Karma Judges Without Bias

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DK was laughing like a maniac when he saw the latest breaking news on his large, luxurious TV screen.

Breaking News: Olivia Snyder has finally surrendered herself, and the police are now taking her to Abyss Hill Prison.

"You can see that we have been following the police vans since they left the court premises. After witnessing the horrible incident on the BRN bridge, we thought that Olivia Snyder had died along with her accomplice. But after some time, we noticed Mr. Andrew Gray receiving a call from an unknown person and leaving with a serious expression on his face, accompanied by his subordinates. So we decided to follow his car to satisfy our curiosity and learn more about this case.

While following his car, we realized that we were heading toward C.N Hospital. Another police van joined us along the way.

Upon reaching the place, we didn't know what was happening inside the hospital because media entry was strictly prohibited. We waited outside with patience in our hearts and many questions, curiosity, and anxiety in our minds about the police department's future actions.

After some time, we noticed that Andrew Gray's car left first from the scene. Then, a police van emerged from the hospital gate. Eventually, we observed Olivia Snyder sitting inside the van, handcuffed and looking down." The reporter narrated every detail, and DK's laughter intensified as he listened to her every word.

At that moment, a forty-five-year-old woman descended the stairs while he was busy laughing in joy at his significant success. She wore a navy blue long skirt paired with a yellow top, her green almond eyes shining beneath golden curly hair with bangs. A silver designer purse hung from her left shoulder.

She stood quietly behind DK and wrapped her arms around his waist, causing him to flinch at the sudden touch. But he didn't turn his face to see who it was because, after feeling the touch, he understood that it was none other than his beloved wife, Nadia Wilson.

A proud smile appeared on her face upon seeing the happiness on her husband's face after a long time. She spoke with satisfaction, placing her chin on her husband's left shoulder, "Congratulations, honey. You've finally won. I hope you can now sleep peacefully after defeating your old enemies."

"Thanks, Dia. Yes, you're right," DK replied and gave his wife a quick peck on her lips.

"Honey, I'm heading to the mall to buy some surprise gifts for our son. Do you need anything?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement and joy shining in her eyes.

"No, but don't forget to buy all his favorite things. He's coming back after eight years, and I want to give him everything he likes," DK replied, his face beaming with euphoria as if he had everything he ever wanted in life, but he didn't shift his gaze from the TV screen for a second.

"You seem more excited than I am to meet him," she teased, raising her left eyebrow. He responded with a wide smile.

"Honey, let's go shopping together," Nadia spoke softly, but her mind was filled with doubts about the reason behind her spouse's true happiness. She knew her husband loved their son more than his life, but he hated Evelyn's family the most. She wanted to see if her hubby was happy because their son was coming back to them or because he had finally succeeded in taking revenge on his enemies.

Her doubts turned into confirmation when DK replied in a casual tone without removing his stare from the flat screen, "Sorry, Dia, I can't go anywhere today. I have some urgent work to finish."

After hearing his reply, Nadia withdrew her hands from her husband's waist and looked at him with burning eyes. Her gaze reflected a mix of emotions: anger, frustration, sadness, and most importantly, the pain of defeat once again in the presence of their old enemy, who had always cast a shadow over their marriage from the beginning. DK's love for Nadia and their son meant nothing in the face of his hatred toward Evelyn.

When DK sensed his wife's prolonged silence, he turned to meet her eyes. Seeing her expression, he realized he was in trouble. Just as he was about to speak sweetly to defuse her anger, his luck ran out. His beloved wife placed her right palm in front of his face, silencing him before he could utter a word.

"I know what your urgent work is because I've been seeing this since our marriage. You don't have to say anything to fool me again," she stated with a lot of pain in her voice.

"Dia, you're misunderstanding me, I didn't ..." DK again didn't get the chance to finish his words because he was interrupted by his wife's sudden yell.

