Catching You - 31

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Sutton's POV

Pulling the car in front of Holgate Studio's I step out of the car and walk towards the building's entrance.

Ryder stops close to the front door and lifts his head. He whistles. "Damn this place is huge. What were your grandparent's thinking when they gave this building to you.

A smile spreads across my face. "They were thinking this building is going to give them more money when they retire. I have to pay them rent. They don't want me to have something for free, but the amount I'm supposed to give them is a joke. I'll humour them anyway."

"How much are they asking?"

"One grand a month. They know I can bring in more than that." Grabbing two hard hats from the table I hand one to Ryder. "You better put that on." We put the hats on.

Ryder pulls his phone out. "Smile," he takes a picture of us and then shows me. "What do you think?"

In the photo he is looking at me with a smile on his face. He looks smitten with me. "It's a great photo. Can you send it to me?"

"Sure," he does a few things on his phone and then my phone goes off.

"Thanks," I save the photo and put it as a screen saver. Moving toward the door I open it for us and walk in.

Ryder is behind me. He looks around the foyer that has pictures on the walls of my signings from the last recording studio I worked at. "Are these everyone you've worked with?"

"Yes," I point to some of the artists. Before stopping at a few that I haven't worked with yet. "The ones on the opposite side of the wall is who I've met while walking the red carpet at the Aria's."

He shakes his head. "I can't believe you've gone to those shows and I've never seen you."

That's because when you came I made sure that I was inside the building and out of sight for you and the band.


"Hmmm," he looks at me.

"I made sure every time you walked the red carpet I was inside the building. I'm sorry." I look away from him as I say. "I didn't want to see you then."

He pulls me closer to him and lifts my head so I'm looking into his eyes. "I don't blame you for not wanting to see me. You were busy with your life and I was busy making myself known to the women that supported the band. I would flirt with them and kiss some. However, they didn't mean anything. You mean everything to me."

"I know. It's not the first time you've told me that since I've been back." Grabbing his hand I pull him to the lift and press the button.

I really want to see what my office looks like. Maybe, see what I can put up on the walls. There's a lot of bands that I'm proud of working with and they deserve to be featured in my office.

The doors open and I step inside. I press the button to the top floor and the doors close. It doesn't take long before we're on the 16th floor.

As soon as we step off the lift I see plastic sheets on the floor and a ladder close to a set of lights.

Derek the head builder walks out of the office and over to me. "Hi, Sutton. How are you?"

Shaking his hand I say. "Hey, Derek. We're here to check out the office. How's it going by the way."

"You'll love it. We've just finished soundproofing the recording studio as well. The rest of the floors soundproofing will be done in a couple of weeks." Derek leads the way towards the office and shows it to me.

The walls are painted purple and the floors are tiled as per my request.

Ryder steps into the room, taking everything in. "I can't wait to see you in this office when the building opens. I'll be the first one to bring you a welcome home present."

Derek walks out of the office and we follow him into the recording studio.

I can't wait to set up this room.

Ryder moves around the room and a smile spreads across his face. "I can't wait to record in this room with you."

Derek takes a closer look at Ryder before saying. "You're the main guy from the band Saving Ryder."

"That's me." He stretches his hand out and says. "I'm Ryder. You've been doing a great job to this studio."

Derek takes his hand. "It's nice to meet you Ryder. I'm Derek." They talk for a bit as I make my way to the room that connects to this one.

This is the room I'll be using when the artist records their album.

Ryder walks out of the room and stops next to me. "This place is coming along nicely. Are we going to check out the other floors today?"

"No, I'm going to get Dad to come here during the week to see how everything is going."

Ding, Ryder's phone goes off and he pulls it out of his pocket. Looking at he smiles. "Mom, is reminding me about dinner tonight. Do you still want to come?"

"Sure, I'll still come."

"I'll let Mom know." He writes a message to her and then puts the phone back into his pocket.

"Did you tell her who's coming?"

"No," he takes my hand. "I want to surprise her. It's not the first time she's been told to expect an extra person at the dinner table."

"Let's get out of here." I thank Derek before heading over to the lift. Pressing the button I wait for the lift to reach the floor. When it does Ryder and I step inside. "Do you want me to drop you off at home? I have a few things that I need to do."

"No, I'll come with you." He moves a strand of my hair out of my face. "I don't want to end this day without you. After all you did sneak out of my house this morning without telling me."

"I hope you enjoy shopping. I need to get a few clothes and other things."

"Okay, but I'm not going to carry your bags. Like they make the men in the movies do."

"I don't need you to. I'm capable of doing that myself." I stick my tongue out at him.

When the lift stops on the ground floor we make our way out to the parking lot and get into the car. Ryder adjusts the radio station and starts singing along to highway to hell. He closes his eyes and continues to sing.

It's good to have some company while driving around Los Angeles. When we get to the mall I park the car. Before we climb out I turn towards him. "People are going to see you at the mall. If we get separated call my phone and I'll tell you when I am."

"We're not going to get separated." He puts a cap on and pulls a pair on sunglasses out of his pocket and puts them on. "No one is going to notice me here."

He's wrong about that. I know people are going know it's him when he steps into the mall.

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