Caya character bio

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Name: Cayenne
Race/Species: Magicat
Family: King Kallen(Father) Catra(Twin sister) Queen Angela(Step-Mother ) Glimmer(Step-Sister)
Occupation: Princess
Residence: Kingdom of Cetreon

Biography: Cayenne and her twin sister were born on November 13 to the battle warriors Kallen and Kiana who have a strange history with Hordak. Cayenne lived a rather shelter life after the alleged death of her mother, the kidnapping of her sister, and the attack on her kingdom as an infant. She had never left the walls of her kingdom and rarely left the halls of her castle. This causes her to develop a rebellious attitude towards her father and other authority figures which cost her the chance to inherit the kingdom and become its queen, and this only furthered her rebellion.

At the age of six, she learned how to climb into the cabinets and steal snacks out of the kitchen and get away with it. Age eight she snuck past the guards that stood outside her doors and took her first steps outside the castle, and was instantly yanked back inside and was out in house arrest by her father. She couldn't be anywhere without a guard or being next to her father. For three years, she bugged and harassed her father for a chance to go outside and experience the world that she had been sheltered from and when that didn't work she dropped the bomb. "If mom were she's let me out." And ran away and locked herself in her room.

Two days had passed before she and her father exchanged words again. "Cayenne, I know you want to go off and explore, I did too when I was your age. And when I did, I was shown the strange wonders of the world. As much as I want to protect you from everything out there, I know you'll just go out and find them yourselves. So, I will let you go out and explore after I teach you to protect yourself." The feline was ecstatic and incaged her father in a tight hug. During her years of training, she had discovered that she had a sister she never knew she had. She confronted her father and was given the whole truth and was furious. "We have an entire army that will do everything we wish, why aren't out there finding my sister and taking down those who took her from us?!" Her father had begun to tire from the lack of respect and had denied his daughter's orders to take their army to go out and find something that likely wouldn't be there. So what did he do? He confined her to the walls of their castle and denied her all her privileges. So Cayenne, who had started going by Caya to further defy her father, looked at the necklace she had stolen from her fathers' bedroom, it had belonged to her mother, she never told her father she was the one who took it and still never has.

For five years, Cayenne had studied every art of fighting in the book, participated, and won every fighting tournament in the kingdom, being named the greatest fighter Cetreon had ever seen and gathering any info she could on her missing sister. At the age of sixteen, when the battle for Brightmoon accured, she snuck away to help protect it, wearing her mother's battle skirt. Just as she had made it there and the Horde had finally begun to leave, she saw a figure that brought her back to places she didn't know she knew. She knew that was her, but how would she prove it? She returns home and didn't even listen to the screaming of her father.

When she would leave again, she openly stated that she was leaving to find her sister that was taken from them when the Horde attacked and this infuriated her father, but he couldn't tell her how angry he was since she stole an airship and left for Brightmoon with a book of spells in her hand and the thought of bring her family back together on her mind.

Likes: Cold drinks, training, weapons, having fun with her best friend Dominic, eating ice cream, music, dancing, festivals, water, messing with her father, and the guards, being lazy, and reading.

Dislikes: Being underestimated, having her weapons being taken from her, Persia White, staying indoors for too long, getting put down, her cape getting caught in anything, breaking her nails, her glittering freckles.

Fun Facts:

1. Cayenne is actually older than Catra by six minutes, but because of her unruly behavior her chance at being the queen of her kingdom was shot down and passed down to her sister.

2. She had once shaved half her head only to spite her dad

3. Cayenne had changed her name in favor of her grandmother who was the head of the royal guard when she was seventeen.

4. She is transfixed by water, the way it moves when touched or how beautiful it looks when the waves crash into each other, she knew it was impossible, but she had always wanted the ability to control and manipulate water.

5. She really wants to be the head of the royal guard and lead her kingdom into battle to victory and go down in history just like her grandmother.


The biography for our favorite cat sister. I had a lot of fun creating the backstory for this green-eyed baby. Please tell me what you think and which one of my OC's would you like for me to do next? Kallen, Dominic, or Kiana? Also, super sorry, I tried to get this out on Saturday, but my teachers kept emailing me about missing work so I had to get on that. Anyway, what do you guys think of her design, and stay safe all of you.

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