It was All Going to Plan...Until it Didn't

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"I really fudged up this time, Willow," I held my mobile phone to my ear and spoke to my friend. I really needed her help right now.
"Why? What happened? You didn't throw up again, did you?" I thought back to what had happened a couple of days ago, remembering that I had spent most of my day clinging to a toilet and throwing up all because I had a 'wee bit of nerves' - as the school nurse had put it. I had the right to be to nervous. I took a big breath in before recounting the situation I had put myself in.
"No I didn't throw up. I did something far worse than that..."
"Oh no. What?" I could hear the panic in my friend's voice, "You didn't kill him, did you?"
"What? No! Not yet at least..." My thoughts went back to before lunchtime, where all of my troubles began.

I was sitting on the couch and Jo-Jo - my slightly persistent and overly clingy cat - laid on my lap, purring loudly in satisfaction. He was getting his favourite thing - a scratch under the chin. The television was on but it was muted, due to the fact that I was becoming sick of the same ad that had been overplayed. One thing was for certain, I wasn't going to buy the PaPa-Super Air Fryer, even if it was 25% off. Next to my thighs was my mobile phone, the screen facing downwards. Whenever I tried to touch it, Jo-Jo would disapprove with a bite to my fingers, a mewling sound emitting from his cat mouth. Once I retracted my hand away from my device, he would lay his head back down and continue with his purring, satisfied that he had stopped his human from ignoring him. Little did he know that it was hard to forget him, especially when he was laying on your lap. Little Jo-Jo wasn't little at all. He was fat. Not majorly fat but he was heavy enough to contend for the 'fat cat' description. Jo-Jo was a Bombay cat, a friendly breed of cat that was described as great companions. My Bombay was always jealous when 'his' humans shared attention with another creature, something he would show by biting. The petting continued as the PaPa-Super Air Fryer ad come on for the hundredth time within the hour. Without even realising, I began to hum the horrible - and yet catchy - tune that had been on repeat. That's going to be in my head for the rest of the day now. I groaned. My left butt cheek was starting to go numb but due to the little black fur-ball that rested on my lap, I was unable to move, making me extremely uncomfortable. As I was about to finally throw Jo-Jo off, too uncomfortable to care about his reaction, I could hear my mum yelling from her room. It wasn't an argument yell but a call for help yell. Unfortunately, I couldn't hear her properly.
"What?" I yelled back. The master bedroom's door opened before my mum emerged from the hallway, dressed in a nice red floral dress that reached her knees. Her blonde hair was left untied, allowing it to cascade down her back. She really was a gorgeous woman. There were times where I wished that I was blessed with her good looks but in the end I am ok with having dad's mediocre - and slightly dull - traits. The only thing that stood out was my eyebrows, which were slightly bushier than normal. Willow says it accentuates my hazel irises. I say they look like mini caterpillars.
"I said, have you seen my gold earrings?" Mum repeated, hands on her hips. I shook my head. She let out an exasperated sigh before returning to her room, restarting her search for the missing gold earrings. Jo-Jo's weight shifted when he decided that he had enough chin scratches, stretching on the ground once jumping off. Now free from my furry burden, I began to stretch out myself, allowing a groan of satisfaction to leave my lips. I glanced at the clock to see what the time was. 11: 12 am. I still have time. I bounced off the couch and began to journey to my room but I only got a few steps in before dad stopped me.
"You sure you'll be ok alone, baby girl?" He said, exiting the kitchen with a cupcake in hand. He wore a simple dress shirt with black pants and shoes. His brown hair was brushed back while his reading glasses laid on his head. I held back a laugh when he asked that, knowing full well that I won't be alone. Dad couldn't know that though for if he did, he would have refused to leave the house. And that would end my chances with Cameron.
"I'll be fine. I'm not a kid anymore," I snatched the sweet treat from his hands. It may have seemed rude but I was helping him. Dad was gaining the 'dad-bod', something he was upset about. So, for the past 3 months, he has gone on a diet - borderline vegetarian. His level of meat intake was drastically decreased and now he has taken a liking to tofu curry. Mum limits his intake of sugary foods, claiming - and I quote - 'If you're going to go on a diet, might as well go all the way'. He suffered from withdrawal for a little bit but bounced straight back when he discovered the world of                         SMASHMALLOW Cinnamon Churro © - a sweet treat with zero guilt, only having 80 calories per serve.
"I know you're not but, "dad looked at me as I began to bite into the cupcake, "you really didn't need to do that"
"Yesh I did," crumbs flew out of my mouth as I spoke. Dad gave me a slight tap to the head as he walked past me, his eyes giving me a playful and sorrowful look. Maybe I should buy him a new cupcake... I thought, having slight pity for him and his sugarless diet. My eyes caught him as he gave his reflection the thumbs up, doing the Fonzie 'aye'. Nah. He wouldn't die from not having that cupcake but me in the other hand would. This was my favourite flavour, lemon curd. The centre was divine, the tangy and citrusy taste of the lemon curd sending my tastebuds to heaven. It was the perfect level of sweet - maybe borderline too sweet but it was damn well close to perfection.

