A Chance of a Lifetime

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Every day was just like the other, me going on with my life knowing full well that I have a zero percent chance to be Cameron Holli's girlfriend. Today was no different. My eyes grew heavy as my history teacher, Mr. Smyth, droned on about some war that happened thousands of years ago. As you could have probably guessed, history wasn't my favourite or my strongest subject. I didn't hate learning about it. It was just Mr. Smyth, who was prone to somehow drag the lessons out, sounding like a monochromatic robot whose sole purpose was to put people to sleep. He was old, his actual age is still unknown to me, and he always has this sour expression on his wrinkly face. Sitting at the desk behind me was Willow, who was wide awake from all the caffeine she had digested the period before.  As I sat behind my desk, I subconsciously placed the end of my pen in my mouth, my eyes drooping slightly. I began to nibble. Then I full on bit into the plastic end, a quiet cracking sound emitting from my "snack". Due to my mind going into sleep mode - something that happened way too often in history class - I failed to realise that ink began to seep into my mouth, my lips and teeth beginning to turn black.

"Miss Jordan, may I remind you that pen ink isn't something that should be consumed?"
The class began to snicker when I sat up, black drool falling down my chin, as I tried to decipher the situation. Mr. Smyth walked over to me with a tissue box, his grey eyes staring at me with a bored expression. It was at this moment I knew, I had made a complete idiot of myself. It was also at this moment where I realised the horribly bitter - like a concentrated bitter vegetable juice, not bitter like soap - taste in my mouth. I mentally facepalmed as I gingerly took the tissue box from my uninterested teacher, my lips pressed against each other so no one could see my black-stained teeth. Note to self: don't suck a broken end of a pen. I took three tissues and began to spit out my black saliva, the fluid looking like blood from some supernatural creature. Some began to snicker as I rubbed a piece of tissue down my tongue, checking here and there to see the progress. Unfortunately, I was unable to remove the bitter taste that refused to leave my tongue. On my desk was now a pile of damp tissues. It was moments like this where my chances to be with one of the most popular guys in school were at their lowest. Even on my good days - where I don't digest pen ink - I have little to no chance.

"Miss Bakers, may I ask you to not record Miss Jordan with your phone?" I instantly froze. Fear began to corse through my veins. As my heart stopped, I peaked over my shoulder to see Kori Bakers as she giggled at her phone screen. She gently placed her pastel blue phone down on the desk and simply said:
"I'm sorry sir. I wasn't recording her anyway. What's the point in videoing her back?" Kori flashed her biggest - and most fake - smile, her eyes glistening with pride. I hated her eyes. They were always looking down on me with that distasteful look. There was also the fact that I was jealous how she has two different eye colours. Little Miss Heterochromia, as Willow would like to say. Kori Bakers was a haughty, selfish, self-centred, big headed, lying demon created from the deepest and darkest depths of hell. Not even Satan wanted to keep her. As I continued to stare down the demonic woman herself, Mr. Smyth continued with his monochromatic speech about who knows what. Kori's brown and blue eyes met my drab hazel coloured ones. She then flashed me a menacing smirk, mouthing the words 'what, loser?' I tore my gaze from her when she scratched her chin, indicating that I had something there. The tips of my ears began to feel hot as my face flushed pink. I brought the sleeve of my blue sweater to my chin and wiped, the constant feeling of humiliation staining my thoughts. I stayed in my seat and didn't say or do anything. I had enough humiliating moments for the day. After what seemed to be forever, the bell rang, signifying that it was now lunch time. Everyone showed no hesitation to escape this prison of a class as they gossiped, laughed and messed around. As always, I was the last to leave, accompanied by my loyal - and trusty - friend.

