The Monday After (Donovan's POV)

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If you didn't think Donovan had a cute, adorable side then what have you been reading! I know he's shown this before! But here's Donovan at his adorable peek!


The piercing ring of his alarm sliced through Donovan's dreams. Eyes still closed, he reached over and silenced his phone. Slowly, he opened his eyes, staring into the brightness of his screen. Displayed on the front was a photo of him and his brothers on the beach, outlined by the fading sunlight. A photo their mother had taken the last time they were all home together.

But his home screen was different. It was a picture of Carter that he'd taken. Carter stood at the top of the school steps, staring out at the cars exiting the grounds. Her hands were stuffed into her pockets and her expression was filled with a million emotions. The second after he'd taken the photo, she'd spotted him and narrowed her eyes.

When he showed her the photo, she'd asked him why he even took it. Donovan asked her if it was wrong for him to want a photo of her. She'd replied with a shrug and an answer of not sure why he'd want one. But she hadn't made him delete the photo.

Though he wanted to have a picture of her, he'd taken the photo for one reason only. In that moment it embodied all he knew about her. In a single photo he could see the strong, determined girl who would face the world head-on but also the vulnerable girl who only few ever got to see. It showed the complex person he had started to get attached to.

Seeing the photo on his screen made Donovan smile, thinking about talking to her until his phone told him it was 2am. Still, even with the late night pressing him to stay in bed, he flung the blankets aside.

Changed, he left his apartment and took to the streets. Though running usually emptied his mind, he found she still managed to hold her place in his thoughts. Despite himself, Donovan found himself smiling.

During the time her father had put him through courses, Donovan had this fear that maybe in that time Carter would change her mind. Maybe she wouldn't care to date him after all. Without realizing how it happened, she'd become this bright spot in his life. Even if she decided she didn't want him, he would find some way not to lose her presence near him.

After years of mundane days and mind-numbing boredom, she'd been a wrecking ball to his loneliness.

But despite his tiny fear, they'd had their first date. And so knowing he might look insane, Donovan let himself smile as he ran. The smile remained as he returned home, sent her a good morning message, showered, ate, dressed, and stepped into Link's apartment. It was Link's pointed look that made him tuck his smile away.

"Good run?" Link asked, eating a spoonful of cereal and looking smug doing it.

"Yeah it was good," Donovan said, causally, dropping into one of the chairs.

Link spun around on his barstool to watch Donovan. As hard as Link could try, he wouldn't get anything more out of Donovan, and years of remaining neutral meant Donovan's expression revealed nothing. Still, Link seemed to find his blank expression amusing because he grinned and slipped off his barstool.

"Do you think Carter will look like a happy idiot like you do when we see her?" Link asked, moving to the dishwasher.

"Carter doesn't do happy idiot."

"True. Let's go." He grabbed his backpack. "I'm curious to see what she does."

When Donovan spotted Carter in the hallway at her locker, he was struck by her appearance. Since the first day of knowing her, she'd been a girl who wore wrinkled clothes with the air of not caring about it. But her uniform was wrinkle-free. What was the same was her hair, pulled back in its usual ponytail.

"Hey," Donovan said.

Carter rounded on him, her expression a mix of scowl and something beneath.

"Let's get one thing clear, Keller," Carter said. "I did not work to look good for you, okay? I do not change for anyone, let alone some guy." She stabbed his chest with her finger. "Got it?"

Though there were many things Donovan expected from Carter at seeing him, this hadn't been at the top of the list. But it had still been on the list. Knowing some part of him had predicted this strange reaction, made him want to laugh but he worked to contain it.

"Got it," he said easily. "I would never assume that you put any effort in for my sake. You just happened to look good for yourself. The fact that we had our first date two days ago has no bearing on the matter."

"Exactly, it doesn't."

Which made Donovan have to work even harder to keep his smile contained since it meant she'd wanted to look good for him.

"I'm guessing we're supposed to believe that," Link said.

At Link's skeptical tone, Donovan nearly broke, since even Link could see through Carter's toughness.

Carter turned on him. "Yes."

He nodded but Donovan saw that he looked amused as well. "Right."

Carter shoved his shoulder which only made him laugh. The affectionate interaction made Donovan smile.

"I'm leaving both of you," Carter said.

"Which makes your statement all the more convincing," Donovan taunted.

