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"Hi, angel."

Oscar stood leaning against August's apartment door frame, staring at his boyfriend like some kind of  lovesick puppy.

Of course, August couldn't help but blush at Oscar's bold approach. He hadn't the slightest clue how he could be so confident.

"Hello, you."

Oscar placed both of his large hands onto his boyfriend's little waist, gently caressing the skin. The larger man leaned down, gently knocking his forehead against August's while rubbing their noses together fondly.

"I missed you," Oscar mumbled sadly, a little pout making its way onto his lips.

They had been apart for a whole dreadful two days.

This was just something Oscar simply couldn't handle.

Due to the ongoing drama that had not been so gently bestowed upon the family, the two have had very little opportunity to talk, let alone see each other.

"Did you miss me?"

August scrunched up his nose playfully as he looked up, teasing his boyfriend a little.

Of course, he had missed Oscar, he always missed Oscar when they were apart, but August couldn't help but tease the man as he knew how badly Oscar craved attention and confirmation that he was missed.

"Hey." Oscar placed his index finger under August's chin raising it, so they were eye to eye. "Say that you missed me." He wined childishly.

August loved this side of Oscar, the playful side of him that wasn't afraid to be vulnerable yet cheeky.

August grinned, standing on his tippy toes to reach his tall boyfriend's height. He leaned forward slightly, so his lips were placed practically against Oscars.

Opening his mouth, he began to speak, his lips softly grazing against Oscars with every word.

"Of course, I missed you."

Oscar growled at the action pulling August's body into his own, "You're a little fucking tease, you know that?"

August simply giggled, innocently batting his eyelashes. The small yet powerful action had Oscar at his knees, in one quick motion he grabbed his smaller boyfriend pulling him impossibly close and crashing his lips against August's.

"Please don't make babies in front of me."

The two men were interrupted by a squeaky little voice. Charlie looked up to the two with a scrunched up face. She was at August's for a sleepover not to watch him and her brother make out!


Oscar groaned against August's lips, slowly pulling apart. He looked down at his little sister with a glare. Although it was mostly playful, he was not happy. The sweet moment had been interrupted.

"You're a little cockblocker, aren't you." Oscar quietly muttered, earning a light smack on the arm from his unimpressed boyfriend.

"I'm joking. I'm joking." Oscar quickly defended, reaching down to pick his baby sister up.

"Are you gonna be a good little monkey for August?"

Charlie was set to stay the night with August. Her brothers, all four of them, had planned to meet.

Charlie didn't quite know why they were meeting, but she wasn't complaining. She loved spending time with August. He was a lovely friend.

She had planned out the whole night for them to the very last detail. They were going to bake first. August made killer brownies. Then they were going to do their nails and face masks, and maybe even talk about boys.

Of course, Charlie didn't really know what it meant by 'talk about boys,' the five-year-old had only become familiar with the phrase from watching the odd movie or two. But that didn't matter.

Charlie was ready to have the ultimate sleepover experience.

The little one gave a firm nod in response to her big brother's question, not that she needed to confirm her good behavior.

"Alright, then baby girl, give me a kiss."

Charlie leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss to the tip of her older brother's nose.

"I love you."

The little sister grinned, smushing Oscar's cheeks together, giggling as his stubble tickled her palms.

"Love you too, now bye-bye." The five-year-old spoke not so discreetly gesturing to the exit.

"I think somebody wants you to go." August teased lightly as a pout made its way onto Oscar's face for the second time that evening.

"And that absolutely breaks my heart." Oscar fake cried against Charlie's rosy cheek.

"Alright, hand her over, or you're gonna be late." August giggled. He loved the relationship Oscar had with his little sister. It was absolutely precious.

Charlie gave her big brother one last cuddle goodbye and then made her way into August's little apartment.

"Bye, baby."

August gave Oscar one last kiss before he too bid his boyfriend goodbye.

"Are you two in love?"

August let out a frightened shriek as he turned around only to find the tiny little girl standing right in front of him.

"Charlie, bub. You can't sneak up on me like that." He chastised gently, leaning down to ruffle her curls playfully.

"Sorry." The five-year-old mumbled, grabbing August's small hand in her tiny one, leading him over to the living room.

"Your house is really pretty." The curious girl spoke, looking at all the pastel colors and beautiful decorations that were spread around August's home in awe.

"You think so?" August grinned, pride slowly filling up inside of him. Sometimes he forgot that Charlie was actually only five years old.

"Yes, of course! When you and Oscar get married and live in a castle with a moat and unicorns and a rocketship you cannot let him decorate. I've been in Oscar's room, and let me tell you he is super duper messy!"

August had to hold in a giggle as he listened to the little girl's predictions of his and Oscar's future. They were still a relatively new couple but had already come so far.

"Is Oscar your forever person?" Charlie questioned curiously. "'Cause mine is Paul."

August opened his mouth to give the child a response, but nothing came out. He had been asked a question he simply didn't know the answer to yet. Of course, he wanted a long future with Oscar. He had never caught feelings so quickly for another person before.

