Chapter 3

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Soul and Maka were never early risers, but today Soul got up early when the sun was shining through the windows at his eyes. He rubbed his red eyes and glanced over to Maka, who was still sound asleep. Deciding to get up, he slowly rose from bed without waking her up.

He yawned as he trudged down the stairs with his hands in his sweatpants pocket, not bothered to have changed from his sleepwear, and headed towards the living room.

The living room had two ceiling-high windows and that brought much light into the room. The couch was white with gold painted wood, with a love seat and chair to match. The stone fireplace had a mirror over it, the floors were simple wooden floors. Between the two windows was a black grand piano with a bench.

Liz stood by the window and stared at the scenery of the backyard. She heard Soul come in and waved slightly, and he nodded in acknowledgment.

"You want breakfast?" She asked. He shook his head before sitting down at the piano. Liz and Patti may have worked for Soul and Maka, but they were all good friends.

"Where's Maka?" Liz has asked, turning to face him.

"She's upstairs, still sleeping." He replied as he looked at the piano keys.

"Still haven't told her?" She asked with a smirk.


Liz was also aware of Soul's feelings for his wife, as strange as it sounds.

She smirked and rolled her eyes before pushing herself off the wall and walking out. "I'll get breakfast ready for whenever you and Maka want something to eat."

Soul, now alone, turned to the piano. He pulled his hands out of his pockets and placed them over the keys, and started playing.

He played random songs, from Mozart to Beethoven to some anime. He hadn't notice Maka come downstairs.

"I didn't know you played," she said when she got to the bottom of the staircase, leaning a bit on the railing. She was also still clad in her sleeping clothes.

Soul looked back and grinned sheepishly. "Caught, huh?" Maka wagged her eyebrows at catching him red handed, and he scooted over on the bench and patted the seat next to him, offering it to her.

She obliged and sat down, letting out a yawn.

"Did I wake you?" He asked.

"Yeah," she replied smirking. "You can make it up to me by playing."

Soul chuckled and put his hands back on the keys and started playing, and she immediately recognized the song.

"I'm falling, down into my shadow. Iki o hisomete, matteiru Deadly Night." She sang along, a smile on her face.

"You know it?" Soul asked as he continued playing. Maka giggled a bit and nodded listening to the instrumentals before singing the chorus.

"Fairy Blue kimi no tame ni. Hoshi o kudaki, kazari tsuketa, Black Paper Moon. Shinjite kureta nara! When you're lost, 'here' I am. 'Forever' with your soul. Miagereba kagayaku tsuki no you ni."

Soul stopped playing after that, and smirked at Maka, who was a bit red in the face. "I didn't know you could sing," he teased.

"I just like that song," she replied. "I listened to it a lot when it came out."

"What else do you know?" He asked as they stood up and headed towards the dining room for breakfast.

"I know Utada Hikaru's First Love," she said as he pulled out her chair and she sat down. He sat down in front of her as Liz and Patti handed them their breakfast.

It was another quiet breakfast, the lighthearted atmosphere long gone and once again replaced by awkwardness. Soul spend the rest of the morning in the living room on the piano, and wasn't sure where Maka was within the estate.

Around noon, Soul stopped playing and headed upstairs to the bedroom and found Maka laying on the bed reading.


She looked up from her book and blinked. "Hey."

Unsure what to do, he sat on his side of the bed as Maka continued reading. He pulled out his phone from his sweatpants pocket and unlocked it, going through his emails and messages. He hasn't checked his phone all day.


"Huh?" Maka looked up again. "What's wrong?"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Soul cursed again, throwing his phone on the bed and scrambling to get up.

"Soul, what's wrong?" She asked again, putting her book down as she stood up.

He was standing in place, his fists clenched as he glared at nothing in particular.

Maka took a deep breath, and slowly approached Soul, whose breathing was uneven. "Soul," she said gently, placing a hand softly on his shoulder.

At her contact, Soul seemed to snap out of it and looked at Maka. He took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Wes is in the hospital."


The issue of having a famous violinist for a brother means he travels. A lot.

One car ride to the airport, a plane from Nevada with a stop in Thailand, a plane from Thailand to Philippines, and one taxi ride from the airport to the hospital, Soul and Maka found themselves at the Filipino hospital Wes was checked in. After a quick talk at reception, they were led to the intensive care unit.

