Catching You - 22

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Ryder's POV

Sutton gives me the phone number and I make a call. Until over the radio I hear.

"We have the first caller this afternoon. Who am I talking to?"

I give Sutton a death stare before replying.

Me: It's Ryder Sanchez.

Hudson: okaaay, what did you think of the song?

Me: It's great. I'd like to hear from the artist. Maybe ask her to join Saving Ryder on tour.

Hudson: That sounds great. I'd pay an arm and leg to see it.

Me: I'll give you free tickets. If you can give me the details of the person that manages her.

Hudson: That's a great offer. How do I know it the real Ryder Sanchez and not someone pretending to be him?

Me: I'll be at the station tonight around 6pm.

Hudson: Okay, I will see you than.

Hanging up the phone I turn towards Sutton. "Did you really have to put me on the spot like that and talk to Hudson."

"Absolutely," she smiles at me. "I can't give you someone's phone number without permission. You know how I am about people's privacy."

Looking out the window I see reconstruction happening on the Holgate building. "What's happening to your Grandparent's company?"

"It's getting renovated because something else is taking over that building."

Kyle leans forward. "Are you going to tell us what's going there or do we have to wait like everyone else?"

A smile spreads across her face. "When the time comes for the opening I would like you four there."

"Are you serious?" I ask.

"Yes," she looks out the window and watches as the building fades away from our view. "How has everyone been? Tell me the truth not some half-assed version you think I want to hear."

I'm not surprised, she wants something like this from us.

Ryan looks around the car at us. "I've been good. Travelling the world and performing has been exhilarating. My favourite place to visit was Sydney. Where we got to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Watched and opera performance at the Opera House and went inside Centrepoint Tower."

Tyler nods. "I liked that place too. However my favourite place was Paris. The Eiffel Tower was impressive and I loved eating snails and the cuisines that had in Paris."

Sutton screws up her face. "Do you want to know a true fact about snails?"

Kyle smiles. "I can't wait to hear about this true fact about the snails. I agree with Tyler that the snails were pretty good.

"Gross! When I go to Paris that's the last thing I'm going to eat when I go there." Sutton says. "The snails shit themselves when they cook. I hope you enjoyed eating shit with the snails you ate."

"I was wondering what the black stuff was on the toothpick." Kyle says.

I continue to listen as they talk about crap.

Kyle leans forward. "My favourite place was London. I love the London eyes, the tower bridge and importantly the London bridge. I get to show my niece and nephew the bridge that they refer to in the song London bridge is falling. Also, it was interesting hearing the stories about the London tower."

"That's if you're into the royal family." I say. "I'm going to be honest, but tue last couple of days have been shit. I was accused of a crime I would never commit."

Sutton places her hand on my arm. "I know you wouldn't do something like that. Which is why I had to help you out."

"Thank you, for that." I look her in the eyes. "My favourite place was Italy. Up until the incident that ruined things for me. Have you been to Italy yet?"

She shakes her head. "It's a place that's still high on my list of places to visit. Would you go back there?"

"Yes, with you."

Her face flushes. "That's sweet. You can order for me when we get there too." She winks at me.

It doesn't take too long before we're pulling in front of Sutton's House.

Standing in front of mine is a bunch of people and they are holding signs. 'Go Away, Ryder.' 'Liar's aren't welcomed,'

Sutton turns her attention back to us. "Did you buy the house next to mine?"

Touching her arm I say. "I bought our house, Sutton. It will always be ours. Not just mine."

I need her to understand how I feel.

"Fuck this," she takes her seatbelt off and starts to move towards the door. "Get ready to move to my backyard. I'm guessing you put in a fence to get quicker access to mine."

She knows me well. I did talk to her mother about that before doing it.

A group of men wearing suits walk out of her house and head towards the car. They head to the opposite door when Sutton has stepped out of.

When everyone has their attention on her the bodyguards open the door and tell us to move to the house.

Over the crowd I hear Sutton say. "Get off my property."

"It's not yours." Briana says. "You shouldn't be sticking up for dogs like those guys. You've gone years without seeing them and now all of sudden you're back and you are protecting them."

"Who's that?" A girl yells. Pointing towards our group.

"THAT'S MY FAMILY." Sutton yells. "They deserve privacy. Especially, from nosey pokes like yourselves." She look towards our group and her eyes glisten as she watches me walk into the backyard.

The gate closes behind us. "Mrs Holgate packed your fridge and has filled the cupboards for you guys."

"Thanks, Marty." I step around him and head towards the back door of the Holgate house.

When I enter the house I see Mrs Holgate in the kitchen. She looks up as I enter the room. A smile spreads across her face. "Hello, Ryder. How are you?"

"I'm good."

She looks behind me and frowns. "Where's my daughter? I was hoping she would be by your side when you both entered the house."

"She's outside handling the circus. How long have they been outside?"

"Since 8am, they knew you were coming home today and wanted to cause a scene. I tried to get rid of them, but it wasn't working. The next thing I thought of was hiring Marty and his team to get you guys through the side gate safely."

The front door opens and closes. Sutton walks into the room and runs over to her mother. "Hey, Mom."

Mrs Holgate places he's hands on her daughter's face. "Is that really my daughter?"

Sutton laughs. "Yes, Mom. It's me. What are you cooking for dinner?"

"You're favourite. A baked dinner." Mrs Holgate turns towards us. "Do you guys want to stay for dinner? I have more than enough."

"Sounds good, Mrs H. We should head over to the house and get ready." Ryan says.

Ryan, Kyle and Tyler leave the house and I walk over to Sutton. "After dinner I'll take you over to the house. You can see it for yourself."

"Okay, but don't forget you're going to the radio station tonight to meet up with Hudson to get the phone number of that new artist."

"I haven't forgotten." I tell her. With that I walk out of the house and head over to mine

When I enter the house I see the suitcases placed by the front door and move over to mine. I take it upstairs with me.

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