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"You're such a little mess, topoplina." Damien chuckled, bringing a napkin up to his little sister's face and wiping away the sticky strawberry flavoured ice cream that had somehow spread across her cheeks.

Damien had declared once the two were alone that it was, in fact, Charlie's day, and therefore they were to do whatever she wanted to do.

Of course, Charlie had to take advantage of this rare opportunity and ask for ice cream first, even if it was a little too early in the morning.

Damien had taken his sister downtown to a little Italian cafe, which made the best ice cream in the city by far. He got an espresso, not being a fan of the sweet treat.

Charlie giggled quietly every time he took a sip of the bitter coffee finding the tiny little cup it came in to be quite entertaining.

"That looks like a cup from my tea set." The five-year-old pointed out a massive grin plastered onto her adorable ice cream covered face.

"It's an espresso, baby."

"A e-esp-peso?" Charlie questioned having a hard time actually pronouncing the drink, "That's a silly name."

Damien nodded, smiling fondly at the little ball of fluff that sat in front of him, reaching over to ruffle her curls gently.

"Can I please have one?"

A loud laugh erupted from the older brother as he looked down at Charlie's deadly serious face.

"I don't think you'd like it, Charlie." He spoke sympathetically as he saw a little pout form on her lips.

"Can I have a sip of yours, please?"

"I don't think so, baby girl, Leo would kill me if I returned you, and you were bouncing off the walls."

"But, I thought it was Charlie day." The five-year-old reminded, a cheeky smirk forming on her lips.

She knew how to play him.

Damien held back a grin as he shook his head in disbelief at his mischievous little sister. How was he supposed to say no to that?

"Scusi." The older brother called looking over to a waiter walking by. "Portami una cioccolata calda ma mettila in una tazza da caffè espresso."

The waiter nodded swiftly, making his way to the barista to get the drink for the man.

"You're a very cheeky little person. Do you know that?" Damien teased, gently flicking her little button nose.

Charlie giggled at the action scrunching up her tiny nose. "Do you want to try some of my ice cream? S'really good!" The little one offered, holding up her huge ice cream cone right in Damien's face.

Gently taking her hand and moving the sweet treat away Damien shook his head at the kind offer. "No, thank you, bambina. You keep that for yourself."

"S'okay, I don't mind sharing." Charlie piped up once again, raising the sticky dessert dangerously close to Damien's face.

"I don't like ice cream, baby."

Charlie's mouth gaped at Damiens ridiculous confessions, how could someone not like ice cream? Luckily the little girl was soon distracted by a waiter coming over with Damien's special order.

"You're espresso, my darling," Damien spoke in a fake British accent, making sure to check the warm drink wasn't too hot for the little girl's taste buds.

Charlie started at the tiny cup in awe. She felt so grown up!

"Is this e-spe-so for me?" Charlie gasped excitedly, feeling just like her big brother.

"I don't see anyone else sitting at this table, Charlie."

"Does that means yes?"


Charlie picked up the small cup. It fits perfectly in her little fingers. The five-year-old didn't waste any time taking a sip and trying the supposed drink.

"It's sweet."

"Is it?" Damien smirked, leaning back in his chair and drinking his own coffee.

"M'hm." Charlie nodded, finishing the drink and making sure to lick all the chocolate away, so there was none left in the glass.

"Almost like hot chocolate."

"Anyway," Damien tactically coughed, changing the conversation to distract the clever little girl from her suspicions. "What would you like to do next, Bambina?"

"Hmm." Charlie thought out loud, raising one of her chubby little fingers to tap against her chin in a thinking manner.

Raising her head a little, her eyes caught sight of flock-of pigeons flying outside of the cafe, ascending into the sky with just a small flap of their wings.

"I wanna fly, please!"

Damien raised his eyebrows slightly at the odd request. He was expecting a trip to the sweep shop or the toy store.

But no.

Not Charlie.

"You want to fly?" The older brother clarified, trying his best to hide the amusement in his tone.

"Yes, please!"

"Alright, little one, big brother, will see what he can do."

After Charlie had finished her ice cream and 'espresso,' the two siblings had exited the little cafe and made their way into the car outside.

Damien grumbled slightly at the more than generous tip he had given thanks to Charlie's less-than-subtle suggestion.

That had left a dent in his wallet.

A driver dressed in a suit a black sunglasses opened the door for the two, smiling softly when Charlie gave him a little wave and a 'hello'.

Damien made sure to clip in Charlie's seat belt and snaked his arm around her little body trying to make up for the lack of car seat.

The journey was short though Charlie hadn't the slightest clue to where they were going.

Ten minutes into the drive, Damien had noticed his little sister had fallen into a light sleep. Her curly head rested peacefully against his bicep as he drew small patterns against her arm.

