Pretty Savage

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When Luna and Ryan arrived at the airport, they saw that their men had already reached there with the ambulance, causing Luna to sigh with relief. She pressed the call button to inform her mother about their current state. When she received no response, she quickly typed a message about their situation and sent it to her mother.

Ryan took her gun from the glove compartment and handed it to her. Then he pulled out his firearm from the central compartment, his voice a mix of seriousness and anger as he said, "Let's go. It's time to show our loyalty and capabilities to those bastards who dared to trap our real Chief."

Luna smirked in response, and they both got out of the car, hiding their weapons in the back pockets of their jeans, covered by their oversized T-shirts and hoodies.

Ryan signaled to his men with a glance to follow him, and they obeyed without hesitation.

Luna's simple outfits, like a full-sleeved black oversized hoodie paired with matching jeans, her messy bun, brown eyes behind rectangular eyeglasses, pink lips without lipstick, and fair skin, were the perfect example of beauty with brains.

On the other hand, Ryan's well-built body, six-foot-two height, black almond-shaped eyes, prominent nose, light skin tone, crew haircut, and charcoal gray pants with a black oversized T-shirt made him look both handsome and smart.

The security guards of the airbase had known them for a few years because, in the past, they had caught many criminals trying to flee to other countries from that airport. They even saved them from a bomb blast six months ago. As a result, the owner, authority, and all the members of the air station were deeply grateful to the creator of the 'Sentinels Team' for saving so many lives, including theirs.

This was why Evelyn received their help to fly from London to New York on a private jet with her trusted men and a capable pilot provided by the airport authority, breaking all the rules. They knew they would face severe punishment from the London government, but they chose to prioritize humanity over strict adherence to the rules.

Therefore, as members of the 'Sentinels Team', Luna and Ryan walked confidently into the airport with their men, hiding their weapons without hesitation and with a strong sense of purpose.


They were greatly shocked when the security guards blocked their way for the first time. Ryan frowned in confusion and was about to ask about the sudden change in behavior when one of the guards answered the unasked question. "Sorry, ma'am, sorry, sir, but today we can't allow any of you to enter with weapons until ma'am meets with the Chief and gets permission for everyone to enter the airport."

A sarcastic chuckle escaped Luna's lips, conveying that the circumstances were testing her patience and that the results would likely be terrible.

"Where is the Chief? We need to meet with him now, but please allow our men to enter and tighten the security. It's very urgent; please do something." Ryan explained briefly with a serious expression, his voice tinged with concern and tension.

"I know, sir, but we can't do anything right now," the guard replied, his facial expression reflecting his helplessness.

All of a sudden, Luna asked, her tone a mix of positivity and seriousness, "Do you trust me?"

"Of course," the guards replied in unison, as if addressing their leader.

"Then step out of our way. I assure you, no one will get into trouble because of our activities." She spoke with strong eye contact, which was enough to make anyone agree with her, as she was renowned for taking responsibility for her actions.

"Please go, and best of luck," the guard said as he instructed the others to clear the path.

Ryan and Luna nodded in response and continued their journey toward their destination with their men. However, they had to stop after taking a few steps when their Chief, Mr. Simon Parker—ex-member of the GLA (Greater London Assembly) and one of the top authorities at the airport—stood in front of them with a fed-up expression, his arms crossed over his chest. The tension between them felt like a real cold war.

But, Luna, without paying any attention to him, spoke in a casual tone, "Ryan, we are getting late, so take them with you and do your job. I'll talk with our Chief," she paused for a few seconds to meet the leader's eyes, then continued with a stern look, "I'll take full responsibility for breaking the rules and disobeying our Chief."

"I knew that would be your answer," Mr. Parker stated with an annoyed expression.

Ryan laughed to himself and replied, "Okay." With that, he left with his companions to strengthen security.

"Why do both of you always put me in embarrassing situations in front of the government representatives? You all know that this airport is a public-private partnership, which means that even though the private owner is on your side, it doesn't mean you or your mother can do whatever you want.

Why do both of you always forget that, as a member of the airbase authority, I have to account for every single activity here, especially regarding the timing of each jet's arrival and dispatch? Now look at the results of your mother's irresponsible actions," Mr. Parker spoke with evident frustration. His concern and worry shone through his words and facial expressions as he addressed the mother-daughter duo.

After listening to him, Luna answered calmly but with a fierce edge, "Chief, I understand everything, but your government needs to realize that rules mean nothing compared to the motive of saving lives. Sometimes, they are meant to be broken."

"Shut up! Don't you dare argue in front of me, especially in front of the disciplinary committee. And mind your language if you don't want to face punishment like your mother. I still can't believe she received eighteen months in prison along with seven years of travel restrictions," Mr. Parker said in a warning tone, though he still showed his concern for them.

Luna's eyes widened in disbelief and shock when she heard about the eighteen-month prison sentence. All her patience seemed to crumble, collapsing like something crunchy being crushed and scattering dust on the ground.

"How dare they give the order for my mother to rot in jail for eighteen months over such a trivial matter?" she asked him with blazing eyes, gritting her teeth in fury. Her face and nose redden almost instantly from the flame of her anger.

"Oh really? Do you think your mother did a great job by hijacking a private jet to fly to New York without informing me and only convincing the other members of the airport? And because of that, will the government of London give her a prize as a reward?" he replied, his words dripping with both anger and sarcasm.

