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Well shit.

How does one explain to a five-year-old that they had their teacher fired, abducted, and sent to Russia's outskirts, Siberia to be precise, for a little 'character building'?

It wasn't like she was dead or anything, Damien just wanted to give her a little scare much as she did to Charlie.

Of course the women wasn't happy about going but Damien made it clear that coming back to the city wasn't an option.

Plus he had enough blackmail on her to last a lifetime if she ever thought about fighting back.

Miss Warner had a surprisingly tainted past.

Damien studied his little sister's face with high intensity. Charlie was a bubbly little thing but also extremely curious, and there was no denying that curiosity could soon turn dangerous, especially when it came to her big brother.

"Damien?" Charlie prompted, growing increasingly worried about his ongoing silence. It was starting to get a little scary for Charlie, Damien hadn't broken eye contact once he just stared at her quietly, his eyes dull.

However, soon Damien's eyes slowly transitioned from Dull and neutral to angered and frustrated.

'Why do you have to be so damn curious' he thought, the day was going so well, and now he had to deal with this.

"Why do you ask that, Charlie?" The older brother questioned a little more harshly than intended, completely ignoring his little sister's question.

"You have no business asking that."

Charlie frowned at his response. She wasn't scared of him anymore. Now Charlie was mad. He had told her she could ask him anything without being angry, but here the butthead was being angry.

"Doesn't matter," Charlie grumbled, her eyebrows scrunching up almost painfully. "What happened to Miss Warner?" She questioned again courageously.

The five-year-old glared at her brother as he let another frustrated sigh. She watched him pinching his nose slightly as if he was trying to avoid an oncoming headache.

Why was he the angry one?

"Charlie." Damien started, his voice low and raspy. "I think it best if you drop this topic."

That was it?

That was her answer?

Charlie went to challenge his demand, but he quickly shooed her dismissively.

How rude.

Narrowing her eyes at her now extremely irritating older brother, Charlie attempted jumping off the swing, landing very bumpily but still landing nonetheless.

Puffing out her chest and standing on her tippy toes to seem more intimidating, Charlie pushed past her kneeling brother marching away.

"Bye-bye, Damien."

Damien had to stop himself from laughing at her bold actions. "What do you mean, 'bye-bye'?" The boy questioned, his tone laced with amusement completely contradicting his earlier mood.

"Y-you're a big fat meanie. You said you wouldn't get mad, but you did a-and you didn't answer my question." The little girl explained with frustration.

"Charlie, you're allowed to be mad at me, but you can't just leave. You're five," Damien explained softly, letting out a few accidental chuckles at the end.

Charlie shook her head, ignoring the brother's calls and began her descent out of the park, not caring that she didn't know where she was going.

That wasn't the point.

She wanted to make a statement.

"Baby, stop," Damien shouted, now walking towards the stubborn little girl as she got further and further away.

His steps were, of course, a lot longer and faster than Charlie's, so he soon caught up to her with no struggle.

"I'm sorry, babe, but I can't leave you alone." Damien murmured before quickly scooping his little sister up.

Charlie squirmed like mad in his grip, resembling something of a fish out of the water, making it very hard for Damien to hold her properly.

"Fuck sake," Damien mumbled, gaining a few odd looks from concerned parents near bye.

"You need to calm that little head of yours down," Damien spoke, trying to walk to a more secluded part of the park but having trouble.

"My head is not little!" Charlie shouted angrily.

"Fine. Bighead?"

"My head is not big, either!"

Damien growled as her tiny foot came into contact with his cheek. The five-year-old had somehow wiggled into an uncomfortable upside-down position.

"Fine, your normal head. Fucking hell, Charlie. You need to calm down." Damien had to restrain himself from shouting and upsetting her even more.

"No. You said a No No word." Charlie grumbled, kicking her legs wildly while slapping his stomach.

"Seriously?" Damien questioned incredulously, he was being kicked and punched by an angry little person with a very short temper, and that was her response?

"Put me down!" Charlie suddenly shrieked, attracting the attention of a concerned-looking old lady.

The little old thing came waddling over with the support of a stick, obviously struggling due to her age and figure.

"Excuse me." The concerned women called out, making Damien sigh in annoyance.

This was just great.

Not wanting to gain any more unwanted attention, Damien stopped for the older woman, holding Charlie as best as he could.

