A Jurassic Pet

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One Void Day, Count Bleck walked into the kitchen wearing a white bathrobe with a blue hem. He sat at the table and pulled the newspaper and a cup of coffee out of his robe. Settling down to read, he was just about to take a sip from the cup when...

Dimentio appeared before him!! "Hello, Count, I just conjured up a great new pet for the Bleck family! Why don't you come and see??" he asked.

"Count Bleck groaned, for he did not have a very good feeling about this," said Count Bleck.

They went outside, where everybody else was already standing on the black grass. They were all staring in awe and fear at the huge pet that Dimentio had conjured – a T-Rex.

"Dimentio? This pet might be a little much for us to handle, you understand," Nastasia explained quietly.

"Not a problem, my little Nastasia!! This T-Rex is very friendly. I think." Dimentio replied with his usual smile.

"Uh, 'my little'?" questioned Nastasia. "Take a time-out for that weird comment!!"

"I'll see him inside, sighed Count Bleck," Count Bleck sighed.

The people were left to stare at the T-Rex. It had been standing in the yard, sniffing stuff while they were talking.

"It's pretty magnificent," said Mimi. "Why don't we name it...MARY?!"

"MIMI!!" Nastasia said, bonking Mimi. "No one names their T-Rex Mary!!"

"Then how about something similar to Void, like Hole or Vacuum?" Mr. L suggested.

"I think Hole is a dumb name. And Vacuum sounds weird," said Mimi.

"How about BH for Black Hole??" tried Mr. L.

"There's a lot of squares in the Void. We could name her Square! Or maybe Purple??"

"Purp for short!!" added O'Chunks.

"That sounds rather juvenile," commented Nastasia. "But since you guys ARE juvenile, I guess I could let it slide."

"YAY! Thanks, Nastasia!!" Mimi shouted.

"HEY!! I'm in my twenties!! I'm not juvenile!!" Mr. L yelled. But nobody really listened.

Mimi went up to Purp to try and make friends. Everyone else watched as if she was going to her doom.

Mimi started by poking Purp in the foot. It was such a big foot (get it?) that the poke didn't alert Purp at all. Just as she gave up and walked away, she felt a gust of air behind her and a looming shadow fell over her. She looked up at the people on the lawn, who were hugging each other.


In response, they all pointed. Mimi turned around and saw Purp's eye five inches from her face. It was so shiny that she could see her reflection in it.

"Um...hi Purp," she squeaked. Then she took off running and screaming at ridiculously high decibels, heading straight for the other people. Purp responded by giving chase and practically blowing her away with a huge roar.

The people on the lawn waved their hands and shouted, "STOP!! THAT'S A VERY BAD IDEA!!" but Mimi kept on running.

"SHE'S GONNA KILL ME!!" she screamed. While looking over her shoulder, she accidentally bowled into everyone else, and soon there was a pile of tangled limbs on the ground.

"Mr. L!! Get your foot off my head!" yelled Nastasia.

"O'Chunks!! Let go of my bandana!" shouted Mr. L.

Everyone's panic grew more and more as Purp approached, stopped, and stared down directly at them. It seemed she was going to open her mouth and devour them all...

When Dimentio appeared!! (Again!!) He got in between them and Purp and punched Purp's nose (well, not really, but it looked that way.)

"For shame! I leave you alone for five minutes and you almost eat my...uh...family!! Take a time-out!" shouted Dimentio, while floating on an equal level with Purp's head. Purp looked down in shame and lumbered over to the big black oak tree, then plopped down.

The force caused the Void to grow a couple centimeters bigger. "HOLY FLIPSIDE!! THE END IS COMING!!" shouted Merlin, in said 'holy' place.

"Dimentio, you had to get someone back for your punishment, didn't you?" Nastasia sighed.

"No, Nastasia, she merely needs to know that she can't go eating people, like she did in whatever place I conjured her from," replied Dimentio.

"Yeah, speaking of which, why DID you choose to conjure a T-Rex?" asked Mimi.

"Because it's cool," said Dimentio.

"Not surprising," mumbled Mr. L.

"By da way, her name's Purp!!" said O'Chunks, annoyingly loudly.

"WHAT?! What kinda name is that!! Did somebody idiotic like Mr. L or O'Chunks name her?! And who allowed it??" Dimentio demanded.

"Dimentio, I think you already know the answers to all that. I think what you should focus on now is putting Purp on a leash or getting her some food," replied Nastasia.

Dimentio floated there for a second with a blank face. "Very well. I shall arrange for a camp-out here tonight where we can all sleep and eat with Purp."

Mr. L and Mimi did a double-take. "What??! No don't arrange a—"

In half a second, a bunch of sleeping bags and food and an already-built fire appeared there.

"—camp-out..." sighed Mr. L and Mimi.

Nastasia sighed too, but in a way that suggested she would have to exercise a lot of authority. "Okay, O'Chunks, go get the Count. Dimentio, take care of Purp. I'll prepare a campfire meal. And Mr. L and Mimi, you can kill each other for the best sleeping bag."

"All right!!" said Mr. L and tackled Mimi before they even looked at the sleeping bags.

Dimentio conjured a huge steak, stuck it on a spit, and set it over the fire to roast.

"Dimentio, I was going to use the fire to cook," Nastasia said matter-of-factly.

