Who Shot Count Bleck?

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One Void Day, Count Bleck walked into the living room and settled himself on the couch. He didn't watch TV. He didn't read the Dark Prognosticus. He just sat there, feeling relaxed. All of a sudden, a figure entered the room and raised a gun with a black-gloved hand. Count Bleck's monocled eye popped open and stared straight at the gun.

"What is the meaning of this, demanded Count Bleck?" he asked sternly.

"Once you're gone, the worlds won't be destroyed, and then –" the speaker's voice was cut off as they fired and Count Bleck's hearing faded out.

Dimentio shot up in bed, hearing a bloodcurdling scream. He blasted out of his bed like a rocket and appeared in the living room, where Nastasia was gaping in horror at Count Bleck's DEAD BODY!!!!!!!!

"EEEEEEKK!" Mimi screamed upon entering upon hearing Nastasia's scream.

Shortly after, Mr. L walked in and inhale-gasped very long and loud. He didn't scream, but everyone could tell the Count's death had a big impact on him.

Dimentio stared at the Count. His mouth slowly, but surely, fell open. "Wuh-wh-wuh..." he sputtered.

"He's been shot," Nastasia said in a wavering voice, examining his front.

"WHO DID IT?!? It couldn't have been some random person, because nobody can get into the Void! So it must have been...ONE OF US!!" Mr. L deducted brilliantly.

"Plus, there's no known guns in the castle, so whoever shot him must have conjured one up!" Mimi said.

All eyes turned to Dimentio.

"HEY!! I didn't kill the Count! What reason would I have?" he defended in an angry and truthful way.

"You hate everyone," everyone said.

Dimentio gave them all dirty looks and then sat on the couch in a huff.

"Well, we shouldn't accuse Dimentio right away. After all, the killer may have built the gun, like a certain mechanic I know," Nastasia said.

All eyes turned to Mr. L.

"Whoa, whoa, I didn't kill the Count! I have a cool plaque in my room that says I swore allegiance to the flag!!" he pulled out a flag that said, "Bleck is love, Bleck is life.'

"Hmm. I happen to recall that recently, we all put our gloves in the washer. Maybe when we put them back on, we weren't wearing the originals anymore!" Mimi said. "Let's test the Count's blood and see if we can DNA from the killer's glove."

"Gloves don't have DNA, doof," Mr. L said.

Dimentio got up and conjured up a test tube, which he used to scoop up some of the Count's blood.

Everybody cringed. "I'm a pretty tough guy, but even I think real-life blood is freaky," Mr. L said.

Then Dimentio tested it magically and found out that a tiny piece of hairy wool from a glove was indeed in it. At last, he said, "The glove DNA matches Mimi's gloves!!"

"But gloves don't HAVE DNA!!" Mr. L yelled.

"NOOO! I didn't kill the Count! Really! Someone else must have been wearing my gloves!" Mimi defended.

"Well, the glove DNA was black, meaning that only me, Mr. L's, or Mimi's gloves were used to shoot the Count," Dimentio said. "Since Nastasia and O'Chunks have no gloves, and the Count has white gloves, that narrows it down to us three...sadly."

"WAH-HOO! I'm innocent!" O'Chunks yelled, who had appeared and was sobbing for the Count the past half-hour without anybody noticing.

"Alright, guys, one of you had better fess up, 'k? The punishment will be more powerful than you can possibly imagine," Nastasia said, giving them all an evil eye.

"Let's look at each other's gloves, and try to remember what happened. I know that we all switched gloves several times," Mr. L said. "I remember I got Mimi's gloves, Dimentio got my gloves, and Mimi got Dimentio's gloves. Mimi switched with Dimentio, then I switched with Dimentio, then Mimi switched with me."

"So, who ended up with Mimi's gloves?" Nastasia asked, rather confused.

"It wasn't me!" said all three of the suspects at once.


Solution --- DIMENTIO with a GUN in the LIVING ROOM

We know that Nastasia and O'Chunks aren't suspects, obviously, and the Count wouldn't kill himself. So the story pretty much narrows it down to Dimentio, Mr. L, and Mimi for you. When Mimi switched gloves with Dimentio, she got Mr. L's gloves and he got his own gloves. Then when Mr. L switched with Dimentio, Mr. L took Dimentio's gloves, and gave him Mimi's gloves in return, which means that Dimentio was the killer.

Luckily, the bullet shot right into the big jewel Count Bleck wears on the front of his cape, and the jewel stopped the bullet. Count Bleck fainted upon hearing and seeing the gunshot. After he revived and was ready to kill Dimentio, Dimentio explained that he had been playing Grand Theft Auto recently, and it made him want to kill somebody.

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