"Hello, sweetheart." The old lady spoke directly at Charlie, ignoring Damien completely, compelling him to roll his eyes.

Charlie replied with a grumpy little "hi" back still being held upside down by her older brother.

"Is this man bothering you?"

"She's my fucking si-"

"Ah, Ah, Ah." The woman interrupted, holding her finger up to Damien's mouth, almost immediately silencing him. Charlie couldn't help but let out a little giggle.

He was no match for her granny power.

"I wasn't speaking to you, young man." The old lady scolded.

"What's your name, honey?"

"I'm Charlie." Charlie smiled, feeling an unfamiliar warmth when speaking to this woman, almost maternal.

"Charlie?" The woman questioned softly, "I have a son named Charlie, but I'll tell you this. He doesn't seem nearly as cool as you do." She fake whispered, causing Charlie too and blush a bright red color. "My name is Rosemary, like the herb."

"How old is your son Rosemary?" Charlie questioned curiously, wanting to know who she was up against here, "My Charlie is nearly 40 years old." The women explained.

"That's nearly as old as Damien." Charlie thought out loud, causing the brother to scrunch up his eyebrows in confusion; he was twenty-four.

"How old do you think I am?" Damien scoffed out offendedly, making the older woman chuckle a little.

"Now Charlie I'm going to need you to be very honest with me, do you know this man?" Rosemary questioned, her previously playful demeanour now gone.

Charlie nodded ever so slightly, wiggling her body like mad to be let down from Damiens hold.

"She's my sister," Damien grunted, feeling the squirmy child kick and punch at his chest and legs.

"Is that true, Charlie?" Rosemary questioned again, still not entirely convinced by Damien's statements.

Though Charlie didn't stop struggling, she gave the women another nod, this time more firm. It was very tempting to get him into trouble right now, but she knew he would be super-duper mad if she lied, especially considering this woman looked like she was ready to smack the living daylights out of him with her handbag.

"S'true. He's my big butthead brother." Charlie muttered, punching against Damien's chest with all her might.

"Stop that, little girl." Damien scolded now, holding her tiny body sideways to block her little attacks.

"You're little sister seems to be very mad at you, young man."

"Yes, and very violent too." He smiled sarcastically.

"Anything I can help with?" Rosemary offered generously.

"No." Damien snapped, getting tired of 'accidentally' getting kicked in the face by his little sister. Rosemary shot him a warning look for his tone, which Damien noticed straight away, causing him to add a quick "thank you." at the end.

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm gonna take the little thing home." Damien nodded, hoisting Charlie into a more comfortable position on his hip and turning to the exit of the park.

Charlie waved to Rosemary as her figure got further away, which the women then returned kindly.

Charlie wouldn't mind bumping into her again.

Leo couldn't help but frown as he opened his apartment door only to reveal a very moody looking Charlie and a very frustrated looking Damien.

"What did you do?" Leo interrogated, immediately averting his stare towards Damien.

Before the boy could answer in defence Charlie piped up with her explanation. "He ate Miss Warner."

"Did you?" Leo questions with a raised eyebrow, having a very different idea of 'ate' to his little sister's .

Damien scrunched his face up with disgust at both theories, "Fucking hell, Leo. Of course not."

"Language." Leo scolded as per usual but then soon noticed a bright red mark below Damien's eye.

It was nothing serious and would most likely fade away within the hour, but it didn't look pleasant either.

"What the hell happened to your face?"

Damien looked down at Charlie, giving her a knowing look and then back up at Leo, "I think it's more of a 'who' you should ask rather than 'what.'"

"She did that?" Leo questioned, almost not believing it himself. If this were a mere week ago, he would have been proud.

Leo narrowed his eyes at Charlie as she looked down silently.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself, Charlie?"


"Alright, then." The old brother sighed frustratedly. "Charlie, to your room." He spoke his tone, parental, and strict. Leo had never used his 'adult' voice with Charlie because she never really gave him an excellent reason.

Charlie angrily waddled past her older brothers feeling mad and upset and unsure how to express those feelings. Before she left the foyer and went to the staircase up to her room, she made a quick b-line to grab Paul, who was sitting on the coffee table.

"Leave Paul."

Leo didn't even have to turn around to see what his little sister was doing. Her actions were way too predictable.

