The Profile (Part 1)

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Do any of you even read these notes anymore or just skip to the good stuff?


"This is your target," Special Agent McKinney said.

Carter studied the photo that popped up on screen. A young man, early twenties, average features made more noticeable with a sharp haircut, and an average build though tall. He smiled at the camera, a smile Carter detected as honed to a perfect balance of friendly and reserved. His suit fit him to perfection and he wore it with enough casualness to make it seem unintentional in it's perfection.

All in all he was the essence of a politician's son.

Beside Carter, Mason shuddered. "I'm getting First Son PTSD flashbacks."

Carter forced herself not to smile since she was getting the same feeling. All she could see was the countless sons and daughters she'd gone to school with only a few years ago.

"This is Jackson Travis, son to Senator Scott Travis," McKinney said. "The son is not who is important in this case, it's his father."

"We'll be using the son to get close to the father?" Carter asked.

McKinney nodded. "Travis is clean but there are too many occurrences around him that we need to get a closer look. But our other attempts have yielded nothing. No one has found anything by trying to get close to him directly, that is why we are going to use this other method."

Before McKinney could explain it, Carter saw why her, Donovan and Mason were chosen.

Not only could they still pass for college students, with their backgrounds they understood how to interact with the children of politicians. They knew the delicate balance of connection and position, using subtle tactics to get close but not seem to eager.

For Carter it was like she was heading back into a world she'd escaped, except this time she'd be going back in with training behind her and her past no longer a driving force.

"Even though you three aren't on a team," McKinney said, gazing at Carter, Mason and Donovan. "Your backgrounds make you the best candidates to go undercover. Mason, your job won't change but you will be a voice that can help solve any issues that arise if either Owens or Keller can't handle it."

Lacing his hands, Mason put them behind his hand and leaned back. "I get to give the commands, this will be good. I've always wanted to order Owens what to do."

Carter sent him a look and Mason grinned wickedly. She imagined the type of orders Mason would give her, ones he thought would be the most humiliating. He seemed to forget that they weren't in high school but the FBI.

"You are not the leader," McKinney said. "Keller will be in charge, but will be overseen by Special Agent Booth. Who you will all report back to. Understood?"

They all agreed. Carter felt grateful that there was a higher up over them. Though she felt confident in her and Donovan's ability and vaguely Mason's ability to be able to work a keyboard, this was their first solo assignment and didn't want to make a mess of it.

"What is it that we are looking for with Senator Travis, sir?" Donovan asked.

"We believe that state secrets are being sold and clues indicate it's Travis but we've no proof. If it is him, we need to understand how he is selling them and what organization he is working with."

"Understood," Donovan said.

"Together you will profile Jackson and find the best way to make contact and get close to him. This tablet has enough information to get you started. Agent Booth will find you at the end of the day and assess your progress. Do you have any questions?"

Carter wracked her brain, trying to pinpoint any thing that might be needed as they began their endeavors but found she was satisfied with what they were given.

For the first time since entering the FBI, she would be given free rein to attack a problem her way without having to consult someone else. She was looking forward to this assignment.

Only minor negative factor was Mason. But then again when had Mason not been a negative factor she had to work with.

"No questions as of now," Donovan said.

"All right, you have this at your disposal. Go to Agent Booth with any of your questions."

McKinney left and Mason leaned back in his chair, a smug smile on his face. "This is going to be interesting. I can't wait to see how long Owens lasts without making some threatening comment."

"Mason, I don't have to threaten you, you should know by now that if you annoy me you will regret it."

Mason checked his watch. "Fifteen seconds. I feel like that is a new record."

"Really, in high school I felt like I was faster. Huh? I wonder if time and the FBI have softened me. This can't be good."

"I think it means your growing as a human being. Congratulations, it's about time it happened."

Carter sent him a sweet smile. "Watch and learn, Mason. One day you might improve as a human being too."

"Are you two finished?" Donovan asked.

Carter looked away from Mason to Donovan sitting on the other side of the table, his arms folded. Though his expression said nothing, Carter saw the tension in his posture.

"Done?" Mason said. "We could do this for ages."

"Then I'm ending this," Donovan said. "We need to get started." He picked up the tablet and a second later sent a collection of six documents onto the main screen. "Let's start with the basics of Jackson." 

After an hour, they all had a basic knowledge of Jackson and his family history as well as their individual avenues of research.

