Chapter 4

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Between visits to the hospital and work, Soul and Maka definitely had their hands tied. They had to catch up on some of the work from back home, and since Soul didn't want to be far from Wes they stayed in the Philippines.

Once Friday hit, Maka had gotten most if not all her work done, and wanted to do some exploring. She hopped off the bed and over to Soul, who was sitting at the desk on his laptop.

"Hey Soul? Could we go around town?" She asked.

"I'm busy." He replied brusquely.

"Please?" Maka pegged. "We've been working nonstop, and I-"

"Maka, I said I'm busy!" He snapped, throwing a quick glare over to her before looking back at his laptop, typing away furiously.

She was defiantly startled by his outburst. He's been loaded on more than usual, and it's obviously taken over him.

Maka sighed and turned on her heel and walked towards the door, grabbing her bag. "I'll just head out by myself then." She said faintly, just enough for her to hear.


Before closing the door, Maka looked back at him once more before biting the inside of her cheeks and closed the door quietly behind her.

Soul heard the click of the hotel door, snapping him out of his temporary anger. He looked back at the door and sighed when he knew she wasn't there anymore. He palmed the right side of his face, knowing he shouldn't have snapped like that, but he had a lot of work to do. Figuring he would apologize to her later, he continued typing.

'Stupid Soul!' Maka thought as she went down the elevator. 'He didn't have to be such an ass,'

When she got to the bottom floor, she walked into the lobby. She was still pretty bummed about what just happened, but she figured she shouldn't show her face for a while.


Said girl turned around, and was greeted by none other than Kid, clad in causal clothes. A rare sight indeed; of course his attire was perfectly symmetrical.

"Oh, hi Kid!" Maka greeted. She forgot that Kid had flown in the other day, deciding to help out Soul and Maka and do some business of his own.

"Headed out?"

She shrugged. "Yeah, that's the plan." She answered, giving a weak smile.

"Where's Soul?" He asked, turning his head to look for the albino.

Maka sighed as the two started walking. "Oh, he's busying himself to death. I wanted him to go out with me, but he flat out refused." She explained. "Which makes it harder since I don't know the language here."

"Oh, how about we spend the day together?" Kid offered. "I know the language okay, and you and I are both without company."

It has been a while since Maka spent some time with him. The two of the grew up together and were like siblings. Seeing no harm out of spending the next few hours with Kid, Maka agreed and the two of them were off.


Hanging out with Kid was definitely a high point in Maka's stay in the Philippines. They ate some Filipino food, including the famous Jollibee, the Filipino fast food. Maka was able to talk to someone about somethings other than work, and had fun catching up with Kid.

She also learned that Kid is so crazy about Liz, and, "As your 'sister' I will do everything I can in my power to get you two together!"

Shopping with Kid, however, wasn't as easy as simply hanging out with him. Of course, his neurotic tendencies came out and he would fuss over anything that was asymmetrical.

Maka didn't get much shopping done that day...

Around six o'clock Soul had gone downstairs and waited by the lobby for Maka to come back.

It's almost eight. He's been waiting for almost two hours.

He couldn't help but doze off a bit, but when he heard a familiar laugh his eyes shot open and looked around the lobby.

He then spotted his wife near the enters nice, laughing and smiling. He felt his heart warm up a bit, he hasn't seen her that happy in a while.

But his heart sunk to his stomach when he realized she was not alone, and Kid was in her company.

He walked towards them, and they weren't aware of his presence until he spoke up.


Said girl stopped laughing and turned to the source, the smile, that he didn't cause, still evident on her face as she greeted her husband.

"Oh, hello Soul!" She said a bit giggly. "I was just hanging out with Kid today."

"I see," he seethed, his arms crossing as his expression hardened.

Kid and Maka felt the tension in the air, the lightheartedness leaving them.

"Well, Soul," Kid started. "It was nice seeing you, uh..." Turning to Maka, he gave a quick smile and wave. "I'll see you another time?"

"Yeah, defint- hey!" Maka's goodbye was cut short as Soul grabbed her wrist and dragged her away, a bit forcefully.

Kid stared at the two retreating figures gobsmacked.

"Why doesn't that idiot just confess to her already?" He muttered under his breath as he rolled his eyes.


After much protest in the elevator and the walk inside their hotel room, Soul still hadn't said a word, and he only let go of her wrist once they were in the room.

"Soul, what the hell was that all about?!" Maka asked. "That was so rude, Kid was-"

"Does he make you happy?" Soul interjected, his back turned from her.

"W-wait, huh?"

He turned and faced her this time. "Does he make you happy?"

Startled, Maka struggled to find her words. "I-I mean he's like a brother to me, and-"

"You were smiling today, and laughing," he noted, his angry expression softening as he found the floor pattern suddenly so interesting.

"You haven't smiled like that in a while."

"Soul..." She wasn't sure what to say.

"I don't think I've heard you laugh like that, either." He told her. "I liked it. It sounded nice, you looked happy." He admitted, his face a bit red.

Maka sighed and walked over to him slowly before wrapping her arms around him and giving him a gentle hug. Her head rested against his chest as she took a deep breath.

"What's gotten into you?" She whispered.

Silently, Soul wrapped his arms around his petite wife and rested his chin on the top of her head. She could feel his heartbeat.

Pulling back a bit Maka looked up at Soul and smiled. He stared at her, taking in her features. Her pink cheeks, slight freckles, emerald green eyes...

Soul found himself drawing closer to her with half lidded eyes, and she didn't pull away. She only drew nearer as she was captivated in his red eyes.

With no words or sound, just slight breathing, they felt their lips press softly against each other. It was soft, and only their third kiss. Maka didn't feel sparks, nor did she feel disappointment. She felt like this was just right, as if it belonged. Everything fell into place and she felt as this should happen more often. It was comfortable, sweet, and just felt so Soul.

Soul as well couldn't help but notice how right this felt. To say it felt so good to kiss his wife was a weird thought, yet satiated him. It was a like puzzle pieces coming together, arms fitting perfectly around each other and the contact their lips were making felt too perfect.

The need for air became too overwhelming when they reluctantly parted, both however wanting more. Maka giggled a bit as Soul rested his forehead against hers.

The corner of Soul's lips turned upwards into a smirk as he kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry."

"You're silly," she mentioned breathlessly, a smile gracing her face.

"I shouldn't have been an ass earlier, and I shouldn't have been rude when you were with Kid." He explained. "Work's catching up with me, and with Wes in the hospital I just need to relax."

Maka brought her hand up to cup Soul's face. "Don't worry, Wes is going to be okay, he's cleared to go home the day after tomorrow."

"And as for work," she continued. "Don't forget that we work together. So you're not alone under the mountain of paperwork that needs to be done."

Soul nodded slightly and sighed. "You're right."

"Of course I am, aren't I always?" Maka teased, and (much to Soul's chagrin) pulled away from the hug.

She pecked him on the cheek and walked towards the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a shower and head off to bed."

He sighed moved to the closet and grabbed a change of clothes. "Alright, me too."


By the time Maka was showered, dressed, and in bed Soul was already in a deep sleep.

She stared at his sleeping form, her fingertips brushing her lips where his were just a few moments ago, and smiled.

Scooting a little but closer to him, Maka closed her eyes and fell asleep easily as she felt his body a little bit closer to her.

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