Hope Reborn Through Love

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At the same time in London, as Luna and Ryan were driving their black Honda Civic toward LHR airport, Luna was looking out the closed car window, her mind busy worrying about her family crisis, especially her elder sister.

She was confident that her mother would teach their old enemy a lesson and succeed in entering the Snyder Villa, which was sealed for investigation. But, her mind was restless and anxious, wondering whether her mother would find any clue helpful in proving her sister's innocence or in challenging the lower court's judgment in the New York Court of Appeals.

While thinking about that, her heartbeat quickened without her realizing it. She wondered how it was possible for her sister to live with those dangerous criminals, who seemed like nothing more than various species of monsters behind a human facade. Would it be feasible for her to survive among these devils until her mother finds something beneficial for her case?

Out of the blue, Luna's breaths became suffocating as her thoughts turned to panic, escalating her anxiety. She felt as though she was slowly drowning, which left her breathless. As a result, she pressed the button to open the car window without wasting a second.

Ryan understood her mental state with just one glance, but he immediately shifted his gaze toward the road to avoid any kind of accident, similar to the one Ronaldo Whitley faced.

When the cool breeze began to touch her face, she closed her eyes, trying to release her anxiety, even if only for a few moments. As a result, her troubled mind started to calm down, and after a few seconds, she felt as if she were floating in the open sky like a free bird. However, her moment of peace was abruptly interrupted when her cell phone buzzed twice inside her jeans pocket.

She opened her eyes and pulled out her cell. Two notifications had appeared in her inbox. She opened them to read.

"Who is it?" Ryan asked, curiosity evident in his voice as he kept his eyes fixed on the road.

"In the first message, our men informed me that they are on their way to LHR airport with the ambulance. In the second one," she paused for a few seconds to take a deep breath of disbelief, then continued, "It was from our chief, who wants to meet with me as soon as possible to lecture me about my mother's actions and to issue us another fake warning about being fired from his so-called team. I don't understand why he always forgets that this team was created by my mother's loyal supporters to help bring justice to innocent Londoners." She spoke the last sentence in a mocking tone, rolling her eyes in irritation.

In response, a sarcastic chuckle escaped Ryan's mouth. They then remained silent until they reached their destination.


Meanwhile, Evelyn got out of DK's house, quickening her steps toward her car. As usual, she wore her metaphorical mask of blank emotions on her face, hiding the various feelings within.

On one hand, she was furious as hell because of DK's spiteful action against her daughter, driven by his baseless and delusional desire for retaliation.

On the other hand, guilt was tightening its grip around her throat at the thought that she had just broken a happy family by revealing a bitter truth she had kept secret for a long time. She began to hate herself for using DK's weakness against him as a form of punishment, like an eye for an eye.

As a consequence, she opened her car door and got in without glancing at her surroundings. She started the engine and drove toward the exit gate. When the security guards saw her car approaching, they opened the gate immediately to let her out.

Evelyn left the house and drove her car at full speed, her eyes glistening. She was crying uncontrollably, biting her lower lip to stifle her sobs. As she gripped the steering wheel with her right hand, she continuously wiped her cheeks with her left.

She felt like she had betrayed her best friend by breaking the promise she made when they received Daisy's medical report for the first time. That night, Evelyn promised her bestie that she would take care of her brother no matter how he behaved rudely toward her after her death, and that she would do her best to protect him because he loved his sister unconditionally. His love for his twin was so strong that it could be said he would be willing to sacrifice his own life for hers.

A wave of emotions began to swirl in Evelyn's mind, breaking her heart into countless pieces, much like the unexpected and uncontrollable sea waves crashing onto the beach and destroying sand castles. As she drove, her mind was overwhelmed by these emotions, causing her to neglect her own safety, even forgetting to fasten her seatbelt. This negligence was enough to lead her into a major accident.

But the love of her family had succeeded in saving her life by preventing her from being involved in the accident. Evelyn's scattered thoughts returned to her senses when she felt a vibration in her jeans pocket and saw another car approaching, its horn blaring continuously as a warning of the impending danger. The two vehicles were only a short distance away from crashing into each other.

She immediately turned the steering wheel to move her car to the left and pressed the brake to avoid an accident. As a result, the car stopped with a heavy jerk as the tires skidded on the road, making a screeching sound on the empty street. The sudden stop caused her head to slam into her hands, which were gripping the steering wheel, but fortunately spared her forehead from injury.

Evelyn lifted her face and leaned back, resting her head on the driver's seat, her expression one of shock. Her heart was pounding like a drum as she struggled to catch her breath. After a few seconds, she pulled out her cell phone with a trembling hand and saw a missed call from her daughter, along with a message on the screen. With heavy breaths and a mind full of fear and anxiety, she opened the inbox to read the message.

"Mom, we've arrived at the airport with our men, and we have plenty of time to cover the area with our security to protect Dad. So, don't worry about us. Just focus on the mission of entering Snyder Villa without being seen. Sister Oli's safety depends on your success, so be careful. Love you."