He could see that underneath the irritation, Carter was struggling not to smile.

"And pointless since we have chemistry together," Link said, this time his smile on full display.

"It was a mistake ever befriending you," Carter said. "This is what I get for friendship, abuse."

"I'm pretty sure you did everything to push us away and we still decide to stay," Link said. He looked at Donovan. "How does that make us the abusers in this situation?"

Leaning into the pretend bafflement of Link, Donovan fell into a playful role, fully away that only these two people outside of his family could make him so at ease.

He put his fist to his chin. "True. Anyone who didn't want friendship would have worked harder not to no be friends with us."

Link tossed his hands in the air with exaggerated disbelief "And yet we are being verbally abused now for our kind efforts to befriend the social outcast."

Donovan tucked his hands behind his back feeling like his father as he did. "It's sad how some people repay kindness with cruelty. But this is the price we pay for being good people."

"What a burden it is," Link said mournfully.

As if rehearsed, they shook their heads. When they looked at Carter, she crossed her arms but Donovan knew she was losing the fight to control her expression.

"You're both ridiculous," she said.

"Says the girl who was getting mad at her boyfriend for saying hey," Link said.

"Maybe you should have thought more about befriending the outcast then."

Donovan didn't want to think about what they'd missed out on if they hadn't stayed when she'd pushed them away.

Link cocked his head, seeming to think along the same lines as Donovan. "Nah, I still think it was worth it."

Overhead the bell rang, bursting the small bubble they'd created for themselves among the chaos of the hallway. As they walked to their class, Donovan stole glances of Carter, simply because he could. When Carter and Link split for their table, Donovan leaned close to Carter's ear.

"You're beautiful to me no matter what, Carter."

He walked away as she spun around. When he settled into his seat, he looked at her and saw the smile on her face. His own came back and he ducked his head, aware that he looked insane.

"It is her," Heather said.

Donovan looked at his table mate then to where Carter was batting Link's arm, her face still lit with the smile. Messy hair, and wrinkled clothes, those things could never hide the beautiful person he saw. Because her beauty lay beyond how she looked, it was the complex, fiercely protective, deceptively loving, quick-witted person he'd come to know.

"Yeah," Donovan said, still watching Carter. "It's her."


Though Donovan had paid attention to the lesson, when the bell rang he couldn't remember any of it. All he could remember was the way that no matter how many times Carter's hair fell in front of her face as she bent her head while taking notes, she never tucked it behind her ear. Instead, she blew on it and went back to writing.

Each time Donovan fought the urge to stand up, walk over to her, tuck it behind her ear for her, and sit back down. The sappy scene he would make doing that kept him seated. That and the glare he knew Carter would give him for being completely ridiculous.

When Donovan exited the classroom, he found Carter in the spot she was always in, leaning against the lockers, hands hidden in her pockets. When he approached her, she stared at him with a deep studying look. He waited for her to say something but for a long moment, all she did was look at him.

He wondered what she was thinking. Her gaze wasn't appraising like it had been the first time they'd met. Neither was it teasing or challenging. She looked wrapped up in contemplation and the intensity of her focus on him told him he was the subject.

"Are you done?" Donovan asked softly.

Despite what he'd expected of Carter, shaking off her thoughts and trying not to look embarrassed for staring, she continued to do it.

"You respect women," she said.

The statement confused Donovan, not understanding where it came from.

He raised his eyebrows. "Am I not supposed to?"

"It's why girls feel safe with you."

He knew girls approached him but he'd always assumed it was his appearance and the silent strong type persona he put on. But because they felt safe? It hadn't been something he'd ever considered. And he wasn't sure what he was supposed to take away from Carter's observation of it.

"Okay... Am I supposed to understand what you mean by this?"

Carter shook her head. "It's nothing."

Donovan exchanged a look with Link, wondering if something they had talked about in class had brought this on. But Link replied to Donovan's glance with a scrunched-up face of confusion. So it hadn't been a topic of conversation.

"We should get going," Donovan said.

"Of course," Carter said.

They walked off, cutting through the halls, Donovan still dwelling on Carter's words. He wanted to understand what she meant by them. Though he couldn't piece it together, part of him took it to mean she felt safe with him. For a girl who greeted the whole world with raised fists, he felt like it meant he'd done something right.