Putting Paul back on the table, the five-year-old made sure to stick her tongue out at her mean older brother giving him a menacing glare.

Once Charlie was out of site, Leo opened the door up for Damien completely, wordlessly inviting him in.


"Fuck, yes."

Walking through the large home to the family kitchen, Leo didn't expect to see a little content Charlie sipping a glass of cold milk with a few flapjacks that August had baked on the side.

The evil little monkey.

Leo turned to Atlas, who had provided the mischievous child with the goods.

In record time at that.

"Atlas," Leo called, going over to pick up his little sister as she refused to make any form of eye contact with him.

Atlas, who had been looking at his phone, looked up to Leo in confusion as to why he was complaining.

"She's meant to be upstairs."

Of course, when Charlie had left Damien and Leo. 'to go upstairs' (but then conveniently ran into Atlas expressing her great hunger), she had not mentioned being in any sort of trouble.

Atlas put his hands up in mock surrender, not really having any interest in being part of the drama.

"She was hungry. What did you want me to do? Deprive the little monkey of food? I know I seem cruel, but I'm not heartless, Leo."

"Atlas," Leo warned sternly.

"Fine." Atlas rolled his eyes at his annoying sibling.

"Bad Charlie." The eighteen-year-old scolded, lightly patting her head as if she were a dog.

Now it was time for Charlie to roll her eyes as Leo took her away from her precious snacks and up to her room to think about what she had done.

"I want you to stay up here this time, Charlie." Leo gently scolded, placing the little girl on her bed, leaving her to sulk a little.

"She's furious at you." Leo breathed out, coming back into the kitchen after taking Charlie up to her room.

Damien sighed heavily, shaking his head a little. "It's fine she's only little, she'll most likely forget about it in the morning." He argued weakly, knowing his pints were bull.

"Fat chance." The amused voice of Oscar suddenly piped up as he walked into the kitchen, grabbing a beer for himself.

"She may be an adorable little ball of fluff, but the kid knows how to hold a grudge, she's clever. I once misgendered Paul, and the little monkey gave me the silent treatment for almost a week. It was only when I offered an apology to the stuffed animal that she forgave me." Oscar snorted. He could remember how hard it was keeping a straight face when having that conversation.

"Anyway, what did you even do?"

"I didn't provide an answer to one of her questions."

"That all?" Oscar questioned, finding it hard to believe Charlie would get so worked up over something so petty.

"No." Damien sighed, knowing he couldn't pin this all on Charlie. "It was about that bitchy old teacher of hers."

"Miss Warner?" Leo guessed within an instant, "I thought she was fired."

"She was." Damien nodded but then carrying on, "I may have also been the reason for that. I may have also had her sent away."

The brothers all went silent for a second.

"Who the fuck does that?" Atlas was the first to break the tension, finding Damien's actions almost comedic.

"That bitch hurt her." Damien reasoned back then, gaining their full attention.

"She what?" Leo growled out, placing his beer bottle down onto the counter so hard it could have easily smashed.

"I had her bring Charlie to me the last time I visited her at school, of course then I didn't know the cow would be so rough with her while doing so."

"Bullshit." Atlas shook his head in disbelief, "We would have known if someone had hurt her, that child doesn't get left alone for more than a minute max."

"Her wrists were red and irritated, you can ask her yourself though be careful when doing so. She seems to be very sensitive about the whole thing. That women shouldn't of been allowed near children."

"I'm gonna go talk to her." Leo sighed, feeling a stab of guilt for leaving the little girl alone.

"No." Damien interrupted with a shake of his head. "I'll go speak to her."

Charlie's head was buried deep into her lion' pillow pet', her curls matching those of the animal's mane.

The five-year-old felt embarrassed, to say the least, this was her first day alone with Damien, who had already landed herself into trouble.

What if he held it against her?

The little girl couldn't help but worry he wouldn't want to be around her anymore. She did 'accidentally' kick him in the face after all. He didn't deserve that.

Even if he was a huge butthead...

If he just answered the question like a normal human being, none of this would have happened. Was what he did to Miss Warner really that bad?