Once they were there, Soul immediately could tell which room Wes was in. Around one door was his mum, dad, and a few men and women clad in black and white suits and gowns, some with a few bumps and bruises and a few scratches. Soul guessed they were a part of the orchestra Wes was with.

"Oh, anak! (Oh, child!)" Soul's mother sobbed, rushing to him and wrapping her arms around her younger son. "'Yong kuya mo! Hindi ko alam ito situation! Bakit- (Your older brother! I don't know the situation! Why-)"

"Mum!" Soul said, placing his hands on his mother's shoulders. "It's just me," he told her.

Lydia Evans buried her head into Soul's chest, and he embraced her. Alexander Evans walked up and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"She's been speaking Tagalog ever since we stepped off the plane," he said. "Come on, darling. Let's get you something to drink." Taking his wife gently by the shoulders, he led his wife away from Soul and Maka.

Soul turned to Maka and ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"What did she say?" Maka asked.

"She said 'oh, child! Your older brother! I don't know the situation! Why-' then I cut her off." He replied with a sigh.

"You know Tagalog?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.

"My family has a few businesses in the Philippines. Plus the food is kick ass," Soul muttered as rubbed the back of his neck. The two of them sat down at the seats his parents were occupying just a moment ago, weary from travels and stress.

A few hours passed, and Soul had fallen asleep on Maka's shoulder. To pass time, she was reading on her phone. Soul's parents were nearby, his mum still talking to everyone in Tagalog.

Soul had woken up about an hour later to Maka waking him up by nudging him. "Soul,"

"Mhm...?" He mumbled as he rubbed his eyes, letting out a yawn. He looked at Maka bleary-eyed, who was offering him a bottle of water. He thanked her and stood up and walked to his parents as they silently acknowledged each other.

"Soul!" He heard Maka call out. He turned back and looked at her, who gave a pointed look to the doctor.

"Alamin mo, anak. (Find out, child.)" His mum said.

Soul understood, and jumped to his feet. He shook hands with the doctor before speaking.

"Doctor? Kumusta siya? (How is he?)" Soul asked.

"Okay ka lang siya. (He's just okay.)" he replied.

"What happened?" The white haired man asked.

"There was a car accident. A delivery truck's brakes were malfunctioning, and struck your brother's bus." The doctor explained, his accent weaving through his English. "Witnesses state that your brother was walking to use the bathroom at the back of the bus, which explains why he has the most damage."

Soul sighed and thanked the doctor and relayed the information to his parents, wife, and rest of the orchestra. Each party feeling weary, they all parted ways for the rest of the day.


The couple had checked into a hotel, ordered room service, and stayed indoors for the rest of the day. They laid in bed as Maka slept and Soul checking his email when he got a phone call. He stood up and walked into the bathroom and closed the door, not wanting to wake Maka.


"Hey Soul, it's Ox." The caller responded.

"Oh, hey Ox." Soul greeted, fixing his hair with one hand in the mirror.

"I'm sorry to hear about your brother." Ox said. "And I know this probably isn't the best time, but..."

The albino sighed. "Business?"

Maka woke up, curious about her surroundings, but then remember why she was here. She looked around the room with bleary eyes for her husband when she heard a voice coming from the bathroom.

Smiling to herself, she swung her legs over the bed and walked towards the door and stood by it, waiting for the occupant to finish his phone call and come out.

"...Alright. Bye."

Speak of the devil, the door swung open revealing none other than Soul, who looked up and was startled to see Maka standing on the other side of the door.

"Oh! You just woke up?" He asked.

"Had a nice conference?" Maka teased. "How'd the meeting go?"

Soul smirked and walked passed the woman over to the bed and sprawled out face down. "We've got work to do." He said, his words muffled through the bedding.

The grin on Maka's face dropped and she groaned. She pulled out her phone and tapped it a few times before holding it up to her ear.

"I'll have Liz and Patti send over some of our things." She grumbled.

So, if you are Filipino, you can probably tell that my Tagalog is rusty xD I really don't speak it as much as I should, speaking pretty much 3/4 English and 1/4 Tagalog. And I absolutely suck at reading and writing in Tagalog!

Sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, I get so lazy to check sometimes :P Please don't kill me in the comments about them!

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