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While Kallen guided his daughters through he Whispering Woods,Catra was beyond confused and rather uncertain of what they were getting themselves into and who this Madam Razz was. 'I'll have to make sure nothing hurts them.' Just then Caya bursts into squeals as they entered a clearing revealing a makeshift home of twigs and leaves. "Why does this look so familiar. An old lady came out and Caya squealed and ran to the old lady and hugged her,picking her off the ground and swinging her around as if she was not a grown woman.

Kallen sighed and leaned against a tree in relief and removed his cape and crown and placed it on the floor. Catra hadn't seen her father so calm and at ease. Catra walked over to her her father and sat next to him,he looked calm,over the past week he hadn't even gotten the chance to breath without someone pointing a sword at his neck or having to chase down his rebellious twin daughters. "So,this is Madam Razz. Not at all what I expected at all. Not from what I was told." Kallen looked down at his daughter and raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean",he asked his messy haired daughter as he slid down the rough bark of the nearly thawed out tree.

Catra sighed as she rested her chin in her hand and spoke, "Back at the FrightZone,everything that wasn't from the FrightZone could kill you,just like everything IN the FrightZone. ShadowWeaver always told us stories about princess without heads or would sing or,cry,or whatever. I knew she was lying,she only ever said all those things were just things to scare us into submission. Of course I never bent over backwards to please her", she said proudly and puffed out her chest to seem tougher.

"Then why did you save her?" Kallen questioned,one of his pointed feline ears shifted to the side while the other stayed,signaling he was confused. Catra sunk and her own ears pinned against her head. Taking a deep sigh she spoke, "I know I have every right to hate her,but she raised me and even though she clearly showed she hated me,I had some sympathy for her. I knew,even in the Horde,that you never stood down to your enemies level,no matter how low or high. You keep at your own level and rise at your own pace."

Catra,slightly startled by the sudden silence,looked over at her father,he looked down at his hands and clenched then tightly. "I'm sorry dad,but I've made a lot of mistakes in my life,first off getting involved with the Hordes ambitions to conquer the planet of Etheria. Then I attacked the homes and families of my friends and blamed them for the outcome. I have done and said terrible things that I know I didn't mean." Kallen smiled and patted his daughters head, "You would make great queen one day." Caya walked over with a smiling Madam Razz in her hands

Catra raised an eyebrow and hesitantly waved her hand at the old woman,she only blinked before she said something that made Catra's fur stand on end, "Kiana,my blood sister,is that you? Where is Mara?"Catra looked at her with shocked expression. "You knew my mother?" Razz looked at her with a frightened expression, "Oh you poor child,your mother plans to kill you and preserve your youth for her own. She told me her plans years ago,before she began working with her lover Hordak." Catra shivered. "Well,it wasn't really her plan,I remember Hordak began putting crazy ideas in her head,that the whole reason why she left him and he does what he's doing now." Catra looked at her sister and father,they were just as interested and confused as she was. Once they looked back only to find Madam Razz out of sight.

"I forgot that old woman has the legs of a train when she's distracted", Kallen said scratching behind his dark brown ears. "There she is!" Caya pointed to a tree Madam Razz was climbing up. "For Etheria's sake Razz,come down from there!" Before their very eyes,Kallen jumped on the branches of the tree and gracefully climbed up and snatched Madam Razz from fall.

Once they landed she spoke to Kallen, "Did you beat her like you promised?" The twins looked at their father in curiosity. "I didn't,but they did", Kallen pointed to the dumbfounded girls behind Razz. "Oh! I assume you got your powers,good good. Come in Catra and Caya." The twins entered with Kallen,but Madam Razz put her hand in his face and pointed for him to wait outside.

Once inside the small shack,Catra noticed a lot of First Ones drawings and papers . One had a small picture of She-Ra. "Oh that's Mara. She was such a nice girl,but being the protector of something great can take its toll in your sanity. That's what happened to both of them." Catra and Caya sat at the opposite end of the small leaf covered table, "Who exactly? You mean Mara and mom?" Razz sighed deeply before taking a folded piece of paper from her sleeve,smiled and passed it to the girls.

"I may be old and a little bit senile,but I know when someone feels pain. And you two are in pain. So much pain." Razz places her hands on the girls cheeks and ruffled their hair. As they looked down at the picture of four,only three caught their attention. Kiana,Kallen, And Hordak. All were smiling,even Hordak,they all looked so happy and care free. "Believe it or not,Hordak,when he first came here,wasn't a bad guy. He was nice,caring and above all he protected people. Your mother,a great warrior liked Hordak,had fallen in love him because of his good heart and wonderful charms. Mara and I thought for sure thought they'd get married,then Kallen joined our little group and immediately began a friendly rivalry with Hordak."

Kallen sat outside the small wooden shed,listening to the conversation. He let Razz continue with her story,but it wasn't what really what happened between the two. The truth was that he and Hordak only ever got along when the girls were around,any other time they were at each others throats. Kallen sighed deeply before deciding to take a walk,after recalling old memories he wanted to clear his mind. A rustling sound caught his attention,just as he turned around a large jolt of electricity shot through his body,paralyzing him instantly.

In his blurry vision,Kallen could see the shadowed figure of his old nemesis,Hordak. "Hello old friend. You'll make a great addition to my collection."


After hearing the truth about their mother,the girls couldn't help but cry,they had killed their mother and didn't think that she was being controlled and was actually trying to protect them. Those creatures were made from First Ones tech and were responding to the the large spike of energy that was radiating off Kiana and the twins. The dagger she tried stabbing them with wouldn't kill them,it would only leave them in a dreamless sleep,the guilt they felt was unbearable. They cried until their eyes were dry and all that was left were sniffles and small mewls. Madam Razz suddenly became very uneasy and was constantly checking her surroundings, "Girls,it's time for you to leave if you want to rescue your father. GO,quickly!"

Not questioning Razzes abilities,they grabbed their weapons and stormed out the shed and raced towards their father. "Caya",Catra called to her sister as they ran. "Yeah",she responed, "Is dad our real dad? Is our family our real family?" Caya stopped in front of her sister,knowing what she would ask next, "Are we really sisters?"

Before Caya could smack sense into her sister a blast flew past her and grazed Catra's shoulder. Caya pulled out her kama's and aimed them in the direction where the blast came from. Out of the shadows came many solders pointing their guns at the pair. "Stay close to me,Catra",it wasn't like she had any choice but to listen to her sister. The loud steps of armored feet coming from behind them forced the girls to turn their attention behind them where Hordak stood with his wicked smile and red teeth, "Hello girls",he said as he raised his fists and brought them down on their heads,knocking them unconscious.


So I am sorry about the lack of updating but things have been hard between school and taking care of my mom and I just wanted to say thank you for your support and once again I'm sorry.

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