Catching You - 21

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Sutton's POV

The plane lands at LAX and I grab my stuff from the compartment, before making my way off the plane.

When I walk through the terminal I see a guy wearing a suit holding a sign with my name on it.

Walking closer to him I recognise him as the local limo driver, Jeffrey. "Sutton, how are you."

"I'm good and yourself?"

"Good," he takes my luggage from me. "The kids have grown up and moved out. It's been quiet without them in the house. Sometimes my wife ends up in the kids room looking at all the things they left behind. She wishes they were still at home."

Mom has been through that a couple of times. She's probably happy that her kids have returned home.

"Are they coming home for Christmas?"

A smile spreads across his face. "Yes, they are. Briana is coming her with her one month old baby. They will be staying in the pool house. She doesn't want to keep everyone up with the crying the baby."

"What did she name your Granddaughter." I look at him and wait for a response.

"Her name is Felicia. I call her Licia. Which the rest of the family are now calling her that. He leads the way out to the car.

When we get to the car, he opens the door for me.

I climb inside and open the fridge in the back. Grabbing a bottle of water I open it and have a drink.

Jeffrey climbs into the car and starts the engine. He pulls onto the road.

Putting my seatbelt on I look out the window as we head towards the international airport.

What are we doing here?

The car comes to a stop and Jeffrey turns towards me. "I have a few people to pick up from here. I'll be right back."

Who am I going to be sharing the car with.


Jeffrey climbs out of the car and walks into the airport.

Pulling my phone out of my bag and search for Mom's number. I call her. It rings a couple of time before she picks up.

Mom: Hello, Sutton. What can I do for you?

Me: I'm at the International Airport. Who am I sharing the car with?

Mom: That's a surprise.

Me: You know I hate surprises. Just tell me who it is.

Mom: I can't. I'll see you soon.

She hangs up on me.

What the hell is she pulling?

Looking out the window I see Jeffrey with some men in suits, who seem to be hiding other people.

Who is it?

The door opens and then I hear my name come from a familiar voice.

"Sutton," Ryder says surprised. He slides into the car. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm going home for Christmas. What are you doing?"

I know he's going home for Christmas, but I'm asking to be polite.

"The same. It's good to see you."

The rest of the band climb into the car and I wave at them. "Hey, guys. It's good to see you all."

Ryan looks me up and down. "Damn, Sutton. You got beautiful. Is there a lucky guy in your life?"

Ryder tenses as he waits for me to answer the question his friend asked.

"Absolutely not." I peak at Ryder and see him relax at hearing that.

His hand moves closer to mine.

I really want to take it. But, I don't want him to think I'm leading him on. Does he have a girlfriend?

"Do any of you have girlfriends?"

Tyler looks sheepishly at the floor. "I was with a girl that I liked, but after what happened with Ryder I got rid of her."

"You only knew her for a couple of hours before she let a friend accuse Ryder of hurting her. That's not enough time for you to like the girl. You wanted to get your cock wet and it's what happened." Ryan says. "I'm not seeing anyone, Sutton."

Kyle shakes his head. "I'm not seeing anyone. It would be great to have a special someone by my side."

Ryder moves some of my brown hair from my face. He places his hand on my cheek. "I'm looking at a woman I want. I'll take as long as she needs before starting something with her. I do however want to ask her something?"

Smiling at him I say. "What's that?"

Ring, ring, ring. My phone goes off and I look at the caller ID. 'Hudson' flashes across the screen. I put it on loudspeaker before answering.

Me: Hey, Hudson. What's going on?

Hudson: Are you in the car heading home?

Me: Yes, I am. Why?

Hudson: Put it on my radio station. I want you to hear a song.

Me: okay,

Leaning forward I say. "Jeffrey, can you put it on the local radio station?"

"Sure, Miss Holgate." He changes the radio station and on comes Hayley Blake's song.

It's the song we recorded before I came back home.

Ryder leans forward. "Can you turn the music up I want to hear the song."

Jeffrey turns the music up.

Hudson: What do you think?

Me: It's great. I will call you when I get home. There's some megastars I'm sharing a vehicle with.

Hudson: Tell me about the megastars?

Ryder takes the phone from me.

Ryder: It's Ryder. As in Saving Ryder.

Hudson: Sutton, tell me everything later. Don't miss out on the juicy gos.

Now, he sounds like a girl.

Me: Will do, bye.

Hanging up on him I turn towards Ryder. "Was that necessary?"

"Yes," he smiles as he continues to listen to Hayley's song. "We need to find the singer of this song. I want her to finish our tour with us. The last band that was performing have decided to stop playing."

Tyler looks around at everyone. "How are we supposed to find the artist? It's not that easy."

"Yeah," Kyle says.

Ryan leans forward. "There's one person that we can contact. I'm sure he'll lead us towards the right people."

"Who's that?" Ryder asks.

Ryan points at my phone. "The guy Sutton was talking too. He seems to know a lot about up and coming artists. I've never heard that song and it's one the I want to hear all the time."

That's good to hear. I'm not going to make it easy for them to find my artist or me. They have to work for that information.

Ryder takes my phone from me. "Can you give us Hudson's number? We'd like to talk to him."

Instead of giving him Hudson's mobile I give him the radio stations number.

He calls it and it rings a couple of times.

We hear the radio pick up the call and a smile spreads across my face.

"We have the first caller this afternoon. Who am I talking to?"

Ryder give me a death stare before replying.

Ryder: It's Ryder Sanchez.

Hudson: okaaay, what did you think of the song?

Ryder: It's great. I'd like to hear from from the artist. Maybe ask her to join us Saving Ryder on tour.

Hudson: That sounds great. I'd pay an arm and leg to see it.

Ryder: I'll give you free tickets. If you can give me the details of the person that manages her.

Hudson: That's a great offer. How do I know it the real Ryder Sanchez and not someone pretending to be him?

I love how he's playing with Ryder. He's waiting for him to mess up.

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