After reading the message, she closed her eyes and cried her heart out. She covered her face with both palms and finally burst into tears, overwhelmed by the emotions she had been hiding since leaving her enemy's house.

While crying, her restless mind started to recall a few lines from her father's diary that he had written before ending his life.

"Love is greater than hate and can save a person from the brink of death. Eve, always remember that the love of your family members will protect each other from danger, whether they are alive or not. After my death, don't become weak. Keep in mind that I'll be watching over you forever, either as a cool breeze or as your own shadow. The distance between us never succeeds in fading our presence in each other's lives. A parent's love for their children, or a child's love for their parents, is so powerful that it can help save each other's lives if anyone falls into unwanted trouble."

"You were right, Dad. Every word you said was true. Today, my daughter's love saved my life," she said in a cracked voice, wiping her cheeks with a weak smile on her pale face, holding onto a glimmer of hope in her heart, much like a faint ray of light seen while crossing a dark tunnel.

After a few minutes, with a positive attitude and a lot of confidence in herself, Evelyn started her car engine to drive to the nearest hardware store to buy some necessary items that would help her trespass into the Snyder Villa at night.


During that time, the police car stopped in front of Abyss Hill Prison, known as the most dangerous jail in New York City. The guards then opened the gate, and the van entered.

The driver got out of the car to unlock the back gate of the police van. After that, Olivia stepped out of the van with two female officers and Nora. She held her head high to read the name of the jail. Then they walked inside the prison toward the correctional officer's cabin to complete the other formalities.

After completing the formalities, Olivia gathered her essential items—such as toothpaste, a toothbrush, a comb, a towel, soap, a bottle of shampoo, a blanket, and two prisoner uniforms—contained in a large basket. She then walked toward her new room, the prison cell, with an affirmative attitude, as she now had a reason to live her life once again.

"Vini, I have finally decided to live my life instead of destroying it with my own hands. After your death and seeing Ed's unconscious body covered in blood lying beside me, I shot Leo to seek justice for both of you. At that moment, I thought I would slowly kill myself as a form of punishment because I was indirectly responsible for your deaths. That is why I refused to hire a lawyer to defend me in court.

But my parents' unconditional love for me once again gives me hope and confidence to start a new life with positive vibes after ending my life as a prisoner. I have already broken their trust by lying to them for many years to protect our friendship and keep our secrets. Still, I can't be so selfish as to break their hearts again by taking my own life. Their heartbeats also ceased right after I ended mine.

In the past few years, I lived my life in the name of friendship and for my one-sided love for you, Vini. But from now on, I will live my life in the name of love for my parents until my last breath."

Olivia was saying those words to herself in her mind while walking slowly with Nora, holding the basket with both hands. Her hopeful thoughts began to soar like a kite in the sky. She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't notice the danger approaching. Even as an officer, Nora couldn’t discern the evil intention behind the prisoner approaching them with a watering can.

The prisoner was taller than Olivia. When only a few inches remained between them, she pretended to stumble. As a result, she intentionally fell onto Olivia, hitting her nose with her strong forehead and causing it to bleed. It was like one kite striking another to make sure the first one falls harshly to the ground.

"Ahhh!" Olivia screamed in agony as she fell backward onto the floor, scattering everything she had been carrying in the basket.

"What have you done!" Nora yelled at the culprit, pulling a baton from the back pocket of her uniform. Without wasting a second or giving the offender a chance to get up from the floor, she started hitting the person's legs mercilessly. As a consequence, the wrongdoer began howling in real pain.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt her. My foot accidentally stumbled," the culprit said with fake remorse, showing crocodile tears. However, her pain was real, as Nora's every strike was so strong.

She stopped beating her and grabbed her hair in a tight grip to force her to meet her gaze. Then, in a cold yet serious voice, she threatened, "This is why I'm letting you go with just a few bruises. Otherwise, I would have broken your legs as punishment. Don't you dare play any dirty games with her in the future."

"Yes, ma'am, I'll remember and apologize to her now," she replied, her words strained by the pain in her scalp. After saying that, she immediately apologized to Olivia. "Hey, newcomer, I'm sorry. Please forgive me for my unintended mistake."

Nora released her grip and shifted her gaze to Olivia, who was still lying on the floor, holding her nose. She helped Olivia to her feet, pulled a handkerchief from her uniform pocket, and asked with concern as she handed it to her, "Olivia, are you okay?"

Olivia nodded with teary eyes, not expecting this kind of hospitality on her first day in prison. Then she took the hankie and placed it on her nose without uttering a single word.

"Fiona, I'm taking her to the medical infirmary for treatment. When I return, I want to see that everything is organized into the basket as it was before it fell." Nora ordered in a warning tone, her eyes blazing with intensity. She gave an awkward smile in response and started her work.

Nora then placed her hands on Olivia's shoulders and began to walk toward the medical infirmary at a slow pace.

Olivia's gaze met Fiona's as she took the left turn toward their destination. Her heart pounded with an unknown fear when she saw Fiona's evil smirk and the dark aura in her eyes.

It was as if Fiona's expression was screaming that whatever was happening was just the beginning of the nightmares Olivia would face in the coming days.


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