Catching You - 23

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Sutton's POV

It feels good to be back home in Marina Del Rey. Everything seems to be the same here, but I'm a different person to when I left this place.

Walking into my bedroom I see my suitcase next to my bed. I move over to it and place it on the bed. Going through it I put everything away.

As I move around my room I see movement from next door's window. I take in the tattoos on his arms and around his biceps. As I look closer I see that it's Ryder.

He planned this.

A towel is wrapped around his hips. He looks out the window and sees me. All of a sudden he purposely drops the towel and waves at me.

Oh, shit. He saw me.

My cheeks turn red and I pull the curtain across. Climbing onto my bed I put my head under the pillow and start groaning.

The bedroom door opens and my mother steps into the room. "Honey, is everything okay?"

"Mom, how long have they lived next door?"

She moves over to the bed and sits next to me. "They moved in seven years ago. Why?"

Pointing at the window. "Did you know his room is the one facing mine?"

Mom look over at the curtain and laughs. "Well that's something I didn't know. Did you see his..."

"MOM," I yell, as my face begins to heat up.

She wraps her arms around me and continues to laugh. "Looks like my daughter wants to get back on that horse." Mom winks at me.

Shaking my head I pull out of her arms. "Did you have to go there?"

"Of course. I'm guessing he saw you looking out the window?"

"He did. Ryder dropped his towel showing me everything he has. Damn, has he worked out a lot since I last saw him."

Mom continues to laugh at my discomfort. "I'm going to finish dinner before the guys come over." She walks out the door.

Grabbing the dildo I have in the nightstand I turn it on and put it into my pussy. I close my eyes and think about Ryder as I use the device.

It doesn't take long before my toes begin to curl and I'm close to a climax. "Fuck, Ryder." '

My heart begins to race and I climax against the dildo. Pulling it out of my pussy I place it on the nightstand, before climbing out of bed and heading towards the ensuite bathroom.

When I enter the bathroom my cheeks are flushed. My body is sweaty.

I need to change my sheets. I really don't want to go to bed with wet sheets.

Turning the shower on I climb inside and wash my hair and body. Once I'm clean I climb out of the shower and wrap the towel around my body.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Who is it?" I ask, as I walk towards the closet and start getting changed.

"It's Miles. Can I come in?"

"I'm getting dressed. Give me a couple of minutes."

"Okay, I just wanted to know if you got home safely."

"I did. Did you know that Mom put me in the same car as Saving Ryder."

Miles laughs. "How was that ride?"

I pull my clothes on before walking to door and opening it. "It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

Closing the door behind me I walk downstairs with my brother on my heel. "Is Mom throwing a welcome home dinner? She just invited Saving Ryder to dine with us."

Miles stops at the front door. "That's not all the people she invited." He pulls it open and Dante is standing on the porch.

"Dante," running into his arms I hug him. "I'm glad you're here."

"So am I, sis. I'm glad you're home." He walks into the house with me at his side.

Mom walks out of the kitchen with a huge smile on her face. "Dante, when did you get in?"

"Just now. i'm here for a couple of days before I have to fly to Montreal for a conference." He looks through the living room window and see Ryder's house. "The guys are back in town?"

"Yes," Mom laughs. "You're sister has something going on with Ryder. She's still attracted to the guy. I can't wait to see what develops while they're in town for a couple of weeks."

Mom is enjoying spilling the beans about my life.

The sliding door to the backyard screeches and I hear the familiar voices of the guys from Saving Ryder. The one person that's not with them is Ryder.

Dante walks into the kitchen. "Hey, guys." He claps them on the back. "It's good to see you all again. You know this yearly visit make my year each time I see you."

Tyler looks over at me. "We couldn't see our friend. So, the closest we had to her was her family. Now, we have her back in our lives and we're not going to let her go that easily." He walks closer to me and then hugs me.

Ryan and Kyle join the hug too.

I missed these guys.

Pulling away from them. I look each of them in the eyes. "I'm starting a new chapter of my life here. When you're not on tour I know you'll be here too."

"We will." Ryan says. "If Ryder has his own way, he'd be taking you around the world with the band."

And I'd probably let him do it too.

Ring, ring, ring. My phone goes off and I look at it. Seeing an unknown number.

Looking at the guys I say. "I have to take this, excuse me." I walk out of the room and answer the call.

Me: Hello, this is Sutton Holgate.

Voice: Hello, is this the manager for the singer Hayley Blake.

Me: Yes, it is. Who am I talking too?

Voice: It's Harrison. I'm the manager for Saving Ryder. They heard an amazing singer on the radio today and they were hoping that Hayley Blake would join them on tour.

Me: She would like that. Can we meet tomorrow at Cafe Marina in Marina Del Rey?

Harrison: Sure, I can fit that into my schedule. What time?

Me: Say around 9am, I would like to get things sorted in the morning.

Harrison: Sounds good to me. Have a good day, Miss Holgate.

He hangs up the phone.

Walking back to the kitchen I see the guys sitting on stools around the table.

Ryan moves over to me. He lowers his voice. "I heard some of that conversation. Are you the manager of Hayley Blake? The one that Ryder wants on our tour?"

Smiling at him I say. "I am. She's the only signing I have with the label. I promised to work with her only for the next three months."

"That's great. When her album comes out I think it's going to be a hit and it will be thanks to you." He gives me a side hug.

The door opens and Ryder walks into the house. "Harrison's going to meet the manager of Hayley Blake tomorrow. Can you believe that?"

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