It's a matter of time

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                      Author's Pov

Time is a strange force with the power to change everything. Its rules are unique and unpredictable, often beyond our ability to foresee.

First, time can change anyone's life in the blink of an eye. It has the power to turn weak people into strong ones, and the strongest into the weakest as time passes. That's why we should remember that if time is currently in our favor, we shouldn't misuse it—especially in how we treat others. Because when their time comes, they may refuse to help us when we need it the most.

Second, time has an invisible control over people's minds, influencing how they perceive a person's characteristics or the intentions behind their actions.

For example, if people view someone as a criminal for breaking certain laws, they may quickly protest against that person, believing it's their duty as responsible citizens. However, once they learn the reasons behind that person's rebellious actions—especially if driven by emotions like love for their family and a desire to save their lives—their opinions may swiftly shift from opposition to support.

Third, as we all know, different places have different time zones. For example, if it is twelve noon in New York, it is five in the evening in London due to the time zone difference. Understanding these differences can be beneficial if we know how to use them to our advantage.

These three factors played crucial roles in Evelyn's life. They enabled her to save her husband's life by moving him to London as soon as possible, to meet her daughter at least once before going to prison for a long time, and to trespass into Snyder Villa by breaking the rules with the help of police officers.


Although Evelyn resigned from the Special Crime Department of New York City a few years ago and moved to London, she maintained good relationships with her former co-workers, juniors, and acquaintances. During this time, she even helped many of them through crises using her connections.

It was for this reason that, when Olivia called the police station at around noon on Monday to report that she had killed her husband, Martin immediately informed Evelyn about her daughter.

Evelyn received the devastating news at five that same evening and began planning her journey to New York City as quickly as possible.

While she was busy planning everything with her 'Sentinels Team,' her phone vibrated once again. Upon answering, she was doubly shocked to learn about her husband's accident and that Drake Wilson had been appointed as the lead investigator in her daughter's case.

With the help of the airport authorities and staff, including the top pilot at Liberty Hill Runway (LHR) Airport, she successfully hijacked the private jet, AeroElite, at ten that night and flew toward Jade Falls Key (JFK) Airport with her four trusted men.

In the meantime, Martin used his connections to persuade the airport authorities to grant permission for AeroElite to land at JFK, spinning countless lies.

As a result, the private jet touched down in New York City at twelve-thirty in the middle of the night on Tuesday.

Martin welcomed them by giving them a red Honda Civic to use as they wished. Without wasting any time, Evelyn went to meet some of her contacts to protect her child and husband, expressing her thanks to him.

Unfortunately, Martin was kidnapped by DK's hired men while returning to the police station from the airport and was locked up in an abandoned factory in the stillness of the night.

Meanwhile, in London, at five in the early morning on Tuesday, news of the AeroElite hijacking by an unknown woman and her accomplices spread across the city and the UK like wildfire.

As a consequence, most Londoners began to protest against Evelyn's dangerous actions and questioned the security system of the airport authorities. They demanded that the government take strict legal action against her to ensure that no one would dare to do the same in the future.

After facing many difficulties, Evelyn succeeded in sending Ronaldo to JFK airport, and the private jet took off from New York City toward LHR airport at two in the afternoon, which was seven in the evening in London.

When it was approximately seven in the evening in New York City and Evelyn was busy buying essential items for her trespass into Snyder Villa, it was midnight on Wednesday in London, where a new slogan had emerged in front of GLA calling for support for Evelyn and her 'Sentinels Team' rather than punishment.

This change in sentiment occurred around ten on Tuesday night in London when the GIN news channel uploaded three videos. Within moments, the strikers shifted their views in favor of Evelyn after learning her true identity and the reasons behind her actions.

As a result, another movement emerged in front of GLA, calling to save Evelyn from harsh punishment for her minor rule violations.