"You sleepy already, huh bambina?" The man whispered lovingly against her forehead, catching the driver's attention for a split second.

"You tell anyone about this, and you're out of a job." The brother grumbled though deep down they both knew it was both a playful and empty threat.

"My mouth is shut, sir." The smirking chauffeur confirmed.

The car slowly reached a stop outside Damien's intended destination. Damien knew he had to wake up the sleepy little girl resting peacefully in his arms.


"Hmm." The five-year-old hummed quietly, squirming a little.

"You gotta wake up, bub. You said it yourself. You wanna go flying."

Charlie instantly shot up, now conveniently wide awake.

"Are we going to fly?" Charlie gasped.

Damien chuckled a little moving his hand to unclip her seat belt and then exiting the car. The older brother placed both of his hands under the girl's armpits lifting her out and putting her steadily onto the pavement.

"Not quite, sweet girl. You haven't given me the biggest time frame."

"Sorry." Charlie apologised tiredly, still adjusting from her nap.

Noticing she was still a little wobbly, Damien reached down to pick up the sleepy child and placed her on his hip.

"Don't apologise, Charlie," Damien mumbled as he slowly walked towards what looked like a colossal skyscraper. The massive tower had hundreds if not thousands of windows placed upon each floor, making it seem as if it were entirely made of glass.

"That's a big building."

Damien grinned at his curious sister's comments as he walked through the impressive building's two large doors, both being held open for him by two very well dressed doormen.

"Damien." A loud voice echoed throughout the foyer, attracting the odd glance or two. Damien rolled his eyes as a familiar figure approached him.

"Robert." Damien acknowledged with the simple nod of his head.

The 'so called' Robert looked to be a similar age to Damien, his hair however was blonde and a lot shorter. He stood at a similar height to the 6'3 older brother though he didn't come across nearly as scary as Damien did.

"Who's the little human?" The suit-clad man questioned, looking down at the little child with soft eyes.

"This is Charlie."

"Hello, Charlie."

Charlie watched cautiously as the man gave her a little wave, she could tell he was a bit confused by her presence but chose not to question it.

"Anyway." Robert began with a clap of his hands. "I heard you need to go up above."

"You heard right," Damien nodded.

"Alrighty, follow me if you will," Robert spoke, turning on his heel and leading the siblings to what seemed to be an elevator.

Robert's hand lowered down to what looked like a pin-pad. Typing in a code, Robert then took out an identification card and pressed it against a sensor.

This was all very techy.

With a little ping, the two doors automatically opened, revealing a professional-looking elevator.

"I've only gotten you about an hour up there," Robert confessed, stepping out of the way so Damien could enter the elevator with a now standing Charlie.

"That's more than enough time. Thank you, Robert. I owe you one."

"I'll remember that."

"I'm sure you will."

Robert wished the two 'goodbye,' leaving the siblings alone.

"He was nice," Charlie mumbled shyly as her brother went to press the top button on the elevator panel.

"He's an old friend of mine," Damien explained.

Charlie nodded, leaning against Damien's leg as the elevator went up.

"You still tired, baby?" Damien questioned, running his hand through her wild curls.

"Nope," Charlie spoke, immediately contradicting her statement as she let out a huge yawn.

The elevator soon stopped. As the doors slowly opened, a bright light was released into the lift. The more they began, the brighter it got.

Once the automatic doors completely extended back, the two walked out. There they found themselves in a room solely filled with windows. The ceiling, too, was purely made of glass, resulting in a beautifully clear view of the sky above.

Charlie looked around in awe at the glass phenomenon. She felt as if she were on top of the world.

Damien quietly led her over to the window, frowning when she let go of his hand and reluctantly took a step back.

"What's wrong, Charlie?" The older brother questioned worriedly. He thought this was what she wanted.

"It's a little scary." The five-year-old mumbled, noticing how genuinely high up they were.

How did the birds do it?

"Charlie." Damien chuckled, shaking his head a little. "Bambina, nothing can happen to you up here, you're completely safe." He soothed, kneeling next to the enormous window and opening his arms for her.

Charlie took a second before accepting his invitation and waddling over to her big brother and his welcoming arms.

Once in reach, Damien made sure to wrap his arms around his tiny sister, holding onto her tightly.

"The only thing that will get you up here is me." Damien grinned, blowing a raspberry against the little one's rosy cheek, receiving back a loud string of giggles. "But you're lucky I'm feeling nice."

Charlie placed her little hand against the glass, looking out at the view set in front of her.

The skyline was filled with tall buildings, much like the one they were in.

"Look at the birds," Charlie whispered, her finger following the pattern as the birds flew in flocks.

"I'm sorry I couldn't take you flying, but hopefully, this will do."

"This is amazing," Charlie mumbled in awe.

Damien watched his little sister in adoration as she took in every little detail.