"Don't worry about it," Willow said in comfort.
"How can't I? Did you see how Kori was acting?" I replied, my throat tightening.
"Who cares what Miss Bitch-and-a-Half does? Besides, your back isn't that bad to look at." We both began to laugh as we walked down the halls to the cafeteria, where we will sit at the furthest table ogling the jocks. It was something we both enjoyed doing.
"Bitch-and-a-Half? Really? Any more nicknames?" I spun around and began to walk backwards, interrogating Willow.
"We both know that I never run out of nicknames," Willow gave me a playful wink, "anyway, I was thinking - Raine watch ou-"
Too late. My back collided with another body, the feeling of wet warmth running down my spine. I gasped in both shock and slight fear. It was easy to tell who the victim of my inattentiveness was - Willow's face said it all. I awkwardly turned around to face the familiar eyes that haunt my dreams at night. I turned my gaze down to his yellow sweatshirt where a patch of spilt coffee was. Today just got a whole lot worse...
"I'm so, so, so, sorry! I - I wasn't looking where I was going!" I became so desperate to clean the mess up that I unknowingly began to wipe Cameron's shirt with my hands - which had thrown my history books to the ground seconds before. My face turned pink as I realised the situation I was in, my hands moving to cover my gaping mouth. As I began to die a slow and painful death - a metaphorical death - the boy of my dreams began to laugh. It wasn't a menacing or mocking one, rather it was a comforting laugh.
"It's fine, really. No need to cry over spilt coffee," even though his words were sweet - and slightly humorous in a bad joke kind of way - I just couldn't stop apologising.
"I-I really didn't mean it!"
"I know you didn't. But seriously, it's ok," to make matters worse, Cameron placed his hand on my shoulder, sending shivers down my damp spine. I was officially - and metaphorically - dead. If it wasn't for Willow, there was a good possibility that I, being the complete idiot I am, would have just stood there, coffee on my back and a goofy grin on my face - which, by the way, was covered by my hand.
"Uh, Ray? Maybe you should offer him another coffee? Like, at your place?" Willow whispered to me. She was right, this was the perfect opportunity to ask him to come over to my place and hang out. It won't be a date - let alone a wedding - but it was something. Shakily and with no confidence at all, I spoke up.
"I can, I don't know...get you another coffee? My dad did buy this extremely expensive espresso machine so maybe, uh..."  I started off strong, started to babble and now I look like a fool. Cameron lifted his eyebrows. Willow face palmed.
"She wants to know if you want to hang out at her place on the weekend," Willow gave me a light whack on the back.
"Uh, yeah, that's sounds pretty cool. Is Sunday alright. About lunch time?"
"Yep," I squeaked. I pursed my lips together tightly, creating a weird smile. With that, Cameron began to leave. He didn't get far before Willow slapped my arm and gave me a Aren't-You-Forgetting-Something look. It took me  a few seconds to respond.
"Uh, wait! Don't you need my address?" I called out, sounding like a young schoolgirl - which, in a way, I was.
"I know where you live! My mum is friends with your mum!" With that he walked around the corner and out of sight. I felt as if I was on cloud-9, the air around me becoming lighter.
"He knows where I live...he knows me," I bent back down to pick up my books, my eyes still looking the empty spot where Cameron once stood.
"Uh, honey? He's going to your house. I'm pretty sure that's the bigger news here."
Willow was right. Oh no, what have I done? I mentally screamed at myself as I realised that I invited the very guy I had a major crush on. Well, it was Willow who invited him but I didn't stop her. My mind become riddled with thoughts, insecurities and confusion. What am I going to do? What am I going to wear? What's going to happ-
"Ray, chill. I know it's a lot to take in but you just need to breathe," Willow broke my train of thought with her comforting 'mum' voice, her words causing a weird sense of calm to wash through me. She was right, I just needed to breathe. And that's what I did -breathe in, breathe out. All I had to do was breathe...

"He's coming to my house!" I snapped. There was no amount of breathing that could calm me down. I was borderline hyperventilating, the hall threatening to start spinning. My stomach began to do flips and I could feel an unsettling movement. With no hesitation, I ran to the girl's bathroom, feeling sick. It was a short run, with the bathroom luckily around the corner, and - with Lady Luck still on my side - I was able to throw up with no one else present in the cubicles. I heaved up my breakfast and recess, my stomach feeling empty. I was a mess. Willow came up behind, crouched down and held my ponytail so it wouldn't fall into the path of my endeavour. The taste of vomit was disgusting - being both bitter and sour. I was lucky to have such a good friend, someone who would stay by my side even when I was a mess. As I sat on the tiled floor, my face pale as a ghost, Willow rubbed my back in a soothing circular motion, no words spoken as to not break the peace. At the moment, there wasn't any need for speaking. Actions really did speak louder than words. Unfortunately, it wasn't louder than Kori as she and her posse entered the bathroom, preparing to fix their faces with their cosmetics and to gossip about who did what and who did who. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to go into the very first cubicle.
"What's wrong Ray? Your stomach not agreeing with your inky snack?" Kori sneered as she peered into my cubicle, her maroon matte lips transforming into a malicious smirk. I had no strength to fight back, my throwing up took a lot out of me. There was also a part of me that believed she was correct that the pen ink was causing this. Willow, on the other hand, did have the energy to spit out fighting words.
"Beat it Kori, we don't need your input"
"Oh sweetie, is your name Ray?" Willow gave no response, her eyes lowering just slightly. This was enough to give Kori a sense of authority.
"Kori, why are we even bothering?" Jackie, one of Kori's short haired friends, spoke up, swishing her hand up to her earrings. It was a habit of hers to play with the dangling piece of metal.
"I was just trying to be nice. You see, Ray, you have an ugly stain on your back. May I suggest getting a new wardrobe?" Everyone but me and Willow laughed. Once again I began to feel small, my ears tingling.
"Uh, Kori, if you haven't noticed, your entire attitude is a bad copy of Regina George from Mean Girls. Might I suggest you start acting like an actual human being?" Willow said slyly, her eyes lighting up when she saw how much it affected the raven-haired nightmare. Her lips tightened in disgust, her hands finding their way to her waist, scoffing at Willow.
"You know what Jackie? You're right, what's the point in this futile conversation. Let's go," Kori flicked her hair and spun on her platform boots, her black skirt swishing. I continued to sit next to the porcelain toilet, shame written all over my face. My friend now stood in the cubicle's doorway, blocking me from the evil snickering of the girls who were now evacuating the room, following their queen.
"That's how you do it, leaving when you can't win a fight. Scared?"
"Of what? You?" Kori laughed, "only thing scary about you is your bad, no, poor sense of fashion." I looked up to my friend who was now holding back tears. I could see her hands were clenched into tight fists, both of which were shaking a bit. She may have seemed to be big and tough but deep down she was a sensitive girl. It wasn't a secret that Willow didn't have as much money as the rest of us, both her and mum struggling to get by, but no one brought it up. Except for Kori. She knew it was her soft spot, a place that was easy to strike. It was Willow's Achilles heel.
"Why don't you just leave? Wasn't that your plan?" I spoke shakily, my body slightly weak. There was no snarky reply or departing words. They just left. Using the toilet as support, I stood up and placed a hand on Willow's shoulder. She didn't move. After a few moments of silence, she spoke.
"I hope you're not wearing that sweater on your date?" We both began to laugh but it was cut short when I felt uneasy again.
"Oh god!" I spun around and squatted before my second round of vomit could leave my mouth.
"Ew, I also hope you're not gonna do that," Willow resumed her role of hair holder as I clutched the toilet once more. I also hope I won't be doing this...