On impulse, Donovan took her hand. Carter started and he smiled at her, wanting her to know her feeling of him wasn't missed. But somehow it felt impossible to say the words out loud.

"There were some girls eyeing me," he said, going with an easier and teasing explanation. "They might think I'm safe but they should know now I'm taken."

"Sure," she said, but he saw she didn't believe it.

At the halfway point between their classes, Carter tried to extricate her hand from his. But he held fast to her, tugging her towards him. Though he knew he risked a glare for it, he decided to go for it.

"I feel a parting kiss would really convince everyone to stay away," Donovan said, playfully making Link snort and turn away.

"Not happening. I'll willingly take them down later if they make a move on you."

Carter shook off his hand and walked off. Link patted Donovan's back as they watched Carter stride away.

"Rethinking your decision to date the most complicated girl in existence?" Link asked.

Donovan grinned. "Not yet. But the day is still young."


In the cafeteria, Donovan found that their trio has shifted from the table Carter had claimed as hers to Maddy's table. Though not liking having an audience around them, Donovan didn't comment on their position, knowing Link felt comfortable with Maddy and her friends. At least as he sat next to Carter, Donovan felt he didn't have to be completely closed off. With her, even with others around, he could relax his persona.

With this freedom, he stole a chip from her bag. Despite this being a common occurrence between Carter and Link, the action seemed to make Carter annoyed. But not a real annoyance, more of a mindset she felt like she needed to have.

"Excuse me," she said. "Is this what it's going to be like? No respect for what is each other's."

Before answering, Donovan stole another chip and popped it into his mouth with a smile. Because something about this Carter, who was trying to be annoyed but not really annoyed he found fascinating. Why pretend to be annoyed when she wasn't? And was it about the chips or something else?

"Are you saying you don't want to share with your boyfriend?" he asked.

From the corner of his eye, Donovan saw how the title rippled through the group of girls in the sharp glances they exchanged.

"I'm saying the fact that you are acting like my food is yours might be a red flag," Carter said.

Donovan almost laughed at that. If it was a red flag, she'd have worked harder to get Link out of her life. On their first day of eating with her, Link was stealing her food.

"Is that so? I call it sharing," Donovan said.

"Sharing when you didn't ask? I don't think that is how sharing works."

Aware that the feelings of the watching audience weren't antagonism but genuine curiosity, Donovan relaxed another fraction.

"So you don't want to share with me?" he said, resting his arm on the table and leaning closer to her.

"I'm fine sharing with you but asking would be nice."

He tilted his head at her. He knew there were a million things he needed to learn about this girl. What made her tick. What made her act one way towards one person but different to another. He knew understanding her fully would take time, possibly years but that didn't sound daunting to him.

"Will you stop trying to get into my head if I just give you my chips?" Carter asked.

"Oh, I always want to be in your mind."

The line slipped out before Donovan registered it, an old piece of him from when Brock had taught him how to flirt with girls at fifteen.

Narrowing her eyes, Carter leaned back, clearly not softened by the line. "Did you just use a line on me?"

In reply, Donovan grinned and took more chips. He had and knew it was not something he'd do again. Well, maybe he would.

"Donovan Keller, you should have told me you were ridiculous before we started dating."

If he'd known he would be, he might have warned her. But this was the first relationship he'd had in ages. It was as much uncharted territory for her as it was for him. He had no idea who he would turn into because of her. Already he'd spent half a chemistry class watching her blow on her fallen hair.

"I feel like that would take away from the surprise of it," he said.

"I hate surprises."

"That makes sense for the girl who usually sees everything coming."


Carter turned the bag of chips away from him and ate some. As she lifted another chip to her lips, she hesitated taking in the rest of the table. Donovan knew she was only now noticing the mood shift they'd created. But she didn't seem to know how to intepret it because she soon focused back on him. He took the opportunity to steal chips from her bag.

"You're unbelievable," she said, though he caught the tiny smile in the corner of her mouth.

"Is that so? Unbelievable that you're dating me?"

Carter froze for a moment and Donovan saw something flash in her eyes. It vanished before he could decipher the meaning behind it.

"Unbelievable that you don't learn," she said, snatching her bag of chips away from him.

"I guess you will have to just keep teaching me until I learn it then."

"Waste of time."

"Spending time with me is wasteful?"

"Don't take my words and turn them into something else."