"Shut up, just shut up. I don't want to hear the same excuse that I've been listening to since our marriage. Your actions have proved that our love failed to paint your dark life with bright colors, and you have been stuck in the same position. Whatever I did for you or our son did to make you forget about your past and your so-called enemies turned out to be a big failure for us. You didn't forget your enemies after taking revenge on them; it simply indicated that you don't want to forget them. As a result, Evelyn has always been between us in the past, she is here in the present, and she will stay in our lives in the future too. You have become a selfish person who only thinks about himself. Now I understand that your heart and mind have been filled with Evelyn, Ronaldo, and Olivia from the beginning, and there was no place for me or our son. Fine, you don't have to come with me anywhere." With glittering eyes, she said the last sentence and left without hearing a reply from her husband.

DK rubbed his forehead temples, releasing a deep sigh of regret. He murmured to himself with a guilty expression, "What have I done? She is right; I became selfish in my quest for revenge. I wronged them, especially her, by not giving her enough time. What should I do now to win her heart again?" Saying this, he sat on the couch and closed his eyes, trying to concentrate on his wife's favorite things, setting aside his endless hatred for his enemies.

After a couple of minutes of thinking, he opened his eyes and, with lots of thrill in his eyes and excitement in his voice, explained to himself, "Today, I'll make her favorite strawberry cake, and I'll decorate our bedroom with pleasant-smelling candles and flowers just like I did when I proposed to her. She will be happy to relive our precious moments once again. I want to see her reaction when I ask her to give me our second child as a symbol of our love and a new start to our lives without any shadow of old enemies." The last sentence he said while placing his palms on his face, blushing and laughing like a new groom.

But he was forced to stop laughing and looked at the TV screen when he heard the reporter's next narration about Olivia Snyder. As a result, his shy face transformed into a hot volcano as he began fuming with anger.

"Finally, the newly declared murderer surrendered herself after meeting with her father, who had fallen into a coma following yesterday's car accident. Her actions proved that not every criminal is a liar. She kept the promise she made to Mr. Jack Collins, the senior officer at the New York City police station, when she threatened the police department by placing a gun to her forehead. Today's events justified her true intentions: she didn't seek to evade justice; she simply wanted to see her father before beginning her ten-year prison sentence.

When waves of hateful statements filled the air against her due to her past actions, her current actions once again proved her honesty, much like her parents'. She revealed that she had killed her husband in self-defense and sought to punish herself for her deeds. As news spread to the public, their perception of her began to change.

Many citizens in our country have begun to support her actions because they can relate to the situations she has faced over the past few years and especially in recent days. Thus, we can say that negative comments about her have started to transform into positive ones, much like a change in the weather...." The reporter's description was muted when DK took the remote and turned off the TV.

After that, he began to take long breaths to control his anger. After some time, he smiled and said to himself with a calm and joyful tone, "From now on, I'll only focus on my family; there's no room for outsiders. Whatever people say or think about Olivia or her parents won't change her fate. She will have to endure ten years in hell, and Evelyn will cry for her every day. In the end, you won, Drake Wilson, so let's arrange everything to celebrate your success with your better half." After saying that, he headed toward the kitchen to bake a cake for his lovable wife.


Approximately fifty minutes later, DK's cell phone started ringing while he was busy mixing ingredients in a bowl with a hand grinder to make a smooth batter for a cake. He turned off the hand grinder and placed it on the kitchen counter beside the bowl. Then he took his phone out of his trousers pocket and, seeing the caller ID, realized it was one of his security guards.

He answered the call and uttered casually, "Hello."

"Hello, sir. Mrs. Evelyn Taylor is waiting in her car outside the house. Should I open the gate for her?" The security guard asked with a mixture of doubt and nervousness. Everyone in DK's household, including the maids, knew how much he disliked her and her family.

On the other hand, an evil smirk crept onto DK's lips as he heard his enemy's name. With a pleasant yet serious tone, he replied, "Sure," before abruptly ending the call. Through gritted teeth, he muttered to himself in anger, "Come quickly, Eve. I eagerly await the sight of pain in your brave eyes, for your child."


Meanwhile, the security guards opened the door with a creaking sound, and Evelyn's car entered the house of her so-called enemy, who had once been a close friend of her family.

