The Five-Bad-Band

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One Void Day, Count Bleck entered the kitchen of Castle Bleck, where Nastasia was cooking up pancakes and eggs. Unlike most breakfasts, everyone drank milk and had a very pampered way of eating their pancakes. Nastasia set down a plate of them, poured syrup on them, sprayed whipped cream on them, and then dropped a handful of chocolate chips on them. Mimi suddenly dashed into the room.
"YES!! BREAKFAST!! I LOVE BREAKFAST!! IT'S THE BEST PART OF THE WHOLE DAY!!" she yelled. She rocketed into her chair and waited hungrily.
Awakened by her screaming, Dimentio soon appeared in the room, yawning while still keeping a creepy smile on his face. He sat down at his place across from Mimi and said nothing.
"The food will be ready in about five minutes, 'K?" Nastasia said to them.
"Good," replied Mimi.
Count Bleck was sitting at the head of the table reading a newspaper. He sipped some coffee.
"Count Bleck is thinking...that those heroes need to be dealt with. Dimentio, go take care of them ASAP, Count Bleck commanded," he said.
"Very good, count. And I am gone, like some angry storm clouds blown away by even angrier wind. Ciao!" he snapped his fingers and vanished.
"It's a shame that he has to miss breakfast," said none other than Mr. L, who had just walked into the room and had overheard the conversation. "More for me!"
"No way! I love this breakfast more than anyone, so I should get Dimentio's helping!" Mimi yelled.
"Or perhaps we should split them?" Mr. L suggested.
"Um, shouldn't we just save his breakfast for when he gets back?" Nastasia questioned.
"Oh...I guess that would be the right thing to do," Mimi said sadly. Just then O'Chunks walked in and sat down at his place next to Mimi. He never talked because no one could understand his accent.
"Alright everyone, um, breakfast is served," Nastasia announced, setting everyone's plates in front of them. Everyone then went into a frenzy trying to make their pancakes first. Once they were all settled, they said their prayer and started eating. Mimi ate hers really fast, while Mr. L ate his slowly. Count Bleck soon said, "Count Bleck has a game which you all have to play. Stop by the living room after breakfast."
Everyone sighed and finished eating. Suddenly Dimentio appeared, looking a bit bent up. "Hee! What happened to you?" Mimi asked in the middle of a bite of pancake. "Nothing concerning you," Dimentio said angrily. He stomped off to his room without even a simile. Nastasia sighed, because she had a warm plate of pancakes for him and he didn't take them. But they suddenly disappeared in the clear cloud of smoke that could only belong to Dimentio. "I guess Dimentio still wanted his pancakes," Mimi said.
After breakfast, the family gathered in the living room. Count Bleck pulled out a board game. "It's called 1-Second Stool, said Count Bleck," he said. Nastasia opened the box and pulled out the instructions. She read: "In 1-Second Stool, one player sits on a stool and has to name 1 thing in 1 second. If they can't, the player to their left gets to push the stool over and send the person flying."
"Wow, sounds devilish," Mr. L commented.
"You may split into teams if you wish, Count Bleck decided," decided Count Bleck.
"Yeah right, no one's gonna want to be on a team with anybody!" Mimi said.
"I'll just split you up to save time, 'k?" Nastasia said. She walked around the room and pushed everyone until they were in groups. Here they are:
Mimi and O'Chunks
Count Bleck and Nastasia
Mr. L and Dimentio
Of course, bickering instantly began.
"You have GOT to be kidding me! I wouldn't team up with Dimentio if my arms had been chopped off and I was dangling over a pool of fuzzies!" Mr. L yelled. Dimentio just sat there wearing his trademark creepy smile. Nastasia ignored everyone's complaints and got a stool. Then she told O'Chunks and Mimi to sit on it. They looked at each other skeptically and got onto the stool by having O'Chunks hold Mimi in his hand. Then Nastasia held up a card and read, "Name 1 band!"
"The Toadtles!!!" screamed Mimi, with a whole half-second left.
Having made it past their turn, Dimentio and Mr. L now had to squeeze onto the stool together. Nastasia read, "Name 1 part of a spaceship!"
Dimentio said, "Hyperdrive!"
Mr. L said, "Flavorizer!"
"Alright, I guess you got it," Nastasia said. They hopped off the seat while arguing and shoving each other. Next Nastasia and Count Bleck squeezed onto the stool. Dimentio grabbed a card and read, "Name 1 flower!"
Count Bleck said, "Uh..."
Nastasia said, "Tulip!"
"Whew! In a whopping 0.87 seconds," Dimentio said. Then it was Mimi and O'Chunks' turn again. They got onto the seat, and Nastasia read, "Name 1 breed of horse!"
"JGGUYUT!" yelled O'Chunks, but nobody understood him and time ran out. "Sorry guys!" said Nastasia. "Mr. L and Dimentio can now shove you over, 'k?"
"It is not 'k'!!" Mimi yelled, and tried to get off of O'Chunks' hand, but Dimentio and Mr. L came barreling at them and knocked the stool over with one strong shove. Mimi and O'Chunks hit the floor. "Ouch," said O'Chunks.
Once the game had been played, and almost everyone was knocked to the ground, it turned out that the winners were Count Bleck and Nastasia. But nobody congratulated them; instead they grumbled about losing. "You are a Five-Bad-Band," Count Bleck observed.  "Cool," Mimi said.
From that day forth, they referred to themselves as the Five-Bad-Band.

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