"I'll start the profile on him," Carter said. "Mason, get me his social media accounts."

"You can't look up a person on Instagram?" Mason said. "How old are you? You type in a name. It's not that hard."

Carter sent him her most patronizing and exasperated look. Sometimes she wondered if Mason was dense or it was his life goal to annoy her.

Scratch that, it was the latter. She knew him too well to know he wasn't dense and he knew her well enough to always want to annoy her.

"I don't want the profile everyone can look up and is run by his father's social media person. I want his private one that he's most likely created because it can be more personal."

Mason swiveled towards his computer. "Still feel like you're lacking something if you can't even find a hidden account."

"Mason if I didn't have this one area I lacked in, you wouldn't be here." Carter crossed her arms and swung back and forth in her chair. "Which does mean I should become well versed in computer hacking. There would be no need for us to interact."

"Like you could live without me in your life? Who would make fun of you and remind you that the world is bigger than yourself. Definitely not your husband." Mason shot Donovan a look who stared back with an unamused expression. "See, he doubts that the world is bigger than you. No, you need my grounding presence in your life."

"Says the man who is delusional about our connection. Yes, I'm sure you are a grounding presence."

"Are you two going to work?" Donovan said.

"Of course," Mason said. "I found the account. Annoying Owens is merely a way for my brain to work faster so I can get her to shut up."

"And you think I'm the one who can't live without you when clearly it's the other way around."

Mason scoffed and Carter's tablet pinged with the link he transferred to her. As Carter leaned back in her chair, setting her feet on the table, gearing up for a long task, she glanced at Donovan. Instead of working on his own job, he studied Mason and her.

When his gaze landed on her, she raised her eyebrows in question. Donovan straightened and settled back into focus on his tablet without comment, though Carter was well aware that there was a lot of things he was thinking.

As Carter scrolled through Jackson's photos, she made notes, starting to form a full picture of who he was and his personality. This part of her work felt the most natural to Carter. Reading someone's life had been what she'd done all through high school. Understanding the nuances of what small details meant had been developed over time and with added education.

Watching Jackson's life through pictures and captions fascinated her. She saw as his photos went from rarely showing himself to more selfies, this she knew came from his confidence growing as he lost weight.

Though the son of a senator, she noted how small of a following he had from the fact likes were low and comments never reaching over ten. This account was personal, that meant he didn't share it with just anyone but those he felt were his friends, people he could trust. Each comment had a reply from him and sometimes short conversations, giving further insight to how he interacted with his friends.

"All right," Mason said. "Not to boast or anything-"

"Then don't," Carter said, not looking up from her notes.

"But if I don't boast, how would you know how amazing I am?"

Carter raised her head. "Where would you get the impression that I ever thought you were amazing? There you go again with the delusions. You really should see someone about them."

"Mason," Donovan said, cutting off the retort Carter could see caught in his throat. "What did you accomplish?"

"I have successfully enrolled both of you in Georgetown and into Jackson's classes. I decided to split the classes between the two of you since I figured your method of approaching him will be different. Am I correct?"

When he looked at Carter, she nodded. "It will be. There's a lot to cover with Jackson's profile." She checked the time and found that it was three. They'd been working nonstop for hours. "But I need to eat first."

Setting the tablet down, she stood and smacked Mason's shoulder then held out her hand.

"Give me your card, you're going to pay for lunch?" she said.

"Why me?"

"Because I find you annoying and this is your way of being less so."

"If I'm paying than I'm going to decide what food." He stood and pulled on his suit jacket.

Carter focused on Donovan about to ask him if he would come with them but hesitated. Again she saw him studying them.

"Do you want to come with?" she asked.

He looked like he wanted to say yes but his fingers tightened around the edge of his tablet. Carter watched him, not sure where the tension was coming from.

They had never worked as a team before and this was new territory, she wondered if he felt the pressure of being in charge. But that didn't feel right, Donovan didn't bulk from leadership or responsibility.

"I still have to finish up on my end. I'll... I'll stay," Donovan said, lowering his gaze.

Carter hesitated, uncertain but didn't want to ask any questions with Mason around. 

"Okay," she said.

When they stepped into the elevator, they took opposite sides. At one floor down, the doors opened and a few agents walked on. One of them glanced between Carter and Mason.

"I heard you two were going to be working together?" the man said. "The question floating around the office is who will survive."

"My money is on Donovan," Mason said. "Unless he's get caught in the crossfire."