She parked her red Honda Civic and stepped out of the car. As she did, she noticed security guards peeking at her from a distance, their curious eyes fixed on her. When she stared back at them with a cold, blank expression, they nervously gulped. With a blink of an eye, she changed her facial expression and gave them a wide, mocking smile. Startled, they quickly averted their eyes and left, as if they had seen a ghost. Evelyn then returned to her serious demeanor, which seemed as dangerous as an angry tigress.

She pressed the doorbell, and one of DK's housemaids, who was in her late thirties, opened the door and said politely, "Ma'am, please come in."

Without giving her any reply, Evelyn entered the house and started walking toward the living room. She was familiar with every corner of that luxurious home because she and her husband had helped the owner buy and decorate it.

"Welcome, Mrs. Evelyn Taylor, to my house after a long time. I think today the sun has risen from the west; that's why the dust of your feet has fallen into my house. Or maybe you're suffering from amnesia after witnessing your daughter's miserable fate, so you've come to my house by forgetting every incident and your promise not to come here while you're alive." DK said in a soft but sarcastic tone as he walked toward the living room from the kitchen, he was holding the bowl of batter and a spatula. Evelyn listened to every word with her usual vacant expression.

After reaching her, he asked with dripping sarcasm in every word, "Why can't I see any emotions in your eyes? Oh ho, how could I forget that you're the famous 'Chamelyn,' who can change her emotions according to the situation." DK laughed at his own statement while his housemaids secretly watched the whole scene. Then he said, still laughing, "Come sit, you're my special guest after all," gesturing with his right palm, which was holding the spatula, he pointed toward the couch.

In response, she sat on the sofa and placed her red purse beside her.

DK also sat on the couch opposite her, placing the bowl on his lap. As he mixed ingredients into the batter, he asked her once more, this time in a formal yet derisive tone, "Tell me, what would you like to drink? Tea, coffee, a soft drink, or perhaps a strong liquor to help you forget about your daughter? Should I order 'Dark Paradise' for you to help you forget the pain you're hiding from everyone, especially from me, behind your poker face?"

In response, Evelyn began to observe every corner of the living room with her sharp eyes. DK furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and started to follow her gaze. Ultimately, their eyes met with all the maids who had been secretly listening to their conversation from a distance.

"I'll teach them a perfect lesson for overhearing our conversation. They've ruined my reputation in front of my enemy by showing that my maids have no manners," DK muttered to himself in frustration, throwing them an angry glare. In response, they hurriedly went back inside.

Evelyn smirked upon seeing the annoyance on his face. She then asked him casually but fixed her eyes on his face, observing every single expression. "Are you happy now, after sending my daughter into hell?"

After listening to her question, it didn't take a second for DK's vexation to turn into a gratifying smirk, akin to a flash of electricity visible in a dark cloud. Then, with an innocent expression laced with feigned concern for Olivia, he responded, "What are you saying, Eve? You've misunderstood me. I didn't derive pleasure from witnessing your daughter's tragic end."

He paused for a few seconds. After that, with a swift motion, his expression changed into a satisfying grin as he spoke in a pleasant tone, "I felt like the happiest person in the world when I saw her being taken to the dangerous prison. I can imagine how helpless you must have felt when you saw your daughter being taken away in a police van, knowing that they were sending her into the mouth of death. That feeling made me feel like a winner who had spent half of his life being defeated by enemies, but in the end, succeeded in taking revenge on them."

After hearing his reply, tears started to gather in her eyes, just like small clouds accumulating in the blue sky bit by bit before turning into thunder or heavy rain. Then, she asked him in a low voice, "How did you know that my daughter was in the hospital?"

In response, DK placed the bowl and spatula on the center table and fixed his eagle-like gaze on his foe, leaning forward slightly to observe the pain in her eyes. When he noticed the tear in Evelyn's eyes, his heart filled with unbelievable delight; for the first time in his life, he was defeating his enemy without inflicting any physical wound.