"Oh, then how am I supposed to know that you being annoyed with me this morning actually wasn't my fault?"

Carter pressed her lips together and Donovan noticed how a tinge of color came into her cheeks. He nearly laughed at the sight but knew better than to do that.

"I might have been a little too forceful," she said.

"You don't say," Donovan said.

His teasing tone made her narrow her eyes and crossed her arms. "Just so it's clear, I don't plan on looking this good again."

Donovan shrugged. "Fine by me. I think I already made my opinion clear on that front."

At the mention of what he'd whispered to her, Carter look torn between pleased, flustered, and stubborn. Before she could form a response, the bell rang, ending lunch. Parting ways, Link glanced back to where Carter had been stopped by one of Maddy's friends to Donovan.

"You know you're a bit much around her, you know that right?" he asked.

Donovan slung an arm around Link. "I am. Are you going to make fun of me for it?"

Link laughed. "No, I'll just tell your brothers how bad you are and leave the rest up to them."

Donovan put Link in a choke hold that wasn't tight making Link laugh as he fought against him.

"Okay, okay I won't."

Donovan released him and Link straightened out his blazer.

"But you got it bad."

Donovan found he couldn't argue that.


As the trio stood at the top of the stairs outside the school, Donovan looked to the parking lot where his car sat then to Carter. This part of a relationship he didn't know how to navigate. Did they continue to spend the afternoon with each other even though they'd spent the majority of the day around each other? Though a school setting contrasted a lot with a relaxed apartment setting. Either setting didn't matter to Donovan, he wanted to stay around her.

But before he could voice this, Link beat him to it.

"Are you going to come home with us?" he asked.

When Carter met Donovan's gaze, he waited, wanting to know if she felt the same as he did.

"No," she said. "I'm going to go for a run. My life does not revolve around Donovan now that we're dating."

The defensive tone surprised Donovan but again there lay something else beneath it that he couldn't pin down.

Link frowned, baffled. "We are still friends too."

"I'm going for a run so I'm not coming with you, got it?"

She hurried down the stairs both Donovan and Link staring after her.

"Does she make sense to you?" Link asked.

Still watching her as she jogged off, Donovan shook his head slowly. "Not yet."

Link squinted at him in doubt. "Do you think you actually ever will?"

Smiling, Donovan shrugged and slapped Link's arm to get them moving toward the car.

"I don't know but I'm up for the challenge."

Seeming to take Donovan's statement as its own challenge, Link spent the whole ride pointing out all the ways Carter never made sense. He also used comparisons to reaffirm why he liked Maddy.

Donovan could have countered with his own argument, a lot of them being Carter, for the most part, was as blunt as a punch to the face whereas Maddy wasn't as straightforward. But he simply let his friend talk, while part of him turned over Carter's actions, gestures, and words throughout the day.

By the time they were at Link's front door and his phone rang, Donovan had made up his mind. He needed to see her again. Or call her at least. He needed to piece out why her actions and words felt contradictory the whole day.

"Oh look," Link said, holding up his phone. "A girlfriend who makes sense."

"Have fun with that," Donovan said. "And don't leave the apartment."

Link eyed him then smirked. "Going for a second run?"

Donovan shoved Link into his apartment and closed the door as his answer.

As he entered his apartment, Donovan moved around, setting his backpack down, and removing his blazer, while calculating the chances Carter would run to the Lincoln Memorial. And if so what would be the time she'd arrive there.

Based on her mile run time, depending on home long it took her to get home, whether she left right away, Donovan had about thirty to forty-five minutes before he needed to leave. Though he tried, the time passed with doing only half of the homework due, his mind unfocused.

As he changed out of his uniform, Donovan thought about how stupid it would feel to sit at the memorial waiting only to have her not show up. On impulse, he shot off a message to Brock asking him if he wanted to meet up. At least this way, he would have a backup plan if Carter never showed.

At the memorial, he found an empty bench and settled down. With summer only a month away, the place was crowded with tourists absorbing the sights that had become commonplace to Donovan. He scanned each face though he knew he'd spot her the second she appeared. To him, she felt impossible to miss.

As he'd predicted, the moment Carter crossed the street onto the mall area, he found her. He leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees, hands clasped. As he watched her, he couldn't help but admire her. She moved like the breeze, smooth, agile as she wove in and out of the busy sidewalks.

