Challenged Again + Some Info

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I'm going to be on a hiatus, at least until I can rightly balance out driver school, work, and whatever free time I have. Most likely I'll be back on the 8th, but for now I'll be logging out after this.

I plan on working on Prelapsarian Vim, which is my weak attempt at an IW Fanfiction (be glad Kyle and Luca). Prologue is up in case anyone is curious about it. As for Pokémon: Revalorization, I do plan on writing more chapters, but the creative juices aren't coming. I do hope I get more chapters up soon, but eh.

And yeah expect a massive spam once I catch up on everything I missed while being logged out! :D

Anyway... I was tagged by Cora-chan for this particular challenge that I'll be doing below.

Basically I have to answer a series of questions (from the picture below) and tag people afterwards.

1. Describe yourself as you would a character in a fanfic.

The first thing one would see when entering the room was a swarm of papers and a disarray of books. However, upon closer observation, at the heart of the storm was a teenage girl. She pulled back her tangled black hair as she assessed the situation. As she adjusted her glasses back above her nose, she narrowed her dark, brown irises at the mess. A frown easily etched on her face as she realized some pieces of tape clung onto the soccer jersey she wore. Just when she began to pull it off of her, the clamor of the television reeled her back into the living room. It wasn't until after the game ended that she realized she forgot something precious in her room; before she could do more, she collapsed on the floor. Sleep finally caught up with her as she laid unconscious on the floor, unaffected by her cat crying in her ear.

2. Do you have a ritual before/during/after you write?

Before I write, I usually try to eat a snack or something. While I write, I play music softly as I write to my heart's content.

After I write... it gets wild. I crank up the music and do a karaoke in my horrible singing voice that even my cat runs away. And then somehow I end up falling asleep as I daydream on what to write next.

3. Which fanfic is/was your favorite one to write?

Well, given that I have only written Pokémon fanfics (even then not by a numerous amount) that has to be my choice. The other one could be those cheesy Walking Dead fanfics that haunted my profile the early days of when I first came to Wattpad.

There's also the Star Wars one that I wrote and published around 2014, but I deleted it shortly afterwards. I did enjoy writing about some Han and Lando bromance moments :)

4. Authors you admire?

I could name plenty. Well... To narrow down the list, I'll do top three Wattpad authors and top three actual authors.

Wattpad-wise: Serena-Daniels, Sheare, and izayoix (but this list could go on which is why I stop here)

Professional-wise: Oscar Wilde, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Shakespeare (and I'll throw in Edgar Allen Poe because he comes very close behind them)

5. How many words do you think you could write in an hour if you really concentrated?

Huh. Funny that I actually tried that out in the summer this year. So I did this on a Sunday morning, and apparently I could get down 4,603 words in an hour (locked alone in my room without music).

That's just typing-wise. Let's not talk about my hand-wise writing. ;~;

6. What was your first fanfic pairing and plot?

(Hasn't really taken the time to focus on romance in fanfic, cannon or not)

As for plot, well there was Pokémon: Revitalization and The Star Conquerers: Plague of the Stars. The former was my attempt to tackle Pokémon and a dystopian society around 2015, but that didn't go so well. I decided to create a whole book before those events, and here I am in writer's block. As for the latter, it was my lame attempt at a Pokémon Conquest and Star Wars crossover that didn't even get past the third chapter. But for both, I did like all the cliffhangers/plot twists/deaths I had planned out.

7. Inspiration, time, or motivation?

Motivation. It doesn't take much to inspired (just watch your favorite anime, read a book, watch a motivational speech/pep talk, etc.) and time is like life: it's only how you make it that counts. Without motivation, the other two factors can get you typing, but what fanfic is successful without the author being connected to the story?

8. Why do you write?

That's a rather deep question! D:

It was a coping mechanism at first. I didn't exactly know how to deal with some issues in my life (now I do) and writing just seemed like the next best thing to reading. I wanted to tell my own tales, express my own ideas, and have something that no one will be able to take away from me. Writing is the only thing that won't become a victim to my circumstance.

It also serves as an outlet to dream about the adventures I want in life. I want to see the world, meet new people, go between moments and memories, and live life to be alive. I went through a phase where I couldn't dream without it hurting, but writing definitely made it bearable to think like that without consequence.

Lastly, I want to be useful in a way. Often times, people forget characterization in a book. I want to bring that back – one where moral ambiguity dominated literature, rather than the "war" between good and evil. I want to also prove to all those classical authors that there at still some people who wish to live up to their legacy (and perhaps leave one of my own).

9. Are you planning on writing any other fanfiction?

Of course! Right now I have an IW Fanfiction in the works, planning out to novelize FE: Sacred Stones, replanning Pokémon: Revalorization, and maybe have a certain anime one-shot in mind. :)

10. What inspires you the most?

People. I adore life and all of the energy–

Gah! Who am I kidding with this? Usually the biographies of my favorite authors inspire me to write. One thing is to admire their work; another thing is to admire the effort and obstacles they overcame to do such thing.

What also inspires me is the stories of some of our local Wattpaders. Every time I log in and read your works or random books, the word sonder comes to mind. I realize that life is truly more than about myself, and that people have different complexities that makes them special. We all have competency after all, so our reasons to not succeed are just flimsy excuses.

11. Out of your fanfics, which one is your favorite?

Well then only one I can really acclaim credit for is Hail To The King. I wanted to badly capture Cyrus in an ambiguous light, rather than some madman being driven to his dreams without knowing where they came from. Despite the ruthlessness, he had to have come from somewhere. Plus, haven't you wondered if the leader of any organization repents of their acts? If so, aren't you at least curious about why? Despite it being a short story, I wanted to teach fanfic readers a lesson from the smaller frame and the bigger picture.

