Catching You - 7

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Ryder's POV

A smile spreads across Veronica's face. Leaning forward she licks her lips. "She's one lucky woman to have you come after her."

Ryan abruptly stands up. "Stop flirting with him, Veronica. It's showing your desperation to be with one of us."

That's rude of him. He's not like this normally.

Kyle shakes his head. "Ryan, that's uncalled for."

Ryan looks at her and says. "It's the truth. This interview is over for me." He walks away leaving us to continue on without him.

"I'm sorry about him." Kyle says. "When it comes to Ryder's girl he's protective."

"Are we going to find out the girls name?" Veronica asks.

"Absolutely not." I shake my head. "Her identity is going to be kept under wraps until we're ready to make it public."

Kyle claps me on the back. "Knowing Ryder he's going to get the girl during Christmas. Did you know that's his favourite holiday."

Did he have to tell her that?

"No, I didn't." She becomes more interested in getting to know more about me. "What are you hoping to get for Christmas." She directs at me.

Tyler throws his hand up in the air. "Seriously, do we have to turn this group interview about what Ryder wants?" Looking at me he adds. "It's not all about you, Ryder."

I didn't mean for the interview to get turned around on me. It's not the first time this has happened. For some reason they are interested in getting to know more about me.

Veronica frowns as she looks at the drama unfolding with the interview. "I'm sorry. How about I ask something else?"

Tyler shakes his head. "No, I'll let him answer it. After that we need to get back to the topic. Which is about the tour and band."

She looks at me and says. "Ryder, what are you hoping to get for Christmas?"

Looking into her eyes I say. "My girl coming home for Christmas and having a family dinner with her. That would be the best gift that Santa brings me."

She holds her hands over her heart and says. "That's romantic. I wish someone would want that for me." A tear falls down her face and she wipes it away with the back of her hand. "Okay, I think it's time that we turn this conversation back onto the band."

"I agree." Tyler says.

"So where are you going after Venice?"

"We're going home." Kyle says. "Every year we take a couple of weeks off to catch up with our families. Then we'll be finishing the rest of the tour in Los Angeles."

"Are you recording any new stuff while you're back at home?"

"No," I place my arms on my legs. "At the moment we don't have anything new to record. We want to concentrate on finishing this tour before we do anything else."

She looks at Tyler and Kyle. "Do either of you have a girlfriend that could inspire you to write a song?"

"No," they say in unison.

Tyler winks at her. "I could be inspired by you."

She blushes before covering her face with her hair. "I don't think that's appropriate."

Kyle smiles. "It's the same with when you were flirting with, Ryder. That wasn't appropriate."

"Sorry," she mumbles.

She doesn't need to apologise for doing that. It's not the first time I've had an interview that took a turn.

"Don't worry about it. It's not the first time." We talk for awhile more before the interview concludes.

"Thank you, for taking time out to do the interview with me." Veronica shakes our hands.

"You're welcome." With that the band and I walk over to leaning tower, where the have a queue waiting to get into the building."

Ryan holds four tickets in his hands. "I scored these." He points to the tower. "Who wants to take a tour inside this place?"

"Yes," I take the ticket from him. "I'm going to see why Sutton wants to visit this place so much.

We skip the queue with the tickets we have and head inside. As we climb the steps it goes vertigo. Ignoring the feeling I take the stairs two at a time.

I make it to the top in a matter of minutes. Once at the top I take a look over the beautiful city we're in. "Sutton, has good taste when it comes to places to visit."

Ryan places his arm around my shoulder. "She's always had good taste. Especially, when it comes to friendships. We found each other and it's been a great journey. You weren't the only one that she left behind. When we get her back we need to make up for lost time."

"Yes, we should." A smile spreads across my face. "She's going to be showered with so much love that she'll be grossed out by us."

We all laugh.

A woman walks over to us. "Excuse me,"

"Yes," Kyle turns towards her. "Can you take a photo of my family and I?"

"Sure," Kyle takes the phone from her and takes a couple of snaps of the family.

"Oh my god." One of the girl's yell. "Denise. Do you know who took our pictures?"

The small blonde shakes her head. "Should I know who they are?"

"It's the guys from Saving Ryder. Kyle's the one with your phone."

"Oh," a blush creeps across her white skin. "I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to who you were."

Kyle places the phone in the girls hand. "It's not a problem. We'd prefer to keep our location in here a secret for now. Would you four keep it a secret, please."

"Sure," Denise smiles at him. "Can we get a photo with you guys, please?" She gives Kyle the puppy dog look.

Which makes him cave. "Of course."

One of the girls have a selfie stick. She puts the phone on the stick and takes a picture of us.

"It was nice meeting you, ladies. You can tag us on Facebook. We would love to have a copy of it." I tell them.

After the pictures the girls grab their purses and leave the tower.

Kyle watches the girls leave. His eyes continue to follow Denise until she's disappeared around the corner.

"Kyle, get the girl. We know you want her."

He runs down the stairs and catches up with the girls.

Ding, my phone goes off and I pull it out of my pocket. Looking at it I see that it's Trent.

Trent: I've got the equipment set up. Let me know when you're ready to perform.

Shit, I forgot that we were going to play for the crowd.

Me: I'll get the guys together and we'll be there soon.

Turning towards Tyler and Ryan I say. "Trent's got everything set up for us to play. Now we need to get Kyle." With that we run down the stairs and stop Kyle.

Kyle looks at me and says. "Why are you guys running?"

"We're catching up with you." I tell him. "Trent's set everything up for us to play here."

"Ah," one of the girls screams. "I can't believe we get to watch Saving Ryder perform."

Denise smiles at her friend. "Play with your band and then we'll go back to my place." She winks at me.

Kyle has her wrapped around his fingers.

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