"You wanna see something cool?" The older brother whispered, placing a soft kiss to her temple.

Charlie nodded eagerly as her brother led her to the middle of the room. Damien went to sit down, encouraging Charlie to do the same and then transitioned from sitting to lying, allowing him to look up at the blue sky in front of them.

Mirroring his movements, Charlie did the same, placing her head right next to his. The five-year-old couldn't help but burst into a fit of a giggle as she looked over to him realising how close in proximity they were.

"Oi," Damien chuckled, reaching his hand over to tickle Charlie's little tummy, gaining a loud squeal in return. "Are you laughing at me, you little monkey?"

A few seconds of loud laughter and a couple of unceremonious snorts later, the five-year-old had decided enough was enough. Making a rather lazy attempt to escape, Charlie began rolling away, but the older brother was having none of it.

"Excuse me." Damien grinned, grabbing her little arm and gently pulling her over to him, so they were once again lying next to each other. "Where do you think you're going?"

Once Charlie was next to him again, Damien gave her a minute to take a breath, recovering from her loud laughter.

A minute of peaceful silence passed, and the redness in Charlie's chubby cheeks slowly faded away.

"You snorted." The older brother suddenly taunted in a slightly childish tone poking her cheek teasingly. This, of course, provoked the little sister to scrunch up her button nose in anger.

"You made me."

"You made me." The brother mimicked, his voice now nasally and high pitched.

"You're just in-a-ture." Charlie chastised smugly, feeling rather proud she had remembered the word from the many times Leo had called Oscar and Atlas it.

Of course, Damien didn't dare correct her. He wasn't about to burst her bubble.

"Have you had a good day so far, then, principessa?" Damien questioned, changing the topic.

The older brother really did want to impress her. It was his first time being alone with the little girl (with her brothers actually knowing), meaning if he fucked it up, it would also be his last.

"It's been wonderful." Charlie sighed in content, opening up her arms in an attempt to mimic a bird flying but nearly hitting her brother instead.

"I'm very glad."

"Do you want to have a go?" Charlie questioned as Damien gently pushed her on the child-friendly swing.

Moving onto their third destination Charlie didn't make it very hard for her brother, merely requesting they end the day at the park.

With maybe another ice cream too.

Shaking his head, an amused smirk formed on Damien's lips, "I don't think I'd fit in there."

"Is your butt too big?"

Playfully gasping at the blunt comments, Damien grabbed the chains of the swing, raising them slightly, making Charlie squeal.

"Now that wasn't very nice."

"I'm sorry." Charlie giggled, placing her tiny hand on top of her brothers' ones in the hopes that he wouldn't let go of the swing and send her flying.

"But it was also true."

Damien stuck out his tongue at the five-year-old, slowly lowering the swing and her little body down and pushing it normally again.

"Little brat." He grumbled grumpily, making sure to pinch at her toes as she swung towards him, "You're extremely lucky you're cute."

Charlie sat back as Damien continued to push her in the swing. She did love the day she had spent with Damien. He no longer felt mysterious nor unknown. Now he felt like a brother.

However, her mind couldn't help but take her back to other events.

The mysterious disappearance of Ms. Warner to be precise.

She and Mason had agreed to do some very well-needed investigation, but of course, that had been sidetracked by the recent family drama.

He couldn't have hurt her, could he?

This was the same Damien who took her to the top of a skyscraper to make her feel like she was flying. This was the same Damien who cooed sweet words to her as she slept in his arms.

But this was also the same Damien who had gotten mad when she had forgotten to wear a bracelet. Charlie hadn't left the house without it after that day.

This was also the same Damien who had lied to her other big brothers when coming to her school and talking to her.

"What's on your mind, Charlie?"

Charlie jumped as she was pulled out from her thoughts by his sudden question.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, baby girl."

"A-and you promise you won't get mad?"

Damien furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, no question asked by her could ever make him mad.

Gently stopping the swing, the older brother stopped leaning down and taking her tiny hands in his large ones.

"I promise I won't get mad, Charlie."

"W-What did you do to Miss Warner?


I'm sorry this a little late, it was both me and my brothers birthday so our house has been a little hectic in the past week.

Thank you to the amazing HelpEditor  for helping me edit this chapter

I hope you liked this Chapter and I'll try be a little quicker with the next one!

On a more important note I wish the upmost safety for those going going out and protesting. I realise I haven't got a huge platform here on Wattpad which is why I have been using my twitter and instagram more whilst sharing information and petitions but I have put some links in my bio. One is a petition to ban the use of rubber covered bullets and another is a link to find other petitions, places to donate and recourses. I have been out protesting in London and they have been completely peaceful here as far as I have seen. If anyone of you guys need to talk or vent or whatever please feel free to message me! I know I am just a stranger but I am here to support you guys and listen.

Lots of love xx

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