The Monday After

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Let's face it, it's been too long since we've seen the OG crew. It's about time!


The incessant chimes of the alarm came too early for Carter. Moaning, she stuck her hand out of the blankets and slapped her nightstand, trying to locate her phone.

When she did, she cut the alarm off, slipped her hand back into the blankets, and decided to go back to sleep. Her plan was ruined when a knock sounded on her door. She scowled, half asleep and wishing to be fully asleep.

"Sarge," her father said, cracking the door open.

Carter mumbled but didn't move.

"Time to get up, Sarge. I know you don't want it but you still have a month left of school."

"School is a prison establishment that I'm revolting against today."

When the bed dipped with the pressure of her father leaning on it, she pried one eye open and found him peering down at her. There was a smug smile on his lips. At this unexpected expression, Carter frowned.

"Why are you smirking at me?" she said, her voice rough.

"Because this is what comes of talking to your new official boyfriend late at night."

"So you're suggesting I break up with him to have more energy for school?" She rolled away. "Not likely. I like him way more than I like school."

"I know but how do you plan to see him if you don't go to school?"

Carter made a face and her father chuckled. "Didn't think that one through, did you?"

"Go away, Captain. Your smugness is irritating me."

"Got it."

As he straightened, he ripped her blankets off her and walked out.

"Child abuser!" she shouted.

"Worthless daughter!" he called back.

Despite the chill on her limbs, Carter refused to move, on principle. But when her phone dinged, she mustered up the energy to roll over and check it.

Donovan: Good morning.

A stupid smile started to grow on Carter's face but she pressed her lips together, fighting against it. It was too early to be turned into a hopeless romantic. She would not succumb to his charm. Though if simply saying good morning quantified as charm then she was already in a bad state.

"That's it."

Carter didn't respond, instead forced herself out of bed and walked to the bathroom. When she got out of the shower and thought about using the hair blow-dyer on her hair, she glared at herself in the mirror and pointed to her reflection.

"Get it together, Owens."

Without doing anything new to her hair beyond putting it up in a ponytail, she returned to her room. Though she looked for pieces of her uniform that were in her normal state of slightly wrinkled, she didn't find them. She cursed her previous weakness that made her get her clothes out of the dryer at the right time so nothing was wrinkled. Instead, everything she had was neat looking.

The thought of dropping her uniform on the floor and messing it around did cross her mind, but she felt that was going too far. Maybe she'd simply decided to take her clothes out at the right time because she'd been right next to the dryer. There was no other reason. She hadn't done it for a guy. Definitely not.

When she walked into the living room, Captain inspected her appearance. At his raised eyebrows, she knew he realized the significance of her neat attire.

"Don't," she said, pointing at him. "Don't you dare mock me."

"I actually believe it's my right to mock you as you are dating a Marine."

"Technically, he was only trained by one, he never went through boot camp. So I think that cuts your mockery down to at least 50%."

Grinning, her father lifted his mug of coffee to his lips. "You look nice, Sarge. And all just for a day at school."

"I'm going to make sure you get a serious injury at some point in the future then refuse to take care of you in your old age. So keep it up, old man and you'll have to deal with being put in a nursing home."

"That's fair." His gaze went to her hair. "You aren't going to do anything with your hair?"

"I'm taking the bus! Have fun on your boring drive all by yourself!"

Laughing, Captain caught her arm before she could make her offended retreat. "You forgot to eat. Come on. Otherwise, you might faint when you see your Marine love."

Carter narrowed her eyes at her father. "You're going to bully me into breaking up with him, aren't you?"

"What kind of cruel father would I be if I did that?" Captain said, innocently.

"The kind I currently have."

Ignoring his teasing smile, Carter went into the kitchen and drank the smoothie he had left out for her. After brushing her teeth, she returned to the living room, ready to leave her father behind, but he waited at the door.

"Are you really not going to let me give you a ride to school?" he asked. "Has this new man of yours already replaced the one who tirelessly raised you?"

"I need you and Maggie to date because then I will have some way to mock you in return. Also, you'll have someone else in your life. It's not healthy to have all your attention focused on your daughter. Get a life."

Captain shut the door behind them. "I would but my only, beloved daughter is dating the enemy. It's my sole duty as a Navy SEAL father to make sure I break every one of his bones if he hurts you. How can I do that if I'm not constantly in your life?"

"I'm sure you could manage to multitask."

