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"I had a dream last night"

"That tends to happen when you sleep baby" Leo chuckled looking down at his little sister as they slowly strolled down the side walk.

"Well I know that" the five year old stated with a little sass to her tone, "but this dream was different to my normal ones".

"How so?"

"Daddy was in it"

Leo took a sharp breath in processing the toddlers words, Charlie hadn't mentioned their father once since being in their care .

So why now?

"He read me Cinderella and then gave me a kiss goodnight " the child informed gently swaying her and Leo's hand.

Leo nodded in response not yet being able to form a proper response to her out of the blue statement.

"Where is daddy ?"

The dreaded question, the one he had hoped Charlie would never ask but always knew she eventually would.

At least at an older age anyway.

The older brother sighed stopping at a close by bench, sitting down and gently placing Charlie on his lap  "we don't really know that sweetheart ".

He wasn't going to lie to her and in all fairness that was the truth, the very sugar coated truth.

When their father had disappeared he left the boys in a lot of shit bringing on a very dark time in their lives, Charlie's arrival however was the perfect light to brighten things up a little.

Charlie nodded, then scrunching up her eye brows with confusion .

"Did he say why he left?" She questioned grabbing Leo's tie and rolling it up in her tiny hands creating ripples in the expensive fabric.

"Charlie , darling if I knew that I would tell you I promise, but unfortunately I don't, none of us do " He spoke gently running his fingers through her curly locks .

"Sometimes people go away when everything becomes a bit much , yes it's unfair and upsetting but there's not much we can do about it " he carried on keeping his tone soft.

Charlie nodded pouting a little.

"that's abit fuck"

Leo's eyes suddenly widened in both surprise and anger , he admitted hearing his five year old sister curse was a little funny but was still wildly inappropriate.

Charlie scrunched up her eyes brows in confusion at his shocked state, "Did I do something wrong ?" She asked innocently having no clue why he was reacting in such a manner.

"Charlie, the word you just said-"


"Yes baby that one , its a very naughty word . A big No No , can you do me a favour and make sure you never repeat it " Leo spoke gently but sternly making a mental note in his head to murder his idiot brothers when he got home.

Charlie nodded frowning a little, mumbling an apologetic "sorry".

She leant up slightly and placed a small kiss on his cheek making him smile in adoration.

He placed each of his giant hands on her chubby cheeks smushing them together whilst grinning ,    "so cute".

"Charlie Rosaline Deluca I suggest you stop right now little one "

Charlie giggled at Atlas's angry tone.

She turned around to see her frustrated brother standing at the other end of the corridor with her monkey pyjamas flung over his shoulder.

Charlie's wide grin however instantly turned into a frown when she saw what her oh so lovely brother had hidden behind his back.


That was a low blow even for Atlas.

Atlas smirked as Charlie glared meanly at him , he had got her now.

"Do I have your attention now?" The boy grinned evilly, shaking the poor stuffy who was tightly gripped in his hand.

Charlie nodded silently placing both her hands up in surrender, this was serious.

Paul was on the line.

Things were about to get ugly.

"Good", Atlas took a few steps towards the five year old like predator to prey.

"Now you're gonna be a good little monkey and put these pyjamas on and Paul gets away Scot-free" the older brother slowly explained kneeling down so they were face to face.

Charlie grumbled in annoyance at the unfair ultimatum, her brother was definitely in her bad books now.

Eyeing up Paul Charlie wondered if her ninja skills would work in retrieving the toy and making a run for it but before any attempt could be made she was scooped up by a triumphant Atlas and held upside down.

The little one shrieked with uproarious laughter as Atlas carried her back to her bedroom upside down in his arms.

At least Paul was safe.

"Your hair is so fucking difficult" Atlas grumbled running a brush through her locks as gently as he possibly could.

Charlie turned shaking her head in disapproval, "Leo said that was a big No No word " she reprimanded trying to copy Leo's exact expression from earlier that day.

Atlas chuckled darkly reaching down to give her sides a quick tickle, "yeah thanks for that little monkey, got my butt chewed out for that little conversation you had earlier with him" he spoke in mock anger.

Charlie giggled loudly at her immature brother turning around to poke his nose, "you deserved it".

Atlas raised his eye brow at his cheeky little sisters actions reaching down to tickle her again this time going for her weak spot, her underarms.

"Really?" He grinned watching her giggle her little heart out, "if I deserve that then you definitely deserve this".

Charlie kicked at Atlas furiously as he attacked her with tickles in hopes to somehow stop him.

A few seconds later Atlas let out a painful grunt stopping the tickling immediately and hunching over in pain.

Thus giving the five year old the perfect opportunity to escape, with Paul of course.

Running out to the living room Charlie shrieked out her other brothers names in hopes of some form of protection.

Running around like a headless chicken she finally found Oscar who was sat on one of their leather sofas, his eyes glued to his phone.

"Oscar" Charlie squealed , a wide smile plastered onto her face. "Y-You have to help me, Atlas is really mad" the child giggled running over to her brother and placing her self right under one of his arms.

Oscar chuckled in amusement pulling Charlie onto his lap, "what did you do bug?".

"She kicked me in the fucking balls is what she did" a growl came from the other side of the room.

Charlie let out a frightened scream/giggle at the site of her brother .

"You said another No No word"

Oscar threw his head back as Charlie felt his chest vibrate with loud laughter.

"Good job baby, look at you hitting big brother were it hurts most. Oscars so proud" Her second eldest brother cooed ignoring the sinister glare he was receiving from Atlas.

"You really shouldn't encourage her" the low voice of Leo appeared as he walked in a beer placed in each hand, reaching to give one to Oscar gingerly.

"She picked up your swearing I don't want her getting corrupted by your violence too , she's too little for that" Leo reprimanded giving both brothers an almost deathly look.

"What about with boys, you don't want her to know any self defence ?"

"She's five."

"The little fuckers start early"

"Oscar" Leo growled threateningly, "no more".

"Boys aren't all bad" Charlie mumbled, though it was more to herself she managed to catch each of her brothers attention almost instantly.

"What boys have you been talking to monkey" Atlas challenged narrowing his eyes at the little girl.

Charlie giggled internally at her brothers over dramatic ways deciding it was probably best to leave them hanging.

Shrugging her little shoulders she got up from Oscars lap making her way to her bedroom to play, Paul accompanying her of course.

Atlas shook his head looking to his sister in both amusement and surprise.

"I swear, that child's gonna be the death of us"


Fluffy chapter both because I have an annoying case of writers block and with everything going on a bit of cheesiness is probably needed right now

Thank you all so much for the votes and comments, I love reading all your comments they literally make my day

I'm sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes as usual , not my strength

Please feel free to vote or comment if you've enjoyed and I'm sorry for the long wait for this chapter I'll try my best to have another one out by the weekend

Lots of love xx

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