Catching You - 3

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Sutton's POV

After ending the call with Mom I grab my handbag off the table and head towards the front door. I open and close it behind me. Making sure it locks before moving to the lift and waiting for it.

When it get to my floor I take it to the first floor. Where the super lives. I knock on his door and wait for him to answer. It takes a couple of minutes, before I hear locks being pulled across his door.

The door opens revealing a guy with grey hair, a beer belly, green eyes that look like leave in spring time. "What do you want?" He gruffly says.

"I'm moving out at the end of the week. I want to give you my notice."

He shakes his head. "You're the third person this morning that's given their notice of moving? All three of you were my best tenants."

"If there was a way for me to stay I would. This city is expensive when you don't have a job. Right now isn't the best time to lose or look for work, with the Holiday's coming around the corner."

"Thanks for the notice. I will see you at the end of the week."

"Okay, Bye." I wave at him. Then head out of the building door. I still have to meet Hayley for lunch. Now, I have to tell her that I won't be staying in New York.

I don't think she'll mind doing her album in another place.

She's been travelling between New York and Los Angeles with playing her songs at nightclubs. Her songs deserve to be heard in stadiums not some nightclub by drunk people who can't enjoy the talent by the person on the stage.

As I take a left turn I see the streets bustling with people. Some are on the phone yelling at the person on the other end. Tourists taking photo's of the buildings and looking at their phones for directions to their accommodations.

A fire truck zooms past us with their sirens blaring. Followed closely by an ambulance and police. I watch as they drive around the corner towards their emergency.

One more block and then I'm standing in front of Rossini's. The sign is green, white and red. Resembling the Italian flag. I open the door and see an Italian flag hanging on it. Next to it is family photo's of the Rossini's.

A male in black pants, white button up shirt, a black tie walks over to me. Just peaking out of the collar is a neck tattoo with the Italian flag wrapped around a horn. "Excuse me, Miss. Do you have a reservation?

"No, I don't." I tell him honestly. This guy seems to be one you don't mess with.

"I'm sorry we don't have a table available for..." He cuts himself off as Elena walks through the door.

"Hey, Giuseppe. I want you to meet Sutton. She's a regular here. Please, take her to the private booth we have hidden in the back."

"Okay," he turns towards me. "Please follow me."

"Elena, I have a friend joining me as well. Would you be able to set the table for her too?"

A smile spreads across her face. "Of course. When she arrives who am I looking for?"

"Her name is Hayley."

"I'll bring her over once she arrives."

"Thanks," I follow Giuseppe to the table and then he sets it up for us.

"Can I get you anything before I leave?"

"A jug of water with two glasses, please."

A smile appears on his face for the first time since I met him. "Coming right up, Miss."

"Please, call me, Sutton."

"I'll be right back." He walks over to the bar and places my order with them.

The guy behind the bar fills in the jug and adds ice to the water. Then hands him two glasses.

Giuseppe walks back over to the table with the water and sets it in the middle. "When your friend arrives I'll take your drink order."

"Thanks." I look towards the door and wait for Hayley to come through the door.

Ding, my phone goes off and I pull it out of my bag. Looking at it I see it's an article about Saving Ryder. Clicking on the article I read it.

Saving Ryder halts tour for Christmas and New Years.

Saving Ryder have finished their first half of the tour. They will be taking a much needed break and celebrating Christmas and New Years with their families.

Damn it. I was hoping that I wouldn't be seeing them when I go home.

However they have agreed to do a Christmas show and they will be also hosting the New Years Eve bash in Los Angeles.

At least they won't be home for long. Since they need to leave for New Years.

If you haven't got your tickets for the New Years bash you're out of time as they have been selling since July. If you got the tickets we'll see you at the show.

Hayley shows up just as I'm putting my phone away. She looks at it and says. "Did I interrupt something?"

"No," I smile at her. "I was reading about what Saving Ryder are up to for the holidays."

"What did you find out?"

"They are going home to spend time with their family and friends. Hosting a Christmas show and they will be hosting the New Years Eve Bash in Los Angeles."

"Great," she slides into the chair across from me. "I'll be in Los Angeles for Christmas and New Years as well. I hope that I will run into them."

I know I will be running into them. There's no way that I can go home without seeing the four guys that I was friends with.

"Wouldn't it be great if I get to go on tour with Saving Ryder. That would be a dream come true for me."

"Hayley, we can't get ahead of ourselves. Now, that I have you here I need to tell you something."

"Go ahead," she leans forward and gives me her attention.

"Today I was fired from my job. With that new development it means that we get to move away from New York and start over."

"Great, where are we going? Is your studio ready for us to use?"

"The studio will be up and running next year. i'll be moving back home to Marina Del Rey."

Her mouth drops open as she hears the name of my home town. "That's where Saving Ryder are from. Do you know them?"

I could lie to her, but I don't want my relationship with her to end on a bad note.

"Yes, I know them. I used to be friends with them."

"What happened?"

"I wanted to follow my dreams of becoming a manager for bands and signing the best of the best. I had to learn how to do all of that before I could my own company. Ryder..." I take a deep breathe. "Wasn't happy with that decision. We broke up and haven't spoken since."

"Ryder and you?"

"Yup, do you want to know a secret?"


"I'm still in love with him. There hasn't been a guy since him and now that I'm going back home I will have to face him and the guys when I get home."

"Is there a reason why they go home every year?"

"Yes, they hope to see me, but for years I have avoided going home for this reason. I'm afraid."

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