Catching You - 9

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Sutton's POV

Ring, ring, ring, I reach across the nightstand and grab my ringing phone. Swiping my finger across the screen I answer the call. "Hello,"

Voice: Hey, Sutton. It's Mom.

Me: Oh, hey Mom. What's going on?

Mom: There's a video you should see on Youtube. It's Saving Ryder. They put together a concert in front of The Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Me: Ok, thanks for letting me know.

Mom: Are you going to watch it?

Me: No, I've turned off all notifications for when it comes to Saving Ryder.

Mom: Why would you do that?

Me: They keep doing things every day and I get distracted by it. I need to pack my things and organise a way to have them taken home.

Mom: Miles is driving through New York. I can get him to pick it up.

Me: Okay, let me know what time and I'll make sure that I'm home for him.

Mom: Will do sweetheart. If you watch the video give me a call.

Me: Will do. Bye.

Hanging up the phone, I climb out bed and start getting ready for the day. I put on a pair of jeans and a long white sweater.

I head to the kitchen and play some party music, while I pack away the things that Miles is going to take home for me.

Knock, knock, knock. I stand up and walk over to the door. Looking through the peephole I see Nolan standing on the other side.

Pulling the door open I throw myself into his arms. "Hey, Nolan. What are you doing here?"

He returns the hug. "I heard that you were fired from Sullivan Records and I wanted to see how you are holding up."

I open the door wider for him, so he can see the boxes. "I'm going back to Los Angeles and starting a record label myself."

"That's why I came by." He pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket. "Do you know what this is?"

"No," I pull it out of his hand see that it's the contract he signed when I signed him with Sullivan Records. "Why are you showing me this?"

Read the last paragraph on it.

16. If Sutton Holgate leaves Sullivan Records the signee will have the right to void their contract.

"Come in, Nolan. You can help me pack and I'll give you free food and drinks." I wink at him.

"Okay," he steps into the house and helps me put away more of my stuff. "Are you going to accept any more clients while you open up the record label?"

"About that. I have promised someone that I will be working on their record for the next three months. I can't take anyone else on right now. Unless you want to join a couple of people who were fired from the label too."

"No," he shakes his head. "I want to work with you. So, it will be about March/April before I can join you?"

"That's correct."

"I have to tour Australia and New Zealand next year. So, I will be able to join you in May next year?"

"That sounds good. Call me when you get home."

"I will. You're going to be the first stop I make. Talking to you about the concerts is one of my favourite things to do."

I like talking to him about his concerts.

"What happened with you and the actress? I heard she had you wrapped around her pinkie?"

He laughs. "I was wrapped around her finger. She wanted to brag to all her friends about how she scored a country singer and spent most of his money. It's a good thing I caught her cheating on me with one of my stage hands."

"Gross, why go for him when you have the better man in the first place. I think she was looking for a way to break up with you and being with him was easiest for her." I turn back around and continue to box things up.

Out of nowhere Nolan places his lips on mine and kisses me. He waits for me to open my mouth and when I do he slips his tongue into my mouth.

After a couple of minutes, he pulls away breathing heavily. "I've wanted to do that for awhile now."

"You do know that will be the last."

"Yes," he places his forehead on mine. "I know. You're still in love with Ryder. I just thought I'd do that before you leave. It was the last chance I would get before you go home and Ryder."

"There's a woman out there for you, Nolan. You will find her. Or she might walk into my recording studio and she will have you tripping over your own feet to get to her."

"I hope so." He steps away from me. "I should go, Sutton. I just wanted to remind you that there's other people that signed with you who has that in the contract. I'm sure once everyone finds out that you're gone they will reach out and leave Sullivan Records."

I'm glad they have the option to leave the recording studio if they want to.

A few of the bands I signed now reside in Los Angeles and they decided to break up as they weren't given a proper chance to shine in the music industry.

What they needed was someone who would concentrate on their album and let them be creative. Instead they were led astray and the album became a flop.

That's one thing I don't want to do with Hayley's album, which is why I want to just work with her. Make her a success like she deserves to be.

I walk Nolan to the door. "Thanks, for stopping by, Nolan. I will see you in May."

He walks out the door and presses the button for the lift. He steps inside and waves at me as the door closes.

Ding, my phone alerts me to a message and I grab my phone off the kitchen table.

Mom: Miles is stopping by tomorrow at 2pm.

Me: Okay, thanks.

Mom: Has anything interesting happened today? Besides packing up your apartment.

Me: Yeah, I got kissed.

Ring, ring, ring. "Mom," flashes across the screen and I answer it.

Me: Hey, Mom. What do you want?

Mom: A kiss? Who kissed my baby?

Me: Do you remember, Nolan?

Mom: Isn't he the guy you signed when you first started working for Sullivan Records. Also, didn't you have a date with him early on too?

Me: I did.

Mom: How was the kiss?

Me: Short and I told him that it wasn't going to happen again.

Mom: Of course you did.

Knock, knock, knock. I walk over to the door and look through the hole. Standing on the other side is Miles.

Me: I thought you said Miles was coming by tomorrow.

Mom: He is. Why?

Me: He's at the front door.

Pulling the front door open I greet my brother. "Hey, Miles. What are you doing here?"

"Mom, told me that you needed stuff picked up. I couldn't wait till tomorrow so I thought I'd help you out. Maybe, spend the night. Before I go home."

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