Freedom : Day 3

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The fake Catra smiled widely at the state of BrightMoon. The entire castle was ablaze and the sky was a mighty scarlet. The air was filled with the screams of fear and agony,much to her delight. The real Catra,however,was less than pleased with this display and begged her copy to stop the attack.
'Please,I beg of you! Leave them alone.'

Catra's voice echoed into the ears to the creature who took her form which only made it smile from her useless begging. "Oh please,that'll never happen",it said as she smile faded into a scowl of anger. "Not after what your damned father did to me! I vowed that I would return sixteen years later and have my revenge in whatever family he clung to,and that includes your little band of misfits that you call friends." Catra sunk to the ground wrapping her arm around her fading body,as she examined it the doppelgänger said, "Don't worry. In a few more hours you'll fade out of existence,then you won't have to worry about feeling pain of sadness or any emotion for that matter. So sit back and enjoy the show while you still can."

Catra continued to cry,it was true. She was fading into nothingness,she could seen and feel it. She raised her bloodied hand up to her face and examined it. You could see right through it,her fingers were going numb too. Yeah,this was the end of her. Instead of sulking,she stood and mumbled something. "What was that sweetie?" The doppelgänger turned to look at Catra who was smiling,then she began to laugh. "What's so funny? That it's utterly useless to fight the inevitable? Or that it's stupid to run away from your fate?"

Catra stopped laughing and looked at the fake, "That's what your father did,all those years ago." The fake walked away from the carnage and past the fading princess and began to speak again. "Your father and I were so close,how could be betray me? I fought along side him for years,that wretched Shadow Weaver had to come into the picture and ruin EVERYTHING !!" The doppelgänger began to change,the hands changed into large talons with claws that dropped blood that sizzled and melted through the ground. The body twisted and turned in inhuman ways that would only be done if you were a boneless bag of flesh.

Catra staggered backwards until her back hit a tree. That's odd. A moment ago she couldn't touch a thing,and she could feel the grass beneath her. "My body",she shouted and jumped to her feet and ran her fingers around her body. All the holes that had decorated her body had disappeared and her other arm had returned and she was no longer fading. Even though she and her people were still in danger and she knew that she and this... beast,were still connected and one of them had to be victorious.

Catra had looked around for any weapon but soon realized she was left alone with only her two mechanical limbs and smiled,they were the only things that weren't effected. "I know it's going to be damn near impossible to beat you alone,but I will beat you! Even if it kills me or takes away more than I have lost,I will beat you either in life or in death!!" The beast gave a loud gut filled laugh and hunched over on her claws and stared into Catra's blue and yellow eyes that were filled with determination and anger.

" I admire you spirit and pride young one,but that is what gets people killed! The so called need to protect the people you care about is only a lie that is told to the naïve and children! That's how I become what I am now,and all thanks to your simpleton father!"

Catra's eyes narrowed in anger as she clenched her metal hand and took a swing into her its eyes,causing her to scream in pain and roar before she used her talons grab Catra and throwing her into a tree. Catra,who was surprised she wasn't dead yet,stood up and broke off a branch and using it as spear and rammed herself into the chest of the furred beats and drove the spear into its chest and,to her surprise,lifted the body up over her head,gave a loud scream and threw it over the cliff she was standing over.

"Die",was all Catra said before limping down the hill. She continued until she was met with the Magicat army and some others from another kingdom. She was shocked to see a man that had pure white hair and gold eyes with magenta streaks on him face. He gave her an odd look before smiling and stepping aside to reveal the other princess. "Caya" Catra ran to her sister and wrapped her arms around her body and squeezed while her sister cried,she looked over to her side and saw the man who appeared to me in deep thought and before she could ask him who was he gave her an angered look and shouted out to the soldiers to continue forward and have their weapons ready.

"Catra where have you been,I've been so worried. My aunts,th-they said you were dead and I didn't know if I should have believed them or not but your here and we're together." Caya continued to cry as she explained what had happened to Kallen and D,who was back at the castle to repair from his injuries. Catra sighed and looked back at the flaming castle and the mysterious man that was named Maru,she could put her finger on it,but something was off about him.

A loud booming voice called out to the princess, "Well done princess Catra!" Catra stood in front of her sisters in a defensive position. "No,no. There's no need for that. Come get your father if you want him." A large black portal like mirror appeared in front of the princesses showing them an image if their father tied up in the donjon along with Queen Angela and the other,they looked as if they were beaten. "You want them so bad. Come get them!" Several creatures that used to be BrightMoon guards appeared out of many black portals and surrounded the army. "Catra,I'm scared." Caya grabbed her sister's hand tightly as did Catra, "I am too. But remember: we're doing this for dad."

The chuckle came from in front of them as they saw the once handsome Maru shift into a hideous beast,to their astonishment the beast did not attack them immediately. Catra knew this plan,it was going to circle them,just to scare them,then pounce when the time was right. "I knew there was something off about you,well I took down one of you today,let's see if I can take down an entire army."

Catra and Caya stood in battle positions before charging at the arm in front of them along with the the Magicat guards and began to fight.
"Look at our girls Kallen,aren't they amazing?" Kallen struggles to wriggle with way out of the clawed grip of someone who he heard to call friend,no more than that. "Now is that anyway to speak to your wife."
Sorry, Nothing to say I'm just tired but hopped you enjoyed.

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