Chapter 2

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During the meeting, Maka stood at the projector as she commented on certain points that were noted. "So if we expand our locations over to the East Coast..."

"Profits will increase, also allowing us to ameliorate the unemployment percentage over there." Soul finished, standing a few feet away from his wife.

The two of then were a pretty good team.

Once the meeting was dismissed, Soul and Maka walked into the elevator to go to their office.

"Ameliorate?" Maka teased. "Someone's been using their vocab words." She said grinning.

Soul smirked as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Guess I learned from the best," he replied.

Unable to stop the blush from forming on her cheeks, Maka turned her head slightly.

'Ah, damn it!' He thought. 'That was so uncool!'

Once they got out the elevator and into their office, Maka checked the time. "It's already six, and we have dinner reservations with your parents at seven."

"Do you wanna head back home and freshen up?" Soul asked as he closed his briefcase.

"Yes, please." She replied with a tired smile. "We can change out of our work clothes into maybe something more appropriate."

Soul grabbed her jacket and walked over and held it up, offering to help her into it. She gave him a quick smile as she turned and slid her arms through.

"Yeah, I don't want to wear this tie anymore." He grumbled, tugging at the offensive material.

She couldn't help but laugh a bit as he looked grumpy over it. "Well you look good in it," she said, accidentally thinking out loud.

He looked up at her with a startled expression. "I do?" He asked, a pink hue dusting over his cheeks.

Maka stood there with an equally flushed face, and opened her mouth to try to cover up. Before she could say anything, Soul's desk phone started ringing.

Letting out a groan before answering it, he shot a quick apology to Maka before picking it up. "Evans." He sighed, his voice laced with tiredness and annoyance.

"Yeah... Uh huh... I mean, can it wait? I'm about to have dinner with my wife and parents..." He said rolling his eyes.

Tilting her head, Maka caught Soul's eyes. "Meeting?" She whispered.

He gave a quick nod before closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Okay, okay fine." He sighed. "But it's just gonna be me. Maka has a headache so I'm sending her home." He said before hanging up.

She gave him a curious look. "I don't have a headache,"

"I know," he said, running a hand through his hair. "But I figured you'd want to go home so I'll take care of this one."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, head home and I'll just meet you at the restaurant, okay?"

Maka smiled. "Alright, I'll see you later." She said, giving a quick peck on the cheek before almost running out the office red in the face.

Soul couldn't help but stare at her retreating figure, his hand up at his cheeks where her lips just were, his face feeling warm.


Maka stood in lounge of the restaurant tapping her foot as she waited for her husband to show up. His parents were already inside, and she excused herself to wait for him. It was already 7:15 so he was running late.

She had changed from her work attire to a simple white dress with yellow florals, with a matching yellow cardigan over her shoulders and sandals and she let her hair down.

She had a pair of khakis and a white polo in her arms.

"Maka!" She heard.

Turning to the source, she saw a slightly panting Soul slowly jog his way to her. "Hey, hey sorry I'm-"

Soul knew his wife was attractive, but he couldn't help but be stunned at how beautiful she looked.


Snapping out of his thoughts, he stuttered. "R-right, sorry I'm late." He apologized.

"Here." Maka said, holding up the change of clothes.


"I figured you would wanna change out of your work clothes first." She said as he accepted them.

"Oh, thanks." He replied. "Wait up for me?" She nodded and smiled before he walked into the bathroom, grateful he would not have to wear a tie much longer.


"Oh, Soul darling!" Lydia Evans greeted, her and her husband standing up. "About time you showed up!"

"Sorry, mum," he grunted as his mother kissed him on the cheek while shaking his father's hand.

"Soul's meeting ran a bit late," Maka explained, giggling as she wiped the faint lipstick mark on his cheek.

Once the four were settled into the booth, conversation began.

"So Soul, Maka," Alexander Evans started. "How's business?"

The white haired male looked at his wife, so she answered. "Quite well, with our expansion to the East Coast coming up, along with the partnership with Stein, things are looking well for the company."