When she slowed down, rounding the reflecting pool, she scanned the area. She halted when her gaze landed on him. Donovan wanted to smile but something about the forceful way she approached kept it back.

"How long have you been waiting?" Carter demanded.

Donovan shrugged. "Five minutes."


"No, honestly."

It was five minutes, with a forty-five-minute wait behind it.

"I don't believe you," she said.

"That doesn't show a good sign for our relationship then."

"Be honest with me."

Though thinking about the extent he went to simply see her again felt embarrassing, Donovan didn't plan to lie to her. It would be pointless, she had the ability to spot his lies.

"I am," he said. "I might have also calculated how long it would take you to run here based on your average mile and added in a small marge for you not starting right as you got home."

Carter stared at him with her hands on her hips. "I could have not run to here."

"I also figured that as a possibility. I figured there was a 25% you would."

"You risked 75% just to see me?"


Carter stared at him and he stared back. He didn't know what she'd make of his action. Maybe it was too much. But he wanted to see her. Even if it was for a short period. He also wanted to know what had been hiding beneath the wall she was trying to build up.

"I'm not letting my life revolve around you," Carter said angrily.

Though angry, Donovan sensed it wasn't truly anger but he couldn't put his finger on what it was. He stood and slowly walked to her, holding her gaze for a long moment. Though in her workout clothes, he could see her strength, looking at her, he saw someone who didn't look like she believed in her strength.

"That's okay," he said, "But have you ever thought that I'm okay with part of my life revolving around you?"

Carter shoved his chest and he swayed backward. "Don't. Don't do that. I don't know how to be a girlfriend. What if I fail? What if I'm a terrible girlfriend? What if I constantly mess up? What if you realize that I'm not worth it?"

Clarity struck and Donovan felt relieved. It wasn't that she didn't want to date him, it was that she didn't know if he really wanted to date her. He could have laughed at the idea but kept it inside.

"Ah," he said.

"Don't say 'ah' like you're surprised I'm in secure about this. You know me enough to have expected this."

He should have but realized his own happy emotions over being with her had dulled his analytical nature.

"True. But Carter did it ever cross your mind that I'm nervous too?"

"Not even once. You're too self-assured and you give off this general air of confidence."

He smiled but sobered knowing it wasn't the time.

At the vulnerability he saw in her eyes, he opened his heart to her. "I've never been anyone's boyfriend before. I don't know how to do this either. But since neither of us knows, then we'll figure it out together."

Carter didn't respond but he noticed that the tightness in her body eased a bit.

"Can I tell you something?" Donovan asked.

"If you must."

At her pretend exasperation, he poked her stomach making her smile.

Seeing her soften, Donovan decided to share a truth that almost felt too vulnerable to say out loud, but for her, he knew it was worth it.

"I won't say that my life will revolve around you," Donovan said. "But you have to know something. Before you came into my life I was so lonely. I felt like I lived the same day over again but then I met you. You filled a hole in my life. You became my friend when I needed one the most. Even if you never wanted to date me, you would still be in my life. Because to me you're more than just a girlfriend. So you can't fail, not to me."

She held his gaze, her own heart living there, trusting him to take a piece of it. "Promise?"



He smiled at her. "Did I do it? Did I heal all your insecurities?"

Fighting a smile, she nodded exaggeratedly. "Oh yes, just like that they are all gone and we will never deal with this ever again."

"I'm going to ignore the sarcastic tone and believe that."


Though it was his fault for Brock being there, Donovan wanted his brother to leave. Better yet, he wanted his older brother to see that he was with Carter, understand the significance of it, and stick to the bro code of not interrupting.

But when Donovan looked at his brother, he saw from his smile that Brock had no intention of letting him off easy. A decision that Donovan would make him regret later.

"Let me guess," Carter said, as Brock walked over. "You also had a backup plan in case the 75% won out."

At that moment, he would have easily traded having a backup plan for risking looking stupid for sitting alone on a bench if it meant Brock wasn't there.


Brock slung an arm around Donovan's shoulders, making them both sway forward. When Brock grinned at Carter, Donovan felt his stomach clench. How many times had his brother grinned at girls Donovan liked and after that, Donovan ceased to exist to them?

But his fear was unwarranted as Carter didn't show any sign of caring about Brock's presence.

