Catching You - 15

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Sutton's POV

Miles and I step into my apartment. Where I lock the door behind me. "How are you not shitting yourself after that, Sutton."

I laugh. "I've dealt with far worst than those man. Have you ever had to deal with an Executive from a firm. Now, those guys are scary."

"You're odd." Miles sits on the couch and pulls his phone out. "I'll order some take out. You should call Mom and let her know what happened. She'd want to know about this incident."

"Okay, I'll do that."

Miles puts the phone up to his ear and orders Pizza and pasta from the shop around the corner from my apartment.

Walking down the hall I pull 'Mom's' name up on my phone and call her. It rings a couple of times before she picks up.

Mom: Sutton, what has happened since you last called?

Me: We met Nonno.

Mom: Okay, how is he?

Me: Old.

Mom chuckles at that.

Mom: You know I didn't mean it like that.

Me: I know. I just wanted to hear you laugh.

Mom: Did he hurt you?

Me: He looks good for Mafia. No, he didn't hurt us, Mom. Miles nearly shit himself though.

At that Mom bursts out laughing.

Mom: Can your brother hear this conversation?

Me: Nah, he's ordering dinner for us.

Mom: What did Nonno want?

Me: He wants you to call him. I think he wants to reconnect with you.

Mom: He's the only person I miss from my family. When I disowned them I had to leave him too. Did you get a phone number?

Me: I did. I'll give it to you on Friday.

Mom: Thanks,

Me: When we left Nonno, he told us that he won't hurt us and that the family will leave us alone.

Mom: He keeps his promises. That's what I love about him. Did he mention anything about Nonna?

Me: No, he didn't. I'm sure he keeps the family stuff close to his heart. Just like you do.

Mom: Thanks, for updating me on everything. I'm going to bed now. I'm feeling tired.

Me: Bye, Mom.

Mom: Bye, Sutton. I love you.

Me: I love you, too, Mom.

With that we hang up the phone. I walk back to the living room and sit on the couch.

Turning the TV on I see the news is playing and on the screen it says.

Live - Italy

Breaking News

Ryder Sanchez Assault

Woman claims she was assaulted by the musician

19:51 New York

This isn't good. Ryder would never hurt anyone.

There's a video of the incident and I see that it's been tampered with. Making it out to be very bad for Ryder.

I'm not going to let this go. I need to do something.

Grabbing my phone I go through the contacts until I find a Lawyer in Italy that I've used to help one of my bands out of trouble a couple of years ago.

Stopping at 'Callum Ray'. I hit call and it rings a couple of times before he picks up.

Callum: Hello, Sutton. It's been a long time since I've heard from you. What can I help you with?

Me: I have a problem in Italy.

Callum: You do? Tell me all about it.

He seems intrigued about why I'm calling him.

Me: There's a band in Italy right now. They need help.

Callum: Are you talking about the Saving Ryder case?

Me: Yes, how did you know?

Callum: I'm at the Police station right now.

Me: Okay, who called you?

Callum: Your boyband Rising Star heard about the incident earlier and they called. Asked me to help out. They wanted to help you out. Those boys are lucky to have you.

Me: Are you in the room with him right now?

Callum: I'm about to walk in. Do you want to talk to him?

Me: No, thanks for helping him out.

Callum: Can you reach out to the other members of Saving Ryder.

Me: I can. Why?

Callum: I need the security footage from the arena. I know there's heaps around the area that the assault took place.

Me: He didn't do it.

Callum: I know. Which is why I need to the proof that everything has been taken out of context.

Me: I'll get the boy to deliver it to you. Would it make a difference to people if I get the boys to leak the video showing everything that took place?

Callum: They can post it. Don't tell anyone that I advised them to do it. It's a secret between us.

Me: The guys will be there within the hour.

Callum: Thanks, Sutton. Do you want me to call you later on tonight?

Me: Nah, I'll hear about it later on tonight or in the morning.

Callum: Have a good night, Sutton.

Me: You too.

With that we hang up the phone and I go through the contacts again until I reach Tyler.

Tyler: Sutton, is that really you?

Me: Yes, it is. Ty, how are you?

Tyler: I'm good. We're in trouble over here.

Me: I know. Which is why I'm calling you.

Tyler: I'm surprised that you care about what's happening.

Me: Ty, I've cared about the band for a long time. There's something I need you to do. Are you still at the stadium?

Tyler: Yeah, we are. Why?

Me: Go to the security room and get the footage. It's important that you take it to the police right away.

Tyler: How do you know there's cameras here?

Me: I called a friend. He's a lawyer and taking care of Ryder right now. He told me there's video cameras everywhere there. Now, get the video and take it to the police.

Tyler: I'm heading that way now. What else do you want me to do?

Me: While you're taking the video I want you to post it to YouTube and also send a copy to your band page. Make sure that everyone believes you about what happened.

Tyler: I'll do it for, Ryder.

Me: If I was over there with you I would have knocked that chick out for what she's doing. I hate that she's destroying the reputation of a man who doesn't deserve it.

Tyler: You may get your chance. The woman is from Los Angeles. She's a friend of Kyle's hook-up. The girls thought they could all have one of us.

Me: Who else hooked up with the friends?

Tyler: I did. Ryan and Ryder both didn't. Which is why that woman targeted Ryder. She expected to hook up with him.

Me: That's disgusting.

Tyler: Have you kissed anyone since Ryder and you were together.

Me: Tyler.

Tyler: You have. You know Ryder's kissed a few too, but they are known as toads to him. You're the princess he's still holding onto.

Me: Yes, I've kissed one. It was nice, but not going to happen again.

Tyler: Do you feel bad for kissing someone else?

Me: No, we're single and don't have to answer to the other. Are you going to settle down soon?

Tyler: I will. When the right woman comes into my life. The band and I are ready for the next stage of our lives, but we also don't want to give up touring the world. Someday, we will be taking our families on the road.

Me: That's sweet. Get to the police as soon as you can.

Tyler: I will. I've got the video now and am uploading it to all servers. Including the one in the stadium.

Me: Are there still people there?

Tyler: Yes, there's also TV's outside the stadium. It will be playing in 3... 2... 1...

That's when I hear the video in the background. Showing proof that the girls lied through their teeth.

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