"So? The rules of proper comportment state that you feed your pet before you feed yourself," Dimentio replied.

There wasn't a need for any more argument, anyway, because as soon as Purp smelled the steak she ran over and chomped it right off the fire.

"Well, I guess that takes care of that problem." Nastasia mused. She whipped together some hot dogs, stuck them on a twenty-pronged stick, and roasted them. Then she expertly juggled them into the air while grabbing some buns in order to complete them. Then she elbowed a ketchup bottle, which sent a stream of it into the air, and caught some of it on each hot dog. (The meal was ready in five seconds.)

"...Woah. What...what was that?!?" Dimentio asked, looking fairly surprised for the first time.

"Just cooking," Nastasia replied as she offered him a hot dog. He just continued to stare at her with a smile so genuine it was creepy (so nothing was really different), so she speed-walked away to find O'Chunks.

Just as she got to the door, it busted open and whacked her in the nose. "OWW!!" she hollered, while holding said nose.

"OOPS!! I'm so sorreh, Nastasia!! Lemme carry you!" O'Chunks gasped and made to pick up Nastasia.

"Don't you touch me with those dirty brown sausages!!" Nastasia yelled, slapping away his hand.

Just then, Count Bleck walked out as well, and saw the scene. Raising a hand in the air, he cried, "Count Bleck will fix it!" He then scooped up Nastasia (who gave no protest) and hurried her over to the camp.

Mr. L and Mimi had just finished killing each other and were walking over to eat the hot dogs when they saw Dimentio sitting on a log, his hand on his chin absentmindedly.

"Hey, what's up, Dimentio?" Mimi asked, biting into a hot dog.

"Just thinking. And you shouldn't eat without praying first," Dimentio replied.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Mr. L asked, sipping some ginger ale instead.

Just then, Count Bleck rushed over and set Nastasia down on the log. Her nose was destroyed.
As soon as Dimentio saw her, he almost fainted.

"Nastasia!! What happened?! Oh my dears!!!" he yelled, conjuring up some cotton swabs and hydrogen peroxide.

As they watched Dimentio fuss over Nastasia, Mimi and Mr. L shared knowing glances with only-slightly-evil smirks.

Eventually Count Bleck pushed Dimentio away. "Dimentio! This behavior is quite unbecoming, and also not like you!! Just give her some space. Jeez!!"

Everyone stared at the Count, Nastasia especially. They had never heard Count Bleck say 'jeez' before.

Dimentio put his hands behind his back ashamedly. "Um, well, I just...you know...wanted to help!! Ciao!" he vanished in a clear ring.

Mr. L crossed his arms and looked at the Count. "I see what's going on here."

Count Bleck looked at Mr. L and then Nastasia. "I'm not sure I want to know, Count Bleck mused."

Though Nastasia was still slightly star-struck, she managed to say, "Wasn't this episode supposed to be about Purp?"

Mr. L broke his staring contest with the Count and said, "Oh yeah!! Whoops. Some ship—I mean, stuff happened. Let's go see what she's doing!" he ran off and everybody followed. Nastasia was left looking totally confused.

Once everyone got to Purp, they didn't know what to do, since she pretty much only answered to Dimentio.

"Hey Purp!!" shouted Mr. L. Surprisingly, she lowered her head to look at him. "Hi. I'm Mr. L, the awesome one, and this is O'Chunks, the dumb one, Mimi, the annoying one, and Count Bleck, the...uhhh...leader."

Purp looked at them all in turn. Then she did what nobody expected. She opened her mouth—which made everybody get ready to run—and LLLICKED Mr. L with her huge tongue so that he was covered in saliva on one side.

"HA!! LOLOLOL!!" shouted Mimi.

Mr. L fumed for a moment, then stomped and shook the saliva off. "AAANIMALS!!" he yelled and tromped off while grumbling. It almost looked like Purp smiled.

Just then Dimentio appeared above them all, looking all brilliant (people seemed to like appearing that way.) "In case you all have not noticed, it has gotten quite dark!! Perhaps it is time we settle down?" he suggested.

People shared glances and then Count Bleck said, "Yes, that would be very good, Dimentio. It has been a long day. Let us hope no one dies in their sleep, Count Bleck said."

Then everyone went over to the campfire, where the sleeping bags were arranged. Nastasia was sitting on her log again, wrapped in a blanket, and roasting 20 s'mores with the same 20-pronged stick from earlier. Mr. L was trying to catch whatever goo fell from them without his hands catching on fire.

"Hey, Nassy, those look yummy! About done?" Mimi asked, plopping down on her sleeping bag.

"Yep," Nastasia replied and allowed everybody to pick some off the stick. Purp came over just then and ten of them had to be fed to her.

Soon mostly everyone was tired. Mr. L and O'Chunks strapped on sleeping masks and died in their beds. Dimentio avoided Nastasia's gaze as he scooted his sleeping bag a little closer to hers and immediately looked asleep. Nastasia dragged hers a little closer to the Count's and then exasperatedly tried to relax. Mimi sighed contently and stared at the swirls of Void. And Count Bleck uneasily scooted into his and closed his eyes, dreaming of evil things, but also traumatizing stuff from his past.

Purp came and lay down behind them, and then wrapped her tail around them all, securing them in a protective barrier and snuffing the fire. Though many things had happened that day, it seemed Purp had come to like everybody after all.

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