The Voidquake

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One Void Day, Count Bleck was standing in the middle of the living room, giving his minions a geography lesson about the Land of the Cragnons. While he was talking, he suddenly wobbled around a bit, and put a hand on his forehead, like he was about to faint.

"Count? Are you 'k?" Nastasia asked worriedly.

"Yes, Nastasia. Count Bleck just felt a disturbance in the Void, that's all," he replied.

Suddenly, a loud crackling sound like thunder split everyone's eardrums open.

"MY POOR EARDRUMS!!" Mimi yelled, covering her ears as all the lights went out.

Everyone, probably afraid, ran to their bedrooms as fast as possible and hid under their comforters...yes, even Dimentio, who was spraying his fragrance Demented all over himself to calm his fears. Soon, they heard a loud object moving through the hallway to which all their rooms were connected, bumping all the coffee tables and picture frames and whatnot.

Mr. L stuck his head out of the door slowly and could just make out that it was O'Chunks. "What's with all the racket?" he asked quietly. He was barely seeable, due to wearing so much black.

"Well, fur starters, I can't see a blummin' thing! And secondly...can you guys come with meh to the breaker room to turn on da lights?" O'Chunks asked.

Everyone came out of their rooms and said, "Grow up, weenie!"

Then a huge boom of thunder made everyone cover their ears and scream. Soon, they were all shuffling down the hallway together, slowly making their way to the dreaded breaker room in the basement.

"Hey Mr. L...I sense much fear in you," Dimentio whispered.

"Yeah, right, well, I'm sure you also think I have a bad feeling about this?" Mr. L asked.

"Stop it, you two, we need to hurry up and get to the breaker room," Nastasia said. "...and will somebody get this walking carpet out of my way?" she pushed O'Chunks aside.

However, before they got out of the hall, everyone stopped abruptly when the whole castle began shaking and everyone struggled to stay on their feet. A big crack split the floor right in front of them, and soon parted to form a chasm that plummeted straight down for quite a while. Nastasia jumped across quickly before it could get any larger, and Dimentio just floated across. A sudden lurch made it a foot wider. Count Bleck magically levitated over, leaving Mr. L, Mimi, and O'Chunks to save themselves.

O'Chunks found a solution. He picked up Mimi and hurled her like a football to the other side, where Nastasia caught her. Then he reached for Mr. L, but Mr. L stopped him.

"Nobody tosses a mechanic," he said firmly.

Then, with a weird sproing sound effect, he jumped from his ledge and landed on the other side...barely. Dimentio had to reach out and grab his mustache to prevent him from falling to his doom.

"NOT THE STACHE!!" Mr. L yelled. Epic music played all the while.

Finally, O'Chunks was left. His side of the floor was leaning slightly, so he leaned toward the rest of the group and soon got the chasm small enough to jump over, where everybody grabbed him and began running down the hallway epically. Soon, they made it to the breaker room, and Count Bleck pushed and pulled a thousand levers. The lights popped on.

Then Count Bleck opened to a window and looked at the raging Void. Holding his hands out, he cried, "Quiet! Be still!"

And the raging waves of Void were calmed, and the wind ceased.

"Phew! That was crazy," Mimi said.

They all glued the floor back together and everyone was happy...if that's possible in THIS castle.

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