"It's a long story," Mason said, continuing to walk Devon away from the bistro.

"I wanna hear it."

"Where's your car?" Mason asked.

"Two blocks that way."

That at least gave Mason a time limit on how long he needed to string Devon along. Knowing how to spin a story that made everything else be forgotten, Mason guided Devon to his car. When he put him into it, it was with a promise that they would meet up soon and Mason felt drained. Talking to boring humans always made him feel like something had been stolen from him.

After seeing Devon drive away, Mason returned to the van.

"What are the damages?" he asked, taking his seat.

"We're in the clear. Carter knowing you actually seemed to make Jackson a bit more eager to have another date."


Mason looked around at the mess from the popcorn. The thought to leave it from the clean-up crew did pass through his mind but he knew he couldn't do that. If his mother ever found out he'd done it, she'd be mortified by his actions. Mason knelt down and scooped up the popcorn back into the container. With a decent enough result done, he sank back into his seat.

"You did a good job," Donovan said.

"Thank you, it takes a real man to clean up his own messes."

"I was talking about intercepting Devon."

"Yeah, I did that well too."

Donovan shook his head and went back to monitoring. When the dessert had come and gone, the check paid, Mason wanted to shout with gratitude as the couple rose and headed towards the door. Outside, they went back and forth until Owens managed to extricate herself from Jackson.

But not without an agreement to meet up again and his announcement that he'd call her. With a pleased smile, that Mason had no idea how she managed, Carter waved and walked away. Jackson stood watching her for a long time, a stupid grin on his face.

Mason rested his hands on his head, feeling the need to eat something and crash into bed.

But before his mind could wonder into those wonderful thoughts, he spotted something on one of the screens that showed the sidewalk. At the same time, Donovan leaned in.

"Do you see that?" he asked.

"Yeah," Mason said. "Carter is being tailed. 


Heyo Bucko!

Yes, yes, I know, I know! I've left you on a cliff. Well don't worry, you're not going to die. You've been on these types of cliffs so many time that you should feel at home.

Since you feel all cozy at home, why not tell me your thoughts! 🗯💬💭

My thoughts are this: Oh boy am I going to have fun exploring this new Mason/Donovan dynamic! I mean they are such opposites and I love that! Also Mason can get on Donovan's nerves but Donovan knows how to handle him. Yeah, I'm excited to develop this more!

OOOH!! Does this mean it's a new bromance?!

I guess we'll have to see because I can only imagine Donovan ever mildly tolerating Mason. And Mason begrudgingly admitting that he thinks Donovan isn't the worst person.

Haha! Yeah that sounds like how it's going to go.

Okay, if you feel like it vote, comment, follow!

Shout out comments from Man to Man


☺️ Which makes me so happy!

Don't even know if this is real but dang that's cute!

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