Then he sat back properly on the sofa and answered in an arrogant yet taunting tone, forgetting his recent promises to himself about his wife and son, "Eve, I know everyone thinks I'm a stupid jerk who doesn't know anything or can't do anything by myself. But all of you forget that my qualities don't depend on your perspectives of me. In the past, your so-called uncle, who was our senior, thought that your famous husband was more talented than me. But in reality, we are equals with different characteristics, abilities, perspectives, and problem-solving skills." After saying that in one breath, he paused to catch his breath.

After a couple of seconds, he changed his facial expression, as if the ink had just dried on the page. With an evil smirk on his lips, he said, "Do you think I'm a fool who doesn't know his enemy's weakness? I knew Olivia couldn't swim, and Martin wasn't foolish enough to risk taking her onto the bridge. It was simple: he dropped her off midway before heading toward the BRN bridge. As for Olivia, she is as honest as her parents. Her only goal was to get to the hospital to see her father."

"As you yourself acknowledged, my daughter is as honest as we are. Therefore, you must understand that she had valid reasons for her actions. Despite this, instead of investigating the matter and revealing the truth to everyone, you threw her to the tigress's den out of revenge. You made no effort to save an innocent life, all to satisfy your pointless vendetta against us." Evelyn spoke with a breaking voice. Her tone revealed a mixture of emotions: frustration and anger toward DK for his actions, her sense of powerlessness to protect her daughter, and her feeling of defeat as a mother in the face of injustice. Tears welled up in her eyes, which resembled oceans, shining like blue diamonds.

After witnessing her mentally distressed state, DK asked her in a faux concerned tone, pretending innocence, "Are you angry with me? Let me guess, what does your heart want to do now? Do you feel like smashing this huge TV to release your frustration? Or perhaps beating me until I'm senseless to soothe your raging heart?"

After saying that, DK got up from the couch, laughing to flaunt his victory in front of her, clapping and rubbing salt in her invisible wounded heart.

Upon witnessing him clap in front of her face to mock her helplessness and disparage her motherhood, Evelyn's tolerance finally broke down, much like a dam collapsing under the weight of excess river water. As a consequence, she lost her patience with her emotions and yelled at DK as she got up from the couch.

"Stop it. Just stop laughing, you crazy bastard. You're like the members of the Flame group who didn't hesitate to destroy lives to satisfy their spiteful desires in the name of revenge. You're no different from them; you're nothing more than a monster hiding behind human flesh."

She uttered all those words in one breath, causing her to gasp for air to fill her lungs. Her entire face flushed red with anger, and the fiery intensity in her blue eyes dried the tears of vulnerability, as if she were ready to scorch her foe with a single blazing glare.

Upon hearing her accusation and seeing her intense hatred and fury toward him, DK abruptly halted his laughter. His facial demeanors swiftly shifted from joy to aggression, akin to a sudden eclipse of the sun turning day into night in the blink of an eye.

Then he asked her with a serious expression, gritting his teeth in anger, "What did you call me? A monster?"

Evelyn didn't reply; instead, she was fuming with rage.

All of a sudden, DK moved toward Evelyn and gripped her shoulders tightly. Then he shouted back at her, "You're calling me a monster, but in reality, you're a cunning woman who didn't think twice about anyone's feelings before using them in your favor. You're nothing but a witch, an assassin who used my sister to solve various criminal cases, only to kill her afterward." As he spoke, he tightened his grip on her shoulders, releasing the anger and frustration he had been carrying for so long.

Evelyn grabbed his wrists and tried to pry his hands off her shoulders because they were hurting her a lot, knowing they would leave red spots on her upper arms.

But in response, DK tightened his grip even more and shook her by holding her shoulders. "Tell me, why did you choose Ron when you knew my sister was deeply in love with you? Why didn't you choose her when you knew her before Ron came into your life? You knew everything about her, especially that she was into girls and would do anything for you. So why didn't you prefer her as your life partner when you're a fucking bisexual? She took a bullet to her abdomen just to save your life. In the hospital, she removed her oxygen mask only because of you. If you hadn't told her about your relationship with Ron, she would never have tried to end her life. She ended her life because she couldn't bear to see her love in another person's arms. So, she chose death over living." After saying the last sentence, he threw her onto the sofa, treating her like people used to throw trash into a garbage can.

