Catching You - 24

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Ryder's POV

After the shower I walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my hips. I purposely left my blinds up so Sutton could see me.

Feeling a set of eyes on me I look up and see her at the window.

I'm glad she can see me.

She continues to stare at me and then I do the one thing she doesn't expect...

And that's dropping my towel. Showing her everything she hasn't seen since we were teens. I wave at her. Letting her know she's been caught.

Her face turns red and she pulls her curtain across, blocking me out.

Walking towards my closet I grab out a pair of ripped jeans, a black shirt and sneakers. I quickly change and then head downstairs to where my black Mercedes Benz is waiting for me.

I hope she's been filled.

Mr and Mrs Holgate have been checking on the house and taking all my cars out when we're not at home. They get it serviced and stay on top of the things that I can't do. While I'm away on tour.

For seven years, they have been helping us out. I think they were doing it so they could stop feeling guilty about letting their daughter go.

I know Sutton had to live a life without us. Now, she's back I'm ready to learn about everything she's done and the accomplishments she's managed along the way.

Turning the key in the ignition it starts and I hit the remote for the garage door. The door opens and I reverse out of garage.

It doesn't take long before I'm on the street. Heading towards the radio station.

After a couple of blocks I find myself in front of the radio station on time. I tap my pocket a few times making sure that I have the tickets that I promised Hudson.

Hudson opens the back door of the radio station and he's surprised to see me. His mouth opens and closes a couple of times. "It was really you on the call?"

"Yes," pulling the tickets out I show it to him. "Do you have the phone number of the manager?"

"Come in." He holds the door open for me and I enter the building. "It won't take long for me to find the number."

As we walk through the station I see separate rooms with microphones and people in the booths. The one at the end it empty and I know that it's the one Hudson uses.

Entering the room I sit across from where he would usually sit. I look at the stuff he has on the desk. A CD is on the table with the name of the artist. 'Hayley Blake.'

That's the name of the girl that will be performing with us in a couple of weeks.

Hudson enters the room with a piece of paper. He gives it to me. "That's the phone number of Hayley's manager."

"Are you going to tell me the name of the manager?" I lean forward in the seat and wait for his answer.

He takes a seat across from me. "You'll find out who she is in a couple of weeks.

I don't want to wait that long to find out who she is.

"Hudson, can I ask you somethings?"

"Sure," he smiles at me. "We've known each other for years, so you asking me somethings won't be unusual."

"Where have you been? And when did you get?"

"I went to New York. I got back 3 months ago. There's an important question you should be asking, but I'll wait for you to ask."

"Okay, I'll ask. How did you connect with Sutton? And why are you sharing singles by unknown artists."

"Sutton was working in New York. You know she was working for a record label. And the second part of the question is that a new record label is about to open and they want their artist have a single played over the radio station."

"Do you think they purposely put it together. For me the hear the artist and want them to join us on tour?"

Hudson stands up. "The person could be smart and think that way. You did however like the song and want the Artist to be an opening act for you. Just call the number and get it sorted out."

"I will." Standing up. I thank him before making my way out of the building and head towards the exit.

On the way out of building I call Harrison and tell him about the act we want on tour with us and he tells me that he will reach out to the manager.

Climbing into the car I start it up and drive back home. When I get home I see all the lights turned off and no-one is there. I park the car and then make my way next door.

Opening the door to the Holgate house I see Sutton standing next to Ryan. Who's giving her a side hug. I narrow my eyes at my friend and he steps away from her.

I look towards my bandmates and say. "Harrison's going to meet the manager of Hayley Blake tomorrow. Can you believe that?"

"That's great news." Sutton says. "She's going to be a great addition to the pre show."

Of course she would support the girl. I think she's the one making Hudson share the new song. I will have to find out if I'm right soon.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket. "You know what's bothering me?"

"What?" Sutton asks, taking a step toward me.

"Why there's one radio station that's playing Hayley Blake on their station? I rung around and no-one else is sharing the single. Which is strange. It's only broadcasting on Marina Del Rey." I take a step toward her. Hovering over her. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

She shakes her head. "No, Ryder. I don't have anything to tell you."

"Okay," holding my phone out to her I show her a phone number that I typed into my phone. She lets out a gasp. "Anything, Sutton."

"No," she crosses her arms and waits for me to make a call. She doesn't move a muscle as I stare at her.

Damn, she's good at this. I thought she'd crack under the pressure of being this close to me.

"Fine," I hit the call button and her phone begins to ring and ring and ring. She doesn't move a muscle. "Are you going to get that, Sutton."

"No, I don't think getting that is appropriate." She continues to stand in front of me like this isn't unusual.

Moving my hands behind her I reach into her back pocket and slide her phone out of it. Once the phone is in my hands I show it to everyone. "Look, it's me calling Sutton and she refuses to pick up."

She takes the phone from me. "Congratulations you found out my secret. That I'm the manager of a new artist that's entering the music industry. That's not the only thing I'm doing. The Holgate building is my record label. Are you happy that my secret is out?"

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