The child's thoughts were interrupted by a gentle knock at the door. Charlie was expecting Leo to enter the room ready to give her some parental advice or even Atlas to come in and declare he was secretly on her side of maybe Oscar to go over with the intent of cheering her up but what the five-year-old didn't expect was Paul to reveal himself as the door crawled open slowly.

"Hello?" A low deep voice spook as Paul's head moved a little, making it seem like the stuffed animal was alive and talking.

Charlie couldn't help but giggle at the scene laid out in front of her, "Could I come in?" Paul spoke again this time, revealing one of his arms.

"Is it just you?" Charlie asked shyly, hugging her pillow pet tight to her chest.

Paul shook his head a little and then looked outside the door before speaking, "One of your brothers is here too. I think he wants to explain himself." Paul informed Charlie.

"Which brother?"

"The handsome one."

"I don't think that's any of them," Charlie commented innocently, not really understanding what the word handsome even meant.

"Fine, the mean one."


"So you understood that one, huh?" Damien chuckled, opening the door fully and walking in. Paul placed it in his left hand.

"Paul missed you." He spoke, giving his little sister her beloved stuffed toy and sitting next to her on the bed. "He wouldn't stop going on and on about being reunited with his Charlie after a whole dreaded day apart. I don't think he likes that I stole you away for the day and returned you upset and angry."

"I don't like that I did that either."

"I'm sorry." Charlie sniffled, feeling guilty for her previously bratty behavior, but Damien was having none of it.

"You're not the one who needs to be sorry, bub. I promised I would answer your question and gave you my word I wouldn't get mad, but I didn't, and I did so I'm sorry. That wasn't very nice of me." Damien explained, raising his hand to run through her curly locks.

"Why can't you tell me about Miss Warner?" Charlie daringly asked, preparing herself for a rapid change in mood from her brother.

But it didn't come.

"Sometimes." Damien started pulling Charlie into his lap and wrapping his strong arms around her comfortingly, "Sometimes when you love a person so so much you do stupid and rash things to protect them. I saw Miss Warner hurt you, and that made me very, very mad."

"Like accidentally kicking someone in the face mad?" Charlie butted in making her brother laugh heartedly.

"Yes, baby, like accidentally kicking someone or should I say your brother-" he spoke, giving her side a quick squeeze," in the face mad."

"I can't tell you everything that happened to Miss Warner, but I will tell you this. You will never see her again, she will never bother you again, and she will never hurt you or any other student. She is safe and unharmed, but she is also far away." Damien concluded with a kiss to Charlie's forehead.

Knowing that was all the information she was going to get from her brother Charlie nodded understandingly and leaned back into his chest.

At least she was safe. Charlie had to remember to inform Mason about this when she returns to school on Monday.

"So, before our little fight and your little kicking spree, did you have fun today?" Damien asked softly.

Of course, Charlie gave her answer straight away by violently nodding her head to confirm the amazingness of the day, giving Damien a mouth full of curls at the same time.

"I'm very glad, Bambina."

"That lady was very nice too," Charlie added, remembering the warmth she felt when speaking to Rosemary at the park.

"Yeah, she was a proper wise old grandma, wasn't she?" Damien chuckled with a shake of his head.

"She reminded me of... Mummy."

'Was that why she got so upset?' Damien couldn't help but think. Even though Miss Warner was practically a witch, maybe it scared Charlie that she could have been hurt.

"You miss your Mumma, huh? Damien whispered against Charlie's forehead.

"Everyday." Charlie mumbled, playing with the edges of Paul's ears, "She was very kind like Mumma."

"She was, wasn't she?"

"You know, Charlie, your Mumma, will never stop loving you. Never. Neither will I or any of your other brothers, no matter how many times you kick me in the face."

"You're stuck with us forever, Bambina."


Hi guys, sorry this is late.

I hoped you liked the chapter! I wanted to show more of a 'rebellious' side to Charlie even if she is only five.

Please feel to vote and comment! It really means a lot.

Is there anything you guys would like to see more of in this book? Please let me know I'm open to any suggestions!

Also I have to ask, has your favourite character changed since Damiens big reveal and if so who is it now?

Anyway I hope your all safe and well and have a lovely week! I'm going back to school soon but it's only for a few weeks and then we have our holiday starting and I'll be in year thirteen which I'm dreading!

As always if any of you need to talk or rant or need someone to listen my messages are always open so please don't hesitate

Lots of love xx

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