Catching You - 25

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Sutton's POV

Ryder is still standing close to me. Even after I spilled my secret about starting my own record label and being the one behind distributing my own clients single.

The reason why I am doing it is because I want her name everywhere. That way people will be interested in buying her stuff.

She's the artist I want hanging up in my office. Showcasing everything she's accomplished while working closely with me.

His lips graze mine. Before he whispers in my ear. "Have dinner with me tomorrow night."

I wasn't expecting that.

Opening my mouth I'm about to answer him when the front door opens and a voice says. "Honey, I'm home."

Mom smiles. "You should surprise your father, sweetheart."

Taking my eyes off Ryder I make my escape from him and greet Dad. "Hey, Dad." I fling myself into his arms and he chuckles.

"Hey, Kiddo. I missed you to. When did you get back?"

"Today. You're not going to believe who Mom stuck me in a car with?"

He looks towards the kitchen and hears the voices of his neighbours. "She put you in a car with Saving Ryder how was the ride with Ryder?"

"Not, what I was expecting. I thought there might be some animosity against me. However, it was the opposite. It was like they were happy to see me. I can tell you I was happy to see them."

Dante walks out of the kitchen and hugs Dad. "There was sexual tension in the kitchen until you broke it up." He tells our father.

He doesn't need to share information like that to our father.

Dad looks at me and towards the kitchen. "Sexual tension between my little girl and Ryder?"

"Of course." Dante spills. "It was like watching Mom and you when I was growing up." He shudders.

Of course he'd compare us to our parents when we were growing up. They shared there love everywhere they went.

I punch him in the guts. "You're full of shit."

Dante throws his head back and laughs. "I'm being serious. What did he whisper in your ear? I bet it was sexual."

Ugh, he's unbelievable.

"None of your business." I continue to hit my brother.

Mom walks out of the kitchen. "What's taking you all so long to come into the kitchen?" She looks at me hitting my brother. "What has Dante done now?"

Being a piece of shit.

Dad kisses her before replying. "Dante was telling me all about the sexual tension between my little girl and Ryder."

Now, dad's sharing information with Mom. I can't believe they can't keep something a secret.

Mom laughs. "Our daughter was keeping a secret from Ryder and he discovered it. He called a phone number and it belonged to Sutton. She didn't answer the phone and he showed it to everyone. Saying he was calling her. She never backed down from him. We taught her well, honey."

"Yes, we did. Let's get the meeting with the boys over and done with. Is Miles here too?"

"Of course. It wouldn't be a welcome home dinner without him being here too. Our other son is away on vacation with his family. They won't be back until Christmas Eve." She leads the way into the kitchen.

Ryder is the first one to greet Dad. "Hello, Mr Holgate. It's good to see you again."

Dad rolls his eyes at him. "How many times do I have to tell you boys to call me River? It's my name. Please use it. I know your parents taught you manners and everything, but I'd prefer it if I was called by my name."

"Yes, sir." They say in unison.

Dad throws his hands up in the air. "Unbelievable," he mutters and I let out a chuckle. He throws a look at me. Before shaking his head.

It's good to be back home.

Mom grabs some oven mits off the hook close to the stove. "Dante and Miles can you set the table. Also, I need my special round dishes to put the trays on. Get the carving knife and place it on your father's side of the table."

"Yes, Mom." Miles says, grabbing the dishes from the top shelf.

Dante gets the cutlery. He looks at me and then says. "Mom, why are you getting Sutton to do something?"

Great, the shit wants attention put on me.

Quickly I move behind Ryder and let him block me from my mother's view. I'm crouching behind him and he stiffens as my hand touches his back.

Good to know he still reacts to me touching him.

Mom looks around the room. "She's not here. So, I can't ask her to do anything." She winks at me and I giggle.

Ryder reaches out to me and helps me up. "Did you know she was going to do that?"

Taking his hand, I stand up and look into his blue eyes. "No, but she usually lets me get away with things. My brother's need to learn domestic stuff too."

He doesn't let go of my hand and pulls me closer. "You avoided my question earlier. Will you go on a date with me?"

My mouth is parched and all I do is nod my head. It feels like I'm a fricken bobblehead.

Ryder looks at everyone in the house before he shouts. "SHE'S GOING ON A DATE WITH ME?

My family cheer.

Mom puts the hot dishes on the dining table. "I'm glad you're going on a date. Maybe, you can teach these boys what it's like to have a love life? The world doesn't revolve around touring the world. How many tours have you boys been on?"

"Three," Ryan says. "I want something else in my life besides touring too. We all agreed to stay single until Ryder had the one back in his arms."

"The one?" I ask him.

"Yes, you're his soulmate. The other piece to him. You're the one person that completes him. Other girls didn't compare to you, which is why he stayed off the market for so long. The rest of us tried dating, but nothing stuck for us. I think it might have something to do with Ryder not having you in his life."

That wasn't something I was expecting to hear from him.

Tyler moves over to Ryder and slaps him on the back. "You've got a good woman there. Don't let her walk away again."

I'm not going anywhere. I'm starting my life here. With my family.

We move towards the kitchen table and sit. Ryder makes sure that he's sitting next to me. On the other side is Ryan.

Ryan pulls his phone out of his pocket and a small picture falls out. He doesn't notice it and I pick it up.

It's a picture of a little boy with his mother. "Who is that?"

Ryan looks at the picture. "Shit," he quickly puts it away. "You weren't supposed to see that."

Ryder turns towards his band mate. "That was Becky and her son. Why do you have a picture of them?"

Ryan runs his hand through his hair and then he looks at his bandmates. "Becky and I hooked up one night and the result of that was our son Phoenix."

"Do you love her?"

"Yes, I want to ask her to marry me. Now, the two of you are together. It's time I get what I want."

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