With that, the arguments started between them. As a result, Luna's rage and lack of self-control reached their peak and finally erupted, spilling out some bitter truths about the London police department, like excess steam escaping through a pressure cooker's vent.

"What the hell! For your information, I think you and your so-called government have forgotten that it was my mother's intelligence that saved this airport from a bomb blast six months ago. My mother created the 'Sentinels Team' a few years ago to fight against injustice.

However, some members of your government begged my mother to work with them to bring justice to the people of London, because their police department was filled with corrupt members who operated on the basis of money. Additionally, they used your property as a secret base for the 'Sentinels Team', which is known as the 'GIN Headquarters,' the top news channel in London.

Has your government ever given credit to the Sentinels Team for risking their lives to find the criminals and hand them over to the police?

No, over the years and up until now, we have been working as shadows of ineffective police officers to seek justice and uphold integrity in a government tainted by corruption.

But when my mom tried to save her husband and child by breaking a few rules, your selfish government didn't bother to sentence her with cruel punishment. They didn't consider our situation."

"Shh! Lower your voice! What are you doing?" Mr. Parker asked, glancing around to make sure no one was overhearing their conversation.

"Why would I lower my voice when I'm telling the truth? By the way, I forgot to mention that the plane my mom hijacked was the same jet we intercepted the previous week while it was involved in the illegal export of gold bars. My mother was leading that mission.

We caught the plane red-handed and arrested the owner while he was trying to flee the country, but he easily secured bail by paying a large sum of money. Meanwhile, my mom received harsh punishment for using that jet to save my dad and bring him here for treatment. I'm struck by the duplicity of the judgments," she said with a cold expression on her face.

"Luna, calm down. I know that everything you said is correct. In the past, I did my best to protect all of you by issuing fake warnings and submitting them to the disciplinary committee. But you know there's nothing more I can do about this matter. Hijacking is a serious crime, so it's now beyond my control," Mr. Parker stated with disappointment, his face reflecting guilt and powerlessness.

"That's why, on behalf of my mother, I've decided that we will no longer work for the government to maintain its cleanliness. Instead, we will operate as an independent team, just as my mom wanted from the beginning, and we will try not to leave any clues behind in our actions." Luna declared with determination, her serious expression conveying that she would not waver from her decision.

As a result, Mr. Parker let out a deep sigh of defeat and asked in a guilty voice, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Luna smirked upon hearing his question and replied, "Of course you can, if you want to."

"What is it?" he asked with curiosity, frowning in confusion.

"Tell me the name of the person who issued the punishment against my mom. Although I have a guess about who it might be, I want to be sure," Luna said, her expression as suspicious as she thought about someone.

"Yes, your hunch was correct. It was none other than Benny Merchant."

Upon hearing the name, Luna's expression changed to one of happiness, as if she had been eagerly waiting to hear it.

"What are you thinking of doing with him?" he asked, curious, sensing something dangerous brewing within her.

"Nothing. I just want to bring some of his darkest deeds to light." After saying this, she pulled out her cell phone and typed a message.

After a couple of minutes, she said to Mr. Parker with a satisfying grin on her face, "You know, Chief, we should never intentionally step on a snake's tail. Mr. Merchant did, so it's time for him to receive a bite from the snake as a reward."

"What? What are you saying? I don't understand a single word," he asked, his tone a mix of confusion and curiosity.

"Stick to your news channel; you'll find out everything in a few minutes. Bye, I have a lot of work to do now. I'll talk to you later." With that, and without giving him a chance to say a word, she turned her back and walked away, leaving Mr. Parker with a multitude of questions and confusion.

"I don't know what she's going to do with Mr. Merchant, but I hope she doesn't create another problem because of it," Mr. Parker said to himself, his mind filled with concern for the entire 'Sentinels Team'.


He was returning to his work when his cell phone started vibrating. He answered the call and said, "Hello."

"Chief, we have significant evidence against the disciplinary committee that could help reduce or cancel our leader's punishment," a female voice reported in one breath, excitement echoing through her words.

"Sia, take a deep breath, then tell me what we've found against them," Mr. Parker asked, trying to keep his voice calm. In reality, he was as excited as Sia—perhaps even more so.

"It's not us, Chief. It's our 'Pretty Savage' who sent me a video clip a few minutes ago. The clip clearly shows Mr. Benny Merchant drinking with other members of the disciplinary committee, dancing with some girls. Mr. Henry Lopez is also sitting beside them, pouring alcohol into their glasses. The most shocking part was that everyone was half-naked, including the committee members," Sia narrated, her tone overflowing with excitement and happiness, as if she'd just won a jackpot prize.

"Immediately post it on our channel as breaking news, and demand that the punishment against Evelyn for breaking the rules be canceled. We have a chance to save her, so we can't lose it at any cost. Create a voting poll to support her, and try to gather citizens of London to strike in front of the GLA. This will force them to dismantle this useless committee and cancel Evelyn's punishment."

"Yes, Chief!" With that, Sia cut the call.

Then Mr. Parker, with a positive attitude and a wide smile, stated to himself, "I'm proud of both of you. Without you, we are nothing, Eve. You raised your daughter just like yourself. On one hand, she is beautiful, calm, charming, and inspiring. At the same time, she is smart, bold, fierce, brutally honest, and isn't afraid to speak her mind or take bold actions. We can't afford to lose 'Chamelyn' and her carbon copy, 'Pretty Savage', at any cost."


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