"No, I must stick to my role as an overprotective father."

Carter dramatically rolled her eyes as she climbed into the passenger seat. "Oh, how pathetic you are."

"I like to think of it as dedicated."

Their bickering continued throughout the ride, the usual rhythm of banter reminding them that no matter what change came to either of their relationship statuses, it would always be the same between them. They would always be Captain and Sarge.

At the curb, Carter hopped out and turned back to face her father. All the teasing left her expression.

"Stay safe," she said.

"I'll always find you," he said softly.

"That's a promise?"

"And a threat."

Stepping back, Carter closed the door, watching as Captain sent her a wave and drove off. She stayed there, wishing him the most boring day. Letting that be all the amount she dwelled on him, she entered the school. At her locker, she tucked away her lunch and removed her chemistry textbook.


One word and Carter had to fight for control of her expression. Plastering on the most convincing frown she could manage, she spun around.

"Let's get one thing clear, Keller," Carter said. "I did not work to look good for you, okay? I do not change for anyone, let alone some guy." She stabbed his chest with her finger. "Got it?"

To her great annoyance, Donovan look at her with a slight smile and eyes that laughed at her. It was a very attractive expression and one that only made her more irritable.

"Got it," he said easily. "I would never assume that you put any effort in for my sake. You just happened to look good for yourself. The fact that we had our first date two days ago has no bearing on the matter."

"Exactly, it doesn't."

"I'm guessing we're supposed to believe that," Link said.

She turned on him. "Yes."

He nodded but looked distinctively amused as well. "Right."

For his lack of effort to hide his emotion, Carter shoved his shoulder which only served to make him laugh.

"I'm leaving both of you," she said.

"Which makes your statement all the more convincing," Donovan said.

"And pointless since we have chemistry together," Link said, this time his smile on full display.

"It was a mistake ever befriending you," Carter said. "This is what I get for friendship, abuse."

"I'm pretty sure you did everything to push us away and we still decided to stay," Link said. He looked at Donovan. "How does that make us the abusers in this situation?"

Donovan nodded thoughtfully, putting his fist to his chin. "True. Anyone who didn't want friendship would have worked harder not to be friends with us."

Link tossed his hands in the air with exaggerated disbelief "And yet we are being verbally abused now for our kind efforts to befriend the social outcast."

Donovan tucked his hands behind his back like an old professor. "It's sad how some people repay kindness with cruelty. But this is the price we pay for being good people."

"What a burden it is," Link said mournfully.

In sync, they shook their heads sadly. When they looked at Carter, she crossed her arms but found she couldn't win the fight with her smile.

"You're both ridiculous," she said.

"Says the girl who was getting mad at her boyfriend for saying hey," Link said.

"Maybe you should have thought more about befriending the outcast then."

Link cocked his head, resembling a lovable puppy. "Nah, I still think it was worth it."

The bell rang, pushing the trio to drop the playful argument and head to class. As they were about to part ways inside the classroom, Donovan leaned close to Carter.

"You're beautiful to me no matter what, Carter."

When she turned around to respond, he'd already walked away to his seat in the back. Before she could meet his gaze, someone bumped into her and she took her seat.

"Carter, you got something on your face," Link said.


"An idiotic grin."

She shoved his shoulder and he laughed at her.


The bell rang and Mr. Miller called out the homework as everyone rose and made for the door. Outside, like an old habit, Carter rested against the lockers to wait. Donovan exited the class and she was struck with the difference between then and their first meeting.

Some part of her had been aware of his attractiveness but she'd been more focused on the strange dynamic between the two boys to really care about his looks. But now that she claimed the title of girlfriend, she gave herself the freedom to admire his handsomeness.

In regards to other people, she realized his handsomeness came in part from his tan Greek skin tone, blue eyes, and thick black hair but a large portion of it came from the way he held himself. It wasn't with the fake swagger of other guys or even the egotistical confidence of someone who knows their attractive. No, he held himself with the quiet certainty of someone who knows who he is and comfortable in his own skin.

There was a secondary factor that was subtler that Carter realized was the reason that girls approached him. A factor they most likely didn't even realize, thinking they simply liked the way he looked. The factor was safety. Without knowing who he was, he felt safe. How he exuded this, she couldn't pinpoint.

"Are you done?" Donovan asked softly, standing before her.

Carter didn't stop staring at him. "You respect women."

