Catching You - 2

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Sutton's POV

Walking through the door of my apartment I put the box on the table and go through it. There's a photo of Nolan and I standing on the red carpet for the Grammy Awards. He invited me to it because he was nominated for a number of awards on that night.

Nolan opens the door for me as we step out of the car for the Grammy Awards. The red carpet is directly in front of me. I step out and hold Nolan's hands as we make our way down the red carpet. "Thanks for coming with me, Sutton. I didn't want to come to this thing on my own."

"You don't need to thank me, Nolan. I'm glad you asked me to come. You're going to win a number of awards for that album you produced. It's one of my favourites."

"Are you saying that because you signed me to Sullivan Records."

"Absolutely not." I move aside a piece of my blonde hair from my face. "I've heard other records and they don't come any close to what you have."

"Nolan Grey," Jarryd Daley, from the Hot 100 countdown is standing close to us with a microphone in his hand.

Smiling at him I say. "Do your thing. I'll wait for you by the doors."

He kisses my cheek. "I won't be long."

Looking around the red carpet I see a lot of artists walking down the red carpet. People are calling them over and talking to them.

All of sudden there's screaming from all over the place followed by a chorus of Saving Ryder.

My heart begins racing as I hear the name of the band I went to school with. I haven't seen them since we graduated high school five years earlier.

Nolan appears by my side. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," I look down the red carpet and see the guys. "Can we go inside now. I don't want to see Saving Ryder."

"Okay," He holds his hand out toward me and I take. "If you ever want to talk about why you are avoiding them I'll be there to listen."

"Thanks, that story is for another time." We enter the building that has chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. A staircase that takes up to the next level. I hold onto the railing as we climb the stairs.

At the top of the stairs is a security guard. He has blue eyes, blonde hair and tanned. He has a shark tooth around his neck. "Hello, gorgeous."

A blush covers my face as I look at this guy. "Hey,"

"Nolan," the guy shakes his hand. "It's great to see you again."

"You too, Theo." Nolan wraps his hand around my waist. "This is Sutton Holgate. She's the beautiful woman that signed me with Sullivan Records."

"Oh," his eyes rack me up and down and then collide with mine. "Thanks for taking this guy off the surf and giving him a contract. Now I get to rule the waves over him."

"Excuse me, Sir, Madam." A woman wearing a white shirt, black tie and skirt interrupts. "Would you like me to show you to your seats? The show is about to start."

"Okay," Nolan says. "I'll see you around, Theo."

Then we follow the woman through a set of wooden doors and down to the middle section. "What is your name?"

"Nolan Grey and Sutton Holgate."

She finds the seat in the middle. "This is yours. Have a good night." She walks away from us.

Five minutes before the show starts Saving Ryder walks into the room and they are escorted to the front row. They are laughing.

Hearing Ryder laugh sends a pang to my heart.

I was the one that used to make him laugh like that. Now, it's his bandmates that can do it.

When the show begins all the tension wipes away and I start to enjoy the night.

Demi Lovato appears on the stage with an envelope in her hands. She looks around the room and a smile appears on her face. "Good evening everyone. I hope you're enjoying the night so far. Tonight I'll be introducing the best album of the year. Here's the nominations: Miles Apart by Nolan Grey. Here's To Us by Saving Ryder. Don't Look Back by Jessie and Hold On Tight by JJ.

Leaning over I whisper. "You've got this."

"I hope so."

Another envelope is handed to her. She opens it and looks into the crowd. "It looks like we have a tie for tonight's Album of the year. The winner is Nolan Grey for Miles Apart."

Standing up I give Nolan a hug and whisper in his ear. "I knew you would do it."

"Thanks," He kisses my cheek. "You're my lucky charm tonight." Nolan makes his way through the crowd and towards the stairs.

It doesn't take long before he's on the stage with the Grammy in his hand. "Wow," he looks at it. "I can't believe I won the award for best album." His hands are shaking and he wipes it on his pants. "First I would like to thank my ex for being the inspiration behind this album. Without her being in my life I wouldn't have been able to finish an album like this. Second is the guys at Sullivan Records who signed me. Thirdly, I would like to thank the fans for buying my album and making it one of the most talked about things of the year." Nolan steps away from the podium.

Demi moves towards it again. "The second album is Here's To Us by Saving Ryder."

The crowd erupts into applause and I watch as my ex and his friend climb onto the stage and accept their award. Ryder steps towards the podium and says. "Thank you for voting for us. I'm surprised that we tied with Nolan Grey. We would like to give a shout out to our label Jordan Records for supporting us with this album. Our fans, without your support we wouldn't be where we are. Our family and friends for having our backs and making each moment of our lives memorable."

After the speeches, Saving Ryder, Demi and Nolan walk backstage.

Grabbing my phone from my bag I call Mom. The phone rings a couple of times before she answers.

Mom: Hey, Sutton. Is everything okay?

Me: No, I begin to sob on the phone to my mother.

Mom: Sutton, please tell me what's going on?

Me: I got fired.

Mom: Come home.

Me: Okay,

Mom: Are you serious?

Me: Yes,

Mom: That's great. I'll get you're room set up. When should I expect you?

Me: Friday night. I have a few things that I need to finish in New York.

Mom: Stay safe. I can't wait to see you.

Me: me too, Mom. I also have a few things lined up for when I get home.

Mom laughs which causes me too as well.

Mom: Sweetheart your scheming right now aren't you?

Me: I had a few things lined up for months. I was just too chicken to leave the company.

Mom: Now you've been fired you're going to branch out and start you're own business.

Me: When I get home I have things to do before I can open the doors. Do you want to help me?

Mom: I'll do anything for you. See you on Friday.

Me: Bye, Mom. I love you.

Mom: I love you, too.

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