It was two-thirty in the middle of the night on Wednesday when Luna and Ryan were discussing the strikers demands. At that time, they heard the announcement of AeroElite's landing and went to receive Ronaldo.

At the same moment, it was nine-thirty on Tuesday night in New York City, Evelyn was driving toward the Snyder Villa with a strong determination to find evidence in her daughter's favor, carrying essential items to help her gain access to the villa.


It was only a matter of time until they faced many incidents, occurring at different times but simultaneously.

Evelyn and Luna were doing their best to turn the situation in their favor with the help of their accomplices.

Although Luna nearly managed to reverse the adverse circumstances for her mother, on the other hand, Evelyn was losing every opportunity to prove her daughter's innocence, one by one.

After discovering the truth about the garden storage bench at the Snyder Villa, Evelyn realized that her daughter was a victim of cruel circumstances and a conspiracy. However, she had no idea of the full extent of the intrigue or who the new enemies were.

Everything was blurred before her eyes, including her thoughts, as she knew DK was only responsible for ensuring Olivia's harsh punishment—nothing more.

One question spun in her mind like a top: who was the snake that struck her daughter's fate by exploiting her weaknesses like her childhood friends, her first love—and, most importantly, why?

As Luna felt happy, believing that the next sunrise in London would bring a fresh start for her mother—allowing her to live a life of dignity and honor—she had no idea that her joy would be short-lived. At the same moment, the sunrise in New York City would bring a terrible twist to her mother's future.

Not only that, but in the coming hours, some terrible incidents were about to occur in DK and Olivia's lives—events they could not even imagine in their worst nightmares.

Although these incidents would be shocking, they were also destined to leave positive impacts on their lives, ultimately leading them to view the world and their surroundings in a new light.


It was a quarter past ten on Tuesday night when Nadia entered the living room of 'Love-Nest,' carrying several shopping bags in her hands. She placed the bags on the couch and lazily collapsed onto another. Leaning back, she closed her eyes and set her designer silver purse beside her.

At that moment, a maid approached her with a glass of water on a tray and said, "Ma'am, here is your water."

She opened her eyes and looked at the maid with a tired expression, then took the glass and asked before sipping the water, "Where is your sir? Is he home or has he gone out?"

Upon hearing the query, the maid gulped nervously and replied in a hesitant tone, "Sir is in his room. He's been there since the evening, and..." She trailed off when Nadia placed the empty glass on the coffee table and stared at her with questioning eyes, a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

She then raised her left eyebrow and, with a blank expression, asked, "And what?"

The maid took a deep breath before responding in one breath, "He locked himself in the bedroom right after Mrs. Evelyn Taylor left. We heard the sounds of things breaking and his howling, like a madman, as if he was regretting something."

"What?" Nadia exclaimed in a shocked voice as she rose from the couch. Then, with a furious tone, she scolded the maid, "And what were all of you doing then? Why didn’t anyone go to stop him? Do we pay you just to serve us food and clean the house?"

The maid replied instantly, her voice trembling, "No ma'am, you're misunderstanding us. We went there and tried to unlock the door with the spare key, but sir threatened us in a loud, angry tone, saying that if any of us tried to enter the room, he would not hesitate to shoot us. So, we didn't have the courage to disobey his order." She said the last sentence while looking at the ground in fear.

"Useless morons! Now get out of my way!" Nadia exclaimed in anger, glaring at the maid with a burning gaze before grabbing her purse and heading toward their bedroom.

Her hurried steps on the stairs echoed like footsteps in a haunted house, as the silence of the 'Love-Nest' turned it into a lifeless, abandoned place.

She took the extra key from her purse and unlocked the door. Upon opening it, she saw that their room was engulfed in darkness. She let out a deep sigh of frustration and placed her hand on the wall to the right, where the switchboard was located.

She pressed several buttons on the switchboard to dispel the darkness with light.

But as the lights illuminated the dark room, "Aaaahhhhh!"—a scream of horror escaped her lips in response to the scene before her.


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