1. redo of dealer

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As you probably read from the tags, this is an OP MC story, but! I'm gonna make him overpowered in an interesting and understandable way (like the power I'm using for this story) rather than a predictable, unoriginal, boring, and convoluted way (like power copying or 5 bios worth of weapons and powers).

Also, I forgot to include in my rant that it's literally impossible to have zero powers in union stories, as well as most RWBY stories. Cuz pyrrha easily unlocked jaune's aura at the start of rwby, what's stopping MC from getting aura by asking someone? Actually, if the MC is "powerless", how did they get enrolled in union academy in the first place? Both MHA and RWBY initiation required them to beat robots and monsters, so how did this supposedly normal human get in?

Whatever, enjoy the story and criticism is welcome.


3rd POV


???:『ha! you lose.』She smirked at her opponent,『you fought diligently to the end, but! that means nothing against a true pro.』

In the seat across from her was a boy bearing many scars and no reaction as he simply watched the pale, demonic lady, occasionally switching glances at the game they're playing for a moment.

???:「hmm, wanna move your finger? It looks rather uncomfortable in that slot.」

???:『Pssshhh whatchu mean it looks uncomfortable, it's in the most comfy spot in this emindscape!』

???:「riiiiiight. . .」you pinches the loose piece of skin right by her sharp fingernail,「so you wouldn't mind if I did this?」

When you had a firm grip on it, you tugged at it very lightly, making the demon let out an eep and quickly recoiled her finger out the hole.


???:『how dare you threaten me to such a cruel fate!』She glared at her grinning opponent,『hasn't your mother ever taught you to be a gentleman?!』

???:「sorry, mother taught me to beat both women and men indiscriminately.」you picked up a red plastic coin and–


???:「connect 4.」

???:『to think I made a real man,』She let out a playful weeped,『but he turned into a goddamn cheater! Where did I go wrong!?』

???:「teaching me new tricks.」standing up, he pushing his chair in and brings out a marker,「though don't be too disheartened, I was the one that taught you new tricks either way.」

You marked a board that recorded wins and losses, with your side having an amount of 24 wins and the other having none. You were about to give her a head-pat out of sportsmanship and maybe some cheesy motivation lines until–

Real world

You had abruptly woken up in your bed, eyes immediately darting around the room like there was a disturbance. Soon your eyes flashed a blue glow for a moment before standing up and observing your surroundings as if you feel something was off before heading to the bathroom.

???:『strange, someone managed to block [eyes of heaven], even if its at a low input.』the feminine voice from nowhere notifies,『although I could just put in more effort, I like surprises. So wanna not spoil it?』

???:「not entirely sure. What if it's a crappy surprise? Like a trio of 70-year-old hookers sharing a tooth and a lazy-eye again?」

???:『then we'll blow them up. Simple as that. Now get cleaned.』She ordered,『you gotta look presentable when you're under the threat of sexual slavery.』

You scoffed and went into the bathroom that had its light switch flipped despite no physical contact being made. Then you grabbed a toothbrush and started cleaning your mouth, which bears a lot of razor-sharp teeth. After a minute or so, you Looked in the mirror and cracked a rather plain smile, only to hear a guitar rift followed by a rumble which suddenly cracked the bathroom mirror. You let out a sigh and joked about not being sure whether it being the least stealthy assassins ever or if you really looked that bad.

Although you could just get it over with and succeed, the only things that stopped you was the lack of actual concern and an empty stomach. So you decided to either let whoever's spying announce themselves or personally greet them when he finishes eating. and left the bathroom for the leftovers you substitutes for breakfast in the kitchen. You felt too lazy and hungry to cook an actual breakfast, so you merely threw some leftovers into the microwave even when they're more suited for dinner at night than a breakfast in the morning.

??? POV

While the food was heating up, I activated [Eyes Of Heaven] again to check the entire building again for whatever's happening and i Still can't see or sense a single thing outside my entire apartment, save for that weirdo standing at my door. Whoever set all this up must really wanna talk to me.

Or brutally kill me. Whichever happens first.


Then I took the plate out and attracted a fork to my hand before walking to the couch in front of the TV that I zapped to turn on to look for something to watch while I'm eating.