"Why did you choose my best friend instead of my sister? Ahhhh!"

DK started shouting like a lunatic, gripping his own hair and pulling it with full force. Tears streamed down his face, carrying a torrent of emotions: fury, hatred, frustration toward Evelyn; a sense of failure as a brother for not protecting his twin sister; guilt for not being her confidant; and the feeling of being a loser after losing a friend while choosing between his sister and his best friend.

Evelyn rose from the couch once more and confronted DK directly. She gripped his shirt collar tightly and declared loudly, "I'm neither a killer nor an assassin. I never manipulated anyone, especially not your sister. She chose to join forces with me to seek justice for the innocent after learning about my life's purpose. She was my closest friend, someone I confided in and shared all my emotions and life experiences with. She was one of the few I trusted completely, knowing more about me from the start than even you or Ron. So, explain to me, how can you accuse me of using her, or worse, killing her?"

In response, DK tightly gripped her jaw with his right palm. His eyes were red, resembling those of an evil spirit, his cheeks glistening with tears. In a serious yet mocking tone, he asked, "Really? If she understood you better than Ron, why didn't you choose her as your life partner? Why did you break her heart?"

Evelyn replied in a whisper, her eyes glossy from his tight grip on her jaw, "I didn't break her heart because she never told me about her feelings."

DK screamed, "Liar!" and pushed her again, releasing her jaw.

As a result, she fell to the floor, growing even more furious. In the blink of an eye, she got up and threw a hard punch at DK's face, causing him to get a cut on the left corner of his lips and stagger backward a few steps to regain his balance.

Evelyn took the chance and grabbed his shirt collar again. She locked her fearless eyes with his and, in a serious yet sorrowful voice, confessed some secrets about his sister's life that she had been hiding from everyone, especially from him, for a long time. "I didn't kill her. She didn't want to live a pathetic life while suffering from the last stage of pancreatic cancer, so she took her life herself."

After listening to her words, DK was shocked and froze in place, maintaining eye contact with his foe. His whole body trembled without his awareness, his breaths became uneven, and his heart pounded like a drum, clearly audible to his so-called enemy.

He was sure that Evelyn wasn't lying when he saw her tearful eyes. Her ocean-like eyes were silently screaming the truth, which was unmistakably clear to him. As a result, tears started flowing from his eyes, mixing with the blood dripping from the corner of his lips.

Evelyn gave him a light push, causing him to fall on the couch like a lifeless body. She then closed her eyes to release some of the burden from her heart in the form of tears that she had been carrying for a long time. After a few minutes, she opened her eyes and wiped the tears from her cheeks. She pulled out a couple of tissues from the box on the center table, took a few steps toward DK, and extended her right hand to give him the tissues to clean the blood from his lips.

DK didn't respond. Evelyn took his right palm and placed the wipes in it. Then she guided his hand to the left corner of his lips, holding it gently. After that, she began to reveal some secrets about his sister's life that he could never have imagined, even in his dreams.

"Daisy and I first met in boarding school. Some incidents, especially the tragic moments in our lives, led us to become best friends. She wanted to work with me so that we would remain best friends forever.

She used to neglect the earliest symptoms of that dangerous disease. But on my birthday, as a gift, I dragged her to the doctor for a checkup against her will. After getting all the reports, we learned that she was in the last stage of pancreatic cancer and it wasn't curable at that point. She had only two, at most two and a half, months left. That night we cried a lot together in each other's arms. She wanted to catch the members of the Flame group as soon as possible so that she could see the smile on my face.

She was the one who requested me to go to Boston to solve that serial murder case because she had only a few days left and she desperately wanted to help me. She knew it would be her last case. So, I agreed with her before Ron came to the rooftop to convince me to go with both of them to Boston.

