For the Wrath of Cetreon

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Caya and Catra lay in the BrightMoon infirmary,completely unconscious and still while their father sat in a chair staring at them with tears steaming down his face. The images of the fight never left his mind,his own two children had nearly killed the woman who he loved who he thought loved him back,without mercy. But surprisingly,she had survived the attack she with only a broken arm and a concussion,Kallen was debating on what he should do. Should he have her execute his wife for the attempted murder of his children and genocide throughout Atheria or should he take the side of the his deranged wife? Just as he made up his mind Angela walked in,"They'll be fine. But she's awake and throwing a tantrum."

Kallen sighed,as he stood up he looked back at his girls and smiled. His gaze shifted over to Catra who stirred in her sleep,his smile widened. While walking to the prison Kallen had past rooms filled with patients,guilt filled his mind,another room down he saw the his daughters friends being treated,even Angela's arm was slung in a cast. He sighed once again waved at them and continued on. "I SAID LET ME GO!!!!!!!" Kallen groaned and rubbed his temples,he thought if she screamed out one more time he'd stab his ears with something,anything. He was never picky.

He pushed open the doors that led to the the cells,"You're all free to go." The guards ran out with sighs of relief on their faces,Kallen stepped towards the cells and was shocked at what he saw. The once pale but beautiful corrupted version of Kiana was now a shriveled pruned shell of herself. Her hair had begun to fall to the floor in clumps and her eyes drooped and filled with blood. Her skin was wrinkled,her immortal years began catching up to her.

"Bring me the girls", she croaked,her voice raw. "Don't you get it,I will never be with you." Kallen stared at her with pitiful eyes,pity mixed with a deep hatred. "I always thought you were perfect. You had everything. Beauty,parents,a kingdom that wasn't under the influence of the Horde. I fell in the love with you and you're amazing abilities as a warrior. What happened to the woman I loved and new?" Kiana looked at him and smiled,showing black rotting teeth. "She died long ago. Besides,I never loved you." Kallen chuckled and scrapped is claws around the rusty metal bars of the cell,he reached in his pocket and pulled out a worn out piece of paper. "I knew someday that I would have to use this. I just had hoped it would't be used on someone who I thought I loved." Kiana scrambled to the back of the cell in fear,Kallen began to whispered the spell. "Break the bond,tear the the fabric,cleave the stone,stop the magic." Kiana looked down at her shriveled hands,the skin began to turn black and melted off leaving. Nothing. Her small body began to glow,burn,simmer and boil until nothing was left but a puddle steaming black goo.

"When you died and Catra was taken from us I always thought nothing could bring me to smile ever again. But I was wrong,Angela accepted me and Caya,she loves me for me,not for my power,but there was still that one whole in my heart that would never be healed no matter how much I tried. I knew she was alive,I have been an absolute terrible father." Tears ran down his cheeks,his long brown hair covered his face,he didn't know how long he stood there until he felt a pair of arms wrapped around him in a tight embrace. Kallen turned is head to see a familiar messy head of brown hair. Catra. "You are the best dad I could ever ask for,before I met you the closest thing I had to a dad was the ruler of the Horde. I never thought love would be something I needed in my life,I only ever wanted to be respected and feared,you changed that." Kallen couldn't help but shed a tear from his daughters little speech,he hadn't even realized that Angela was there until she wrapped her arms around the two. "You are already a wonderful man. I never thought I would marry again after what happened to Micah,you taught me how to love again and Glimmer and I thank you greatly for that." Kallen stared into Angela's beautiful lilac eyes,as if on cue,Catra shielded her eyes as the two adults closed the spaced between them.

Angela patted Catra's head and smiled at her,like a real sincere,caring,loving smile. Not one of the snarky,sarcastic and fake smiles she was used to back at the Horde. She smiled back at her,she saw something in Angela's eyes that she never saw in anyone else's but her sisters,dad and sometimes Adora. Love and affection. just then,frantic footsteps patted down the steps along with a pair of obviously worried voices, "MOM,DAD!!!!!!" That was clearly Glimmer and Caya, just as they pulled away the two girls stumbled down the stairs and stared fir a secod before Caya stared into the now empty cell and asked, "Where'd she go?" Angela ushered her daughter up the stairs saying how they should continue checking her wounds. "Caya,I'm sorry,but she had to go. She wasn't your mother,never was even."

Kallen held his daughters tightly before chuckling. "But I have to ask,where did you get those amazing powers. Caya and Catra stared at each other before laughing nervously, "You know, we have no idea,all we did was stand there and shout at her." Kallen hummed and placed a finger on his chin. "Maybe we should see Madam Razz." Catra nearly choked on air when she heard while Caya was practically jumping out of her fur. "I'm sorry,we're going to see who?"


I'm back y'all!!!!!!!! My mom is doing so much better,she's still in the hospital but she's far better than last time,I'll upload again and I'm so sorry about my lack of updating,but alas I have bad news : Catra's True Self is coming to an end soon,two or three more chapters (maybe I don't know) and that's it... For book one I mean ;)

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