But what if Oscar didn't want nor feel the same?

Gently cupping Charlie's chubby cheeks, August placed a sweet kiss to her forehead.

"I really hope so, sweetheart."

"You know for such an unorganised, childish, unprofessional man-child I have to say I'm truly impressed that this is all yours."

Oscar's mouth gaped slightly at his older cousin's harsh comments. They sat in the VIP section of Oscar's club for a little privacy. The blasting music from the central area of the establishment could still be heard, but it wasn't loud enough to pose as a distraction. Each Leo, Damien, Oscar, and Atlas had a drink in front of them as they sat in uncomfortable silence.

"Was that supposed to be a fucking compliment?"

Damien shrugged and looked down to the glass of scotch in his hand, "In my eyes, yes. But you may take what you will."

"Knob," Oscar mumbled, picking up his beer and taking a swig.

"Where is the little one?"

"Charlie's with my boyfriend."

Damien raised his eyebrows a little, a menacing smirk making its way onto his face.

"Your boyfriend?"

"Yes," Oscar confirmed, his jaw immediately tensing. He didn't know where his cousin was going with this, nor did he want to know. Oscar was very protective over his August.


"Is he cute?" The man questioned, running his tongue slowly over his front teeth. Damien knew very well that he was getting under Oscar's skin. It was quite amusing, actually. The man was like a ticking time bomb, and Damien was curious how much it would take to get him to blow.

That and he was bored with the awkward silence.

"That is none of your business," Oscar grumbled, adding on "you perverted little shit." Not so quietly at the end.

"Okay, children. That's enough now." Leo intervened bored with their childish squabbles.

"You." Leo began, pointing to Damien as if he were a misbehaving child. "Shut the fuck up."

"And you." He then turned to Oscar, giving him one of his famous 'you better do what I say, or I'll mess you up' glares. "Calm the fuck down."

"You have such a beautiful vocabulary, brother." Atlas commended sarcastically.

Leo's glare averted to Atlas but soon disappeared as he noticed the amber liquid in his glass.

"What the fuck is that?" The older brother questioned through clenched teeth, not taking his eyes off the drink.

Atlas rolled his eyes.

He knew this was coming.

Ever since the passing of his Isla, his relationship with alcohol had turned sour. He had never legally been allowed to drink, but before he could at least control his actions while intoxicated.

After Isla's passing, Atlas turned extremely angry. He became reckless and cruel and turned to drinking as an escape.

A dangerous escape, that is.

"It's one glass," Atlas muttered dismissively. In all honesty, the boy's drinking habits had been becoming more stable.

He'd already fucked up once with Charlie while drunk and would be damned if he was going to make the same mistake again. Atlas had already lost one of his girls due to an abusive man with substance issues. He wasn't about to lose his other.

"I don't give a shit if it's one glass or if it's fifty, you will not drink it. You are both underage and not in the right state of mind to be consuming it, Atlas. Believe it or not, I don't want to see you hurt." Leo spoke, his tone full of authority and sternness.

Oh, the joys of being the big brother.

Much to Leo's surprise, Atlas quietly nodded, pouring himself a glass of still water and leaning back in his seat, saying no more.

A few more moments of silence passed once again before Atlas couldn't take it anymore.

"Well, now that we've all become nice and acquainted, how about you tell us what the fuck is going on."

Leo quietly chuckled at Atlas's bold approach. His little brother was never one to do well with patience.

"Um yeah," Damien coughed awkwardly. His confident, mischievous facade is now gone. The young adult leaned forward, slightly cutting the distance between him and his cousins.

Opening his mouth to speak, Damien told them everything.

His father.

Their mother.

The hidden birth certificate.

Absolutely everything.

The words flooded out from the man's mouth as he didn't break once. He wasn't quite as emotional as he was the first time he opened up to Leo. He felt stronger this time.

It also helped that he had his older cousin by his side.

The support meant a lot to him, though Leo could never actually know that.

Both brother's reactions were, of course, completely contrasting.

Oscar had no issues showcasing his emotions. As Damien went on, exposing one heartbreaking memory after another, his facial expressions changed, his eyes transitioned from overwhelming anger to unbearable sadness.

The guilt practically drowned him as he heard of his mother's mistreatment. He wanted to slowly slaughter his so-called uncle in the most painful way possible.

He also held great shame over his father. He now understood the pathetic man was better out of their lives.

Especially Charlie's.

Atlas, however, kept utterly neutral.

His eyes were glued to Damien, watching and evaluating every movement as he went on with the story.

All the while, he was conjuring some gruesome revenge to bestow upon Archer, of course.

For once, Atlas didn't doubt Damien's sincerity. In fact he was almost taken back by how genuine he was being. Atlas had experienced his cousins bullshit way too many times to know when he was putting a front on.

This was not one of those times.

By the end of the explanation, both boys let out a loud, long breath, shocked at what they had just been told.

"Wow." Atlas muttered quietly, "And I thought I was the fucked up one."