"I can't find them!" Mum re-emerged from her room, flustered that her attempts to find the missing jewellery was unsuccessful.
"Have you looked in the bedroom, dear?"
"Oh my, why didn't I think of that? Silly me," mum replied sarcastically, her voice sounding hostile. It was because of moments like this that cause my parents to cancel date night, no longer wanting to deal with the hassle. Their love was slightly strained, the fire of romance dwindling. Mum says there's no longer a spark between them while dad says they stopped trying. These two would refuse to see professional marriage councillors - their pride and dignity far too big. Both believe they can sort their problems by themselves but in the end I'm the one playing umpire - an unpaid one at that.
"No need to be snarky," dad returned. They gave each other a glare. I stood like an idiot eating a cupcake that was begging me to finish it. The atmosphere was tense, so much that even Jo-Jo could tell not to interfere with his meowing or leg rubs.
"Maybe you shouldn't wear them. I mean, you look stunning with or without them," I broke in, slightly fearful that I just started World War III. When it comes to fashion, it's touch and go with mum. Also riddled with slight fear, dad gave a nod of approval, offering his hand as a peace offering.
"There's no need for us to argue. This is our time to rekindle old memories and allow the feeling of nostalgia to wash over us," dad grabbed mum's hand and pulled her into his chest, giving her a grin. I need a new dad. It didn't take long for mum to fall for my father's charm, giving a moan of pleasure. I gagged.
"Please evacuate the house and I pray you two don't give me a brother or sister."
Both of my parents gave me a questionable look. I returned the same look. Jo-Jo decided to join in on the stare-off and sat on the ground, his olive eyes unblinking, looking up at us. It was a weird experience but, I have to admit, I kind of enjoyed it. We were acting like a normal - but weird - family, not a broken or dysfunctional one. In my semi-predictable life, my family was the most uncertain. Every day I would wake up and wonder if mum and dad would argue or be in a good mood with each other. Even though my family isn't perfect - who's family is? - I am grateful I still have both of them in my life. Willow didn't have the privilege to be raised by a dad - her's leaving when she was still in the womb. She blames herself for the predicament her mother is in now but I always tell each and every day that she didn't do anything wrong. The man who helped create her was just an ass and didn't deserve a second thought. Willows says that it's my select-optimism that makes her want to be my friend. Even if I'm a pain in the neck sometimes.

