Brobot L-Type

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One Void Day(er, actually, morning), Count Bleck was happily sleeping in his dark black bed when he was awakened by the sound of the TV blasting. He shot awake, and listened as the TV's volume quickly became quieter until it was inaudible. He groaned, obviously assuming that someone was secretly watching TV early in the morning. He grabbed his monocle off his dresser and put it on, then put on his top hat, and then snuck out into the hall to spy on the TV-watcher. He peeped just enough of his head around the doorway so that he could see the living room. Unfortunately, this meant his entire white top hat stuck out first. "Hey, when that hat get there?" said a voice. Count Bleck decided to avoid being caught in a weird way and just show himself. So he quickly stepped into the living room and looked at the minions before him with a you're-busted look. It was...Dimentio and Mr. L! They sat on the couch, stared at him, and then resumed watching. Count Bleck sighed and decided that it was too early to chew people out. So he went to the kitchen to get water instead. Mr. L and Dimentio were watching an episode of Phineas and Ferb called 'I, Brobot.' They were up so early because Mr. L had really wanted to see it and he had dragged Dimentio with him. As they watched, Mr. L said, "Hey! That's it! I can add hands and feet to my next edition of Brobot! Plus more powerful missiles! It'll totally do the job for me, just like those Brobots," he explained, pointing at the TV. "Mmm-hmm," Dimentio groaned, bags under his eyes visible on his mask.
Once late morning rolled around, Mr. L began blabbing to everybody about how he was going to get money to make the adjustments to Brobot. "I'm thinking that I'll get the money using a brilliant scheme, not by getting a job or something. That's totally out of the question," he said. "I'm thinking I'll employ the help of Bowser...yeah... and I'll have to go undercover. It'll be sweet!" he declared. "Uh huh. Good luck with that, 'k?" Nastasia replied as she poured everyone's cereal.
So later that day, Mr. L called Bowser (because he magically had his number). "Hello?" Bowser asked.
"Hey. It's me, the Green Thunder, and I need your services in order to help me raise money to add modifications to my awesome and evil spaceship, Brobot," Mr. L said.
"Uh, okay, that's weird. But I guess I'll help. What do you want me to do?" Bowser replied.
After hearing the plan, Bowser was much more up to it.
In the quaint, between-dimensions town called Flipside, Paper Peach, Paper Mario, and Paper Bowser were welcoming somebody into the town...somebody who had never before been seen in paper form...and that person was Paper Daisy. They invited her to Saffron's kitchen, where they all shared a delicious lunch.
"Ah..." said Peach, "it's nice to kick back and have a break during a tough adventure!"
"I just can't believe I found this place!" Daisy replied. "Being between-dimensions and all."
Just then, Luigi walked into the building. "LUIGI?!?!?" everyone screamed (except Mario, because he's mute). "Yep, it's me, totally!" Luigi said. "I wanted to invite Peach and Daisy to this cool place I discovered," he explained. "Oh, okay, I'd be happy to come," Daisy said, and Peach nodded. They got up and left the kitchen with Luigi. Bowser got up and followed them out, even though he wasn't invited. He told Mario, "I gotta use the bathroom."
Luigi took Peach and Daisy to a grassy open field, where lots of flowers were growing. "Wow, this place is beautiful. But why did you bring us here?" Daisy asked. "Well," Luigi began, clasping his hands together, "I've decided that I'm going to build a terrarium in this spot in order to raise money for...something."
"Oh, that's neat, Luigi, but where are you going to get all the funds for plants and building materials?" Peach asked.
"I happen to already have them," Luigi replied. "Wait here." Then he walked over the hill, where he found Bowser waiting. "Let's go," Luigi said.
Together they went to a jewelry store and robbed it - - not of its jewelry, but of its glass. Then they took most of the bricks holding the building together. This mostly left a carpeted plot full of jewelry and terrified guys. Luigi and Bowser took the glass and bricks back to the field where Peach and Daisy were talking about trendy stuff. "Here we go!" Luigi said, dumping the materials in front of them. "Wow," Daisy said.
