Catching You - 14

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Sutton's POV

Miles and I step out of the Taxi and walk into the Italian Restaurant that he booked for us. He holds the door open for me and then leads the way through the red walled hall that leads towards a brown stand that has a book on it.

A woman with black hair and brown eyes rushes over the the podium. "Hello, do you have a booking tonight?"

"Yes we do." Miles says. "It's under Miles Holgate."

She goes through the book and stops when she finds his name. "Follow me to your table." she leads us to back corner near the window. "This table is usually reserved for friends of the Family and you don't look like you know them."

"I know a friend of the family." Miles says. "He was the one that told me how to get this table. Can we order some drinks now?"

"Sure," she grabs her pen from behind her ear. "What would you like?"

"Tequila Sunrise," I say.

"A beer. The strongest one you have." Miles says.

The waitress walks away and she speaks to a girl with Blonde hair behind the bar. They both look over at the table.

All of a sudden the door close to our table opens and a man with tattoos around his neck steps out of the room. He's dressed in a suit. His eyes land on us. "Who are you?"

Miles holds his hand out. "I'm Miles and this is my sister, Sutton."

"What are you doing at our reserved seat?"

"Jai, told me about this table. The restaurant was booked out for dinner."

He looks closely at us. His eyes keep going between Miles and I. "You look familiar, but I can't put my finger on why."

"Do you own this restaurant?" Miles asks.

"I do." He moves closer to me and then takes my face into his hand. "Damn, you look exactly like her. Nonno is going to want to know she's alive."

Moving his hand from my face. "Who are you? And who do I look like?"

He puts his hands by his side. "I'm Riker Mesi. You look like Emilia Valentina Conti. She's my cousin." Riker pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls someone. "Excuse me," he walks away from us.

"Miles, do you think Mom wants to be found by her family?"

"No," he places some bills on the table and we leave the restaurant.

"Let's go around the block and make sure that Riker hasn't sent anyone after us. I don't want him knowing where I live. Also, we need to make sure that they won't find their way to Mom."

Pulling my phone out of my bag I call Mom. The phone rings a couple of times before she picks up.

Mom: Hey, Sutton. What's going on?

Me: We were at an Italian restaurant.

Mom: Okay, what does this have to do with me.

Miles: The owner is Riker Mesi.

Mom: Fuck,

Me: He called someone named Nonno. He wanted him to know you were alive.

Mom: Double fuck. Kids what do you know?

Me: I found a journal of yours. It was mixed up with my books and I was packing them away and we found out that you were in the Mafia.

Miles: We know your name is Emilia Valentina Conti.

Mom: You need to be careful. Also, if you see Nonno be careful. He's not going to go easy on you and he might torture you to get information on me. You should move your flight earlier.

Me: I'm not going to move my flight earlier because of this. It's a big city. They won't find me.

Turning to my brother I say. "We'll just order in." As we walk around the block, I don't see anyone following us. Then he head in the direction of Times Square.

Mom: Keep in touch with me until you come home. I want to make sure you are safe.

Me: I will Mom. I love you.

Mom: Love you, too. Stay safe.

Me: I will. Bye,

Mom: Bye,

Hanging up the phone I wave a taxi down and when one pulls over Miles and I climb inside. I give the driver the address, but as I turn around I see a black car following us. "Excuse me. Can you go around the block, please."

"Yes, madame." The driver goes around the block and the black car follows us. Instead of getting the driver to stop in front of the building I get him to stop a couple of blocks away from where I live.

Miles looks at me. "What's going on?"

Pointing behind me. "A car has been following us and I don't want them to know where we live." I open the car door and step out. Giving the driver a tip I say. "Thanks,"

My brother looks at me. "What are we going to do now?"

"See what they want. We can't ignore them since we know we're family."

The door to the sleek black car opens and Riker steps out. He pulls his suit jacket over and does the button up. He walks over to us. "That was rude. Leaving my restaurant without ordering anything."

I know I should be scared of this guy, but to be honest he has the opposite effect on me.

"Is that why you followed us? To give us food?"

He shakes his head. "You caught me. I don't care that you snuck out. However, Nonno isn't happy that you two would walk out without meeting him."

"We don't know him. Or you for that matter. So, why would we want to be around Strangers."

"We're not strangers. We're la famiglia."

Miles looks at Riker. "We're not family. Please leave us alone."

"Sorry, I can't do that." Riker steps forward. "Nonno is in the car. He wants to meet you." He moves behind us and makes us walk toward the car.

"If we meet him. Are you going to let us go? And not follow me home?"

"That's up to Nonno. I can't make him let you go if he doesn't want to." Riker open the car door for us. He waits for us to get inside before closing the door.

Across from us is a grey haired man. Wearing an expensive suit. He looks at me. "You look exactly like my Granddaughter, Emilia. I wish I got to see her before she disowned the family."

"Are you upset with her for leaving?"

"No," he places his hand on the seat next to him. "I'm happy she got away from the la famiglia. She deserves to have a good life and seeing you is making me proud of how she turned out."

Miles leans forward and looks at the old man. "Are you going to let us go?"

"Yes," he leans forward. "No-one will be coming after you. Thank you for letting me meet you..."

"Miles and Sutton," I tell him. "It was nice to meet you too, Sir."

"Riker, you can let them go." He grabs a piece of paper and writes something on it. "I would like to see your mother again. Give her this. If she wants to meet again she can call me."

"Okay," I take the paper from him and slip it into my phone. "When I see her I'll give it to her."

"Thank you, Sutton."

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