In Boston, the night she met you, she begged me not to tell you about her health. It was her last wish, so I couldn't refuse her. When I mentioned Ron to her, she was very happy. I didn't realize she was deceiving me. People used to say I'm a 'Chamelyn' because I can hide my emotions according to the situation. But in reality, she was the 'Chamelyn' who never gave me a reason to doubt that she loved me deeply.

When she was shot in the abdomen and taken to the hospital, I felt it was the right time to finally tell you everything. However, when she regained consciousness and I met her, she insisted I immediately check her diary because there was something very important I needed to know about her. I hurried to her apartment to retrieve the diary. After reading it, I learned that she didn't want to live a miserable life where everyone would see her suffer and her health would deteriorate day by day. She had already decided to spend the rest of her life on a remote island. I found a flight ticket to 'Bliss Island' with the departure date written for the upcoming week.

When I returned to the hospital, I learned that she had passed away and you had left while crying. The doctor informed me that she had asked him not to disclose her illness to anyone. I decided to honor her final wish by keeping silent."

Evelyn paused to observe DK's facial expressions. When she saw him silently crying and looking down, she felt sorry for him. She knew how much he loved his sister and how far he had gone in seeking revenge after her death.

She grabbed her purse from the sofa and pulled out Daisy's diary along with the flight ticket. Then, she placed these items on the center table. After that, in a disappointed voice tinged with disbelief, she asked him, "I can understand every spiteful action against us, believing we were responsible for your sister's death. But I can't comprehend how you could become so heartless that you didn't hesitate to order your men to kill your best friend."

DK instantly lifted his face to meet her gaze, his facial features loudly conveying his surprise upon hearing her allegation against him.

DK asked her in a voice filled with disbelief, "Are you suspecting me of causing Ron's accident?" It was evident that his pride had been wounded. Wiping away his tears, he replied in a furious tone, gritting his teeth in rage, "I'm not a coward who would stab his enemies in the back. So watch your fucking words before making baseless accusations about my character."

"So, DK wasn't involved in the accident. It seems someone is playing games with us, exploiting our weaknesses and mutual animosity." Evelyn's sharp mind quickly reached a preliminary conclusion about her husband's accident. But as usual, she concealed her true feelings behind a mask of pity. She then mockingly, yet with a hint of heartbreak, pressed for more information about her daughter and husband: "Oh really? Then why did you use your influence to suppress news of the accident and manipulate your father-in-law into wrongly sentencing my daughter to ten years in prison without any investigation?"

After hearing her questions and seeing her pathetic expression, a satisfying smirk spread across DK's face, much like a rainbow appearing in the sky after a heavy rain.

With a pleasant tone, he said, "I knew Olivia had a reason behind her actions and she lied when giving her statement about the incidents at Snyder Villa." He paused for a moment, summoning his inner demon driven solely by revenge against his enemies. Then, with a furious stare and an evil voice, he continued, "But I wanted to see the pain in all of your eyes for your deeds, especially in yours. You claimed Daisy was your best friend, yet you were unaware of her health and mental condition. You didn't understand her feelings or her physical state, so how dare you call yourselves best friends? I wanted you and Ron to cry every day and night for your child, just as I did for my sister. I wanted you to understand the agony of losing loved ones. Moreover, I did the same things you did in the past. Olivia wanted to punish herself for shooting her husband. How could I ignore her final wish?" With his last sentence, he put on an innocent face.

Evelyn burst into laughter like a madwoman upon hearing his words, causing DK to furrow his brows in confusion and astonishment. He recognized it as an ominous portent preceding a powerful storm. Little did he know, this storm would shatter his happiness forever, and he would deeply regret his actions against the Whitley family in the name of revenge.

"Stop your drama, Eve, and just tell me the news you think will defeat me. But remember, you can't beat me anymore because I've already won. I successfully sent your child far away from you for an extended period and I have no regrets for my actions. So, go ahead and say whatever you want to say," with a happy grin on his face, DK said casually, as if he understood the intention behind her maniacal laugh.

Evelyn shook her head in response, then settled comfortably on the couch, leaning back and fixing her gaze on the person who had wronged her and her family. DK observed her every move closely, wondering if she had obtained evidence against him and his father-in-law.