Together they began to build a terrarium. Even though they were two princesses and a plumber, not carpenters, they managed to do it. Then they installed electric work and water fountains and stuff like that. Peach got some fish tanks and filled them with bright-colored, bubbly fish. Once the whole place looked great, Luigi said, "Alright, Daisy, this is where you come in. Grow some plants!"
"Much obliged!" Daisy replied, and began to use her flower power to grow many, many different varieties of plants. Flowers and trees and fruits sprouted up from the empty planters. That gave Luigi a new idea.
Soon, they had installed a whole juice bar, where Peach quickly made fruit juices; they also had an ice machine which enabled them to make slushies. Luigi decided they should sell some pastries and energy bars, too. Once the whole place was fully stocked, Luigi thanked the two for their help. "I think we did a fantastic job. Thanks again! I'm gonna head out for a break now. L-ater, Ms.Getskidnappedallthetime!" With that, he pranced out the door and clicked on their 'open' sign.
"W-wait a second..." Peach said, now seemingly deeply troubled. "What's the problem?" Daisy asked. "I've heard that name before! You know, I was called that by this evil guy we encountered in the Whoa Zone. It couldn't be that...he's disguised as Luigi...could it?"
"Gee, I don't know," Daisy replied. "If that's the case, then he's been using us, basically. Man, if I had known, I would've grown him nothing but weeds!"
"Oh well. We'd better get back to Mario and tell him," Peach said. The two headed out of the terrarium. And saw a whole crowd of Flipside citizens heading toward them! "Oh, great. Looks like the terrarium is bound to be a success, but should we help run it since...'Luigi'...isn't here?" Peach asked. "I guess we should," Daisy replied. So they went back inside and prepared to accept the money for admission. But the weirdest thing was, when they went in, Luigi was there already! And he wasn't dressed in his usual overalls; instead he had on a black jumpsuit, green bandana, and black mask. "Whoa, Luigi, why are you looking so evil all of a sudden?" Daisy asked. Luigi walked over to them calmly and then...he whipped out a lasso and lassoed them! As they struggled to get free, he wound the rest of the rope around them. "Luigi! What's wrong with you?!" They screamed in unison. He moved them behind a curtain and said, "I am not Luigi, I am...MR.L!" he screamed while raising his right hand in the air. After this shocking revelation, Daisy soon starting laughing. "What's so funny?" asked Peach and Mr. L at the same time. "'Mr. L' is a funny name," she giggled. Mr. L just fumed for a second and then firmly said, "Alright, Ms.Getskidnappedallthetime, I need you to use your wish power to weaken the minds of my customers so that they'll pay me more."
"I'll never help you! Never!" Peach yelled.
"That's what I thought," Mr. L replied. "But perhaps you'll bend to my will once I show you...THIS!" he yelled, and, reaching out of sight, he pulled over Mario, all bound up, with a green handkerchief around his mouth. Mario made a muffled noise at the sight of the two princesses. "Why you little--!" Peach yelled; which was a very uncharacteristic thing for her to say. "Perhaps now you'd like to bust out that wish power?" Mr. L asked, grinning widely at his awesomeness. "As much as it pains me, I'm still not," Peach replied, and spat at Mr. L. Luckily, he dodged it. "Hey, I have a question," Daisy said. "What?" Mr. L asked, slightly annoyed. "Who's letting in all the customers?" she asked. "That would be my accomplice, Mr. Getsfoiledallthetimebytheredguywiththemustache," Mr. L replied. "Bowser?!" Peach cried, with shock. "But why would he team up with you?" she asked. "He obviously liked the idea of kidnapping you...which is basically what we did," Mr. L replied. Peach cursed, but so quietly that only a bat could've heard. Good thing Nastasia wasn't there!
"Alright, I have no choice. Looks like I'm going to have to use my last resort to make you use that wish power..." Mr. L said. He whipped out his hand and used the Force to make a mug fly over to his hand. He sipped the mug. Then he held it out to Peach, and turned it over. Coffee spilled out of it and splashed all over her pink dress.
