Catching You - 12.5

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Ryder's POV

After the song is finished I say into the microphone. "We're going to take a small break. We'll be back shortly." The band and I step off the stage and head to our dressing room.

On the way inside I grab a bottle of water and pour it over my head. Then I take a long swig.

A woman rounds the corner and she stops in her tracks. She watches as the water runs down the abs I have showing. She gulps before her eyes land on me. "Excuse me, Ryder. There's a woman that's trying to get in here. She said she's a guest of Kyle's."

Kyle steps out of the room. "Please, let her in. If she has friends with her invite them too. I want Denise to feel comfortable.

"Okay, Sir." She walks away and returns a couple of minutes later with a group of girls.

Denise runs straight into Kyle's arms and kisses him. She wraps her legs around his waist. He takes her into a private room, leaving us to entertain Denise's friends.

A brown haired girl, with blue eyes steps forward. She's wearing tight jeans and a midriff top. She licks her lips and me. "Hey, Ryder. I'm Nancy."

Taking her hand in mine I say. "It's nice to meet you."

She blushes. "Do you want to grab a drink later?"

"Sorry, I can't."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

Tyler shakes his head. "At the moment he's single." He claps my back. "There's a girl back home that he wants." Taking her hand he leads her back into the waiting. "However, I'm free to do whatever you want." He kisses her lips and she returns it.

Ryan stands next to me. He looks over at the last two girls. He lowers his voice. "I'm not going to make out with either of them. We both know you're waiting for Sutton to come home."

The fake blonde with fake nails, and breasts that can't seem to be held in place by a non existent bra moves over to me touches my abs. She drags her nails across my stomach. "How about you and I find some place to go?"

Moving her hand off me I say. "No, we're not going anywhere." I look around see a few security people around.

If anything gets out of control I'll be able to get her escorted out of here.

She touches me again. "Don't be like that, baby." She pulls my head down and kisses me. Clinging to me like a monkey.

"Get off me."

"No," she pushes her lips against my harder.

Ryan yells. "Security,"

Before they round the corner I pull her off me and then she throws herself on the floor. She begins to sob and points at me. "He just assaulted me." She yells.

Looking up I see her friend with her phone in her hands. "I caught it all on camera. We have proof."

The doors to the rooms open and out walk Tyler and Kyle, with the girls holding onto them.

"What happened?" Denise asks looking at her friend.

The girl on the floor points to me. "He pushed me." She continues to sprout bullshit.

"GET HER OUT OF HERE." I roar at the security. Looking at the other two girls. "GET THEM ALL OUT OF HERE."

"Ryder," Kyle says.

"DON'T," I walk away from them and slide down the wall. Taking some deep breaths, I try to calm myself.

"Guys, it's time for us to go back onto the stage." Ryan says. He moves over to me and holds his out for me.

Taking his hand, he helps me up. "We need to do damage control after we finish this."

"How?" Kyle asks.

"Her friend recorded that little incident. I know they are going to cut bits and pieces out of it and make it look worse that it is. Someone needs to get that phone."

"It's too late." Ryan's phone goes off. He holds it out towards us. "The video is online."

"FUCK," I scream.

Why does this have to happen now?

The band and I head back to the stage to perform the last three songs.

Looking into the crowd I begin to sing.

"At the end of senior year,
You decided to up and leave,
Leave your friends
And boyfriend.

In search of something new,
Something better,
But what if you had everything,
You needed right here?

Hate 2 love you,
I hate 2 love you,
We hate 2 love you,
It's all about our hate 2 love you.

It's never easy,
Watching the one you love,
Leave you for something else,
something better.

I wish you stayed,
To see what could have been,
But all I'm stuck with,
Is the memory of you.

Hate 2 love you,
I hate 2 love you,
We hate 2 love you,
It's all about our hate 2 love you.

Is it all you dream of?
Or do you want to come home?
Are you too scared?
To be with the one you love?

Whatever you're doing now,
I hope it's worth it,
Leaving me to my devices,
Wish you were here.

Hate 2 love you,
I hate 2 love you,
We hate 2 love you,
It's all about our hate 2 love you.

A new day comes & goes,
But the memory of you never fades,
It's a reminder,
Of what we had.

Did it matter to you,
Like it did to me,
Are we enough for you?
Or are we just and obstacle.

Hate 2 love you,
I hate 2 love you,
We hate 2 love you,
It's all about our love 2 hate you.

Before we leave,
I'm hoping to see you,
Hold you,
Kiss you.

I know that's not going to happen,
So listen to these words,
Hate 2 love you,
I hate 2 love you."

The crowd starts cheering and yelling.

"We Want More, We Want More, We Want More,"

Smiling at the crowd. "We'll give you another one." I start to sing and the crowd sing with me too.


When the show comes to a close I walk over the stage with the band and we head through the tunnel towards our dressing room.

Waiting for me are the Italian police. They tell me that they have to take me in due to a complaint and video evidence of the supposedly push.

They put cuffs on me and take me out of the building. "Call a Lawyer. I'm not going to talk unless I have one with me."

"Okay," Ryan pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls a lawyer for me.

This is going to be all over the news. Including back home in the states. The one place that Sutton will see. What's she going to think about this? She's the only person that knows what I'm really like.

Once outside there are paparazzi, Italian News Reporters and some from the States. Denise and her friends are talking to the police as I'm shown to a car.

The door opens and I slide into the backseat. Putting the seatbelt on isn't easy, so a cop does it for me.

I thank him and wait for them to take me to the station.

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