Catching You - 17

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Ryder's POV

Callum looks over at me. "I'll walk you out. You also have a lot of people to thank for helping you out. Including Sutton."

"Sutton Holgate?"

A smile spreads across his face. "Of course her. She's still in love with you, man. That's one of the reasons why she called me to help you get off the hook."

My heart nearly skipped a beat hearing that she still loves me.

I love her too.

When we see each other again I just hope that it's not awkward.

The guys are waiting for me as I walk through the doors to the waiting room.

Just then the door opens and the girl from the stadium is escorted in with her hand cuffed behind her back.

Serves her right. For trying to ruin my reputation.

She looks at the floor as she's led through the door.

"Hey," she turns towards me. "You did this to yourself. Maybe, next time you'll stay away from famous people and stop ruining their reputation. We don't deserve it. Now, I have to fix what you ruined for me. So thanks for that."

She doesn't say anything and gives me a blank look.

I know she's not sorry for what she's done. I hope this country will teach her a lesson for what she's done.

My bandmates walk over to me.

Tyler claps me on the back. "Let's get you back to the hotel and showered. You smell."

Rolling my eyes at him I say. "They didn't put me in a cell. I was taken straight to an interview room."

Kyle is standing in the back. He shifts uncomfortably on his feet. "I'm sorry, Ryder."

Why is he apologising? It's not his fault that his hook-ups friend is deranged.

"If I knew the girls were like that I would have stayed away from them."

He should be able to be with a girl without his friends being accused of false things.

Looking at my friend I say. "It's not your fault. I think it's best that we stop hooking up with woman that we meet at our concerts. If we meet someone while we're away from our group I think that would be better for the band."

"Agreed, now let's get our stuff together so we can head home. I'm looking forward to a well earned break."

So am I.

Tyler leads the way to the car. He looks over at me. "I had an interesting call tonight."

I'm guessing Sutton.

A smile spreads across my face. "Let me guess. Sutton, called you?"

He opens and closes his mouth a couple of times. "How did you know."

Pointing at the Lawyer who is following us. "Callum, had a call from her too. She wanted him to help me out. Apparently, she knows people that can help get bands out of trouble. I wonder if she has someone in different countries that can bail us out when things hit the fan like that."

Callum stops close to me and says. "Sutton knows a lot of people. They help her when it's needed. She's one of the best Managers out there. If you get the opportunity to get signed by her don't fuck it up." He climbs into a black SUV and speeds away.

The limo driver steps out of the car and opens the door for us. He waits for us to climb in the car before closing the door and climbing in himself.

Pulling the partition window up I look at my bandmates and say. "What do you think of what Callum said about Sutton?"

Ryan smiles. "If she's as big as he says. Then anyone that works with her deserves to be where they are. Also, have you seen her families old building?"

"No, what's happening to it?"

"There's huge renovations happening to the forty story building on Hollywood Boulevard. I think the family sold it. Why else would they need to reconstruct parts of it?"

"I'm not sure, but when we drive past it on the way home I'm sure we'll be able to see some of it."

Ring, ring, ring. My phone starts to ring and I look at it seeing 'Mom' flash across the screen. Hitting accept I talk to her.

Me: Hey, Mom.

Mom: Ryder, is everything okay? I just heard that you were arrested.

Me: I'm fine, Mom. I've been let go and will be coming home soon.

Mom: Good, I can't wait to see you.

Me: Me too, Mom. Do you think my reputation is in ruins?

Mom: I'm not going to sugar coat it, son, but there's a lot of things being said about you on the Internet. Stuff I can't get taken off it.

Me: Thanks, Mom. I will talk to you, later. Love you.

Mom: I love you, too.

We hang up the phone.  Looking over at the band I say. "Have any of you been on the Internet since things blew up?"

"No," they shake their heads. "We're not interested in reading anything about you."

They're saying that to protect me.

Opening Safari I type my name into the search engine and watch as  news articles pop up with my face all over it.

Breaking News

Ryder Sanchez Assault

A woman has claimed she was assaulted by the musician at the stadium where they performed earlier this evening.

There was a video that circulated right after the incident that was supposed to make it look bad for Ryder. What I saw a badly edited video that made it out that he hurt her when in fact it's far from the truth.

What made things in the case better was that Saving Ryder Band posted the full video on their page to make the fans see the truth.

However, the truth isn't what a lot of people care about. It's about the fact that someone did something to ruin the reputation of a good guy.

Some people are turning against the musician because they don't see the video as faked.

The true fans know what's the truth and I'm hoping they will continue to follow the band.

I hope they do too.

Scrolling through comments I read a few of them.

Ruby Clarke: I knew the video was faked. I can't stand a woman who would do that to an innocent person. Especially, one who didn't deserve it. He had worked hard to get where he was and all of a sudden it crumbles.

Jackie Hanson: I'm a true fan of this band and I wish all the best for Ryder as he deals with the aftermath of the accusation. One that shouldn't have been done in the first place.

Luna Harrison: When I saw the video first I believed it, but when the band posted the full unedited version I looked like a fool. My friends were pissed at me for believing it.

Ryan takes the phone from me. "There are some sites where there's a lot of shit being said about you. I think it's best you stay off it."

I need to read everything.

Grabbing the phone from him I say. "I can handle anything being said about me, but I don't like the idea of Sutton reading any of this."

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