The day ended with me finally out of the bathroom. Willow had to get me a pass since I was too weak to leave my post.
"Just a wee bit of nerves, darl," the school nurse said as she entered my sanctuary, "it'll pass soon enough."
Leaving the tiled room felt weird - it was weirder that I wanted to go back in - but it had to be done. I had to organise my get together with Cameron. First thing on the agenda: make sure dad is out of the house on Sunday. There was no way he was going to be there. I could imagine him opening the door with his goofy dad grin and saying some weird stuff before giving me the thumbs up. I, myself, was embarrassing enough, no need to add to the fire with horrible dad jokes. Due to my upchucking - a moment of my life that I wished to forget - my stomach begged me for food. It grumbled and growled at me as I walked meekly to my mum's car. She stood at the hood with the other mums, laughing at some jokes unknown to me.
"Hi sweetie! How was your day?"
"I threw up...like a lot," I was blunt. No point in sugarcoating. I opened the car door and sat in the front passenger seat, leaning over to honk the car horn as my mum continued her conversation. She shot me a glare but succumbed to my annoying demand, saying farewell to her friends.
"I don't know what's got your knickers in a knot. You never use to do that," mum said. She turned the ignition key and our Subaru Forestor roared to life. We pulled out of the school parking lot, mum waving to the lollipop lady as she passed.
"I'm hungry"
"I need food"
"Do you now? Well, you'll have to wait till we get home"
Of course we do. I sat back and crossed my arms over my chest. I had to sneak in the fact that I was going to have a boy come over to our house on Sunday carefully or else it wasn't going to happen.
"You know Cameron Holli? The boy who lives a few houses down the street? Well, he's coming over on a Sunday, around lunch time," I looked at mum and was shocked to see no reaction. I decided to repeat it, "I'm having a boy come over to our house on Sunday at 12."
"Good on you, darls!" My leg was tapped. This wasn't the reaction I was expecting. "Cameron is a nice kid and I think you two will hit it off."
"It's not a date"
"Oh," mum replied, slightly deflated, "well, it's something."
I was slightly hurt by her final remark. What does she mean by that? We drove in silence for a couple of minutes, an air of awkwardness surrounding us. Mum turned into our street, huffing out loud. This was her way of saying, I need to talk but you're giving me the silent treatment.
"Yes, mother?"
"I was just wondering if you wanted dad out of the house"
"Yes please!" I replied, probably a bit too enthusiastically. I was given a side glance but it was joined by a smile. We both knew what dad was capable of, being the biggest dork known to mankind. Our car rolled into our driveway, the garage door opening at a click of the button. After parking in the dark room and closing the garage door, both mum and I evacuated from the car, both of our doors slamming behind us. Ready to greet us was both my dad and my cat, Jo-Jo, who both stood in the doorway that connected the laundry to the garage. My mum looked at me before gushing at dad.
"Honey, I think we need a day out. Sunday good?"
"Uh, yeah, sure," poor dad was baffled by mum's proposition, his eyes giving me a pleading look. He was afraid that he had done something wrong. With that, my parents left the garage, leaving me alone with my trusty sidekick.
"You hungry, bud?" Jo-Jo gave me a small meow, rubbing his black fur against my jeans.
"Yeah, me too," I entered the laundry and walked to the kitchen where I fetched myself a snack.

Author's Note
Thanks for reading the very first chapter of Cat Food and Coffee! I hope it was good enough for you to want a second chapter. I will tell you now that I probably won't be updating regularly due to family and school stuff but I do hope to get you guys the latest chapters as soon as I can. Go check out crystal4209 ! That's all for now, adios!

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