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Straightening out his suit Leo brought his clenched fist up to the door, roughly knocking against the wood.

The impatient man waited a minute for an answer raising his fist to knock again when no one came only for it to swing open.

"Jesus Christ man it's fucking early"

Leo rolled is eyes at his immature cousin, examining his rough state.

Damien stood one hand leaning against the door frame, he had no shirt on indicating he had only just woken up, that and his hair was all over the place.

"You look like shit" Leo mumbled pushing past the boy and walking into his surprisingly clean apartment.

Damien simply smirked shutting the door with his arms out, "well I do try".

"You want anything ?"


"It's barely nine" Leo's eyes narrowed at his smirking cousin.

"Precisely" Damien grinned going over to the vastly full alcohol cabinet pulling out an expensive bottle of Macallan neat.

"How's that baby girl of yours?" He casually questioned, pouring a generous amount of scotch into his glass.

Damien turned around with the beverage tightly gripped in his hand only to find Leo towering over him.

They where similar heights however at this moment in time Leo had made himself twice as big.

Leo's face was positioned only inches away from Damiens as he stared down at him intimidatingly, his eyes practically glared holes into his cousins.

Damien didn't even flinch.

"You know,  Oscar told me about your little appearance the other day. I have to say it made me very angry" Leo spoke calmly as if he was reprimanding a child.

"See I don't giving a flying fuck if you're family or not, you've never acted like it but hey that was up to you and I was fine with that. That was until my little girl started getting approached by random ass men and then you."

Damiens facial expression remained neutral however he knew deep down he had fucked up when sending Dimitri to spy on the little one, he now recognised that he should of taken the task into his own hands. That way at least she was more safe and his cousins were less suspicious.

" So I'm just gonna say this" Leo began, raising his forearm and pressing it firmly against Damiens neck.

Not hard enough to do any proper damage but enough to make him feel the pain.

"If you ever go near her, talk to her or even so much as look at her without my permission, I will destroy you"

Before Damien could react Leo's fist slammed up on to the wall right by his head, creating a destructive crack.

"Do I make myself clear?"

Damiens eyes now glared into Leo's, with one swift move he kneed him violently causing the man to stumble back a little.

Now it was his turn to talk.

"You ask a lot of me Leo" he smirked raising the glass of scotch that had simultaneously remained gripped in his hand during the confrontation.


"I get, it I really do. Charlie, She's innocent and little and not fit for this big bag world. Believe it or not I would never put her in danger, not intentionally anyway."

Leo's fists clenched tighter and tighter as he listened to his idiot cousins words wanting nothing more than to punch the smug smirk off his face.

"What are you getting at ?"

"Well you see, you've offered me your end of the bargain now I think it's time I tell you mine"

"It was none negotiable"

"Shh I'm not done " Damien grinned, raising his finger to the agitated Leo .

"I will go along with all your little demands , no problem but I want to see her-"

"No fucking chance"

"Jesus, I wasn't done you really need to stop interrupting me Leonardo, hasn't anyone told you it's extremely rude." Damien spoke his tone patronising.

"I want to see her, just to talk . She is my family too, like it or not I love the child and would go to great lengths protect her."

Leo was now confused, Damiens tone had gone from mocking to deadly serious.

Why was he trying so hard to spend time with her ?

Charlie was a child, practically a baby. Damien was the furthest thing from kid friendly.

Before he could offer some sort of response Leo's phone began to ring.

Looking down he saw Atlas's name immediately bringing up alarm bells, he was currently on Charlie duty and Atlas never called.

Leo held out a finger in order to silence any possible speech from Damien.

Swiping to answer he brought the phone to his ear wanting to know why he was being interrupted.

"Leo?" Atlas's voice came off uneasy .

"It's Charlie, she's-"

"She's what" Leo quickly interrupted wanting to know what was wrong.

"She's got a temp and keeps complaining about pains. The little ones asking for you ."

Leo sighed turning from Damien and roughly running his hand through his dark hair.

"Tell her I'll be twenty minutes, no less"

Atlas agreed leaving Leo to hang up .

"I have to go, we will continue this another time"

"Oh and Damien"

Before the boy could reply Leo's fist came flying down harshly connecting with Damiens cheek.

"Don't ever fucking scare my girl again."

"It hurts Atlas" Charlie whimpered holding her stomach tightly.

Atlas sighed sadly, picking her up and cradling her little body against his chest .

"I know monkey, I know. You're being so brave " he whispered softly, placing a gentle kiss onto the crown of her head.

He had been watching Charlie all morning until she started complaining about pains in her stomach, scaring the shit out of the eighteen year old.

"Proud of me? " she mumbled sleepily making Atlas chuckle with fondness, "I'm always proud of you baby, always proud".

Charlie smiled a little, however it didn't last long when she felt her tummy become more painful.

She let out a sob as she felt more and more uncomfortable causing Atlas to rock her slowly and soothingly rub her back.

Minutes later Leo's rushed footsteps could be heard as he entered the apartment building .

