Dimentio's Death

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One Void Day, Count Bleck and Mr. L were walking down a hall. Suddenly, they noticed some white drawing on the floor.

"Funny, this bad drawing is in the shape of Dimentio," said Mr. L.

Nastasia came up and looked at it. Then, like in a dramatic movie, she screamed, like a person does upon discovering a crime scene.

"MR. L, ARE YOU CRAZY?! THIS MEANS DIMENTIO IS dead......................................................" she said.

An eerie silence followed. The only sound was a wind blowing through the hall, even though that was impossible because there were no open doors or windows nearby.

Then confetti and streamers blew up everywhere. Everyone looked in shock at Mr. L, who was now dancing like a freed slave. He blew a party popper. "Hooray!!!" he shouted.

Mimi walked up. "Well that's something you don't see every day," she said.

"Mr. L!! How can you rejoice over Dimentio's death?!" Nastasia exclaimed.

Mr. L stopped and smiled like he was having a freshman photo taken. "Because I hate him," he said happily.

"What will we do without Dimentio?" Mimi asked. "When did he die?! And WHERE'S THE BODY?!?!"

"Wut are ya'll talkin' bout?" asked O'Chunks asked, walking up. He looked at the outline of Dimentio like it was no big deal.

"Dimentio being dead," said Mimi.

Count Bleck removed his hat with reverence. But then he remembered that he wasn't supposed to and quickly put it back on. Mr. L had no reverence, so he didn't bother with his hat.

All of a sudden, Dimentio floated up. "What goes on, my fine people?" he asked.

Everyone looked at him. Like in a horror-slash-mystery movie, Nastasia screamed again.

"Dimentio! Count Bleck thought you were dead," said Count Bleck.

"What?! Dead? Preposterous! I assure you, I am quite alive, Count!" said Dimentio.


"Ah, ya mean my drawing?? I'm practicin' to be bettuh, so I drew Dimentio on da floor," said O'Chunks.

Nastasia glared at him. "O'Chunks, as a punishment for tricking us all, AND writing on the floor, you must paint 1,000 masterpieces of the Count. Go."

"Aw, but Nastasia, I'm bad at drawin'! And 1000 be a lot!" O'Chunks complained, shuffling off.

Mr. L looked at Dimentio. "Aw." he said.

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