I can only hope I succeeded.

12. Strangest thing you ever wrote or ever thought about writing?

Ah, there was this really old tackle at a dystopian novel called Nebulous. Back then I was hyped about crime thrillers, so there was an investigation aspect to it. (Actually that's how I got the inspiration to use Xionite as an element, later on a crystal in my recent work) There were plenty of battles, deaths, kidnapping of some sorts, and also the whole my-entire-life-was-a-lie-curse-you-oppressive-society type of thing. It got to around 30 chapters before I quit.

For one the words per chapter varied. One could be 2k words, while the next was around 12k. Secondly, it was lost in the aspects of characterization. Besides the main protagonist, the other people just floated around unless they were relevant in that chapter. Thirdly, I'm sure I misused every cop term in the book. The only thing I knew back then was this: pull a gun trigger = someone gets shot. Lastly, the evil organization causing problems really had no good reason to do so, other than to pass time from the boredom the society had. The only good thing was that there was no love triangle involved. :)

13. Which fanfic do you wish you have written better and why?

I wish I could write everything that I have written better. Perhaps then with solid ideas, I could have an actual novel done. Even more grand, I would not be caught in a writer's block or procrastinating.

But Hail to the King is a start. For one, as pointed out by some, it would be more effective if written from first POV.

14. What is the best fanfic you've ever read (not your own)?

I could name quite a few, so here's my top five (in no particular order but please know it was hard to even narrow it down this far):

The World Without Them by UnisonRaider

Hands down on this one. Sure, it's still ongoing, but this is what I've been waiting for in the Pokémon fandom: a dystopian fanfic. Not only does it introduces well Frost in this new yet controlling region, but it also presents a world... without them. That's right, a world without Pokémon. The mystery and Frost's development has me hooked, and I can't wait to read more!

To Steal the Heart of a Thief by Serena-Daniels

Pretty sure this will go as a Pokémon classic of some sorts. For one, this novelizes probably one of my favorite spin-off games, Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia. Rena is also a well-rounded character, and we all need to reflect back on what it took for her to become the person she did towards the end. In addition, the romance was definitely appealing and didn't interrupt the plot in any way!

Monopoly by Sheare

Mix in Pokémon and with Scandal, and what do you end up with? This terrific book. As mature as it is for some readers on here, it's definitely something you want to check out once you're ready to digest all the warnings in the beginning. This book definitely opens the possibility that not everyone in the world owns a Pokémon – and that societal developments from our own origins has to fit into this fandom. It also touches the core on things like political corruption, idealism, and controversy. It blew my mind when I read it, and I can't wait for the development of the sequel!

Psychic Aggression by blue___22

Taking an Ace Attorney approach to Pokémon, this also touches on the societal background of the fandom. I think I'm more fascinated more by the symbolism and deeper meaning with this book, but the plot was definitely engaging! If you enjoy crime thrillers, or just want to see some old faces, check this out. I only leave you with one quote that I still remember: "Who would wish to walk the path of redemption?"

Fiery Lands and Stormy Seas by PokeBroncoFan

To any A Game of Thrones fans, this Pokémon account of the origins of Hoenn will definitely entertain you in the long run! Even if you're not, still check this out as it is rather an amazing work! Perhaps I just like the medieval aspect to it, but it also touches upon the political corruption that societies tend to have. Also the characterization is magnificent, as everyone has their own tale to tell. Think of sonder when you read this, but also of action, adventure, and war!

15. What is your writing guilty pleasure(s)?

I happen to like writing the more gruesome plot twists. I definitely like making the random quiet person a vengeful soul! (Think of Soo-won [or is it spelled Su-won?] from Yona of the Dawn)

Oh yeah and also writing those secret one-shots regarding Fire Emblem pairings. Camus and Seth definitely feature in those, as well as Chrom.

16. Do you plan out your story before writing it or do you just wing it?

I'm a split. I do the minimal planning as I know that I'm going to be stubborn and change some things later on as I write. I do wing it, but I have a clear plan in mind of what I at least should include.

The exception is Hail to the King. That was written a summer ago, on a hot afternoon as I waited for soccer to start later on that day. It was all finished under 24 hours, but the actual editing process took some time to complete. But all I knew was that I wanted to write Cyrus and winged it.

17. Are you a fast writer?

Typing-wise, yes. Hand-wise, nein.

18. How old were you when you started to write stories (fanfics or not)?

I of course wrote my first story in the first grade; however, I didn't become serious about it until I entered high school.

19. Why did you start writing?

I started writing in first grade because I was bored. It slightly grew around til fourth grade, when English class nor math class appealed to me; plus, I had so many daydreams. I did hold on while in history as I placed effort to pay attention then. (Oh wait now I don't pay attention in history while I adore the two subjects I once hated)

I didn't become serious about writing until high school as life was okay. Then I was transferred and didn't really know how to deal with the vulnerability. But after having enough of having those Al(ways crying)ice moments, I took a pen and drowned out my emotions. Later on I switched to typing as it was easier to hone my thoughts.

20. List six sentences from your works that you're really proud of.

(Casually skips this until she's proud of something to work on; however you can be the judge of this section based on the little I've written)

Now for my favorite part! >;D
I mean if you were tagged already and did this just ignore this part. Anyone who I didn't tag but is reading this should feel free to do this as well!



And with that, all I have to say is this:

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