At this, Damien chuckled humorlessly sending his cousins a quick smirk. "You know me, Atlas. I don't do second best."


"This explains a lot, you know," Oscar mumbled though it was more to himself. "You constantly want to see and be around Charlie. All your sneaking around to talk to her. I swear, I was this close to beating your creepy ass." Oscar admitted, showing the little distance with his index finger and thumb.

Damien's eyebrows raised slightly as he nodded at Oscars blunt choice of words.


"Well I wouldn't do that now, obviously." Oscar defended weakly. "That is unless you do something to hurt her, then I won't hesitate to break a couple of limbs." He went on with a half teasing, half serious smirk.

"I would never hurt her, Oscar." Damien declared almost insulted he would think that. "I just want to spend time with her." He went on to say this time, turning his attention to Leo, knowing he held the most authority over the sister.

Leo, of course, knew this was coming. Damien was her brother after all. He had no intention of keeping the siblings apart but also understood that Damien's life wasn't all that stable.

"And you will be able to do that Damien-"

"Tomorrow, I would like to spend the day with her tomorrow."

Sighing tiredly, Leo leaned back in his chair, ignoring his other two brothers' deep gazes that were fixed on him.

"You tell me where you're going. I want to know Charlie's location at all times. No bullshit, Damien. She gets hurt, this is over. No more peace. No more trust."

Firmly nodding, Damien reached out his hand, which Leo firmly shook.

"You have my word."

The next morning Oscar made his way to August's apartment to collect his little sister with Damien in tow.

Out of all his brothers, he was by far the most skeptical about Damien and Charlie spending the day together.


Oscar knew Damien was an extremely sketchy person and still didn't completely trust him. His mind kept taking him back to all the sneaking around he had done before everything. Oscar remembered the threats he bestowed upon his cousin when he found him outside of Charlie's little school and had no problem reminding him of them.

"Nice place," Damien commented casually as he looked around August's apartment building, leaning against a corner on the far side of the room.

Quietly humming in agreement, Oscar gently knocked against August's door, waiting a few seconds and then watching as it swung open.

"Hi, baby." The older brother gasped as an extremely excited Charlie ran straight into his arms.

"My goodness, I missed you so much!" He playfully cried, peppering her cheeks with kiss after kiss.

"How was she?" Oscar questioned with a wide grin as he took his head out of his little sister's hair and focused his attention on August.

"An angel as always."

Oscar sent his boyfriend a grateful smile for his help in watching her.

"Thank you, babe."

August nodded, giving both Oscar and Charlie a kiss on the cheek before retreating into his apartment, having to get ready for work.

"Did you have fun, Bubba?"

Charlie nodded enthusiastically before rambling on about the great night she had, making sure to shove her freshly painted nails right in Oscar's face, so he knew how fabulous they were.

After her impressive and very detailed breakdown of the night, Charlie rested her head against Oscar's chest, letting out a big yawn.

"Hey!" The older brother teased lightly, shaking the little girl, "You can't fall asleep on me, Charlie girl, I have someone here to see you."

Charlie's quirked up a little, curious to know who her brother was referring too.

"Hello, darling."

Stepping out from where he was slightly hidden in the corner, Damien made his way over to his little sister. Her little face had lightened up with excitement, no trace of tiredness evident now.

"Damien wants to spend the day with you, Charlie. Would you like that?"

"You can say no, bambina. The worst it would do is break my heart." He playfully teased gently, poking her little side, gaining a giggle in return.

Charlie shyly nodded as Oscar placed her back down into her two own feet.

"You wanna hang out with your big old brother?" Damien grinned, kneeling in front of the five-year-old and tucking a stray curl behind her ear.

Once again, Charlie quietly nodded, feeling herself grow a little shy at the attention of her older brother. Wanting his baby sister to be rid of her sheepish mood Damien suddenly swept Charlie off her feet and threw her into the air like she weighed nothing, receiving a loud shriek from her in return.

The older brother spun the little girl around playfully, pretending to drop her as Oscar watched on with worry and ready to catch the five-year-old at any moment.

Oscar had never seen Damien so soft.

"What was that, Charlie?" Damien teased as she giggled her little heart out.

"Y-yes." Charlie squealed her cheeks red from laughing.

Damien stopped the fun, letting Charlie rest in his arms and catch her breath.

"Thank god for that, you saved me a lot of heartache there, little one."

"Protect her, Damien." Oscar nodded as he quickly leaned down to place a kiss to the top of Charlie's head.

"With my life."


I am so so sorry this is late, I have been really slacking recently and that's not fair to you guys.

I have been receiving so much from my teachers and have just been struggling to right recently. Half term is coming up though so hopefully I'll be able to get more chapters up next week.

Like I'm sure many of you are, I'm going stir crazy at home. I live with only boys and can feel myself slowly turning into one.

Next chapter will be all Damien and Charlie which I have already started so I'll try get that out for you ASAP!

Any way I hope you liked the chapter and please feel free to vote and comment!

Thank you always to HelpEditor for helping me edit the chapter!

Lots of love xx

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