It may have took a while but both of my lovey dovey parents eventually left, giving me enough time to get ready. For some advice on what to wear, I phoned Willow, knowing that she would pounce on her mobile the second it rung. Ring ring. Nothing. Ring ring. Nothing again. When I began to think that she was too busy to pick up, Willow surprised me with a loud 'hello'. I could hear heavy breathing on her end and put the pieces together.
"Lost your phone, again?"
"No, I was just doing a nice run and heard my phone ring," Willow laughed with sarcasm. I giggled.
"What should I wear? Jeans? Skirt? Dress?" I leaned my head against my phone so it was against my shoulder. I began to walk to my room, where I would eventually make it look like a hurricane had hit. I opened my wardrobe and began to push the hanging clothes to the side, confused on what I should wear.
"Well, it's technically not a date so steer away from dresses...maybe a denim skirt?" Willow asked. I began to stifle through the drawers in search for a denim skirt. I through multiple shirts, pants and even skirts over my shoulder until I found it. A cute distressed denim skirt that I bought a little while back.
"Ok, got it. What next fashion guru?"
"What's the most vintage-chic shirt you got?"
"Uhh," I went back to my wardrobe to find the answer. And there it was, my California dreamin' shirt. The fabric was white but the trims were a black. The California dreamin' text was also black but surrounding it was strips of brown, orange and mustard yellow.
"I'm guessing you got it, my little apprentice?" Willow voice rang through the phone.
"Yeah," I placed my phone down onto my bed and put it on speaker phone. I then started to get dressed, starting with the shirt and then pulling the skirt on last. To make sure I looked good, I turned to my mirror - which was hanging on my bedroom door. In my eyes I looked great, the outfit blending together nicely. The skirt was a tad too small but it wasn't too bad.
"So? How do look? I bet I did a great job"
"Definitely, thanks boo," I did a little victory dance. Today was the day where I will be more than just a neighbour to Cameron Holli. I was excited but nervous. I started to become fearful, imagining myself throwing up the second I opened the door.
"I don't think I can do this Willow," my confidence began to fade, fear taking control. This was a huge opportunity and I was willing to give it up. I can just say I don't feel 100% and reschedule. I thought this was a good plan but Willow had other ideas.
"Get yourself together girl! You can do this! You're the beast, the ultimate beast!" Willow exclaimed with enthusiasm, hoping to boost my spirit. Whenever I felt down, she always riled me up and got me back onto the field. It was her special ability.
"Thanks Willow, I needed that..."
"I seriously don't think I can do this," I sat down on the corner of my bed. My mobile began to fall towards me as the mattress bent under my weight.
"You'll be ok, once the conversation starts you'll be a natural, I promise!"
I smiled at her optimism. She was right, Cameron was just like any other guy I talk to - minus the fact that he's cuter and more superior. With new found courage, I stood up. My stomach was still uneasy but there was no urge to expel my breakfast from my body.
"You know what you are, Will? A flipping star!" I blew a kiss, hung up and stormed out of my room. I didn't let Willow reply to my words for I would've kept on talking - in hopes to stall for time. I may have been more confident but I wasn't 100% ready. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was 11: 47 am. Any minute now...

