rant before story

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Ice: ok, so it's abundantly clear most of y'all seen a whole lot of union stories with the same formula at least 40 times already. How I'd know that is because it took me 70 abused and neglected male reader stories for me to realize I've really just been reading a turd spray-painted gold but each story has different scented candles. Harsh I know, but it gets really bothersome after reading the same rehash dozens of times. No offense to those who write or enjoy them but Getting back on topic, you know that same ol' plot in most union stories?

MC (usually YN or izuku for cuz why not) gets his ass beat and anal hairs plucked, which makes him leave (whether he fights back and gets expelled because of that or not doesn't actually matter), then becomes stronger by our only lord and savior Bill Cosby or somethin' choosing to train/empower this ONE KID THEY BARELY KNOW because he was probably so good at kissing ass, then he arrivess in time to save the world's greatest forces from being killed by trihexa!

Y'know, the monster that nobody ever bothers to check the dxd wiki for its description? Better as an endgame enemy than it would be right at the start of the story? The monster who's so strong it easily defeated the world's strongest forces? The monster with no defined powers?

Yeah fuck that bitch; figuratively and usually literally. . . If the author actually writes lemons.

So the gigachad MC easily defeats her in a poorly-written fight scene and takes zero damage from this city-busting monster but instead takes damage from opponents, who by all accounts, should be vastly weaker than said monster.

So since the 666 beast is at minimum in the top 5 strongest enemies in the series, you'd think the other villains would back off, right? Nah dude, the author just forgets them and they usually die fast, maybe a cringey line or two.

Now that we got the plot out the way, what about the world? I ask this because you really have to think about it. The primary world's you see usually combined are–

Akame ga killed the entire cast
Really Wants Big Yuri
My fruity-ass Academia
Highschool Disney XD

Hopefully y'all understand what the titles above mean and are cuz all but one were really goofy in my opinion. So each world has their powers and systems; such as sacred gears, semblances, teigu, and quirks. See the issue? If not, then just read as I explain the best I can but at the most glaring issue first.


No really. There's only a small handful of people in the show with some actually notable semblances (neo, Weiss, narrow, pyrrha, etc), while others are just plain stupid; Take ruby for example. Not only is her made-in-china sharingan poorly explained and stupid, but her semblance is too! I don't care if you split your molecules or whatever, why would superspeed matter if every person you fight is already superhuman? And even aura is garbage as it is, cuz what's so special about aura when every character outside of RWBY can take usually-fatal damage without requiring aura? There's also that semblance that roots you the ground. Yeah it's as dumb as it sounds in a groundbreaking battle.

Some of you may say I'm treating RWBY too harshly in comparison to how I'd treat the other three fandoms, but bear with me.

Then there's quirks, what semblances could've been like. Makes you wonder what's the actual difference between these two and the answer is. . . Nothing much actually, Only quirks are better explained. There's no actual reason that these two would be named differently since semblances can be easily generalized as emitter-type quirks or something.

Then there's sacred gears, arguably the best power out of the 4 powers (technically 5 if you count in magic) yet the most problematic of them. Not problematic as in they're badly explained, I mean problematic as in they're too OP. Issei alone is confirmed to be able to cause planetary destruction In DXD. I know how he's a pervert (the excuse everyone uses) and inexperienced, but we shouldn't say an inexperienced pervert with a God-killing weapon forged by God will do zero damage to anyone. Then there's Asia's healing gear which is said that healing sacred gears can heal anything with almost zero drawbacks according to the wiki, which makes this even more busted if not for how rare they are.

Can't say much about teigu because of how simple and done they are, so yeah.

Finally you have to remember everyone's backstory and this world they're all living in.

Ruby with a dead mom living in kingdoms walled from easily killable creatures of darkness? (Fuck the faunus BTW)

Issei living as a common simp who never heard of the existence of the supernatural and got pegged by a flying stripper before meeting the sister of stand-in Satan?

Izuku being born quirkless in a superhero celebrity society with freaks of nature?

Fuck all that, they'll all be the same! Despite how much this world should really change their entire backstories! Who cares if issei would realistically never meet or own anything to rias when he'll have the power of God long before meeting her? Who cares if izuku can easily substitute a quirk with learnable magic and as such would never meet all might, who could just have his injuries healed in this new world and wouldn't need to pass on OFA? Who cares about ruby?

No really, who cares about her?

And speaking of one for all, wouldn't it be one of the most busted powers in this world? Think about its stockpile ability and how there's no set limitations on whether you could have one power and the other. So let's say the first host can get a teigu, a sacred gear, some magic, and a (hopefully useful) semblance all the while having one for all quirk. Now account for the next 7-8 users (even this isn't a guarantee since there could be even more users in this world) when all past users have every power of every category, but the stockpile ability makes them stronger.

Now let's say izuku still does get one for all when he realistically couldn't. Wouldn't that make izuku an essential god With all his acquired sacred gears, magic, quirks, teigu, and semblances? And by proxy, wouldn't that make All for one even more dangerous since he could do the same but on a grander scale?

Yeah it gets more and more messy when you think about it, which is why I'm gonna do the bare minimum and try to make it clean and put some limiting factors that stops everyone from having everything, as well as explaining the world. I'll even nerf and buff certain characters like the world of RWBY needing a desperate buff and DXD a minor Nerfing. I'll start by giving MC underused and explainable powers that stems off a single power, which for sure isn't power-copying.

And since my previous union story had some rather great feedback and subversions, I decided to make a polished version because I now know what I'm writing even though I'm losing a lot of relevance.

Hope you enjoy this story and sorry for this overly long rant, felt like I needed to get some things out the way. Just know I can only promise a good-tasting steak and not a 5-star course meal. So don't mind the rust.

1270 words


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