"And I was running late from that meeting with Ox Ford, the details for next year's contract are under discussion but he seems quite well to work with." Soul said as he took a sip of his wine.

"Oh, all this business talk is boring!" Lydia whined. "Maka, how's my Soul doing? Is he a good husband?"

"Mum!" Soul groaned.

"Has he been treating you well? Does he work too hard?"

"I-uh," Maka stuttered, unsure how to answer.

"Will I be expecting any grandchildren anytime soon?"

"Mum!" Soul growled, a bit more upset.

His mother seemed unfazed by his outburst as his father sat silent, a bit unsure what to say. "I just want to know! I'm still not sure if I want to be called Grandma or Gran-Gran." She said, waving a dismissive hand in the air.

The rest of dinner was a bit more awkward, Soul and Maka resolving to talk about business rather than their personal lives as usual with his parents.


The car ride home

Soul and Maka sat awkwardly in silence on the way home. They both were unsure how to act after the comment from Soul's mother.

Children? Did they want to bring kids into this marriage? They haven't even made love, only a kiss on the cheek every once in a while, having only kissed on the lips at their wedding and once a few weeks ago after both being a little bit tipsy.

Maka began wondering what it would be like to make love with Soul, before mentally slapping herself. 'Get a hold of yourself! He may be your husband, but you barely know him! It's bad enough that you fell for him!'

Soul rested his head on his arm as he stared out the window. He knew his mum meant no harm, but he had always wanted kids. But he knew he couldn't bring up the subject to Maka.

"I'm... Uh," he started. "Sorry about.. My mum."

"It's alright," she said, glancing at him and flashing a smile that didn't reach her eyes again.

"She doesn't really have a filter, just says whatever comes through her mind."

"It's fine, really." Maka insisted. "I guess most mothers are like that when they're kids get married."

Soul opened his mouth to reply, but then shut it when he realized he didn't know how to reply. He didn't want to bring anything up involving mothers, knowing how hers is currently out of reach.

"Mr. and Mrs. Evans, we're back." The driver said as he stopped the car in front of the fairly large estate.

Soul unlocked the front door and held it open for Maka as she walked in first and followed right after. They took off their shoes and placed them by the door, and headed upstairs silently.

Maka made her way up the stairs as Soul wanted to get a glass of water. When she was halfway up, he called out to her.


She held on the railing as she looked back at him and blinked. "Hm?"

"You.. Ah..." He gulped. "You looked lovely, this evening."

Maka felt her face redden from his unexpected comment. "Oh! Ah, thank you." She replied, a small smile on her lips.

Soul felt good, knowing that it was a real smile.


Maka had gone to the bathroom to change and clean up before bed, and Soul changed in the bedroom. He threw on a plain white t-shirt and some sweats and sat on the bed with his phone checking emails. Maka removed her makeup and washed her face after stripping from her dress and into an oversized t-shirt and shorts.

She emerged from the bathroom to see her husband sitting on the bed with his phone with his work face on. He heard her come out the bathroom and walk to her side of the bed.

"It's late now," she said gently. "You should put your phone down and go to bed, we've been in meetings all day."

He gave a dry chuckle in respond and obliged, placing his phone on the side table and switching off the lamp on his side before going under the covers. Maka followed his actions, letting out a yawn once the room became darker.

"Tomorrow's Saturday, do you have any plans?" Soul asked. Despite the darkness, he could still see his wife from the moonlight shining through the windows.

"I think I might just rest up, stay in for the day." Maka said as she closed her eyes.

"More like sleep in," he snickered as he let his head hit the pillow.

"You're lucky I'm too tired to grab my book." She replied, tiredness heard through her voice.

Soul looked over to the woman next to him, her eyes closed and ashy blonde hair spread all over her pillow. Feeling brave, he leaned over and kissed her softly on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Maka."

Said girl's eyes opened wide as she turned her head and saw Soul turned on his side facing away from her, the tips of his ears a bit red. She smiled faintly to herself before closing her eyes again.

"Goodnight, Soul."

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