I waited by the front door for a while. By the time it was lunch, I began to think Cameron had cold feet and decided not to waste his time with Miss Mediocre. I wouldn't blame him if he chose to hang out at Kori's house - maybe mansion? I never saw Kori's place, I've always imagined her living in a huge mansion with a heated pool. Willow says that Kori has a personal masseuse, probably imported from Spain. I had to ask her what a masseuse was. My eyes fell to my bare feet - why wear shoes inside - and began to get teary eyed. It was a real stab to the gut. Then, as if a miracle was performed, there was three loud knocks. My mind jumped into action. The door wasn't opened instantly - I didn't want to look desperate. Acting as cool as possible, I opened the door to see Cameron standing before me. He wore a plain white tee-shirt with a pair of jeans. The shirt was slightly baggy, showing his casual side. His ashen hair was slightly damp - maybe from having a shower.
"Sorry I'm late, practice went on longer than I had anticipated," Cameron apologised with a small laugh. God, his laugh. I silently prayed as I stood like an idiot, a weird half smile on my lips. Say something! My mind was screaming at me to make some remark, anything.
"That's fine. Gave me time to get ready," I laughed, "you know how we girls are like!" A weird snort laugh emitted from my mouth. I instantly hated myself for saying that.
"Tell me about it! My mum takes a whole hour just on makeup alone. Guess how long it takes for her to get dressed"
"Too long"
We both began to laugh. Maybe it wasn't a major flop of a comment. I stood to the side.
"Wanna come in or do you enjoy the outdoors?"
The boy entered my humble abode and instantly looked right at home. His face was relaxed and chill, something that I was envious of. I was a nervous wreck. I led my guest into the lounge room where he began to admire the pictures on the back wall.
"Cool shirt, by the way," Cameron turned to me. He flashed me a grin that almost sent me straight to heaven.
"Oh, thanks. Willow picked it out for me," I did another awkward laugh. I tried leaning against the leather chair that was positioned in the corner nook but my arm missed it and I stumbled. Me: 0. Embarrassment: 1.
"You play baseball, right?" I tried to start a normal conversation in hopes that it will distract him from my failures.
"Yeah. You play sport?"
"My sporting career started and ended in Year 1," I joked, "got hit on the head with a tennis ball and now I am unable to play anything"
"Joke. That was a joke...well, it was supposed to be one"
Cameron laughed. It wasn't fake but genuine. He actually found me funny.
"You have a nice sense of humour, Ray"
Oh god! He called me Ray. Willow was the only one who called me that. It was a joke we both had, shortening our names so they were male. No one else has ever called me Ray.
"Thanks, Cam?" I uncertainly replied, afraid he would get upset over his 'nickname'. "Would you like some thing to eat? Sandwich?"
"Sure," Cameron replied as he touched the weirdly shaped vase mum got while in Mexico. The base reminded me of a pumpkin while the neck looked like a sock puppet. The handle went from the top of the neck to halfway down the pumpkin base. There were two colours - one being blue and the other being brown. It was a weird shape and kind of hard to explain. While my crush sat on one of the bar stools, waiting for his sandwich, Jo-Jo thought it was the perfect time to start harassing me. He ran in between my legs, almost tripping me up - as cats do - and started to meow vigorously. He took no break as he continued to follow me, still meowing like crazy. I turned to Cameron and apologised for the disruption. My face was buried in the fridge - searching for the curried egg - when he replied.
"It's ok, really"
Jo-Jo gave Cameron a nod of approval - literally - before turning to me with his pleading olive eyes. He was the master of deception and manipulation. I went to the cupboard and took out a can of his favourite food. Kitty Sublime - full of nutrients that every cat needs while still tasting delicious. Using a can opener, I managed to open the fishy can, the smell making me choke.
"What breed?" I heard Cameron ask. I turned to see him patting Jo-Jo as he sat in the bench, acting rather smug. We both knew he wasn't allowed up there. He also knew I wouldn't say no in front of Cameron. While not looking at what I was doing - confident that I wouldn't mess up - I answered.
"Bombay. They're a friendly breed. He, on the other hand, is a master deceiver so be warned"
"Oh? Well, looks like I've fallen for his charm already. Shame on you buddy," Jo-Jo was given a playful boop on the nose, something that he surprisingly liked. Whenever my finger went near his nose, Jo-Jo would bite it, his fangs sinking into my flesh. Little bugger was trying to steal my man. I finished making the sandwiches and began to cut them in triangles. I may have been sixteen but I will always be a child at heart. Placing one of the sandwiches on a white ceramic plate, I pushed the cat food can away from me, oblivious to the fact that it was lighter than before. I also didn't realise that the curried egg container wasn't opened. Love really can make you blind.
"Curried egg ok?" I felt stupid for not asking this before making it. Once again, love makes you do stupid things.
"I love curried egg!"
"Same!" We gave each other a high five. Everything was running smoothly. I walked back to my sandwich and it was there where I noticed the fishy smell coming from my food. I cautiously lifted the corner of my bread up to see the inside. Lo and behold, it was cat food, smeared like jam. My mind screamed. My throat tightened. The world slowed down when I turned around to see Cameron gagging, his face slightly going puffy. His usual warm beige skin tone started to turn a splotchy red. It looked like a rash. My body went cold when I heard him start to make choking sounds. I killed him.

"Long story short, he went into anaphylactic shock and I had to call his mum," I continued my story with Willow, feeling guilty.
"Oh my fudging god! Ray! How? Wha? Huh?" Her voice squealed three times.
"His mum threatened me with a law suit... he'll never want to talk to me. No, he won't even want to look at me!" I began to cry, hot tears falling down my red cheeks. I was so close but I blew it. Big time.
"Have your parents heard yet?"
"No..." I mumbled. If I told them, dad would find out that I lied to him but if I don't tell them, it'll bite me in the ass. It was a no-win situation.
"Maybe Mrs. Holli won't go through with her threat?"
"I don't know," I mumbled again. I cuddled against Jo-Jo, who curled up next to me after I made the call to Willow. His ears perked up when he heard the front door opened, laughing coming afterwards. I could tell they had a good time. I definitely didn't...
"Hi sweetie! How was your time?" Mum chirped, still not knowing that I almost killed a guy. I told Willow I would talk to her at school and hung up. It was now or never.
"Mum, dad. I need to tell you something..."

Author's Note:
WOW, I really smashed out this chapter! It's probably not too good though. Sorry about that. Hope it didn't put you off.
A little heads up; once I reach halfway of this story, I will put it on hold for editing (don't worry, we still got a while before the halfway point). During that time, I will add, subtract or change anything that you don't like! So please, feedback! Have a lovely day (or night).

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