Catching You - 32

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As soon as we step into the mall people look at Ryder as we walk past. He holds me close to him. "See people don't know that it's me under the cap. How about we choose a store and I'll get them to close the doors for you?"

"Ryder, that's one way to draw attention to you and we don't need that." I pull his hand and enter Victoria's Secret.

"What are we doing here?" He picks up a black thong and twirls it on his finger. "You should buy this. There's things I want to do with you in and out of these."

He's such a perv.

"I bet you could." I lick my lips before taking a step forward and taking the thing from his hand. Looking at the size I realise that it's mine.

One of the retail workers approach us. "Do you need help finding anything?"

"I'm shopping for lingerie. My boyfriend has been kind enough to buy me whatever I'd like. Show me some of you're most revealing outfits." I wink at Ryder and his mouth falls open.

He deserves what I'm doing to him.

She looks between Ryder and I. Recognition appears on her face and she says. "OMG, You're Ryder." She starts to turn red.

Touching her arm I say. "Please, don't bring attention to us. We don't need people knowing that we're here."

Ryder pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls someone. "Harrison, I need you to bring four tour passes with you to Victoria's Secret for a girl named," he looks at the tag on the woman's shirt. "Vicky,"

She nods. "The secret is safe with me. You're so lucky to be with a man like him."

Ryder hangs up the phone. "I'm the one lucky to have her in my life. She's been mine since we were kids."

"How come we've never heard of you being with someone until now?" Vicky asks. "Did something happen for you to be separated?"

"Yes," I look over at Ryder. "I wanted to establish my own career before coming back for him. My heart has belonged him since we were kids and the time apart made us grow into the adults we were supposed to be."

"There's no animosity between you. For her choosing a career over you?"

Damn, she's asking the hard questions.

Ryder pulls me into his chest and his eyes shine as he looks at me. "At first I was pissed that she did that. After time I missed her and knew that I should let her do her own thing. I knew she would return when the time was right. It just took ten years for that to happen."

"Why did you come back now?"

A smile spreads across my face. "An opportunity of a lifetime happened. I decided to branch out and open my own business. One that's going to change things here in Los Angeles. There's going to be more opportunities for people to enter the music industry."

"You're..." her face turns red. "You're the one opening the new studio in the city. The one everyone is talking about."

I'm not surprised that she knows about the studio.

"That's the one."

"Can I give you something?" She asks, before running over to the counter. Grabbing something from under it. She returns a few moments later and hands it to me. "There's a showcase at Lincoln's place. You should check it out. There's going to be some unknown names there that could do well for the studio."

Taking the paper from her. "Thanks," I put it in my purse. "Are you going to perform on the stage?"

"No," she shakes her head. "I can't sing at all. In the shower I'm off key. However, as the bar attendant I know a great voice when I hear one."

"We'll see you there." Ryder says. "Also, is there a VIP area? I wouldn't want to take away attention from the performers."

"I'll set something up for you, Ryder. You might want to bring some bodyguards in case something goes eerie."

"Thanks," he holds my hand and we begin to walk out of the store.

As we head towards the next store Ryder gets noticed by a teen. "Ah," she screams. People turn in her direction. "It's Ryder from Saving Ryder."

"Fuck," he mumbles.

People crowd him and his hand slips from mine as I'm pushed away from him.

He greets everyone and then talks to them.

I knew this was going to happen if he came with me to the mall.

When I get out of the crowd I pull my phone out of my bag and send Ryder a message.

Me: Message me when you get away from your fans.

For over an hour I go store to store finding what I need for the date that I have with Ryder. When I have everything I need I check my phone and see there's no message from Ryder.

As I make my way back to where I left Ryder there's still a crowd. However, a few bodyguards are standing nearby keeping an eye on Ryder.

One of the guards look in my direction and nod their heads. He walks over to Ryder and says something.

Ryder turns towards me and a smile spreads across his face. "It was nice meeting you all. However, it's time for me to go. If you have tickets to the show I'll see you there. Have a Merry Christmas and a great New Year." He steps away from them and moves towards me. Placing a kiss on my lips he says. "Sorry, I couldn't get away from them."

"You don't need to apologies. It's not the first time I've been pushed aside for a great musician."

He looks at his watch. "We better head home and get ready for dinner at Mom's. Are you going to sleep over again tonight?"

"No," I lead the way out of the mall. "I wasn't even supposed to be there last night. Do you know how embarrassing it was to see your bandmates watch me leave and then how my own family caught me sneaking into the house."

He laughs. "Just like old times. Do you remember how frantic you're mother was when she couldn't find you the day of our graduation?"

My face turns red. "I remember."


Ryder and I were in the basement watching scary movies all night and I fell asleep on the couch half way through The Amityville Horror. The original not the remake.

During the night I woke up and Ryder and I fucked. He left hickeys on my collarbone, making sure that people knew that I was his.

The next morning we woke up to banging on the basement door. Followed by his Mom's voice and mine. "Is Sutton with you?"

"Yeah," Ryder replied. "We'll be right out."

We both quickly put on our clothes and went up to meet our parents. My hair was a mess and I smelt like sex. Which is something I didn't want my mother to see.

*end flashback*

Outside the mall we make our way over to the car and I put my stuff in the trunk before starting the car and heading home.

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