The group of agents all laughed and Carter rolled her eyes. Clearly it wasn't lost on everyone else that Mason and her had antagonistic relationship. But she didn't think they knew that it had always been this way and she couldn't imagine it changing.

At the lobby, Carter and Mason split ways with the other agents. The weather outside hinted at a cool autumn to come, the last days of summer still holding on. Something about the day made Carter think of college and the strange knowledge she'd be heading back there only this time a completely different person than the girl she'd been: insecure, untrained, aggressive.

She might still have those aspects but she hoped they had dimmed with years and experience.

Mason stopped before a Mexican food restaurant and Carter paused, looking from it to him.

"Yvette's cousin owns it," he said. "And I like the food."

So did Donovan, which Carter hoped this would mean he'd relax a little. She didn't know what was bothering him but until they weren't around Mason, she knew she couldn't ask.

With their order given, they took seats to wait.

Carter peered out the window, not thinking much about anything while knowing part of her mind was trying to decipher Donovan's mood and tension.

"You're going to have to talk to your husband at some point," Mason said.

"You say that like I've been ignoring him."

"No, I mean about us?"

"You say that like there's something going on between us."

"You know what I mean."

"No, I don't but go ahead and tell me what you mean. I'm sure I'll find this amusing."

Mason sat back in his chair and crossed his arms, staring at Carter as if she were stupid. Not an uncommon act for him to do but this time Carter had the feeling that he truly believed she was stupid, or possibly acting like it.

"You don't know what I'm talking about?" he asked.

"Yes, that's why I told you to tell me. Are you going to or not?"

"I'm talking about your husband being jealous of us?"

Carter repeated the statement in her head and still she found that even though what Mason said was English it made absolutely no sense. She said nothing, waiting for him to continue or laugh. Maybe this was his idea of humor.

"I'm not laughing," Carter said. "So you're going to have to work harder on your delivery of a joke."

"I'm not joking."


"I'm serious."

"Yes, you're serious about my husband being jealous of us? That is hysterical."

"You can laugh all you want-"

"I'm not laughing."

"-but he doesn't like us constantly bickering and so you'll have to deal with it."

"There's nothing to deal with, Donovan would never in a million years believe that you and I have something."

Mason shrugged and the causal gestured irked Carter. Was it because she knew what Mason said explained Donovan's actions?

No, because Donovan would never be jealous of Mason. How could he, Carter's natural inclination towards Mason was annoy-at-all-costs-when-can't-physically-harm. But why did Mason's statement make sense?

Their order arrived and they left the restaurant, Carter not saying anything.

Back at the office, Donovan lifted his gaze and set down his tablet as they entered.

"I don't want to be trapped in a room with you two longer than necessary so why don't we work while we eat," Mason said.

"Works for me. I find I'm reaching my limit of how much Mason stupidity I can stand."

"It's getting longer," Mason said, pulling out a container of tacos. "I think this means I'm slowly winning you over."

"To the dark side? If so, then I see this scenario as me killing you to take over the empire."

"You watch Star Wars?"

"I don't live under a rock."

"No, I always assumed you watched Jason Statham movies and nothing else."

"You should stop assuming anything about me. It's been years and you're always wrong."

"Are we going to work?" Donovan asked.

At his low, pointed tone, Carter and Mason stopped and sank back in their chairs. The way Donovan met Carter's gaze, she knew that Mason had been correct.

And that was irritating to admit, even in her own mind. Something about Mason and Carter bickering had Donovan... Not on edge but something. Almost defensive. Coming from someone she loved and trusted and knew he felt the same way, it was a strange feeling.

"I'll start," Carter said, deciding getting back on task was the best option for the moment.

As she took bites, she laid out Jackson's personality, giving the clues she'd found to back up her deductions and get a second confirmation from Donovan. When she finished, she explained how she should approach Jackson and how Donovan should.

"That's going to be impossible," Mason said. "Owens, can you even pull off cute, a little bashful, and bubbly? I thought you only knew how to be sarcastic and hostile."

Carter shot him a glare. "That's why its called undercover, Mason. Because I will be going as someone who is not me."

"Fine," Mason said, raising his hands in surrender. "The real question is will you both be able to act like you don't know each other?"

"Yes," Carter and Donovan said.

"Are you sure? Because Boy Scout over here has times of looking at you like he never wants to stop."

"I don't," Donovan said.