"NNOOOOO! MY DRESS! NOT MY BEAUTIFUL, PINK DRESS!" Peach screamed in agony, especially since the coffee starting soaking in and she was powerless to dry it. Mario, having witnessed this scene, was ready to kill Mr. L, so he tried to lunge at him. But it was awfully hard with rope around him, so he ended up falling on his face, with no ability to get up. Peach finally said, "Alright, alright, you can have my wish power!" sobbing, she began to glow pink, and so did all the customers. Mr. L smiled. "L-ater!" he said and zipped off to the register. Mario was on the ground, Peach was covered in coffee, and Daisy was speechless. "How are we going to get out of this one?" Daisy faintly whispered.
Back where Mr. L and Bowser were, they were admitting customers together. Mr. L had set out a donation jar, and was telling people to make donations. Due to being influenced by Peach's wish power, they all willingly donated tons of money. By the end of the day, Mr. L was practically swimming in money. "This will totally be enough to make my modifications to Brobot," he said. "That's great, now where's the princess? I'd like to kidnap her," Bowser said. "They're all behind that curtain," Mr. L said, pointing. Bowser walked over and found Mario, Peach, and Daisy sleeping on top of each other. He poked them awake, since he couldn't kidnap Peach while she was tied to Daisy. "Hey, Bowser, you traitor! Why don't you untie us and get back to the adventure?" Peach asked. "Nope, I'm going to kidnap you instead," Bowser replied, and began untying her. "You can't! You told us you were going to help us on this adventure, and you can't kidnap me until it's over," Peach yelled, her patience slipping. Bowser groaned once he freed them and they stood up. They then began untying Mario. "I guess you're right," Bowser said. "But that basically means my part in this scheme was worthless." "It'll be fine," Peach said. Then, together, the odd quartet walked out of the empty terrarium and back to Flipside.
Back at Castle Bleck, Mr. L pulled up to the castle in his green hot rod. Stepping out, he unloaded a bunch of spaceship parts that he had bought with his dough, and went inside. He was greeted by the smell of sweet potatoes and chicken—one of his favorites. "Hey, Nastasia, I'm back! Miss me?" he called, stepping into the kitchen. "Oh, uh, hey, Mr. L. You've been gone all day. Whatever trouble did you get into?" she asked. "Just successfully executing a brilliant and evil scheme and getting enough money to buy the parts to make my modifications to Brobot. It's going to be called...Brobot L-Type!"
"Yeah, that's great. Dinner's almost ready. Call the other guys, 'k?" she said.
"Sure. EVERYONE, IT'S TIME FOR DINNER!" he screamed.
Dimentio appeared, so did Mimi, so did Count Bleck, and O' Chunks walked in. "Hey, Mr. L! You're finally back! How'd the scheme go?" Mimi asked, sitting at her place eagerly. "It was great. Rad, actually," he said, using some old 80s slang. "I doubt it was anything special," Dimentio said, happy to be negative since he hated Mr. L. "Well, it was more special than your pathetic little 'Dimension D' or whatever you call it," Mr. L returned, also happy to be negative because he hated Dimentio.
"Enough bickering!" Count Bleck said. "I'm tired of you guys constantly fighting and insulting each other. And I find it especially odd that you seem to want to do everything together, even though you hate each other! Why, just this morning, Mr. L and Dimentio were watching TV together, and everyone knows that they hate each other! I'm surprised that Mr. L didn't take Dimentio with him on his trip to carry out his scheme! I've had it with you people!" he yelled.

Everyone was left speechless by his sudden outburst. "Uh, I'm sorry, I guess. He's sorry, too," Mr. L said, pointing at Dimentio. Dimentio glared at him but decided it was best not to make a racket.
Nastasia set down the food, and they began to eat. "This food is exceptional, Nastasia," Count Bleck said. "Thanks, Count," she replied.
"Hang on," Mimi interrupted, "has the Count been talking in first person this whole time without us noticing?"
"Apparently so, said Count Bleck with a chuckle."

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