Catching You - 8

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Ryder's POV

The stage is set up close to the angel. All of our equipment is there too. A few more Police officer's have been asked to come here for the safety of us and the crowd.

We step onto the stage and I walk over to the microphone. A smile spreads across my face as I look at everyone. "I know this concert wasn't planned for today, but since you're all here I thought we'd put something on for you. Some of you may not know us. We're Saving Ryder."

With that the crowd screams and then chants the bands name. "Saving Ryder, Saving Ryder, Saving Ryder."

I love the way they're chanting our name.

Kyle looks over at Denise and she waves at him. He sends her wink, before putting the guitar over his head.

"The first song we'll be playing is 'Not Over You.' This is one of my favourite songs." I tell the crowd.

Kyle start playing the guitar, while Ryan plays the drums, and Tyler plays the piano. As they start to play I look at the crowd and begin to sing.

"We were kids when we first met,
Playing in the backyard like kids do,
A boy & girl,
Who became best friends.

Our friendship grew stronger,
We fell in love,
We were each other's first,
I hoped it would be the last too.

Not over you,
I'll never be over you,
You own my heart & soul,
I belong to you
& you belong to me.

All of a sudden everything changes,
We're not kids anymore,
But two teenagers,
Making a decision about their lives.

I thought we were on the same,
But it looks like we weren't.
Something changed & you wanted something else.
I got mad and let you go.

Not over you,
I'll never be over you,
You own my heart & soul,
I belong to you,
& you belong to me.

Letting you go was my biggest regret,
I wake up alone,
Wondering what you're doing?
Please tell me you miss me?

I miss you,
And the way you're hair smelled of roses,
I'm alone when I'm surrounded with friends,
My mind drifts to you all the time.

Not over you,
I'll never be over you,
You own my heart & soul,
I belong to you,
& you belong to me.

I told you if you left I would hate you,
That's a lie,
I'm a broken man,
Who fell for a woman,
Who owns my heart & soul.

Please come back,
I'm on my knees begging,
But you don't hear my calls,
Cause you're out in the world.

Not over you,
I'll never be over you,
You own my heart & soul,
I belong to you,
& you belong to me.

Where did everything go so wrong?
Why does my heart ache?
Are you coming home?
Do you still love me?

There's so many questions,
That goes unanswered,
I have one thing to say,
Please come back to me."

The crowd goes wild as the song comes to an end.

"We want more, we want more, we want more," is chanted across the street.

Turning towards the band I say. "Should we give them another one?"

"Yes," they say in unison.

Turning back to the crowd I say. "The last song we'll be performing is called 'Sunrise'

Sunrise is the first song I wrote after Sutton left, it reminds me that the world can still be beautiful after going through a hard time. Like a break up.

"It's hard getting out of bed,
You took everything when you left,
I'm a shell of myself,
Who's trying to break free.

I need to break free,
From the thoughts of you,
& what you're doing,
Why is it hard to move on from you.

It's a beautiful day,
& I sit on the beach,
Watching the sunrise,
& think it's a beautiful thing,
A wonderful thing.

The sunrise brings a new day,
It will help me move on from you,
The colours of the sky reminds me that anything can happen,
Today I'm going to get my shit together.

I'm going to enjoy a new day,
Do something with my life,
Become who I'm meant to be,
& leave things in the past.

It's a beautiful day,
& I sit on the beach,
Watching the sunrise,
& think it's a beautiful thing,
A wonderful thing.

People are falling in love,
People are getting engaged,
People are getting married,
People are having babies.

While I'm sitting on the beach,
Waiting for a new day to arrive,
One that will be brighter,
Then the last couple of days.

It's a beautiful day,
& I sit on the beach,
Watching the sunrise,
& think it's a beautiful thing,
A wonderful thing.

Sunrise, sunrise, sunrise,
It's all about catching the next sunrise,
That brings a new day,
Ending the previous.

Let's get together,
& celebrate a new day,
Here's a toast,
To a new day.

It's a beautiful day,
& I sit on the beach,
Watching the sunrise,
& think it's a beautiful thing,
A wonderful thing.

It's time for us to go,
& leave the beach,
While the sun rises higher in the sky,
Showing us it's a beautiful day.

It's a beautiful thing,
A wonderful thing,
That we're lucky to see."

Everyone applauds as I finish the song.

Looking over at Ryan, Tyler and Kyle I see smiles on their faces and they look happy that we did the performance here.

A bodyguard walks over to us. "Follow me to the car."

Ryan looks over at me and says. "I'll see you later tonight." He walks over to Denise and grabs her hand.

The rest of the band and I follow the bodyguard to the car. He holds the door open for us while we climb inside.

The door closes and Tyler pops open a bottle of champagne. He pours a glass for Kyle and I. "Here's to a good day and an even better night. I can't wait to perform the last show tonight before we go home for the holidays."

A smile spreads across my face. "I'm looking forward to going home too. We definitely need the break, especially after the year of concerts we've put on."

Kyle takes the glass from him. "Thanks, have you heard anything about the new contract?"

"Not yet. I think the record label is waiting closer to when ours runs out."

"Do we have to sign with them?" Tyler asks. "They don't give us a break between concerts and the new release of albums. I'm wanting to slow down and maybe..."

Leaning forward I say. "Maybe, what?"

"Meet someone and start a family. We're not getting younger and we have enough money to retire on. I love performing and being with you guys, but wanting something else is a good thing."

I agree with him. Wanting something else is a good thing too.

We have until March to decide what we want to do. Maybe, finding a new record label would be beneficial for us.

"Let's talk to Ryan about this too. This is something that we need sort of while we're home for the holidays."

"Do you think Denise will be more than a one night stand?" Kyle asks, he seems interested in what we have to say.

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