He raised his eyebrows. "Am I not supposed to?"

"It's why girls feel safe with you."

"Okay... Am I supposed to understand what you mean by this?"

Carter shook her head. "It's nothing."

But to her it meant everything. It's why he'd always felt different to her. He truly believed they were equals. There was no ego for her to have to deal with so they could connect. With all the guys she'd dealt with in school, he was a rarity.

Donovan exchanged a look with Link who scrunched up his face with confusion.

"We should get going," Donovan said.

"Of course."

They were halfway to their next class when Donovan took her hand. She started at his action. He smiled at her.

"There were some girls eyeing me," he said. "They might think I'm safe but they should know now I'm taken."

"Sure," she said, unconvinced.

When they reached the point between their next periods, Carter tried to drop Donovan's hand but he tugged her back.

"I feel a parting kiss would really convince everyone to stay away," Donovan said, playfully making Link snort and turn away.

"Not happening," Carter said. "I'll willingly take them down later if they make a move on you."

Carter shook off his hand and walked off, biting her lip to keep her smile contained. She didn't make it far before Lucas intercepted her. Despite the instant annoyance Lucas usually caused her, Carter merely sidestepped him and kept walking, not willing to let him dampen her day.

"The pretty boy, really?" he asked.

"Yes," Carter said. "Shocking that I'd choose a guy who is nice, respectful, and doesn't believe insulting me at every chance is a form of flirting."

With that, Carter turned into her classroom and left Lucas watching her.


The cafeteria rang with the usual clamor of noise but Carter barely noticed it as she sat at Maddy's table with her friends, Donovan by her side. When he stole a chip from her bag, she stared at him disgruntled.

"Excuse me," she said. "Is this what it's going to be like? No respect for what is each others."

Before answering, Donovan stole another chip and popped it into his mouth with a smile.

"Are you saying you don't want to share with your boyfriend?"

"I'm saying the fact that you are acting like my food is yours might be a red flag."

"Is that so? I call it sharing."

"Sharing when you didn't ask? I don't think that is how sharing works."

"So you don't want to share with me?" Donovan said, resting his arm on the table and leaning closer to her.

"I'm fine sharing with you but asking would be nice."

He tilted his head at her, but where the action made Link look endearing, it only served to make Donovan look analytical, searching. And what he was trying to analyze was her.

"Will you stop trying to get into my head if I just give you my chips?" she asked.

"Oh, I always want to be on your mind."

Narrowing her eyes, Carter leaned back, scrutinizing Donovan. "Did you just use a line on me?"

In reply, Donovan grinned and took more chips.

"Donovan Keller, you should have told me you were ridiculous before we started dating."

"I feel like that would take away from the surprise of it."

"I hate surprises."

"That makes sense for the girl who usually sees everything coming."

"Exactly." Carter turned the bag of chips away from him.

When she ate some, she glanced at the table's other occupants and paused. Instead of looking at her with envy, as Carter had expected, Maddy's friends sent her looks with tiny amused smiles. Carter didn't understand where the looks came from until the bell rang and one of them approached her. Carter eyed the girl, hesitant about what she would say.

"I can see why it's you," the girl said. "You two are really cute together."

"Oh, uh... thanks?"

The girl smiled and walked off. The words stayed with Carter for the rest of the day. When the trio stepped out of the front doors at the end of school, Link looked at Carter.

"Are you going to come home with us?" he asked.

Carter met Donovan's gaze and he raised his eyebrows in question.

"No," she said. "I'm going to go for a run. My life does not revolve around Donovan now that we're dating."

Link frowned, baffled. "We are still friends too."

"I'm going for a run so I'm not coming with you, got it?

Carter hurried down the stairs but heard Link talk behind her. "Does she make sense to you?"

Donovan's answer was lost in the sound of cars and other students.

With a quick hello to Maggie to let her know she'd arrived safely, Carter went to her apartment. She wouldn't admit there was a second reason for not stopping longer with Maggie and that reason being Maggie would be giddy over Carter's day at school being Donovan's official girlfriend.

Changed, Carter took to the street. As she ran, she did nothing but focused on her breathing, the rhythm of her footsteps, and the passing scenery.

At the mall, she went into her cool down but came to an abrupt halt when she spotted a familiar figure sitting on a bench underneath the trees.

"How long have you been waiting?" Carter demanded.

Donovan shrugged. "Five minutes."


"No, honestly."

