Catching You - 16

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Ryder's POV

Sitting in the interview room I wait for an officer to walk into the room and question me about the incident that took place at the Stadium.

I think going forward we're going to need more security around. Maybe, I should hire a Bodyguard. Someone that will protect me against females like the one I encountered tonight.

She created a shitstorm and I'm looking like a villain.

I hope a Lawyer walks through those door soon.

The door opens to the room and a guy in a suit walks in. He has a phone up to his ear. He moves the phone away from his ear. "Hi, I'm Callum Ray. I'll be your Lawyer this evening."

Ring, ring, ring. Callum's phone start's ringing. He looks at it and a smile spreads across his face as he picks up.

Callum: Hello, Sutton.

He better not be talking to my, Sutton. I thought begrudgingly.

Callum: It's been a long time since I've heard from you. What can I help you with?

Listening to a one sided conversation isn't how I want to spend my time.

Callum: You do? Tell me about it.

He seems intrigued by what the person on the other side of line has to say.

Callum: Are you talking about the Saving Ryder case?

Whoever is on the other side wants to protect me.

Callum: I'm at the police station right now.

He pauses for a moment.

Callum: Your boyband Rising Star heard about the incident earlier and they called. Asked me to help out. They wanted to help you out. Those boys are lucky to have you.

What does this person have to do with the music industry?

Callum: I'm about to walk in. His eyes connect with mine before he moves a chair out and sits across from me. Do you want to talk to him?

Please say no.

Callum: Can you reach out to the other members of Saving Ryder?

Why does he want her to reach out to my bandmates?

Callum: I need the security footage from the arena. I know there's heaps around the area that the assault took place.

There was no fucking assault. That woman is lying and trying to destroy my reputation. And that's exactly what is happening while I'm sitting in here.

Callum: I know. Which is why I need the proof that everything has been taken out of context.

Why didn't I think about going to the security room and take the video myself?

Callum: They can post. Don't tell anyone that I advised them to do it. It's a secret between us.

Post what?

Callum: Thanks, Sutton. Do you want me to call you later on tonight?

I hope she tells him to go to hell.

Callum: Have a good night, Sutton.

Hanging up he turns towards me. "You have a Guardian Angel with that woman." He runs his hand through his hair, messing it up. "Do you want to run through the events of what happened? Everything you say here won't leave the room.

I turn towards the two way mirror. "How do I know that no-one is in the room watching this."

"You don't." He places his hand on the table. "When your boys come in with the proof you'll be let go. It's not the first time I've helped someone out. Now answer my question.?

Placing my cuffed hands on the table I look at him. "We just finished performing our set and we had a little break. That's when a female security guard walks over. She's tells us that there's a woman with friends waiting at the door for Kyle."

"So, Kyle's date bought her friends with her to the concert?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"What happened next?"

Kyle steps forward. "Please, let her in. If she has friends with her invite them too. I want Denise to feel comfortable.

"Okay, Sir." She walks away and returns a couple of minutes later with the group of girls.

Denise runs straight into Kyle's arms and kisses him. She wraps her legs around his waist. He takes her into a private room, leaving the rest of us to entertain Denise's friends.

A brown haired girl, with blue eyes steps forward. She's wearing tight jeans and a midriff top. She licks her lips and me. "Hey, Ryder. I'm Nancy."

Taking her hand in mine I say. "It's nice to meet you."

She blushes. "Do you want to grab a drink later?"

"Sorry, I can't."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

Tyler shakes his head. "At the moment he's single." He claps my back. "There's a girl back home that he wants." Taking her hand he leads her back into the waiting. "However, I'm free to do whatever you want." He kisses her lips and she returns it.

Ryan stands next to me. He looks over at the last two girls. He lowers his voice. "I'm not going to make out with either of them. We both know you're waiting for Sutton to come home."

The fake blonde with fake nails, and breasts that can't seem to be held in place by a non existent bra moves over to me touches my abs. She drags her nails across my stomach. "How about you and I find some place to go?"

Moving her hand off me I say. "No, we're not going anywhere." I look around see a few security people around.

She touches me again. "Don't be like that, baby." She pulls my head down and kisses me. Clinging to me like a monkey.

"Get off me."

"No," she pushes her lips against my harder.

Ryan yells. "Security,"

Before they round the corner I pull her off me and then she throws herself on the floor. She begins to sob and points at me. "He just assaulted me." She yells.

Looking up I see her friend with her phone in her hands. "I caught it all on camera. We have proof."

Pulling back from the memory I look at him. "Do you think it was staged?

"Of course it was. It seems like Denise's friends might be making this a habit."

"What do you mean by making it a habit?"

Callum moves over to me and pulls a video up. Showing me another time it happened. "This was taken in London six months ago." Then another one pops up. "Sydney, three months ago. New York last month."

"Did she get money from anyone that she's accused?"

"She has. Which is why something needs to be done."

"Like what?"

"Sharing the evidence we got earlier today. She's going to face her own charges for defamation. She could be in prison for up to 3 years. After all she did produce the evidence to the press."

"I hope she goes to prison for that long. Maybe, it will change the way she sees famous people. All I did was work hard for my reputation and this is ruining it."

An officer walks into the room and un-cuffs my hands. "You can leave Mr Sanchez. There are some people waiting to take you back to the hotel."

"What's going to happen to the girl?"

"She's been arrested and charged for defamation. We've got statements from your band mates and the security people that were at the stadium."

"What about my statement?"

"We got what we needed when you were talking to, Callum." The officer shakes Callum's hand. "It's good to see you again, Cal." He walks out of the room, leaving me with the lawyer.

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