According to the law, his father-in-law couldn't render a court verdict as a judge while his son-in-law was investigating the case.

"You know, DK, Ron and I forgave you in the past because we understood that everything you did to us was driven by your belief that we were responsible for your sister's death. Due to your conspiracy, I was forced to be separated from my husband and our little baby for a long time, living in a different place until now. But you made the biggest mistake of your life by thinking that you could cause us pain through our daughter's tragic fate, someone who knew nothing about Daisy. You shouldn't have involved her in your nasty game just because you are living in a delusion about your sister's death. You don't have any idea how far a mother can go to save her child?" Evelyn's soft yet serious tone carried a warning of the impending disaster in DK's life. Her facial expressions clearly hinted to him that he was about to face a big trouble.

But as usual, DK's overconfidence led him to overlook her warnings. He asked her, laughing and mocking her motherhood, "Really? Then tell me, what do you want to do now? Are you thinking of causing an explosion to rescue your daughter, the murderer, from prison?"

Evelyn reacted, "I heard your son is returning from South Korea after eight years to spend the holidays with your family. I know you and your wife must be thrilled and excited about that." She paused for a few seconds, causing DK's heartbeat to pound loudly after hearing about his son. His mind raced with desperate thoughts. Could it be possible that his own blood had done something wrong, giving his enemies an opportunity to harm his family, especially his son? Or perhaps, he involved himself in a problem just like Andrew's son did, because they were teenagers—the perfect age to make lots of mistakes.

As a consequence, sweat began to accumulate on his forehead out of fear, and his joyful expression turned into anxious nervousness in the blink of an eye.

After witnessing his panicked appearance, Evelyn understood that it was the right time to drop the bombshell, revealing the bitter truth about DK's life.

As she thought, she proceeded to do the same. Without wasting a second, she asked him in a gentle yet sarcastic tone, sporting an evil smirk on her lips, "But I don't understand how your son ended up with a Korean face when his parents are Americans?"

DK yelled "Eve!" at her, his eyes widening in anger, tinged with a mix of emotions-shock, surprise, astonishment, and above all, fear of losing his last hope to live after his sister's death.

Then he directly threatened her, "Don't you dare to play any dirty game with my son, otherwise, I'll kill you right now."

Evelyn couldn't help but let out a mocking chuckle in reply. After that, she rose from the sofa with her red purse and pulled out an envelope. She then extended her right hand toward DK and signaled him with her eyes to receive it.

DK was speechless upon seeing the envelope, knowing Evelyn never acted without proof. Written on the envelope was the heading: 'Karma has no menu. It serves what you deserve.'

Panic seized his entire body, gripping his mind like a powerful python, causing his breaths to become uneven with anxiety.

Evelyn asked, with a blank expression on her face, "Are you taking it yourself, or do I have to open it for you?"

DK had no choice but to accept the envelope. With a trembling hand and a restless mind, he received it from her.

After saying "Good luck!", Evelyn turned around and began to take small, slow steps toward the exit door.

Without wasting a second, DK tore open the envelope and found another envelope inside, along with a paper. He opened it and discovered it was an old medical report of his. He began to read it attentively.

"Eve!" DK shouted at the top of his lungs, tears streaming down his face like a fountain. His whole body trembled in panic, and his face conveyed a myriad of emotions simultaneously.

Upon hearing his yell, which echoed like a howl, Evelyn halted in her tracks but refused to meet his pathetic gaze. Instead, she raised her right hand and gave him a savage reply by showing him her middle finger. With a forceful twist of the doorknob, she exited his house, slamming the door shut behind her.

DK collapsed onto the sofa, appearing as helpless as someone who has lost everything in life-trust, hope, and the last resort for survival. It was as if a thunderbolt had struck him without warning.

He loosened his grip on the report, and it fell to the floor. He closed his tired, teary eyes, and instantly, only one thought started moving through his mind: the conclusion of his medical report. Mr. Drake Wilson can't be a father because of his abnormal sperm function and blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm.


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