"I don't believe you."

"That doesn't show a good sign for our relationship then."

"Be honest with me," Carter said.

"I am. I might have also calculated how long it would take you to run here based on your average mile and added in a small marge for you not starting right as you got home."

Carter stared at him with her hands on her hips. "I could have not run to here."

"I also figured that as a possibility. I figured there was a 25% you would."

"You risked 75% just to see me?"


Carter stared at him, not saying anything but aware of how he looked, how she felt simply looking at him, how she liked the way he cared to see her even after seeing each other earlier.

"I'm not letting my life revolve around you," Carter said angrily.

Donovan stood and slowly walked to her. When right in front of her, he held her gaze for a long moment without speaking.

"That's okay. But have you ever thought that I'm okay with part of my life revolving around you?"

Carter shoved his chest and he swayed backward. "Don't. Don't do that. I don't know how to be a girlfriend. What if I fail? What if I'm a terrible girlfriend? What if I constantly mess up? What if you realize that I'm not worth it?"

"Ah," Donovan said.

"Don't say 'ah' like you're surprised I'm insecure about this. You know me enough to have expected this."

"True. But Carter did it ever cross your mind that I'm nervous too?"

"Not even once. You're too self-assured and you give off this general air of confidence."

He smiled but sobered. "I've never been anyone's boyfriend before. I don't know how to do this either. But since neither of us knows, then we'll figure it out together."

Carter didn't respond but she felt that it was a reasonable way to look at the situation.

"Can I tell you something?" Donovan asked.

"If you must."

He poked her stomach and she smiled.

"I won't say that my life will revolve around you," Donovan said. "But you have to know something. Before you came into my life I was so lonely. I felt like I lived the same day over again but then I met you. You filled a hole in my life. You became my friend when I needed one the most. Even if you never wanted to date me, you would still be in my life. Because to me, you're more than just a girlfriend. So you can't fail, not to me."




He smiled at her. "Did I do it? Did I heal all your insecurities?"

"Oh yes, just like that they are all gone and we will never deal with this ever again."

"I'm going to ignore the sarcastic tone and believe that."


Both Carter and Donovan looked over as Brock approached.

"Let me guess," Carter said. "You also had a backup plan in case the 75% won out."


Brock slung an arm around Donovan's shoulders and grinned at Carter.

"Hey, Carter," he said. "It's a pleasure to see you. I've heard a lot about you."

Donovan smacked Brock in the chest with the back of his hand. Hard enough that it made an audible sound. "No, he hasn't. He barely knows who you are. You've only met briefly once. That's all he knows. Nothing else."

Carter nodded though her eyes wrinkled with hidden laughter. "Well, have fun you two. I'm sure I won't be a topic of conversation tonight."

"Definitely not," Donovan said.

"Do you want to join us?" Brock asked.

"No, that would definitely get in the way of the topic you're not going to talk about."

She retreated a few steps but before she ran away, she rushed back to Donovan and kissed him. Smiling, she spun away and jogged off, her smile widening as she heard Brock teasing Donovan.

Through her run home, shower, change, and homework session, Carter found her lips still holding a hint of that smile. When her father walked into the apartment, Carter raised her head and he paused.

"Good day?" he asked.

The smile returned in full. "Yeah. A good day."


YAYYYYY!! *runs around screaming while punching the air* THE OG CREWWWW!!!!

*stops and bends over knees, panting* you have to cheer... and *flops to the floor*

Wow that took a lot of energy but worth it!

Now I want to hear your comments. Usually I write this without expectations of you commenting but this time I really want to hear your thoughts, after all it's the OGs!!! So tell me! 💭💬🗯💜

Gosh I forgot how wonderful they are. I've been so much in the future when they are grown up that I forgot that there's something magical about them at the age we met them.

It's funny because I didn't plan to write this one shot, I was actually supposed to be writing a part 2 to another chapter but it wasn't flowing. So instead I thought about Carter in high school and dating Donovan, put my hands on the keyboard and it came out like it was nothing.

I've missed Captain and Carter's dynamic. One of my favorite father-daughter relationships.

And the OG trio! Gosh! They are too cute together!

Then Donovan being all cute and smitten! I can't handle it honestly!

I feel like this is what we all needed. Well, I did, I don't want to assume for you. But I at least hope it made you smile!

Vote, comment, follow because we saw the dream team again!

It's good to see the old gang again!

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