???: *sigh*「to think I'd finish the entire plate before I could find good show says a lot about hulu's quality.」i fling the fork right into the sink and toss the plate into the trashcan far from the couch,「now what was I thinking about. . ?」


Oh right, I'm probably being invited to have my kidney stolen.

I got up and walked to the door to welcome my possible trafficker, not even bothering to look through the peephole, and saw that it's  not Mario stealing my liver.

[Downfall dragon spear: an artificial sacred gear with the ability to create barriers to protect whosoever is wielding it.]
[Perfected the formula for catgirls]

Azazel: "Hey kid." He gave a warm smile, "Good to see you doing well."

I only nodded in response and gestured to him to come in, to which he complied and sat In a chair. After locking the door and relaxing on the couch next to Azazel, he started speaking.

Azazel: "Nice place you got here." He looked around, "it's cozy and much better than the online apartment pics advertised."

???:「it was rather messy before Renovated. Now it's a real living room. I say that because I found a dead body under the floorboards when i first cleaned.」

Azazel: "and you still stayed around?" He raised an eyebrow.

???:「landlord said I won't have to pay rent and could even work rent by being local mechanic and maintenance.」I explained,「though I suspect he may be responsible for said dead body.」

Azazel: "may need to speak to the manager." He noted before speaking to me, "But why not go to a better apartment?"

???:「convenience.」I shrugged in response before getting to the elephant in the room,「while I do like your company, I'm well aware there's a reason you came here other than a visit.」

I watch the fallen angel sigh and pull an envelope from his jacket and place it on the table.

Azazel: "I know your previous experience was bad, but me and the other headmasters would like to enroll you into our ranks."

???:「. . . Why should I?」I frowned at azazel.

Azazel: "woah there! I merely volunteered to be the messenger." Putting hands up in defense, he continued, "to keep it brief, we'd like to reconcile and/or have you by our side; not that you'd have to attend as a student, but more so an ally in some shape or form."

???:「And even if I do accept, how could you be sure I'm worth trouble? Do i seem all that much stronger than i was 2 years ago?」

Azazel: "pfft, you and I both know I can't be fooled just like that." He shook his head, "you can speak some form of telepathy right now, you tried to sense the entire apartment complex 10 minutes ago, and your energy feels much lower than before, but in a way it seems like you're deliberately hiding it."

???:『. . .』yeah, I'm not very thrilled either,『no not that it's just azazel, it's that there's no creepy old pedos to kill!』

???:「guess cat's out of bag then. What else? There has to be a reason you're using these "electromagnetic blockers" if you wanted to just talk.」

Azazel: "right you are, consider this an initiation if you do accept. If you decline however, then that's your choice the guys and I will respect and leave you alone, maybe even send in money." He continues, "But in case you do accept, you be given any place you want that's better than this, getting paid regularly and on top of being having connections, you would aallssoo haaavvveee ooottthhheeerrrr beeeennnniiiiffffe–"

His speech kept slowing down until it came to a halt, courtesy of [brainstorm] accelerating my perception of time to the point everything's in slow-motion.

???: (OK, thoughts?)

???:『while this offer is a little sus and all, I think we could work with this!』

???: (hmm, you sure about this?)

???:『are you?』

???: (can't say I am. Not only is the schoolwork just downright horrendous, but I also have a lot of less than fond memories during my time at school.)

???:『I mean, what happened was a long time ago. Who's to say you'd even have the same classmates as 2 years ago? And even then, what could they even do to you now? Also, he said you don't have to be a student.』

???: (good point, but doesn't it seem like too much work and they might have ulterior motives that's bad for our favor?)

???:『well, we're really bored and have fuck-all to do here; so I'm sure racking up some more fights would be pleasant. Plus, if we caught the attention of union, how long would it be until we catch the interest of villains?』

???: (. . . Hmm. . .)

???:『also, how long has it been since you've seen your friends? You kinda have been ghosting them since that day. I know you had some things you needed to settle, but I think keeping tabs would've been pleasant for them.』

???: (. . .)

???:『while I'm somewhat interested in the deal, I'm fine with whatever you choose.』

???: (. . . *sigh* alright, I made my decision.) I felt her smiling as my perception went back to normal.

Azazel: "–ets of your choosing." He finished, likely unaware of what I was doing a second ago. "So whatcha say to that?"

???:「. . . Hmm, and I'll do whatever I want?」

Azazel: "as long as it isn't malicious or illegal."