"Hey, Carter," Brock said. "It's a pleasure to see you. I've heard a lot about you."

Suddenly, Donovan got flashes of monologuing to Brock about Carter on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and his mind running off. A different type of fear shocked Donovan. A fear of Brock spilling all the details Donovan had shared with him. He'd already shown up at the mall in hopes to see Carter, how much more sappy would he appear with what Brock could reveal?

Donovan smacked Brock in the chest with the back of his hand, hard enough his brother would get the message: don't say anything or I will end you. "No, he hasn't. He barely knows who you are. You've only met briefly once. That's all he knows. Nothing else."

Though Carter nodded, he saw that she was silently laughing at him with the way her eyes wrinkled in the corners. A trait he found extremely cute.

"Well, have fun you two," she said. "I'm sure I won't be a topic of conversation tonight."

"Definitely not," Donovan said, knowing full well it was the biggest lie he'd ever told.

"Do you want to join us?" Brock asked.

He wanted to hit Brock again but realized that having Carter spend time with him and his brother wasn't a bad idea. After all, his family was a big part of who he was, it would help her see him in a different light.

"No," Carter said. "That would definitely get in the way of the topic you're not going to talk about."

Her refusal wasn't harsh but Donovan still felt a twinge of disappointment. When she stepped back, he wanted to reach out and stop her, keep her near him for even a few seconds longer. But he didn't act on the impulse.

Instead, Carter rushed forward and kissed him. Taken by surprise, he barely had time to appreciate the softness of her lips and the taste of something sweet before she pulled away.

Pressing her lips together, she spun away and jogged off, leaving Donovan dumbfounded.

Brock grabbed Donovan's jaw and shook it.

"Dude, what is this stupid look on your face," he asked.

Donovan smacked Brock's hand away but when Brock reached for him again, Donovan hooked his arm around his brother's neck, feeling his face still split with a wide grin. Brock tripped Donovan and the two of them hit the grass. Donovan rolled over, laying on top of his brother.

"You are not allowed to make fun of me for this," Donovan said.

"Oh yeah?"

Brock reversed their positions, his heavy build, crushing Donovan, Despite being sat on in public, Donovan couldn't help but laugh. Brock chuckled too and stood up, pulling Donovan up with him. But Donovan wasn't done, he jumped on Brock's back, circling his legs around his waist.

"Dude!" Brock said, not at all bothered by Donovan's hold. "What's got into you?"

Donovan couldn't describe it, but something about the kiss, the fact that someone liked him over his brother made Donovan not feel like the twenty-two-year-old man who protected Link, instead he felt like the sixteen-year-old boy who was always overshadowed. But he'd found someone who chose him.

"You can't make fun of me for this," Donovan said. "I've never made fun of you and the girls you've dated.

"Yes, you have. Endlessly at times."

Donovan thought about it. "Okay, that's true but I'm asking you to not do it to me. This one time."

"If I say yes will you please get off me?"


"Fine. I promise not to make fun of you for this."

Donovan squeezed Brock once making him grunt then dropped his legs and let go of him. Brock faced Donovan, eyeing him critically. "I take it you like really her then?"

Donovan looked to where Carter had run off and smiled unabashedly. "Yeah. I really do."


Hey there, Butternut!

(Are you nut drowned in butter or simply the specific type of walnut?)

Leave your comments here! Because they could get lost otherwise and I'd keep them safe. 💬🗯💭

Not gonna lie, writing these two chapter, Carter's POV and Donovan's POV, back to back is hilarious to me! They are so different. Carter is insecure and unsure of herself in a relationship and Donovan is a bit like a teenage guy who is giddy to have a girlfriend.

I mean he was being completely unlike the composed, stoic, blank faced Donovan we knew in A Secret Service. But I love that now that he has Carter he feels he can be more of himself.

Writing his perspective is always interesting to me, it shows an inner life that we never fully know when we only see things from Carter's view. But that fits with who he is and his situation of being on his own since he was sixteen and having few people to talk to.

Also I love the Keller brothers! There's something so chaotic about them. Like a bundle of puppies. I guess they remind me of growing up with five brothers, it's always love and a lot of chaos.

Okay! That's all I got to say! If you liked it let me know or just vote, comment, follow and I'll interpret it into love!

Oh look, Donovan and Brock!

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