"See, you don't even realize that you do it."

"We'll be fine," Carter said. "Once undercover, we know what's at stake and will get the job done."

"Good. Let's finish up."

Despite Mason's determination to play devil's advocate, they managed to cover all the information and form a play for each of them of on how they'd wedge their way into Jackson's life.

Before they left, Agent Booth checked in with them and approved of what they had. With that, they packed up their work.

"I would say this has been fun," Mason said, "but let's never do it again except that seems to be an incorrect parting since we will be back here tomorrow."

"Go home, Mason," Carter said.

"That works too."

He left and a second later Carter's phone beeped.

Mason: Talk to him.

Carter: I don't need you to dictate my actions in my marriage.

Mason: It's not for you but me. I don't want him to lash out on me.

Rolling her eyes, Carter pocketed her phone. When she lifted her head, she found Donovan watching her. She smiled but knew this would be a conversation for home.

The car ride to their apartment wasn't tense but Carter could feel the thoughts whirring in Donovan's brain and also knew how he was trying to counteract them. She knew him, that meant she knew he trusted her but something was bothering him.

When they stepped inside, Carter slipped off her shoes and headed straight for the kitchen.

"You hungry?" she asked. "You know I suck at cooking but for you I will successfully burn something in the name of love and devotion."

When Donovan said nothing, Carter turned around and found him hovering on the other side of the kitchen island.

"Go ahead and say it," she said.

"What is it between you and Mason? And should I feel worried?"

"For his safety? Most likely. I do fantasize about getting away with killing him."

Donovan didn't crack a smile and Carter rounded the island, settling in front of him.

"Mason and I have known each other for years. Us bickering isn't anything more than our way of having a conversation. I'm not sure we could have a normal conversation at this point. You do not need to feel jealous."

At the word, Donovan stiffened, but Carter cupped his face, keeping him from pulling away.

"You might not feel that, but whatever you're feeling, do you believe anyone can replace you in my life? Do you think that will ever change?"

After a brief hesitation, Donovan placed his hands on the counter, pinning Carter between them.

"They way you constantly argue it feels... It feels as if you enjoy it."

"I do. Annoying Mason is one of the highlights of life. It's how I manage to stand him when I find him so obnoxious. But. "She cocked her head to make him meet her gaze. "If that makes you feel uncomfortable then I will work at tolerating him without arguing."

"Can you manage that?"

"I've faced harder challenges in my life... I think."

Donovan laughed then dropped his head onto her shoulder. "I don't know why I feel... I don't know... insecure."

"Oh good, it's about time it was you and not me."

He laughed which made Carter smile. "Do you trust me?"

"With my whole heart," he said softly.

"Then trust that even when I argue with Mason, have to flirt with Jackson, work with some other male agent in the future, interact positively with any guy that I'm yours and only yours."

Donovan took his head off her shoulder and their eyes locked.

"You're mine," he said, lovingly.

"Only yours."


You tangoing tangerine!

(🤨🍊 That's a strange image but one my mind is still able to produce. What does that say about me and my love of produce?)

Okay keeping with themes, peel away the layers of your mind and split your thoughts with me... really should have dropped the theme. Oh well. 🗯💬💭🍊

I realized with starting a new book of one shots I need new sagas (wow that's an palindrome). Because I don't want to post chapters here that are too closely tied to chapters in Open Case File. Because I don't want to make you work that hard, cause I'm nice like that 💁‍♀️.

So I decided to start a saga of Carter and Donovan going undercover. And since I can't go anywhere without Mason since he's my emotional support character, I had to add him in as well.

What I didn't expect was Donovan's reaction to Mason and Carter's banter. Because this would he the first time he'd really get a front row seat to the experience.

But though Carter and Donovan are adorable together to the point of nauseam, they don't have the sharp witty back and forth Carter and Mason has.

So! It made it fun to discover how Donovan handled it, how Carter handled it, and how Mason was the one to notice and point it out first.

I think having the three of them work on a case together is going to be crazy fascinating!

I hope you think so too! If you don't well poo poo on you, go step in some doo.

Just kidding, you do you, Boo Boo!

Vote, comment, follow because you never know what chaos will ensue from these three!

Comments that made my day on chapter Finding Understanding.

Seriously love these!! 😂❤️🥰

😂😂 Why does this photo accurately depict the dynamic of the three of them in this chapter?! 😂😂😂

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