Walking quickly down the corridors he made his way to Charlie's room seeing his baby wrapped up in Atlas's arms.

"Hi darling " he cooed walking over and gently taking her into his own hold.

"Don't feel very well" the five year old sniffled, burying her head into Leo's chest .

"I know babygirl, I'm sorry" he soothed then looking up to an evidently tired Atlas.

"Have you given her anything?"

"Yeah, some calpol about twenty minutes ago"

Leo nodded sending his brother a grateful look, then walking out going to his own room .

"The medicine should kick in soon sweet girl, you'll feel better in a bit I promise." He cooed holding her with one arm and taking his tie off with the other.

Leo gently laid the toddler in bed kicking his shoes off and then getting in with her, holding her close to his chest.

"Try to get some sleep baby" he whispered rubbing her back gently.

Oscar readjusted his cuffs nervously, waiting outside his angels door.

He was finally taking August on the first date they had planned weeks ago despite the fact that they were practically dating.

Oscars lips twitched upwards almost immediately as August appeared opening his door, slowly revealing his beauty.

" Hi" August shyly smiled, lowering his head to hide his deep blush.

Oscar grinned hooking his finger under the boys chin and slowly raising it, "You look beautiful August , don't ever hide from me".

"Even when I look like a tomato?"

Oscar smiled shaking his head fondly , "Especially when you look like a tomato."

"C'mon my love , I have many surprises that await. " he spoke leading August out to where he had parked his choice of transport.

August stopped when he realised the machine that stood in-front of him was not a car.

"You like the bike ?" Oscar smirked walking towards the black, slightly scary looking motorcycle.

"That's not a car" August sheepishly mumbled going over to Oscar who held out two helmets.

"No darling it's not, but I promise you it's very safe. I'm an exceptional driver " he spoke confidently.

August gulped nodding a little, "let's get this on you " Oscar grinned placing a helmet on to August's head tightly fastening the straps.

Oscar then proceeded to put his own helmet on and lifted August up onto the bike.

"You might wanna hold on to me angel" he spoke getting on in front of the boy.

August let out a little giggle shaking his head, "so that's why you chose the bike".

Holding oscars waist tightly August's prepared himself as Oscar revved up the engine.

The bike sprang into action causing adrenalin to rush through the boys body.

Oscar couldn't help but smirk as he felt August's arms tighten around him.

The night hadn't even started, yet August had never felt more alive.

"She's has a light temp, but should recover soon."

Leo nodded as he watched the doctor examine Charlie, after the cowpol didn't kick in he called in a favour with his friend, Marcus.

Marcus was a trained doctor who tended to the richest of the rich but knew Leo from a gala a few years back.

"So she's okay?" The older brother asked worriedly, pulling Charlie into his lap and placing a kiss on top of her head.

Marcus nodded smiling a little, "She's all good, most likely a stomach bug. Keep giving her doses of cowpol for the next twenty-four hours as a precaution but other than that little Charlie should be better in no time " he spoke keeping his tone child friendly throughout .

Leo sighed out in relief nodding his head in gratitude, "thanks man I owe you one ".

"It's no problem, she's adorable " Marcus grinned packing up his medical bag.

Charlie blushed at the complement feeling slightly out of place during their grown up conversations.

"She is isn't she" Leo chuckled lowly, looking down to his baby sister and gently poking her nose.

"Here I'll show you out" the man spoke lifting Charlie back into bed and tucking her in then walking out and leading Marcus to the door.

"Seriously Marcus I owe you one , thank you for checking on her I appreciate it" Leo spoke his tone neutral however his eyes held gratitude.

Marcus shook his head smiling a little, "it's nothing, really. After all the shit you've gotten me out of before it's the least I could do ".

Leo nodded reaching his hand out for Marcus to shake .

Marcus accepted the gesture and then left making his way out of the building and got into the black car that awaited down the road .

He placed his bag down looking to the figure in the driving seat.

"So how is she?"

"She's fine, has a stomach bug at best. Never seen Leo get so dramatic about anything before, amusing really".

The person nodded handing over an envelope stuffed with one hundred dollar bills.

Marcus look over the amount shaking his head with disapproval, "we agreed double this Damien".

"It's that or nothing, just be grateful I'm giving you something in the first place. That is unless you want to complain some more?" Damien practically growled pulling out a hand gun from his suit pocket, tauntingly running the tip of his finger along the top.

Marcus chuckled shaking his head a little, "Put your toy away it's fine. Jesus Damien you can't just kill every person who disagrees with you or gets on your nerves" he spoke placing the money into his bag and reaching for the handle of the car.

"Oh and by the way nice bruise"


Hey guys, new update for you!

Sorry for leaving Oscar and August's date on a little cliffhanger I promise more will be revealed in the next chapter

Please feel free to comment or vote if you like the chapter, also as always I'm very sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

I've used all my isolation time to make some new characters aesthetics (very productive of me I know ) so please feel free to go check them out x

On a serious note I hope you're all safe and well at this slightly weird and scary time 

Lots of love xx

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