???:「And I won't have to do paperwork and shit?」

Azazel: "not if you don't wanna."

???:「well it seems I'm interested in your offer then.」seeing the fallen angel smile, he took the document out the envelope and placed it in front of me.「so I just sign this?」

With a nod in response, I had the doc scanned from top to bottom, pixel by pixel. After seeing no loopholes or fine prints that could screw me over, I signed away my human rights and gave the paper to Azazel, who folded and pocketed it with a glad smile.

Azazel: "pleasure doing business."

???:「so, when does this "initiation" start?」

As soon as I said that, I felt a strong arm grab me by the neck and pulled me through the wall my back was facing.

3rd POV

You flail in the air from being reverse koolaid-man'd out your own apartment and quickly used [gecko] to stick to the metallic support and rebar in the apartment walls. Once you got your footing, you tried to look at your assailant but got punched in the face And sent hard to the ground that there's a cartoonist outline of you left in the ground. Before you could remember you're on the ground, your literal soulmate had electricity arcing from your body as the assailant launched itself to cave in your chest with a punch, only for you Vanish and seemingly teleport behind it with a ball of energy in hand.


You launched an arc of lightning to the robot that failed to dodge it, resulting in it obliterating its entire head and smoke being where it used to be.

???:「that was initiation?」you pop your neck,「either I'm too powerful or that robot too weak. Kinda expecting more–」


With an explosion going off right behind your head, you wince at the pain your ears sustain as you look at the culprit responsible for it.

The moment the two of you made eye-contact, it holsters its grenade launcher and started beating its chest akin to gorillas, but the sound was actual drums and not slapping. Then other robots of the same model came down in the dozens and charged at you with malicious intent, making you shrug and envelope your body in a blinding blue light with electricity zapping everything in close proximity.


???:『if I'm gonna honest, these robot designs are pretty badass!』She praised while you hold on and zap the last robot,『might go and dox the genius when we arrive wherever.』

While you're shocking the poor robot, you suddenly felt something bothering your electroreceptors, making you use [Eyes of heaven] to see dozens of people marching to your location, less than half of which were more imposing than the robots you've decimated. Deciding that it'll probably look cool, you pile up the robots and sit on the top.

???:『you read my mind. Up top!』

She made an energy construct of a hand to clap with yours, to which you smiled and high-fived it.

And as soon as the large group of people arrived, they looked around confused and some annoyed and some threw derogatory terms at terms at you. Now that you look at them, they were rather young; with 14 likely being youngest and perhaps 20 being the very oldest. And then your eyes hit some familiar faces, most of them having almost the same vibe you were having.

While confusion was spread amongst the crowd, a loud voice echoes through the town that I just now realized was empty of civilians.

Present mic: "HEYA!!! I know you kids are very confused as to how you're supposed to get points when all the robots are already destroyed. But the higher-ups had a better idea on how to Guage your strength and accurately place you in the classes that suit you best. And what better way to measure your strengths than with the weakest strongest guy we know!?"

The candidates: ". . ."

Present mic: "in short, you're all fighting him." For dramatic effect, you flare up your aura and made a lot of students nervous, "Thank you for that. ANYWAY. Students, your objective is to fight RN mikhailov. Be careful, seen this fella tearing those robots apart. Have fun and survive~!"

[RN mikhailov]
[Hominid Garb: a quirk that grants one human characteristics and traits.]
[Soul of inazuma: a sacred gear inside his chest that can generate vast amounts of electricity to which he can control with a near limitless myriad of uses.]
[Has the power of God and science]

RN:「hmm. Well this looks better than my first initiation.」I grinned as I stood up and approached the students,「what do you think, vaj?」

[Lady Vajra]
[Power: can generate vast amounts of electricity and energy.]
[Amounts to a supercomputer but does little with it.]

Vajra:『give them a welcoming fight!』you continue walking to the bunch of anxious students,『you are their senior afterall.』

And with that said, chaos ensues.


And that was the first chapter of the story! Sorry for the delay, writer's block. Now that this is written, hopefully I can get to other stories and think of ideas. But anyways, I'm gonna do the smart thing and NOT have 666 beast fight RN just to show off how powerful he is at the start of the story; instead, i'm using most of the main cast.

So, how did I do?
2800 words

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